• Published 13th Jun 2017
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My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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First Battle

The message from General Pepper echoed through the entire Great Fox along with the Red Alert. "We need your help, Star Fox!" the General's soft, strong voice range out. "Andross has declared war! He's invaded the Lylat System and is trying to take over Corneria! Our army alone can't do the job! Hurry, Star Fox!"

Krystal, Sunset in her arms, raced up to Fox as he headed to join the others heading towards the hangar. "I can help-" she began.

"Your ship can't make the same maneuvers an Ar-Wing can, and you aren't trained to fly one," Fox interrupted. "The best thing you can do right now is keep Sunset safe and help Rob get the rest of Great Fox's resources ready. We're bootstrapping here, and there's no telling how well everything will work."

Krystal flinched back. She hated knowing she was basically useless as far as this battle was, but she couldn't argue the points. Her ship definitely wasn't built for combat maneuverability like the Ar-Wings were, and she'd never even seen one before arriving aboard the Great Fox, let alone fly one. "Alright," she allowed finally. "Be careful."

"Always," Fox responded immediately with a disarming smile.

"Get in the air already, lover boy!" Falco shouted out as he rushed by.

Turning, Fox immediately took off in pursuit. "Says the one who still needs to drive home the connections for his enhancers!" he called back.

"They're built to actuate while moving!"

Krystal quickly rushed to the bridge before Sunset could squirm out of her arms, getting to Rob's side in time to see the four Ar-Wings shoot out of the hangar and towards Corneria. "Which one is Fox's?" she asked Rob worriedly.

Rob tapped a few buttons on the controls, and the view screen displayed a close up of the four fighters, each one highlighted with an identifier added to the display. As they approached, Rob patched the bridge screen into the comm link, letting Krystal and Sunset see and hear who said what.

General Pepper was an older canine, just a little younger than Peppy in appearance, dressed in a medal bedecked crimson uniform. "It's about time you showed up, Fox!" Pepper was saying to the pilots. Sunset's eyes narrowed angrily at the impatient slight. "You're the only hope for our world!"

"I'll do my best!" Fox responded immediately. "Andross won't have his way with me!"

As Pepper's connection cut, Krystal and Sunset listened to the four pilots talking. "Why wings open?" Sunset asked Rob curiously after one particular order.

"Ar-Wings have two modes of flight," Rob explained. "The closed wing mode has much greater max speed, but less maneuverability. This makes it ideal for flying from one planet in a system to another, and for breaching atmospheric envelopes. Open wing has greater maneuverability, but lower max speed. This is ideal for combat flight."

Sunset grinned widely as she watched in awe as the four fighters demonstrated their skills in live combat. Krystal was in no less awe, but it was tempered by fear. Too easily could she imagine one or more of them not coming back.

As the show continued, Sunset eventually wriggled out of Krystal's grip and over to the smaller screen that showed things from the perspective of Fox's cockpit. She stayed there, eyes locked on the screen as she happily pretended that she was in the cockpit, flying the ship along with her Dad. Krystal kept her focus on split between the larger screen that showed the entire battle and Sunset. "Are they going to be okay?" Krystal asked Rob, keeping her voice quiet to avoid alerting Sunset. "Those are a lot of enemies..." She found herself staring from one dangerous looking hunting ship to another.

"You don't need to worry," Rob responded quickly. "Those are all unmanned drones. Obstacles at best, annoyances at worst. They are all far too good of pilots, even ungraduated, to fail."

"Fox, help!" Slippy's voice called out through the comms. "It's on my tail!"

"Of course, Slippy is the least skilled pilot among the group-" Rob began.

"Leave Unca Silly alone!" Sunset suddenly screamed out, her horn glowing as she dragged a finger across her screen right through the image of the drone fighter pursuing Slippy's Ar-Wing.

The large viewscreen showed the drone splitting in half, the two halves falling to the ground before exploding. Krystal's jaw dropped. A clang informed Rob that he needed to pick the lower half of his face-block up off the floor.

"Thanks Fox!" Slippy called out.

"That wasn't me!" Fox responded. "Falco? Peppy?"

"It sure wasn't me, but I saw it!" Falco answered. "It just...split in half!"

Krystal managed to get control of herself as Sunset clapped her hands. "Fox, I think that was Sunset," she said into the comms. "Just before the drone split in half, she drew a line on the screen she was watching the fight from - your POV, Fox - while shouting at them to 'leave Uncle Silly alone'."

"...her reach is that far?" Fox gasped in shock. "Just how powerful is she?"

"Talk about it when we're done here!" Slippy called out. "We've still got a long ways to go!"

The four fighters continued along, hunting down every attacking drone they could as they sought out the ship controlling them. Thankfully, it didn't take long to find the only attacking ship that wasn't unmanned. It was a large ship built in four components. The control cockpit was much larger than the Ar-Wings, and oblong in shape. On one side, a hangar held large numbers of drone fighters ready to be launched. To the other side were two nearly as large laser and missile batteries, As team Star Fox got ready to fight, Sunset suddenly giggled. "I crushy you head!" she declared happily. She held her hand up to the screen, enclosing her fist around the drone bay by her line of sight. "Crush!"

The drone bay collapsed inward as a blazing glow surrounded it, the ACSU panels lining the Great Fox glowing brighter at the same time.

"Crush! Crush!" Sunset declared, repeating the action with the missile and laser batteries. The central cockpit attempted to flee, but was quickly gunned down by the Ar-Wings.

"Okay, mission over!" Falco called out. "Let's talk. How the fig newton did Sunset do that?"

"Scanners indicate magical energy within the Great Fox flared when enemy ship components were collapsed," Rob pointed out. "However, this does not explain why."

"Actually, I think it does," Slippy began nervously. "Krystal? Remember what you said about your staff?"

"That I used it to store my excess magic and as a focus for spells, letting me amplify my magic range and performance?" Krystal confirmed. "What about it?"

"And you talked about just how much of Sunset's magic the Great Fox would hold due to its size and shaping, once I installed the panels?" Slippy continued.

Krystal's eyes widened. "You mean...the entire Great Fox is acting like my staff for Sunset, but on a massive scale?"

"Slippy, figure out some safeties to keep that in check later," Fox ordered. "For now, we'll not think about it until after we've beaten Andross."

"Roger!" Slippy agreed as the four pilots made their way out of Corneria's atmosphere and to their next destination.

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