• Member Since 5th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago


A long-time amateur writer constantly plagued by writer's block.


Princess Celestia.
Diarch of Equestria, Princess of the Sun, defender of Harmony. Long have ponies sung their praises and honoured their beautiful and benevolent savoir from ancient threats the likes of Nightmare Moon and Discord.

The latter of those foes, however, seems to disagree.

The chaotic spirit has apparently noticed a trend; that Celestia seems incapable of defending Equestria in this new age, and is either defeated or delegates the task to Twilight and her friends. When he confronts her with this, he offers her a challenge to prove him wrong, one she tentatively accepts.

Now awaking in a foreign land and surrounded by strange creatures, Celestia must attempt to restore harmony if she ever wishes to see Equestria again.

A MLP/Pokémon crossover. This is my first crossover story, so any comments/constructive critiques are welcome.

Link to cover art: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/62/54/8b/62548b00b1b6fa4371b8f8a32cfc7b60.jpg

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 42 )

Well, this will be interesting, to say the least.

This could be very interesting.
Will Celestia be a pokemon, or will she become a trainer herself? Will Ash, Pikachu and co be there? Will the other princesses follow Celestia into Kalos?
Also, the cover art is magnificent.

Sounds interesting so far. Though despite Kalos in the title, I wonder if Keldeo will be involved or make an appearance.

Haven't started reading this, but its a very unique approach on the whole "Pony-in-the-pokemon-world" idea. I'll be sure to read it soon!

This will definitely be interesting. I'll be sure to watch it.

Well there are a few other fanfics with ponies in Pokemon world, one with the mane 7 and Spike in Alola, and another one with Celestia, Twilight and Luna having adventures with the pokemon show's main characters (though that one is pretty much frozen) among others.

oh please tell me its to stop yveltal with the help of xerneas and zygarde

This looks good. The young girl gets a talking, winged and tall Rapidash. Not bad for a first pokemon!

Okay.... Yeah, I can get behind this... your writing is actually pretty good, no glaring spelling or grammatical errors. This feels like as much of a pokemon fanfic as it is an MLP fanfic, but since I like both, I'm really not going to complain. I'm interested in the backstory of this pokemon universe. I assume it's in the future of the pokemon world, since there's normal technology, and Snowbelle City is, y'know, a giant prison fortress of evil thing, instead of a place with, like, 5 houses. Did the Player Character go mad with the power of Yveltal, and take over the world? Did some shady criminal organization take over? Was Sycamore actually an evil mastermind, harnessing the power of Mega Evolution????? THE QUESTIONS INTENSIFY.

Wouldn't Flora be her first pokemon, so Celestia is her second? :-)

8179374 Yes. A floette.
8179251 Neither Flora nor Celestia have been caught, and I'm pretty sure Summer doesn't actually think of them as her Pokémon. Not yet, anyway.

8167999 You mean Celestia's Rocket Adventures by Snake Staff?

Yeah, it's a shame that hasn't updated in a while.

Along with 2 other fics of the same author, one MLP/Star Wars crossover and especially one MLP/W40k crossover...

I know it's art, but with that much hair it looks like she could tie herself around one of the towers on her castle

i feel bad because im pretty sure the sandshrew dies along with the mother

So, Celestia is going to become a symbol, a hero and a mother figure? I will follow this story with trepidation.

Oh this is very interesting premise and set up for Celestia. Does this version of Karlos take place during its pivotal warring period in the three thousand years into the past? The one that AZ is from perhaps? Oh then that just means Celestia is on time limit if true!

Oh how I do hope Keldeo makes an appearance in this despite Kalos based.

If it was ther wouldn't be a Mewtwo.

Celestia, the balance pokemon. Type unknown. Where this powerful and mythical Pokemon went is unknown, but it has been said she appears when the world becomes unbalanced. Those who encounter her should be wary, as the few eyewitnesses report overwhelming power in battle.


True, Mewtwo was created shortly before the events of Red, Blue and Yellow. It's a fact set more-or-less in stone between animated series, the movies, and clues in the games.

All official sources for Pokemon say the same thing, so unless this is an alternate Pokemon universe, it couldn't be the same war.

That said, the fact that they're fighting and AZ should be around somewhere is interesting...

Prepping the weapon for an encore showing?

I am going to stop tracking this story because there isn't enough context into the past for me to understand even half of what is going on

You should add more context. What's the use of mystery if NO ONE knows what's going on?

Just you wait Miss... you will soon face the wrath of the Sun Princess!

celestia learned a new move solar flare


I'm willing to bet that it'll all come later in the story. Sort of like how we learned that the war has been going on for about fifty years.
Remember that the story if form Celestia's point of view, so she has to learn things by actually asking people.

That's not enough for me. I am the type of person who likes an explanatory prologue followed by chapters blooming off the prologue.

hmmn, u have an interesting concept here at the very least, a few pacing issues as well as explaining how Flora got into the bag after getting caught by her mother and Tia being told she was grounded and confined to quarters. either that was a blunder or u mean to deal with it in the next chapter, i am not certain as to which

“The horse bitch is mine.” “You… You bitch!”
C'mon. Don't curse in this fic to try and sound edgy. Or at least have their cursing make sense (in a pokemon world). Now I'm just wondering how they know the word bitch instead of thinking of how good this chapter was.

nice use of the new games information very clever

Interesting so far, I look forward to seeing what happens next.

My only problems is that I am not a dedicated Pokémon fan and there are some many Pokémon I have to keep using Google to reminded my self what some of them look like.

Keep up the good work.

Whoot it's happening

This is truly a wonderful story. I look forward to it's future updates.

It is not to sound edgy (or at least I don't think that was the author's intention). It is done to fit the Pokemon species character. Druddigon are typically aggressive and violent Pokemon and would likely swear if Pokemon was not a PG game/show.

Well , I was wondering when I would read my first Pokemon fic on this site and honestly , I am not dissapointed in this story !

The plot is original and not just "Character A gets teleported into Region X and meets Character B, C, D, ... to explore the region and win all the badges" . On top of that , it's original and good , Kudos to you !

Has for the characters themselves , it may be because I get attached to people/things very quickly but I really like them , will it be Celestia or the OCs , you really did a good job with writting them !

Overall , I really hope you finish this story because you are bloody good at cliff hangers and suspens , which is somewhat rare in my experience of reading . I could say that the thing is a little too Black and White to my taste since your clearly shown who is bad and who is good without any sort of dillema like "well , the good guys may be good but they did something really bad so the bad guys are bad" but I won't push on it too much because it is probably just explained further in the story (And yes , I know the dark type pokemon [I suck at remembering names] explained why the Empire wants to kill all the humans but I don't think it is a valid reason for them to want the extinction of the whole race and it possibly isn't even true) .

Anyway , hope to see new chapters soon (don't push yourself tho , when it comes to writing , Quality is way better than Quantity) and that they will be has good has the ones you have written yet !

PS : Sorry for the wall of text , I always do that when I finish reading the final chapter to date of a fic , I swear my next comments won't be has long has this one !

Is this story still going?

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