• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,345 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

  • ...

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Trial ?: Home, Sweet Home (R)

Dog’s vision continued to swim until finally, her body decided to start existing again. A second later she felt her hooves slam into the ground shortly before the rest of her followed. Her body turned sideways, and though she tried to stay standing, her clumsy hooves were unable to find the ground anymore. She was vaguely aware of Rainbow Dash feeling the same sense of vertigo and confusion as her, but Dog didn't have the time to console her friend as she was busy trying to figure out which way was up.

A pair of gentle hands wrapped around her midsection, picking her up off the floor and prompting the filly to stop kicking her hooves randomly. Her senses returned slowly, starting first with her sense of smell, which alerted her to the fact that her mane was either on fire or had recently been so, as the stench of burnt hair was palpable. The next sense to return to her was her hearing, which told her that she was currently yelling what sounded like completely incomprehensible nonsense.

“Ah what va la ka tona!” Dog yelled.

She felt her mouth forcibly closed by a gentle hand, giving her time for the rest of her faculties to return and her eyes to no longer be useless and reveal the sight of her slightly amused father looking down at her.

“Bwuh?” Dog muttered.

Nice one, Shake Spear, Rainbow Dash remarked.

The centaur chuckled, pulling Dog in for a brief hug before suddenly placing her down on the ground and clearing his throat. A slight blush crossed his face before his normally calm and neutral expression returned. He looked down at her a second longer, his gaze lingering over her eyes as he stared deep into the freshly changed orbs.

“I see you have a passenger,” he remarked.

“Oh uh, yeah?” Dog responded weakly. “Is that okay?”

Tirek nodded confidently.

“You have done everything I had hoped you would," Tirek proudly proclaimed.

Dog was about to disagree when Tirek’s hand came down and gently ruffled her mane, making her already messy hair even worse than before.

“I-” Dog began, only to look up at her father with a mixture of awe and confusion. “I failed though. The shield-”

“The shield was a decoy, and when you took it down it enabled us to find where the true shield generator lay," Tirek replied with a smirk. “Or did you really think I wouldn't have thought of such a thing?”

“N-no!” Dog yelled.

“I didn't think so,” the centaur remarked, glancing past the filly. “Sisyphus, did you find our mole?”

The trickster demon stepped forward, his trademark smirk still plastered on his face.

“I believe I have, sir. She will be coming through the portal in mere minutes," Sisyphus answered.

“Good,” Tirek exclaimed, his expression growing dark. “Make sure she is bound the instant she comes through.”

Sisyphus bowed low, making the gesture far grander than necessary.

“Yes, my master," he grandly proclaimed.

Tirek nodded, before turning down to the filly, who was looking around in wonder, only now realizing where she was. The portal room was far busier than she had last remembered and as she watched, the center of the room lit up and one or more demons would appear. Some were wounded and limped out of the circle to be treated by a pair of grinning pain demons that stood off to the side. Others appeared with appendages filled with treasures ranging from armloads of gold, to paintings and more esoteric but obviously magical devices that varied wildly in appearance.

Whoa, Rainbow Dash thought as they watched a pair of rather large war demons clad in blackened plate mail appear at the center of the room, an enormous trunk that was as long as Dog’s bed held between them. The demons grunted, before shuffling away, even the enormously powerful creatures struggling to carry what was inside.

Whoa is right, Dog thought back, watching as another pair of demons instantly replaced the first pair as soon as they were clear.

“I am not surprised that arrogant fool kept all his wealth in one place,” Tirek remarked. “It looks like hiring a few extra pairs of hands is going to pay off after all.”

“You hired other demons?” Dog asked nervously. “But what about the forces you have here?”

“I can't leave the tower defenseless, even if it's only for a matter of hours,” Tirek replied simply. “Besides, though mercenaries are expensive, they are also expendable, and if there's one thing you can count on them to do, it's loot everything that isn't nailed down.”

The centaur broke out into a chuckle as he watched a rather large greed demon appear in the center of the room, an ornate mirror that still had bits of the wall it had been nailed to still clinging to it.

“And somethings that are still nailed down," Tirek added.

Dog and Rainbow Dash both chuckled as they watched the greed demon trundle away, all while giving nervous sidelong glances at anyone who stared too long at his prize.

Tirek shook his head.

“Anyway. Do you know how to release your familiar?" Tirek inquired.

“We went over the contract before but didn't have time to get into the details before the mission," Dog answered.

“Understandable," Tirek remarked with a frown. "I had hoped we would have more time to go into the inner workings of demonic contracts before this happened, but I suppose now is as good a time as any for your first lesson.”

“First lesson on what?” Dog eagerly inquired.

“We’ll get to the actual lesson on contracts and familiars soon. For now, we will learn how to release your familiar. First, extend your leg outwards, and project the image of what she looked like out into the world,” Tirek explained, the centaur extending his arm out from his body. “Like this.”

Dog nodded, following suit before imagining what she remembered Rainbow Dash looked like. The filly could feel the demon within her begin to shift beneath her skin, grey smoke beginning to emanate from Dog’s extended hoof.

“Now what?” Dog asked.

“Now you must force that image into reality,” Tirek stated, thrusting out a hand and silently urging the filly to imitate him. “Channel your magic into your hoof and out into the world.”

The imp followed her father’s example, summoning her magic into her hoof and thrusting it out the same way Tirek just had. After a second of nothing happening the grey smoke clinging to her hoof suddenly shot out before her, billowing out of her body and into the space between her and her father. Rainbow Dash’s startled mental yelp was the last thing Twilight heard before the other demon’s body forced itself into existence.

The demon blinked, looking around a second before gravity decided to exert itself, sending the bat-winged demon clattering to the floor.

“Oof,” the imp muttered, rubbing her head with a hoof as her eyes rolled around in her skull.

Dog chuckled, while Tirek looked on in barely contained amusement.

Rainbow Dash gave her head one final shake before she looked around with her own two eyes.

“Whoa. This is even cooler than it looked through your eyes!” she exclaimed excitedly.

Tirek chuckled, watching as the newly reformed imp trotted around, staring at every demon that passed her by, as well as every other strange and wonderful sight she beheld. She was about to poke a rather exceptionally large sloth demon when she suddenly stood bolt upright and flew within inches of Tirek’s face.

“Does this mean I can't die?” she asked, a wide smile on her face.

“Rainbow Dash!” Dog hissed. “You have to be more respectful than that!”

Tirek frowned, but couldn't quite contain the amusement he felt.

“You should listen to your mistress," Tirek urged.

Rainbow Dash gulped before landing next to Dog and bowing her head, following her mistress’ lead.

“S-sorry sir," Rainbow Dash murmured.

The centaur shrugged.

“Since you apologized you will not be punished, this time,” Tirek exclaimed.

The small, bat-winged demon gulped, bowing a little lower.

“Now, to answer your question," Tirek began. "You sort of can't die.”

Dog blinked, looking up at her father in confusion.

“What do you mean, father?” Dog pressed.

“If she recalls herself or you recall her in time, she cannot die,” Tirek explained. “So long as her soul remains intact, that is. If the soul is damaged or destroyed, then she will die permanently.”

Rainbow Dash pumped a hoof in the air. “Awesome!” She exclaimed.

Tirek chuckled, rolling his eyes.

“Yes, it is quite awesome, as they say," Tirek remarked.

“Wait,” Dog declared, holding up a hoof. “Would that still work on other planes of existence?”

“Yes. Why do you ask?” Tirek answered.

“That means, that instead of her soul being bound to Tartarus like other demons’ it's instead bound to me then, right?” Dog asked quizzically.

“You are correct,” Tirek declared, smiling pridefully. “The process of making another demon into your familiar essentially ensures that upon death, their soul will return to you, rather than Tartarus like other demons who perish on the other planes. With the only difference being that you must consciously recall their soul.”

Rainbow Dash blinked, looking from Dog to Tirek.

“Wait, so if I die anywhere else I just poof and go back into Dog?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Pretty much,” Dog responded, earning a small nod from Tirek.

“Demons can only be killed when they are here, in Tartarus,” Tirek declared with a shrug. “The magic of this plane ensures that those who come here can only be killed here.”

“Does that mean-” Dog began, only for Sisyphus to appear beside them, interrupting their conversation.

“She's coming sir, would you like to do the honors, or should I?” the trickster demon asked, already knowing the answer.

“I will handle this personally,” Tirek rumbled.

The centaur glanced down at the pair of demons staring up at him in confusion.

“I need to take care of a traitor. I will be back in just a moment. Don't go anywhere," Tirek ordered.

Dog and Rainbow Dash both nodded in unison, watching closely as Tirek trotted up to the center of the room.

The centaur glanced briefly at the hooded figure standing to the side, sparing Pythias only a slight nod before turning back. The seer nodded back, her expression becoming grim as she waved her glowing hands over the center of the room.

A second later there was a brief flash before a large, gangly-limbed greed demon appeared in the middle of the room. She was tall, taller still than even Tirek, and wore the stark black leather armor that most of Tirek’s more secretive servants wore. The demon appeared with a smirk already on her face, and a chest full to the bursting with treasure in her slim, scaly fingers.

Upon seeing Tirek’s face the demon’s smirk vanished, and her slitted pupils went wide.

“T-Tirek, I can explain! It was- mph!” She tried to interrupt.

Tirek waved his hand and made a thick muzzle appear around the demon’s face, followed closely by a set of irons that bound her hands and legs, forcing her to drop the chest, the coins to spilling out over the floor. The centaur placed a hand on the greed demon’s shoulder, gripping the suddenly smaller creature tightly.

“Do not resist and I may make your end a swift one," Tirek whispered in a low tone.

The greed demon’s already wide eyes went wider still. For a second the air was tense, and a few of the other demons had stopped to watch Tirek as he faced down the lanky demon. Then, all fight seemed to flow out of the creature and she slumped, allowing Tirek to guide her off to the side, where he conjured another set of chains, complete with an iron ball.

Now thoroughly immobilized and unable to use her magic, the demon slumped to the ground, staring at her feet in silence. Sensing that the action was already over, the room seemed to move once more, with everyone going about their business as if nothing had happened.

Tirek gave the greed demon one last glance before turning away.

“You are lucky there is someone else who will want revenge even more than I,” Tirek remarked with a dry chuckle. “Cherish these final moments, traitor.”

Rainbow Dash leaned towards the other filly.

“Wow, your dad’s hardcore," Rainbow Dash whispered.

“I suppose that's one way of putting it," Dog admitted.

Tirek trotted back up to the pair.

“Now then, did you have any other questions?” He offered.

“I did," Dog replied, only to shrug. "But now I can't remember.”

“Yeah, I have a question,” Rainbow Dash picked up, grinning madly. “How did you summon those chains and stuff? My dad always said unicorns are the only ones who can use magic.”

Tirek raised an eyebrow, before glancing at Dog, who facehoofed.

“Excuse her, father, I haven't had the chance to teach her the basics," Dog apologized.

“See to it that you do,” Tirek commanded. “A familiar that does not even know how to use its own magic is of no use to anyone and may be more burden than a help.”

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash yelled, only to have Dog’s hoof stuffed in her mouth.

“I will, father," Dog declared.

Rainbow Dash glared at Dog until she finally removed her hoof, then, right as it seemed like she was going to continue to complain, she suddenly stopped and blinked.

“Wait, I have magic?” Rainbow Dash whispered in a low, conspiratorial tone.

“Duh, you are a demon," Dog retorted, rolling her eyes.

The demon winced a little, rubbing the back of her neck.

“Right… A demon, forgot about that," Rainbow Dash murmured.

Tirek raised an eyebrow at the reaction but said nothing, turning his attention back to the center of the room.

“Ahh, here comes Pear Butter," Tirek stated.

Dog’s eyes went wide and she spun around.

“Where?” She demanded.

“Give her just a second. She’ll be coming through momentarily,” Tirek answered.

Rainbow Dash leaned closer to Twilight.

"That's your mom, right?" Rainbow Dash inquired.

The other imp shrugged. “Sorta," Dog admitted.

Tirek glanced down at Dog and chuckled, giving his head a slow shake.

In the middle of the room, the normally gently glowing runes and circles began to grow brighter and brighter, straining to teleport the next target. Rainbow Dash gulped, looking down as she noticed that even the circle beneath her was alight with power, while Tirek just smirked and Dog didn't notice.

A second later Pythias winced, shielding her face from the crack of lightning that erupted in the center of the teleportation array.

For a moment Dog was forced to do the same, shielding her eyes from the intense explosion of light. While the filly and her demon friend both recoiled from the light, a dull boom accompanied by the floor shaking nearly knocked them off their hooves.

Dog was the first to recuperate, and looked up in shock at the massive creature now standing in the center of the room. Gone was the Pear Butter she had known before, replaced by a slightly less monstrous version of the one that she had briefly glimpsed in the courtyard mere minutes ago. Only this time she had sustained significantly more damage, with many of her scales being either bent, broken, missing, or otherwise covered in a multitude of different beings’ blood and viscera.

The massive, nearly twenty-foot-tall demon nearly brushed her head against the ceiling, and with wide panicked eyes she looked around, searching for something.

“She's down here,” Tirek shouted, grabbing the massive demon’s attention.

Rainbow Dash felt her legs give out as the great demon’s fearsome gaze came down on her like a hammer blow, knocking the strength from her body. For a moment she wasn't sure if she was going to pee herself or not, but the pure, unfiltered hate in the great demon’s eyes faded the instant they landed on Dog.

The great demon sighed, seemingly shrinking a few feet at the sight and reaching out a hoof toward the grinning filly.

“I’m glad you are okay!” Dog shouted, running up to the demon’s extended hoof, only to be stopped by Tirek holding up a hand.

“We will have to hold off on the tearful reunion a moment longer, I’m afraid,” Tirek interrupted.

The fear demon didn't even flinch when Pear Butter glared down at him, merely pointing a finger toward the bound and shivering form propped up against a nearby wall.

“I have secured the turncoat in our midst, and saved her for you," Tirek offered.

The glare lessened and Pear Butter nodded.

“Thank you!” she boomed, her voice rattling the very bones of the two smaller demons who heard it.

That mirth didn't last long and the great demon turned to the cowering form of the bound and gagged greed demon who was desperately trying to crawl away. She didn't make it more than a few feet before Pear Butter’s head lowered mere inches away, causing her to freeze in terror. The wrath demon’s hot breath billowed over the bound demon, causing any loose pieces of clothing to catch alight, drawing a panicked scream from the greed demon.

That scream didn't last long though as Pear Butter simply leaned down and snapped her jaws shut over the entirety of the unfortunate creature leaving only the hand she had been using to try and pull herself away with. The great demon hummed in approval, crunching loudly as she snapped the poor demon’s bones with her titanic jaws.

Tirek waved a hand and dismissed the bindings, knowing that at this point the only thing they would do was give Pear Butter indigestion. Without the gag binding the greed demon’s lips, everyone in the portal room could hear the brief and anguish-filled scream that slipped past the wrath demon’s lips.

Frowning, Pear Butter breathed deep, her chest glowing hotly as the heat built inside her. Clamping her lips together tightly, the wrath demon flashfried the demon in her mouth a small trickle of smoke slipping out her nose. With her meal now thoroughly toasted, the demon winced at the taste before chewing once more, before finally swallowing whatever was left of the poor creature in a single gulp.

The wrath demon sighed contently, a greenish aura emanating from her stomach, healing some of the worst of her wounds. Pear Butter wiped her lips before leaning down and smiling at Dog, who was busy giggling at the terror-filled expression on Rainbow Dash’s face.

“Who is this?” Pear butter asked, jerking her nose towards the teal demon.

Dog smiled widely, striking a proud pose.

“She's my familiar, Rainbow Dash!” Dog declared.

Pear Butter raised an eyebrow, glancing from Dog to Rainbow Dash, silently judging them as her form began to slowly shrink in size. By the time she spoke again she had nearly returned to her old size, standing a head above Tirek.

“Good work,” she announced, smiling at the filly.

Dog beamed. “Thanks, Pear!” Dog replied.

The wrath demon let out a slight shuddering sigh, glancing at Tirek.

“Is that all you need from me, boss?” Pear Butter inquired.

"Yes,” He replied, waving a hand at the other demon. “You have done well this day, Pear Butter. The distraction you provided was key to ultimately saving Dog’s life.”

Pear Butter smiled widely, before bowing low.

“Thank you, sir," she exclaimed.

The centaur smiled back before gesturing to the nearest exit.

“Go. Get your wounds tended to. You and Dog will have a chance to catch up soon," Tirek offered.

Pear Butter leaned down and nuzzled the filly.

“You heard the boss. I’ll see you soon, okay?” Pear Butter whispered.

“Okay!” Dog yelled, pumping her hoof in the air.

Rainbow Dash gulped when the now much smaller wrath demon’s gaze lingered over her.

“N-n-nice to meet you,” Rainbow Dash muttered, extending a shaking hoof.

Pear Butter smirked and gently bumped her hoof against Rainbow Dash’s own, an act that still had enough force to nearly knock the smaller demon over.

“I will see you, very soon,” the wrath demon whispered before turning and nodding to the pair of pain demons lingering nearby.

Together the three demons walked away, the two pain demons escorting Pear Butter to a place where they could better deal with the damage she had received.

Rainbow Dash gulped, watching Pear Butter disappear around a corner.

“Your mom is terrifying,” Rainbow Dash muttered, shaking her head slowly.

Dog giggled.

Tirek returned shortly thereafter, waving away a trio of sloth demons all carrying a large treasure chest between them. Approaching the smaller demons, Tirek smiled.

“Do you know what this means, Dog?” Tirek asked.

Dog blinked before shaking her head.

“It means you have finally become more than just a dog," Tirek declared. "You have earned the opportunity to choose your name.”

He smiled, watching as unfettered joy spread across her face.

“And, earned yourself a new room, one with far more comforts. Though that will take a few days to prepare," Tirek explained.

“Oh my gosh!” Dog yelled, jumping into the air before grabbing Rainbow Dash’s face. “Do you know what this means, Rainbow Dash!?”

“Mwhat?” The other demon muttered back.

“I’m one step closer to being more than just an imp!” Dog proclaimed.

Tirek chuckled.

“You will be much more than an imp, in time.” He slowly stood up, placing a hand against his back as it cracked and popped. “Now then, let us go somewhere more private and enjoy some food while we discuss what you shall change your name to.”

“Thank you, Father," Dog proclaimed.

“Err yeah, thanks,” Rainbow Dash added, only to earn her an elbow to the gut. “I mean, thank you, sir.”

Tirek rolled his eyes and with a snap of his fingers, they all vanished in a puff of smoke.

A second later they appeared in a rather small, surprisingly homey room dominated by a long, food-filled table. Tirek reacted first as he was well used to his method of teleportation, grabbing his spot at the head of the table and levitating over a plate filled with bread.

Dog reacted next, hopping up onto the small mound of pillows waiting for her next to her father and eagerly filling her plate with a little bit of everything. Rainbow Dash responded last, and sat next to Dog, only to recoil when she noticed what the spread was dominated by.

“Meat?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a mix of shock and horror.

“What about it?” Dog asked before biting into a large steak, her sharp teeth shearing straight through the meat without the need for knife or fork.

Rainbow Dash watched in awe as the filly tore through the steak in seconds, swallowing the barely cooked meat with what looked like delight. Rather than be disgusted, Rainbow Dash merely shrugged, figuring it was best to follow her new mistress’ lead, and bit into a second slice of steak.

Tirek watched the two younger demons dug into their meal, while he filled his cup with wine.

Rainbow Dash’s initial uncertainty vanished completely when she felt the meat hit her tongue, her eyes going wide.

“Thish ish reary goob!” She exclaimed.

Dog shot her a glare.

“Manners, Rainbow Dash!” Dog hissed.

The teal demon rolled her eyes, prompting Dog to wince and bow her head to Tirek.

“I’m sorry for her, father," Dog apologized.

“Don't worry about it. Eat and enjoy, and when you have had your fill, we will talk more,” he dissmised, sipping his wine and watching the pair eat.

It didn't take long for Dog’s hunger to get the better of her and she began to eagerly tear through the meal with reckless abandon, matching even Rainbow Dash’s voracious hunger near the end. Together the pair of hungry demons managed to demolish several of the plates before finally beginning to slow down, with Dog carefully picking out one of each item while Rainbow Dash continued to wolf down as much of the meat as she could in as little time as possible.

When finally the pair stopped completely, Rainbow Dash lay on her side, a hoof on her belly and a moan on her lips.

“I think I ate too much,” the demon whined, crumpling into a ball as her stomach rumbled, unused to the amount of food now within it.

Dog rolled her eyes. “I told you to slow down," Dog reminded.

“Yeah, but it was so goood,” Rainbow whined once more.

The imp chuckled, turning away from her familiar and towards Tirek.

“I’m sorry for the delay, father," Dog apologized once more.

The centaur merely nodded.

“You earned that much at least,” Tirek replied.

The centaur smiled, pouring a glass of wine for the filly before levitating it over to an empty spot before her.

“As well as a drink," Tirek offered.

Dog smiled widely, reaching out and grabbing the slim glass with both hooves before bringing it nearly to her lips, only to stop herself form merely gulping down the drink and forcing herself to slow down and sip the alcoholic beverage. Dog’s face twisted into a disgusted expression as the liquid slid over her tongue, the filly trying to force her face into a more respectful look while stifling the urge to cough.

“Thank you,” she muttered while pounding a hoof against her chest.

The elder demon laughed loudly, watching as Dog passed the glass to an inquisitive Rainbow Dash who made an even more screwed-up face when she tasted the blood-red liquid.

“Blech, what is in there? How is it so dry? It's liquid!” Rainbow Dash complained.

Tirek’s deep laugh nearly shook the walls and he extended a hand towards the filly.

“If you don't like it, I can take it back. Maybe get you something better, like juice perhaps?” Tirek offered.

Dog pulled the glass away.

“I like it!” Dog professed, to which Tirek raised an eyebrow. “Really!’

“Suit yourself,” Tirek replied, watching as Dog slowly chugged down the last of the drink before smiling widely.

“See?” Dog coughed. “It's good!”

Tirek shook his head and chuckled.

“If you are done, I suppose we should get on with choosing your new name," Tirek offered.

“Yes!” Dog shouted.

The filly’s smile grew to encompass nearly her entire face, her body almost vibrating off of her pillow.

Rainbow Dash merely cocked her head.

“Why is a new name so important? Sure Dog is kinda lame, but it's not that big of a deal," Rainbow Dash asked.

"You really know nothing about demons, do you?” Dog asked right back.

"Not really," Rainbow Dash admitted. "Those jerks didn't exactly explain anything after capturing me."

“I’ll teach you, don't worry,” Dog declared with a smile. “A demon’s name is important as it changes the demon’s very being and powers. It cannot be changed often, and requires the use of a soul but with the change comes a variety of benefits.”

“Neat,” Rainbow Dash remarked before her stomach rumbled and she crumpled back into a heap with a moan.

Dog and Tirek both rolled their eyes at the sight of the stuffed demon.

“Have you given your name any thoughts?” Tirek asked.

“I have thought of a few,” Dog admitted, tapping her hooves together nervously. “But I’m not sure if I should.”

“Why not? Is the name not cool enough? ‘Cause I got like a bajillion cool names,” Rainbow Dash added, smirking. “Like uhh…” She tapped her chin. “Batmare!”

“Isn't that a comic book character?” Dog replied.

“Yeah, so?” Rainbow Dash shot back. “She's totally cool, almost as cool as Daring Do.”

“You read Daring Do?” Dog asked excitedly.

“Totally,” Rainbow Dash answered, only to frown. “Too bad I never finished Daring Do and The Temple of Doom.”

“Don't worry, we got that one," Dog replied.

“Wait what?” Tirek muttered. “Since when does the library have fiction?”

"Didn't it always?” Dog asked back.

Tirek scratched his chin and muttered to himself.

“I really need to get someone to categorize the library again. Pear Butter or Pythias might be giving you unapproved books again," Tirek muttered, mostly to himself.

“So, what do you think, Batmare?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“That doesn't sound like the name of a demon," Dog retorted.

“My name is Rainbow Dash and I’m a demon,” she pointed out.

“True, but I want to become a keeper of secrets,” Dog proclaimed.

“Ahhh, you are thinking of taking a dead name then?” Tirek asked.

“Yes!” Dog proclaimed, only to squirm uncomfortably in her chair. “Though I’m not sure if I should.”

“Why not?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

“Those that take dead names often have to fight for the right to do so, as any other demons who have taken that name will take it as a personal slight,” Tirek pointed out.

“Yeah,” Dog muttered with a sigh. “But I think this name is obscure enough that it could work.”

Rainbow Dash jumped up.

“Well, what are you waiting for? What is it?” Rainbow Dash pressed.

“Kanathara,” Dog whispered.

Tirek’s smile grew.

“Kanathara, Whose Hooves Shatter Mountains and Whose Voice Lulls the Sun," Tirek remarked. "I always knew you were more ambitious than you let on. Still, I did not believe you would choose a name with such… implications to it.”

“Implications?” Rainbow Dash asked while scratching her head. “What kind of implications? Also, what kind of name is Kanathara anyway? Sounds like you asked for a can of flowers in a Manehattan accent.”

Dog rolled her eyes.

“Kanathara was an ancient keeper of secrets who lived centuries ago and was so powerful that she supposedly almost destroyed a star," Dog explained.

“She was ultimately betrayed by one of her own,” Tirek finished.

“Y-yes,” Dog stuttered. “But I have learned from her story and I will not let her fate become mine.”

“See that it doesn’t,” Tirek replied.

Rainbow Dash blinked. “So what happens now?” Inquired the bat-winged imp.

“Pythias!” Tirek yelled, turning to the door.

A second later the rather timid-looking seer slipped into the room, deftly closing the door behind her. Once inside, she bowed low before handing over a small vial with a swirling white essence within. Tirek glanced briefly at the vial before nodding, dismissing the seer.

Pythias however did not leave and glanced over at where Dog and Rainbow Dash sat, her sightless gaze lingering on the purple imp who waved at her.

“Hiya, Pythias!” Dog offered.

The seer smiled weakly, pain radiating from her stitched lips as she smiled, waving back.

“You are dismissed,” Tirek said curtly, gesturing to the door.

Pythias spared one last, sad glance at the purple imp before sighing and leaving, earning her a sharp glare from Tirek, who eyed her suspiciously.

Rainbow Dash leaned a little closer to Dog. “Who’s that?” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“Pythias,” Dog whispered back. “She works for my father. She's a seer.”

“Huh,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

The winged imp scratched her head awkwardly, staring at the spot the strange seer had been only moments earlier.

“She looked familiar, sorta," Rainbow Dash murmured.

“Now then,” Tirek announced. “Are you ready?”

“I am, Father," Dog declared.

Tirek’s gaze tightened, and he stared intently at the imp before nodding, and handing over the vial.

“Remember what I told you," he reminded.

“Visualize the name, make it a part of me,” Dog repeated dutifully.

"You are ready," Tirek admitted.

Rainbow Dash watched closely as her friend uncorked the vial and brought it swiftly to her lips, where she paused a moment. Just as the teal demon was about to ask what was going on, she felt a sudden build-up of energy inside her friend, punctuated by a slight glow that began at the imp’s stomach and rose to her lips.

When the dull purple glow reached her lips, the filly tossed back the vial, swallowing the essence and forcing it down her throat and into her gullet.

“Whoa,” Rainbow Dash mumbled, feeling the strange sensation as if she were the one swallowing the contents of the vial.

With a forceful gulp, the imp swallowed the last of the soul, her eyes closed tightly shut as her entire body seemed to clench. After a few seconds of silence, the imp suddenly gasped, a hoof reaching out to Rainbow Dash, who dutifully held on, keeping the imp standing.

“T-thanks,” Kanathara muttered in a voice slightly deeper than the one she had only a minute ago.

“You alright, Dog- I mean Kanathara? Your voice is all funny,” Rainbow Dash asked, giving her friend an odd look.

The imp shook her head. “I’m fine, it's the effect of the naming ceremony," Kanathara explained.

Rainbow Dash nodded, holding the imp’s hoof until her strength returned and she could stand on her own four limbs without issue. Tirek nodded slowly, watching closely as Kanathara stood on shaky hooves, a smile slowly spreading across her face.

“Good. You have made another important step, my daughter,” Tirek declared, a hint of emotion slipping into his voice. “For now, you must rest and recuperate your strength.”

“I’m not that hurt!” Kanathara whined. “I can still train.”

The old centaur smiled, placing a hand on the imp’s shoulder. “You have done enough for now. But-” He held up a finger, preempting his daughter’s continued complaining. “-if you heal quickly, I will allow you to wander the halls and read, under your golem’s supervision of course,” Tirek explained.

Kanathara slumped for a moment before perking up. “Yes, father. I will endeavor to become strong enough to not fail you again,” Kanathara declared.

The imp then stood and bowed low before the centaur.

Rainbow Dash found herself bowing as well, following the imp closely.

Together the pair turned and left the room, Tirek smiling widely as they left.

“See that you do not. My daughter," Tirek remarked.

Outside the door Rainbow Dash frowned, glancing over at the rather intense-looking imp.

“Hey Kanathara-” Rainbow Dash began.

The demon was silenced when the imp’s golem approached and bowed slightly.

“Whoa,” Rainbow Dash muttered, taking a step back and glancing at her friend, wondering if this new creature was an enemy or not.

Kanathara merely nodded.

“We are going back to my room," Kanathara declared.

The golem nodded once before turning and walking down the hall, Kanathara and Rainbow Dash following close behind, with the imp barely able to keep up with the golem and her friend. Still, she did not complain, merely trotting faster in order to keep up.

Rainbow Dash could feel her friend’s thoughts going a million miles an hour and chose to hold back the comment she had been about to utter, knowing better than to interrupt Kanathara when she got like this.

Rainbow Dash winced, covering her ears with both hooves.

“How can you sleep with this noise?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Kanathara shrugged.

“You get used to it,” she muttered weakly, trotting over to the stone slab that was her bed and lying down.

Rainbow Dash frowned at the sight of what passed for a ‘bed’ around here. Still, she couldn't complain too much, as sleeping in a cage for the last few months had made her realize just how valuable having a little privacy truly was.

The demon trotted over to the bed and lay down next to Kanathara.

“Uh, hey. I was wondering about something,” Rainbow Dash muttered, nearly losing her nerve when her friend turned suddenly, now forcing her to face the intense imp.

“Yes?” Kanathara asked.

“Err, why exactly do you need to get strong anyway?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Not like it's a big deal or anything, getting tough is cool and all, but I was just wondering why?”

The imp blinked for a second, cocking her head.

“I suppose you wouldn't understand," Kanathara remarked.

“Wouldn't understand what?” Rainbow Dash asked.

The imp frowned, gesturing to the demon’s body.

“You are a full demon already, while I’m just an imp. You have power, even though you don't know how to use it, it's still there," Kanathara prompted.

“I guess? Being a demon still kinda sucks though...” Rainbow Dash mumbled, only now noticing that she was slightly larger than her friend, though not by much.

The imp looked at her friend a moment before frowning.

“I knew you wouldn't understand,” Kanathara muttered.

She then turned over, scooting away from the other demon.

Rainbow Dash stared for a moment before sighing.

“I’m sorry," Rainbow Dash whispered.

For several minutes the imp was quiet, and just when Rainbow Dash had given up hope, Kanathara whispered, “I forgive you.” back.

With a wide smile on her face, Rainbow Dash reached out and gently pulled the smaller creature into her grip, holding her friend and mistress close. After a few seconds, Kanathara finally relented, her muscles relaxing as she melted into the embrace.

“Father expects a lot from me,” Kanathara mumbled.

Rainbow Dash remained silent, nuzzling the top of her friend’s head while simply listening.

“And I don't know if I can do it,” Kanathara continued. “I’m just not strong enough.”

“Yet,” Rainbow Dash added. “You aren't strong enough, yet.”

Kanathara snorted.

“Thanks for the pep talk, Rainbow Dash," Kanathara muttered sarcastically.

The other demon rolled her eyes.

“I mean that in a good way. If you say it like that, it means it's just something you haven't gotten yet. Rather than something that you cannot reach," Rainbow Dash explained. “It's something my dad always said.”

“Your dad sounds like a smart person," Kanathara offered.

“He is…” Rainbow Dash muttered, her mind suddenly going out to the family she had left behind.

The demon expected tears, sadness, or something at the thought of those who weren't with her anymore, but it seemed as though she had cried all her tears, leaving behind only a dull ache in the pit of her gut. As she lay there, wondering what she was going to do with what was left of her life, Rainbow Dash inevitably found herself staring at the filly in her hooves. A smile slowly crossed her face as she continued to stare, remembering fondly everything the creature had done for her.

Maybe I can make a new family, she thought to herself before slowly drifting off to sleep with the first member of that new family held tight in her embrace.

Tirek sighed, placing his now empty wine glass on the table before turning to the door.

“Enter,” He commanded.

The door opened to reveal the familiar face of Sisyphus who was grinning wider than usual.

“You called, my master?” He asked.

Tirek waved a hand dismissively.

“Dispense with the formalities, you know why I contacted you," Tirek dismissed.

Sisyphus bowed low.

“Yes, sir,” Sisyphus replied, the trickster demon straightened his simple black leather shirt and stood tall. “Everything is in order, the decoy has been placed and the magic I acquired during our little trip back to your tower is working as intended.”

“So, it will fool her then?” Tirek asked simply.

“Oh, it will do more than that,” Sisyphus replied with a smirk. “With your naming ceremony complete and the magic I extracted essentially spoofing any would-be tracking spells it will be impossible for anyone to find her.”

“Good,” Tirek declared, slumping slightly in his pillows.

“Oh and sir?” Sisyphus offered.

“Yes Sisyphus, was there something else?” Tirek asked.

“Yes, actually,” the trickster demon remarked with a chuckle, sitting down next to the fear demon and extending a hand. “I left a little gift for any who would attempt to divine the position of your favorite pawn, one I think you'd rather enjoy.”

Tirek lifted an eyebrow.

“Well, go on then," Tirek urged.

The trickster nodded before spreading his hand wide and allowing his magic to form into the image of the now smoking ruins of the castle Tirek’s forces had finally finished looting. The image zoomed in, focusing on a small particular chunk of dirt near the center of the courtyard. Wherein a single vial was placed, accompanied only by several words that surrounded it.

Tirek’s eyes narrowed as he read, a smile growing on his face as he did. By the end of it, the old centaur could barely contain his mirth and he looked over at his subordinate with a wide smile.

“That is hilarious," Tirek stated.

Sisyphus dismissed the spell and smiled back. “I thought you would enjoy that," replied the trickster.

“Oh yes,” Tirek agreed, chuckling darkly. “I can only imagine the look on her face when she sees your little parting gift.”

Sisyphus sighed dramatically. “I almost wish I could be there when she finds it," he mused.

“I’ll send you a recording," Tirek offered.

“You are too kind, sir," Sisyphus replied, smirking right back at his master.

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of:
Kali, Craig, Ozzy, Robert, Quill, JPMK, Tommy, Ivar, Mikhaila, Pacsik, Matt, Brendan, Peter, Nicky, Princess Pudding, Nofreedom, T Sparkle, Apollyon, Luckyfanisaac, Azin, Zairvin, Random_Reader, Iamunkown, Facinus, M, Nfreak, Doomgooey, Michael, Ceepert, Diokyo, Starless.

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