• Published 17th Jul 2017
  • 4,523 Views, 854 Comments

An Exercise In Management - Nameless Narrator

A simple drone "accidentally" failed to leave the Badlands hive for the invasion to Canterlot. He was only two weeks old, one of the clutch specifically created to break through the protective shield. Now starving, he's just trying to survive.

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13: Onwards to the Truth!

“Hello!” Three rushes over to the groaning changeling.

Huh. he can see through disguises.

“...a drone…?” he tries to move his legs, which do so at a glacial pace, “I order… you… to give me all… your love...”

“B-b-but I-” Glowstick turns to Eight, “Do I have to obey him too?”

”Don’t you DARE listen to the damn parasite! The nerve… to order that… just because Three’s a drone.”

“Definitely not,” Eight steps between Three and the infiltrator.

”If he as much as breathes funny, beat the everliving shit out of him, Eight.”

“With pleasure,” she cracks her fetlocks menacingly, “Now, infiltrator, I’ve given you enough love not to die on me while you talk. What happened in Canterlot?”

“You weren’t… there? What makes you… think you… can order me… warrior?”

“The fact that I have enough love to break your legs again, heal you up one more time, and then repeat it. Speak!”

“You won’t… make me talk… traitor. If you don’t know… what happened… you weren’t with the… Queen. Deserter... ”

“I wasn’t there because ranks nine and eight teamed up to attack me to drain my love, infiltrator. As you can see, I’m still here. Any more questions about who am I to interrogate you?”

“...rank e-eight?!” he starts coughing until a big was of blood a goo comes out, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- I’m sorry-”

Well, at least he cleared his throat so he can speak. Good first step. Plus, note to self - he’s damaged enough not to sense the power of another changeling. That can be useful.

“I strictily remember telling you to recount what happened during the invasion-” growls Eight.

”Hey, tell him Three’s gonna have a word with him.”

Eight freezes for a moment, then a grin grows on her muzzle as she comes to the same conclusion I did.

“-or better yet, I’ll let Three here ask you. You must be in worse shape than I thought to think he’s just a drone.”

“M-m-multi-layered disguise?” the infiltrator is trembling now.

“I’m Three!” the colt waves at him again.

The poor victim actually forces himself into a sitting position in an attempt to push himself away from Three.

“I didn’t mean- I deeply apologize- please don’t melt my brain. I don’t have any love to give- please...”

Eight stomps her hoof.

“I gave you just enough love to tell me what happened in Canterlot. I can easily take it back.”

The infiltrator whimpers. I would almost feel sorry for him if it wasn’t for his first reaction to Three.

“The Queen knew that when the attack starts, ponies would rush to hide inside the houses protected by magic, I was one of the select few sent in beforehoof to infiltrate the unicorn nobility and gain access to a safe house. It turned out different, because ponies somehow knew about the planned invasion, and put up a shield over all Canterlot. The Queen contacted us in time so that we could get to the magical anchors keeping the barrier up. We didn’t need to take out all of them, but only some which would make it possible for the first waves to break through.”

“Waves of drones...” comments Eight.

“The few left over, but mostly low-ranked warriors. We ate majority of the drones on the way to keep our strength up.”

”Punch him, will you?”

“...later. He wouldn’t survive it...”

“Anyway, the ponies didn’t know exactly what the threat was, so those of us tasked with preparing the ground for the attack already had ways to pass through the shielded train and road checkpoints. After we weakened the barrier the day before by damaging the anchors just enough to avoid noticing but enough to have an effect, we met up with the forces outside to have a good meal, and then we attacked.”

“Stop talking about devouring drones before I have to break your leg and shove it so far up your ass you can brush your teeth with it.”

“...what’s with you and drones, jeez...” he mutters, “...they’re only drones...”

”...just drones...”

“I heard that. Be very happy that I need you right now.”

“Ehm, well, yes… so, we returned to Canterlot before the main assault, took our places in the safe houses, and when ponies tried to hide there afterwards, we already had some servants ready to open the doors and let the army feast.”

“Aaand how did you end up here then?”

He shakes his head.

“I’m… I’m not sure. We captured some pony bigwigs trying to gain access to the castle vault for some reason. We even brought down the white alicorn princess. Everything was going great until… the explosion.”


“Ponies did something. I was stationed outside the castle while the high ranks were in the throne room itself with the Queen. She telepathically connected with all of us to join her in her moment of victory. She was celebrating our success when the pink alicorn appeared. The last thing I remember is her running to the captain of the guard… and then… everything hurt.”

He’s breathing heavily with glassy eyes looking into the past, reliving the obviously terrifying moment.


He doesn’t react. Eight stomps her hoof again. This time he shakes his head.

“Keep going!”

“That’s pretty much it. The pink blast hit the Queen first, her pain paralyzing every changeling connected to her mind at that moment. Then the shockwave passed through the castle walls, picking changelings up and sending them flying into the sky. I saw some get splattered against buildings, some even caught on fire, but most of us...” he looks down, “We just flew upwards with our wings burning or disintegrating. I was flung so high I could see past the clouds, so far that everything was cold, and then… then I started falling. That’s the last thing I can recall.”

He’s just staring again, eyes blank. This time, though, same goes for Eight. She recovers first, though.

“So… everyone is… dead? The entire hive is… gone?”

The infiltrator shakes his head, hesitating.

“Those who didn’t fly as far as I did might be badly hurt but still alive. Unfortunately, they are also more likely to have been found by ponies by now.”

“Ponies killed everyone...” breathes out Eight.


“They just murdered everyone. All we wanted was love to survive...”


“Hmm?” she’s still not quite all there.

”I know this will sound horrible, but WE attacked. We didn’t try to negotiate or anything, we just attacked. You know the stories about changelings who ran off from the hive to find love on their own, about how they found a pony to live with for the rest of their lives. Chrysalis wanted to just cocoon everypony and use them like cattle. They didn’t matter to her, we didn’t matter to her. Her leadership led to this. I hate to say this, but we are at fault here.”




”...n-no… n-n-no. We caused this… she planned this too long… so long that there were far too many of us in the end… she couldn’t sustain us. The huge army you want… killed us… drained all we had...”

Do NOT question our leadership! We are knowledge, we are experience, you are… a tool! Tool to make changelings more than slaves or monsters hiding in the darkness. Chrysalis failed us, but we have learned. We won’t make the same mistake twice.

Drowning… in a sea of boiling rage.

From them… and from Eight.

“...Eight… help...”

I lose access to Eight’s senses. Now I’m floating in complete darkness. Mouths full of teeth made of inky blackness growl and snap at me. They bark, they snarl-

-they stop and go completely silent.

Eight is standing in front of me, staring the closest head of a changeling queen down.

“I serve the hive,” she stands up tall and announces, “I serve to the best of my ability. My goal is our survival. I serve, you guide, the King decides. I protect, you advise, the King rules.”

Who do you think you are, warrior?!

“Unlike all of you, I’m still alive.”

The vision ends, I blink. Eight blinks.

“...my head...”

“Infiltrator, I’ll give you a choice. Join us, and you might live. Refuse, and I’ll either kill you outright or leave you with the love I already gave you to fend for yourself. If you join us, you will obey our King. If you don’t obey, I will break you. The rules are simple.”

“What king?”

“The boss, he’s really nice,” Three ignores his personal space, shoves his muzzle close to the infiltrator’s, and gives him a wide smile.

“AAAAH!” the wounded changeling scoots away, “Okay, okay, I’ll join! I’ll join! Anything is better than what ponies are going to do to changelings if they find us.”

Eight nods, putting her horn to his and letting another green spark flow between them.

“This should be enough to let you walk. Stay here. We’ll get you out at night-”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that, ‘Truncheon’,” laughs Slipstream from the cellar entrance, accompanied by two exceedingly strong earthponies, each carrying a pitchfork, “You’re not too smart, bugs. Real Truncheon would never, EVER be this worried about work no matter what the Mayor would say. Also, you’re not enough of an asshole. I’d give the performance a three out of ten.”

Eight drops her disguise in a burst of fire, making the trio jump.

“Don’t blame me, I’m not an infiltrator. I can punch your muzzle so hard you’ll be shitting teeth for a week, though.”

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