• Published 7th Sep 2017
  • 1,252 Views, 36 Comments

Breezy Horn: Beyond a Fairy's Tail - DarklordAxel20

MLP-FairyTail crossover. Twilight Sparkle, a Mage in the land of Equestria bound for great things as she joins Breezy Horn, one of the best wizard guild around. Follow the story of her & her friends as they reach for the stars & keep their home safe.

  • ...

A Night at the Museum

On the Train to Canterlot, September, X790

From the moment they had departed, to right now, Twilight had been staring out the window of the speeding train, while absent-mindedly rubbing Rex's head. Yesterday had been the very first night she slept anywhere that wasn't in Canterlot, the very first night in her new home, and the thought of returning so soon amused her. She remained in thought the whole time she stared out the window, being so consumed in her thoughts that she paid absolutely no mind to Spike's groans of exaggerated agony.

Other than Spike's pained voice, the train ride as of now had been very silent, with the two other girls accompanying her simply smiling at their new friend. It was silent, that is until the explosive wizard accompanying Twilight spoke up, loudly, " Heya Twilight!!! How long are you gonna just stay spaced out like that? I mean, I know your magic is all starry and stuff from what master says, but that doesn't mean you gotta keep your mind in space! "

Rarity pinched the bridge of her nose, " It seems the plan for a peacefully quiet train ride flew right out the window. "

" Oopsie, " Pinkie said with both a sheepish, and playful grin.

However Pinkie's sudden outburst succeeded in gaining the star mage's attention, " Oh, s-sorry about that you two, just thinking about some things. "

A simple wave of the hand is what Rarity replied with, " It's no trouble at all darling, after all, this is your home we're going to. "

Twilight gave a small smile, " Yeah, you're right. " She muffled a bit of laughter, " It's funny really, I mean, I just left and I'm already going back. "

" Yes, that is quite humorous, isn't it, " Rarity replied with a smile.

Pinkie rapidly nodded her head, " Yeah, that is funny! I mean, you were just there! Then you were here! And then now you're going back!! "

"...Yeah...just like that, Pinkie, " Twilight said with in half-hearted agreement.

Rex, who was still in Twilight's rather comforting grasp, opened a single eyelid and looked at the pitiful state his dragon slayer partner was in. " ...What is it with you dragon slayers and trains? "

" That's something I've been wondering myself, " Twilight said in response.

A small laugh from Rarity gave the two the impression that she knew something, " We used to wonder the same thing all the time darling. Over time, it's just something you get used to. I do know one way to lessen his pain though. "

" You do? " Twilight was curious now; she had searched for a remedy to her brother's ailment for the longest time, but no cure was ever found.

Rarity nodded and gestured for Twilight to hand Spike to her, " It's a very simple trick that, surprisingly, Sunset discovered. " She carefully took the pained dragon slayer into her arms and gently sat his head in her lap, " Watch. " And that's what Twilight did, she watched as Rarity began gently stroking Spike's head, and in a matter of seconds, his motion sickness seemed to fade. His pained look morphed into peaceful slumber before everyone's eyes, " It's as simple as that, " Rarity said with a smile.

Twilight was astonished, of all the things she tried to alleviate Spike of his motion sickness, rubbing his head, was not one of them. Her eyes drifted from Rarity, and down towards her sleeping brother, " He looks so peaceful. "

That's when Pinkie Pie talked, " Like a bug that's snug as a bug in a rug who's being held tight by a hug from another bug that's also snug in a- "

A hand belonging to Rarity quickly slapped itself over Pinkie's mouth and began glowing upon impact. This left a patch of crystal over the pink-haired wizard's mouth, " We'll be having none of that while he sleeps, Pinkie. "

Twilight's eyes slightly widened upon seeing the sudden appearance of the crystals, " R-rarity, what did you do?! "

The wizard in question looked toward the fellow purple-haired mage, " Whatever do you mean, Twilight? You mean my magic? "

" Your magic? " Twilight suddenly froze up, she hadn't thought about it until now, but she had yet to ask her new friends about their magic. " Um...Rarity, " Twilight began, " not to be a bother or anything, but could you tell me about your magic, and maybe about the others’ magic since we're on the subject. "

Rarity dawned a smile, " Why, of course I can darling, and it'll be the perfect way to pass the time. "

Twilight nodded in agreement, " Canterlot is quite the ways away, so we have plenty of time. " Without hesitation, the star mage quickly reached into her bag and pulled out a notepad and pencil, " I'm all ears. "

A roll of the eyes with a smile was Rarity's reaction to Twilight's enthusiasm, " Alright darling, no need to get excited, it's just our magic, something we live with daily. "

The purple-and-pink-haired wizard grinned sheepishly, " Eheh, sorry. I just really get excited when it comes to learning about new magic. "

" That's well and all darling, but you need to stay calm. I do not need a second Pinkie on my hands, " Rarity responded. She took a deep breath and unnecessarily flipped her hair to the side, " I believe I'll begin with my magic. You see ,Twilight, I'm what they call a maker mage; my magic allows me make just about anything my imaginative mind thinks up, and make it a reality with my magic, which just so happens to be crystals. "

Twilight's eyes seemed to gleam, " You're a maker mage!! A crystal maker mage!! " She rapidly wrote down on her notepad, " I've never met one before you and I'm really interested in learning all about what your magic can do! "

" So much for staying calm, " Rarity mutters with a smile. " I suppose your reaction is justified, I mean, from what we were told, you put studying over being social, " she mused.

A small blush became visible on Twilight's cheeks, " T-that's not true...I merely prioritized what was best for my growth as a wizard...that's all. "

" Riiiight, whatever you say darling, " she shook her head. " Now, I could go into further details on my splendid magic, but I believe Pinkie Pie has been yearning to talk for the past few minutes. "

As if right on cue, the crystal covering Pinkie's mouth shattered as she smiled with glee. " OH! You are going to absolutely positively definitely love my magic, Twilight!!! It's super super duper duper flashy! Like flashier than Dashy! Brighter than Sunset’s fire!! "

" Pinkie, I believe she gets the point, " Rarity said dryly.

" Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, " Pinkie said with an exaggerated roll of the eyes, " but I could say so many more things about my magic! Including that it's explosive!!! " She shouts gleefully.

" E-explosive?! " Twilight questions with a stammer.

" ...Very " Rarity responds knowingly.

Suddenly, and without warning, Pinkie Pie was in Twilight's face, " We don't really have a name for my magic, buuuuuuuuuuuuut, Shade named it blaster magic. "

Pinkie's sudden appearance startled Twilight, " B-b-blaster magic?! " Twilight's shock was quickly replaced with confusion, how was it possible for them to not know what Pinkie's magic was. " I...I've never heard of magic like that before, does it have anything to do with magic weapons? "

" Nnnnnnnnope! " Pinkie responds with a grin. She slowly raises her hand up, her fingers in the shape of a gun, " Unless you count these babies as weapons. "

An exasperated sigh came from Rarity as she covered Pinkie's mouth and hand with crystal, " Allow me to sum it up for you darling. Pinkie Pie channels magic into her fingers, rather destructive magic might I mind you. Once the magic is in her fingertips, she releases it all at once, similar to that of a magic gun, the only difference is the potency of said magic. "

" I-incredible, where did she learn it?! " Twilight asks with great enthusiasm.

" Truth be told, Twilight, we aren't sure. We believe she came up with it on her own, " Rarity responded.

" Yup yup yuppers!!! " Pinkie rapidly nodded, having somehow removed the crystals from her mouth without either of them noticing, " I was never really good with magic growing up, and everyone else had their own special magic. Buuuuuuut, after a lot of determination, oh, and cake! Can't forget the cake! I finally came up with my very own magic that belongs to only me! I'll tell you all about how it happened on the way home, I Pinkie promise, cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! "

Twilight couldn't help but smile, her previous shock having already dissipated, " I can't wait to hear about it, I'm sure it's a wonderful story. "

" ...And I can't...urp...wait to get off this...death trap... " Spike groaned audibly for the first time in a while. His "condition" was worsening the longer he was on the said "death trap" " ...I can't...take anymore... "

" He's just like Shade, only a tad bit better with trains, " Rarity giggled.

" He's annoying is what he is, " Rex said dryly.

Twilight lightly sighed but with a smile, " Don't worry Spike, we're almost there, I promise, " she rubbed his head soothingly as she spoke.

The City of Canterlot

It wasn't too long before the train pulled into the station, and just like the city itself, the train station was busy and bustling. There were people as far as the eye could see, and they hadn't even left the train. To Twilight Sparkle, however, this was normal. This is where she grew up, after all.

A wide smile graced the star mage's face as she stepped off the train and onto the platform, " I've only been gone a day and I already missed this all. "

Right behind her was a blur of purple and green. " I LIVE!!! " Spike triumphantly shouted as he jumped up and down, having finally been freed of his mobile prison.

" Quit it grass-for-brains! " Rex chided, " People already thought you were weird enough when we lived here! "

Spike dejectedly hung his head, " Why do you gotta be that way, Rex... "

Following closely behind them was Rarity and Pinkie Pie, " It's just like watching a little Shade!! " Pinkie squealed as she darted over to Spike, pulling the unsuspected slayer into a death hug.

" Ack!! Pin-kie.....can't...breathe... " Spike desperately pulled at the pinkette's arm, trying his hardest to get air.

A shake of the head was all Rarity could do as she walked past the two, " While I do agree with you, Pinkie, I also believe that Twilight would like her brother alive. "

Twilight gave a slight grin as sweat dropped from her head, " Yes Pinkie, Rarity's right, I would like to keep Spike alive, so could you let him go. "

" Y-yes...please...let go... " Spike's face was as purple as his hoodie at this point.

" Fiiiiiiiiiiine, " Pinkie stuck her tongue out at Rarity as she dropped young mage on his rear-end.

Floating overhead, Rex let out a disapproving sigh, " How did I get stuck with such a hopeless wizard. "

After giving Spike a moment to recover from Pinkie's stranglehold, the group made their way to the center of the city, as quickly as the crowded streets would let them. Of course, detours were made, after all, Canterlot is home to numerous shopping boutiques, which caught the attention of a certain maker-mage. Rarity wasn't the only one guilty, because the group happened to go down the very street that so many bakeries called their home. The final distraction was Twilight's fault. As it just so happened, the very street they were on was where Twilight's favorite book store had been located, much to everyone's dismay.

However, detours and distractions aside, the museum finally came into their field of vision. " Finally! There it is! " Spike shouted, whilst throwing his arms into the air dramatically.

" It didn’t take THAT long to reach the museum, Spike! " Twilight responded with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

" You're right, " Spike said, " it took way longer than that! "

" I'm sorry darling, but I'm going to have to agree with Spike on this, " Rarity interjected.

Spike's eyes widened, " How can you say you agree with me when you stopped just as much as she did! " He flailed his arm while pointing at her, " That means you're just as much to blame as her!! "

Rarity turned away, " I have no earthly idea what you are speaking of, " she simply replied.

" Can we please just go to the museum before we get old enough to be in one ourselves? " The irritation in Rex's voice could be heard clearly. He had been telling them to hurry up the whole time they had been walking, but none one ever seems to listen. " Why do I even bother... " Rex sighed before floating off towards the museum.

The group saw their feline companion leaving without them, with Twilight being the first to notice. " H-hey! Rex, wait up! " She chased after the annoyed cat, " Would you three hurry up! " She called back to the rest of the group, who were in the midst of being "scolded" by Spike.

" We'll be there in a moment darling! " Rarity called out as she pulled both Pinkie and Spike behind her.

Canterlot Museum of Equestrian History

Within the center of the capital city of Canterlot lied a building of incredible stature. A building that's home to artifacts from both the continent of Equestria and the world over. That building would be the Canterlot Museum of Equestrian History. Being one of the oldest buildings in the city, as well as one of the many attractions that draw in tourist from all over the continent, the museum has had its fair share of issues in the past; most notably, thieves. And with the introduction of their latest exhibit, the Lunar exhibit, the fear of thievery is at an all time high.

The Lunar exhibit within the museum had only recently been put in to celebrate a festivity that has been held in Equestria for the last four-hundred years: The Festival of the Moon. A celebration held every eighth month of the year in commemoration of the Moon Priestess that watched over Equestria so many years ago, and is said to still watch over the land from within the moon itself. As of recently, dark guilds of all kinds have shown a sudden interest in the moon and anything associated with it, including the many lunar artifacts that are now housed within the museum.

As the group of wizards made their way into the museum, each one of them, Pinkie included, quickly took notice of the strong presence of security within the building. " This place certainly looks welcoming... " Spike mumbled as he stayed close to Twilight, the feeling of so many eyes on him only making him nervous.

" It's apparent not as to why they put the job out, " Rarity stated as she took looked around.

Pinkie just smiled as gleefully as ever, " Ooooooh! So many people in suits! " She dashed back and forth through the foyer of the museum, much to the disdain of her companions.

After getting the Pinkie situation under control, the group of wizards found a place in the foyer to wait for their client. However the word patiently would be how the waiting would've been considered. Fifteen minutes had gone by, and every three minutes of those fifteen, a sigh would escape a certain dragon slayers mouth. " How much longer do we gotta wait around! " Spike complained with a raised voice.

An irritated groan left Twilight's lips, " Spike! For the last time, just be patient. "

" Good luck getting that to happen... " Rex mumbled, " I bet emerald head doesn't even know the meaning of the word patient. "

" Oh! I know what patient means! " Pinkie exclaimed, " It's someone whose in the hospital! "

The answer however only resulted in the unified slapping of her companions own faces. " ...Wrong patient darling, " Rarity said with a faux smile.

It wasn't much longer until someone caught Twilight's attention by walking into her field of vision. The someone was well-dressed, wearing a suit with nary a dirty spot on it; their client most likely. The man wore an expensive suit and had slicked back hair, showing he was a man of exquisite taste, as Rarity would put it. " Ahem, " he cleared his throat before continuing, " I welcome you to the Canterlot museum of Equestrian history. I am Pristine Relic, the curator of this esteemed establishment. You are the wizards we hired, I presume? "

Twilight quickly jumped up to her feet, " I…uh...I mean, yes, we are! " Twilight gave a nervous bow, but was unable to continue as Rarity placed her hand on her, " Huh? "

" Allow me darling, this is your first time after all. Why not allow me to show you how to interact with clientele of a higher standards. " Twilight was hesitant, but nevertheless nodded in response. Rarity stepped forward and gave her own bow towards the curator, " Please forgive my friend, she's not quite use to her profession. We are indeed the wizards you hired. Breezy Horn is here and ready to handle whatever issue you may be having. " She spoke with elegance and without hesitation, owing it to her years of experience.

" Ah, very good, very good indeed, " the curator replied. He ushered the group of wizards further into the museum. Pristine lead them past a large "wall" of security guards and a series of magic runes which formed a barrier around the exhibit.

" That’s...a lot of security... " Spike mumbled to himself, but was just loud enough for their client to hear.

" What you consider "a lot" I consider the necessary amount required to protect the exhibit, " Pristine replied. " However, " he began, " with you wizards here, hopefully the...extra...security won't be necessary. "

" Please, leave it to us darling. We are professionals after all, " Rarity said with what she considered modesty.

" For your sake, and the sake of this exhibit, I hope you are correct, " and without another word, Pristine guided them towards the exhibit.

Once inside the exhibit, the group could only stare in amazement. There were so many artifacts and pieces of ancient culture, all of them relating to the moon and the festival surrounding it. Twilight's eyes in particular were widened the most, having lived in Canterlot her whole life; she was well acquainted with the lunar festival. Even so, she had never once seen artifacts and treasures such as these, " ...It's no wonder someone would want to steal from here...There's so many pieces relating to the moon. "

" That's exactly why I had the request put out, " Pristine said, eyeing the wizards.

Rex cautiously flew throughout the room, making sure to not touch anything. " Some of these things look older than others, " he said with surprising perception.

" Indeed they are, " Pristine said in response to the winged feline, " and those older artifacts are the ones we worry the most about. " He made his way towards the center of the room, and towards a velvet curtain. " Behind this curtain, " he started while grasping onto the rope attached to the curtain, " is perhaps the oldest, and most valuable piece in this exhibit, and maybe the whole museum. "

The wizards’ eyes’ widened in awe at what was unveiled from behind the curtain. Sitting behind the velvet veil was a glass case, and within the case sat the most magnificent jewel any of them had ever seen. What sat before them was a pale white gem, carved with an ominous eye in the center and the phases of the moon around it. Shaped ever so carefully into a perfect sphere, it was surely very important to the lunar festival. " By the gods and goddesses above, " Rarity gasped.

" S-such a big gem... " Spike said with incredibly widened eyes.

Rex hovered just barely overhead with his own shocked look, " ...Not on your life...you green-haired klepto... "

However, out of anyone there, Twilight had all their reactions beat by a long shot. Her jaw hung open wide and her eyes looked just like the stone she was gawking at. Something about the eye-like gem left Twilight speechless, something about it was almost beckoning to her. " ...It's...amazing... "

" This, " Pristine said with a raised voice to get the wizard's attention, " is THE most valuable piece in this exhibit, and possibly one of the most valuable items in the whole museum. It's called, The Lunar Queen's Eye. "

" ...The Lunar Queen's Eye... " they all repeated at once, even Pinkie Pie.

" It is also what we believe these thieves are most likely to go after, " Pristine added on.

Rarity gave a small bow in understanding, " Then we'll guard it with our lives. "

" Yup, yup, yuppers!!! " Pinkie jumped in without so much as a warning. " We'll keep that pretty rock as safe as a rock that's kept in a big glass box that's got a bunch of wizards outside of that glass box!!! " Exclaimed the pink-haired, eccentric blaster mage.

After a few moments of silence from Pinkie's declaration, Pristine cleared his throat and stepped towards the exit, " Yes...you do that. " He extended his arm out towards the way they had came into the exhibit, " Now, I shall have someone escort you all to the hotel you will be spending the night in, so please come this way. "

The Breezy Horn wizards nodded and complied, following the curator out of the exhibit and towards the exit. Once they reached their accommodations, they would begin preparing for the potentially long night ahead of them.

Within the Canterlot Museum, Later That Night

Nighttime had come faster than anticipated. Meaning the group of wizards had little time to prepare for anything they could possibly be facing. That said, their lack of preparation hadn't seemed to matter. Half the night had passed, and still nothing had yet to happen.

Sitting against the exhibit holding the Lunar Queen's Eye was one, very bored Spike. The green-haired dragon slayer was skimming through a comic book he had brought with him to pass the time, but even that wasn't enough to ease his boredom. A loud sigh escaped his mouth as he flipped through the book, " This is sooooooo boring, " he complained for the umpteenth time.

Floating overhead the bored dragon slayer was an equally bored Rex, " I know you're bored, but that makes our job easier. "

On the other end of the room sat both Rarity and Pinkie. " Poor dears, I remember my first guard job, " she reminisced with a giggle, " they'll learn soon enough that not every job is about fighting or violence. "

" Yup yup, " Pinkie agreed with quick nods, " oh, quick question, Rarity…when do I get to blow something up?! "

The maker mage could only shake her head and give a disgruntled sigh at her friend’s oblivious enthusiasm, " I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. "

" That's funny! " Pinkie responded gleefully, " I was talking to a brick wall today and he said the same exact thing!! "

The only member of the group who hadn't found them self doing nothing was Twilight. The star mage took the opportunity to browse the exhibit, using her time to learn as much as she could on the various items it held. " ...Fascinating, " she mumbled aloud whilst she hovered over a glass case containing books and pieces of wall murals. However, she wasn't simply feeding her curiosity, or her thirst for knowledge. She was, in fact, trying her best to put together a reasoning as to why someone would really steal from this exhibit exactly.

" It just doesn't make sense. I don't care what that curator says, there are surely more valuable items in this museum. Why target this spot specifically? " Twilight rubbed her bottom jaw and shut her eyes as she kept herself deep in thought, " ...There was something Pristine wasn't telling us, " she thought aloud.

Spike looked up from his comic and towards his sister, " Whatchya mumblin' about over there, Twi? "

Rex, who was now laying atop Spike's head, was also curious, " Yes, please enlighten us. "

She turned towards them and waved her hands in front of her while nervously chuckling, " Oh, uh, nothing really, just thinking aloud. "

Without warning, Pinkie Pie froze up. Her eyes were devoid of all emotion as she stared at nothing in particular. Rarity noticed her friend's odd behavior and quickly grew worried, " Pinkie darling, are you alright? Please say something! "

She remained silent, worrying her purple-haired friend further. Suddenly, Pinkie began shaking rapidly, " O-o-o-o-h n-o-o-o-o! I-I-I-I-I'm-m-m-m t-t-w-w-i-i-t-t-ch-i-i-ing a-l-l-l-l-l- o-o-over!!! " She exclaimed whilst she violently shook herself and the spot she and Rarity were sharing.

" Wh-what's going on?! " Spike asked in a rather panicked tone.

The expression on Rarity's face grew grim quickly, " ...Trouble, that's what. "

" Um...p-please explain, " Twilight asked, slightly curious, and slightly scared.

A small sigh came from Rarity as the crystal wizard's eyes darted back and forth throughout the room, " You see, Twilight, when Pinkie starts twitching, trouble always usually follows...and that sense of hers has never been wrong before. "

Before Twilight could argue on how illogical that was, the sound of an explosion resonated throughout the entirety of the museum. The entire building rumbled as more explosions followed, until finally one of the walls leading into the exhibit was blasted open, kicking up dust everywhere. One by one, silhouettes entered the room, their identities kept concealed by the thick blanket of dust caused by the explosion.

A serious expression came to Rarity's face as she, and the rest of her guild mates, stared down the intruders, " It would seem that our company has arrived. "

Pinkie Pie stepped up next to her, holding her fingers up in the shape of a gun, " Indeed they are, time to start the party, " she said with an alarmingly malevolent grin.

The last one to step into the dust-filled room was the first person to speak, " So, it would seem we have some Breezies in our midst. " His deep voice bringing a chill down the spine of the newer wizards, " No matter, they don't have a single S-class wizard with them, not the Breezy queen, and most certainly not the black dragon. " When the dust finally began fading, the intruders’ appearances were no longer a mystery.

Standing before the Breezy Horn wizards was a very imposing tall man, dressed in a deep, dark blue, long coat, buttoned all the way from top to bottom, with a high collar. In his hand rested a chained pocket watch with a crescent moon design, whilst his other hand was held behind his back. Lastly was the man's face, his cold, blue eyes fitting perfectly with his slicked back silver hair. " Allow me to introduce myself before we rid ourselves of you. You may refer to me as Crescent Border, and we are the esteemed members of the guild that the world will soon know as, Lunar Heart. "

Upon hearing the guild's name, Rarity's eyes shot wide open, " I've heard that name before. " She quickly glanced over at Pinkie, " ...aren't they? " she began asking.

However, Pinkie answered before she could finish, " Yup. A nasty ol' dark guild. "

A low chuckle came from the imposing mans throat, " It would seem they know who we are. "

Shock spread over the faces of the newer members of Breezy Horn at the revelation of the intruder’s origins. " A dark guild?! We were supposed to be expecting thieves...not another guild!!! " Twilight's mind ran rampant with sudden panic.

Spike, however, tried his best to keep his panic from showing. The young dragon slayer's jaw was shut tight, his hands clenched into fists that shook from either fear, or from his powerful grip. " ...D-did you hear that, Rex...another dark guild... " he grunted towards his flying companion, who nodded in response.

" I did, " the winged feline lowered himself onto Spike's shoulder, " ...so be prepared for anything, " he too received a nod of confirmation.

As the dust settled, the rest of the figures became visible as well. Most were simply hooded individuals who brandished the guilds symbol on their chest in a cult-like manner, except for two individuals standing on either side of Crescent. Both of them were young women, however, it was apparent by their outfits that their behaviors and roles were vastly different from the members wearing hoods.

The woman to his right looked downright dangerous just from her appearance. She was dressed in a rather revealing attire. Purple shorts that left little to the imagination, with a shirt to match and straps holding the two pieces of clothing together. Her boots covered much of her lower legs, and lastly, her outfit was tied together by two charms shaped like a moon with a cloud passing by, one on her belt as a buckle, and the other in her snow-white hair as a clip. She gave a wicked smile that belied her "innocent" fluttering eyes, " How nice to meet you all, you can call me Moonlight Essence, or if you’re good little wizards, you can call me mistress~ "

To Crescent's left, a more decently dressed wizard, however, that didn't mean she wasn't just as dangerous. Dressed in a navy-blue dress that went down to her knees, with a bow wrapped around her waist. She also wore a cape and matching pointed hat, which were covered in star pattern. She brushed a stray strand of her pale, white hair out of the way as she smirked at the wizards before them, " Let's clip these Breezies of their wings. Trixie Lulamoon, at your service. "

" Enough introductions, " Crescent said in a tone of authority, " we have pests to rid ourselves of before we take the eye. "

Twilight's eyes slightly widened as she glanced over at the encased gem in the center of the room. " ...So it IS the eye that you're here for, " she said as she balled her fist up and began building magic up in it.

A loud chuckle came from behind the hand of the wizard known as Trixie, " So it seems their little rookie isn't as dumb as she looks. "

" H-how did you know I was new... " Twilight stammered.

Before Trixie could reply, though, Moonlight cut her reply off with her own. " Oh please sweetie, you just reek of new guild smell, you and that little cutie next to you, " she said in a deceptively sweet tone, while shooting a wink towards Spike.

The young dragon slayer took several steps back and gulped at the oddly terrifying gesture, " R-Rex...I hope she means you... "

" Unfortunately for you, it doesn't seem that way... " Rex stated bluntly, all while being as equally terrified as his partner.

" That is enough! " Rarity stepped in between the dark wizards and her allies. " If it's the eye you want, then you'll have to get through us, " she held her hands out and pressed them together, forming a magic circle with a crystalline pattern.

" Yeah!!! " Pinkie jumped in, making her own magic circle in front of the tips of the fingers she held out.

" Heheheheheh!!! " a wicked cackle came from the white haired mage of Lunar Heart, " Now why'd you have to go and say something like that. Now we've got to make it painful for you sweeties…well, more painful than it was going to be, " she said with an equally wicked grin.

Trixie stepped up next to her, " Let's show these little Breezies just how great and powerful we are compared to them! "

Crescent walked in between them, putting his pocket watch away, and extending his now free arm. A large golden magic circle appeared before his extended hand, whilst closing his eyes. " Steel yourselves for battle, Breezy Horn wizards, " his eyes shot open, revealing a malevolent glint in them, " for it very well may be your last. "

Author's Note:

Phew, hey there everyone, long time no see. Yeah I've been on a bit of a hiatus, but I've had my reasons for doing so. For a while I lost my inspiration to write and sort of just stopped, focused more on work and my drawing. It wasn't until recently that I built it back up and found myself able to confidently write again. Hopefully I won't take that long of a break again and try to keep a consistent pace going. Anyway I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter, sorry if it seems I cut it off at the end, I could've put more, but I figured it would all fit together better in the next part. But finally, read and review to your hearts content, and enjoy it while you do. I'll see you all again next time.

Next time on Breezy Horn: Beyond a Fairy's Tail: Breezies Under the Moon

Comments ( 1 )

Trixie is an Illusion Mage, isn'y she?

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