• Published 27th Jul 2017
  • 2,897 Views, 38 Comments

Fine Fangs - AmethystAce

Life in a herbivore's world is difficult when you're a carnivore. Especially if your trying to hide it.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Me and Fluttershy entered Ponyville market, and received a few odd looks from the ponies around us. Fluttershy didn't seem to enjoy the attention I was drawing, and to be honest, neither did I. Now, I wasn't shy or anything like that. It's just that with the amount of other beings looking at me questioningly, I was beginning to feel a bit awkward.

As Fluttershy purchased her goods, she suggested that I go and give Twilight her doll back. I still don't know the story behind this thing and why Fluttershy flinched when she first saw it. That's something I will have to figure out when I go and meet Twilight.

"Where does Twilight live? What does she look like?" I asked Fluttershy after taking the doll in hand.

"She's a purple unicorn that lives in the library near the center of town. It's in a large oak tree." She looked away before quickly looking back at me. "Oh, and when you get there, ask her if she has a book on remedies for animal illnesses. I lost my own copy a few days ago."

I nodded. "Alright, I'll be sure to ask her."

I told her that I would see her later and began going towards where I believed the center of town is. I was heading down a road when my ears uncontrollably swiveled behind me. It was annoying, but because of it, I was able to hear quiet shouting behind me. "Kitty!" Turning my head, I saw a pink pony with a darker pink mane making a mad dash toward me. "Kitty!"

My eyes went wide and without thinking, I began running away from her.

I didn't want to think of the consequences of getting caught. A quick look behind me confirmed that due to her equine nature she beat me in the speed department.

She may have been faster, but I was far more agile.

I ducked in between houses, surprised to hear her following me, calling out for me. After the first few turns, I lost my sense of direction. I still kept at it until I entered a park. There weren't many ponies around and, after looking behind me to find the pink mare not within line of sight, I scrambled up a moderately large tree.

I got on a nice bunch of branches and looked through the leaves to see if the pink menace mare was still after me. There was no way she could have followed me all the wa-

She emerged from the alley that I just came out of. How did she manage to follow me all the way? It would seem that I found the true apex predator.

She began looking around the park. She was dashing around, shouting 'Kitty'. She looked under everything, taking the phrase 'leave no stone unturned' literally. The pink mare was darting through bushes and even sticking her head into a pond. The terror eventually gave up and left the park. Once I saw her leave, I relaxed. A little too much.

I was almost knocked out of the the tree when my foot landed on a patch of fur. That fur being attached to the face of a cyan furred pegasus with a rainbow mane. My eyes widened.

"What the-" She yelped. Her gaze was now fully on me. "Oh, trying to fight me when I'm sleeping? I don't know what you are, but I'm going to wipe the floor with you!"

Before I could respond, she flared her wings and tackled me out of the tree. I was thrashing in her grip and managed to wiggle out of it. To prevent falling, I kept a hand on her and somehow managed to climb onto her back. This caused her to start bucking around in the air, trying to do barrel rolls, anything to try and throw me off.

In a desperate effort to stay on and not fall to the now far away ground, I wrapped my arms around her barrel. What I didn't realize was that getting on her back was throwing off her center of balance and my current position with my stomach on her back caused her wings to completely flare out and her head to abruptly rise with a heavy blush. In other words, we were now quickly losing air.

The now completely embarrassed pegasus was now flailing about while maintaining some kind of cross between a glide and a dive. Looking over her head, I saw that we were heading straight for a market stall with an orange pony wearing a stetson selling apples to a white unicorn with a long, curly purple mane.

Why is this my new life?

We plowed straight through the cart of apples next to the stall. I lost my grip shortly after crashing, tumbling across the ground. When I stopped my 'graceful' rolling, I was on my back groaning. I slowly sat up to survey the surrounding area. The apple farmer was turned around, gawking at the remains of their poor cart. I turned my head to where skittles horse crashed, and was greeted with a snapshot of the now VERY pissed pegasus in mid-flight toward my midriff.

Well fuck my life.

My diaphram and lungs got a taste of the rainbow as the wind was knocked from me and I was carried off yet again. I began putting up a fight, somehow managing to not drop the doll through all of this. Because I was actually fighting back, neither of us knew what direction she was flying. She was too livid to care and I was too preoccupied.

When I bothered looking behind me, I immediately braced myself and looked away from the fast approaching window that was attached to a giant tree. If the cart crash won't leave a mark, this certainly will.

The window shattered when it hit my back. I then fell onto a wooden floor as the rainbow maned pegasus wasn't expecting to hit a window and I watched as the flew headfirst into a bookshelf. I couldn't tell if the crack I heard was her skull or the shelf, but she finally seemed out cold.

Turning my head, I saw a purple unicorn and a little dragon sitting at a table. I assumed they were eating breakfast. They stared in absolute silence, their eyes moving between the window, Skittles over by the bookshelf, and me.

I shakily got to my feet and limped to the table. I then slowly lifted my arm and dropped the doll onto the table. They stared at the doll for a bit, their minds trying to process this mornings events as I slowly teetered backwards and fell on my back; unconscious before I even hit the ground.

Author's Note:



I'll post a blog post about why it took so long for this chapter to be released. As always, it is raw and unedited.