• Member Since 14th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen May 21st


I teleport in and out of reality quite often. This odd characteristic may or may not be of my own doing.


As a warrior, I had one core assignment to complete: exterminate humanity. There was no question in my mind that this is what needed to be done. I failed, however, and now I pay the price.

Who knew that loyalty was going to cost me time with multicolored alien horses who won't shut up about "kindness" and "friendship".

Honestly, I'd just prefer being trapped in a rock.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

A Rick and Morty reference huh? Well with his character it makes sense.

Mikasa Ackerman severed my armored fingertips from my fingers with one swift blow. Gravity took me. The blue sky overhead swirled in slow motion as the elite soldier of the Survey Corps looked into my frightened eyes. Her own were entirely devoid of emotion as she spoke with a frigid voice,
"Now you fall."

Call me weird for watching the Sub over the dub, but her precise words were this:

“Annie. Fall.”

Or, if you played Wings of Freedom on PC or Console:

“Annie. End this.”

Oh, and also:

"What is my purpose?"

The teapot spoke without any real method for doing so, but I suppose that wasn't so strange relative to the overall situation I found myself in. I was hovering in some blue space on a floating blue chair seated next to an animated teapot. I might've screamed in terror if I wasn't so speechless.

"To pour tea."

The gravelly response was followed by a flash of white light. I squinted my eyes for a moment before I made out a figure now seated in the opposite chair facing me, the white teacup now held firmly in its right claw. The creature was a ridiculous mix and match of various body parts from mythology. It had the head of a horse, with the appendages of a griffon, a lion, and the tail of a reptile. I'd seen many strange, abnormal beings in my time, myself being one of them, but this strange being defied any reason I was grasping onto.

My eyes fell back upon the teapot as it voiced the vanity of its own existence,

"Oh my God."

“Yeah, welcome to the club, pal.”
—Rick Sanchez

Interesting premise, I look forward to seeing where this is going!


what fun is there and all that

Nice job so far :twilightsmile: There are parts of this I really loved (Mostly that first scene. Very vivid and such), but you’re also succumbing to Lavender Unicorn Syndrome and it’s a little annoying how you always have the dialogue in a new paragraph.

That being said, I’m hooked and interested in seeing where this goes.

Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate when people can point out areas I can improve, so thank you! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Just fixed the quote, I like the sub quote better dub anyway, so thank you!

Get schwifty!

I laughed at the strangeness of it all. One moment I stared death in the face, locked in a lethal battle with who I believed to be the key we so desperately sought. The next, here I was, free to roam an unknown world.

they thought Eren would help wipe out humanity, tsk tsk fuckers, you shouldn't have eaten his momma in front of his face, betrayed his trust friendship, and caused him to live in a metaphorical hell, karma is a complete bitch ain't it, oh and can we have Annie beat rhe ever loving shit outta Celestia if she depicted as a god, it would be fun to see the ponies faith in her turned to ashes:pinkiehappy:

Please, PLEASE do continue this. There really needs to be more of this it already sound cool as hell.

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