• Published 10th Oct 2018
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Üā Sūt Cktüis (How to be Dragon) - Rammy

After failing to teach Spike how to fly Twilight asks for Dragon Lord Ember help fill in her gaps of 'dragonish' knowledge. Whom Ember sends in response will send shock waves through Equestria and beyond...

  • ...

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Chapter 19: Uz Cktretethzija (To Claim)

The Name, The Territory, The Hoard: To Claim. ~ Unknown

The sun was just beginning to rise above the Crystal Mountains when Šizra stirred. From his advantage point in the throne room, he could see low dark clouds churning to the north of the Empire. To an uninformed observer it would just seem like a typical winter storm was building, but he and those who had been in the throne room the night before would know otherwise. It was time to make his way down to the Crystal Heart as it would not be long before the storm, and thus the Windigo of the Letuscktüi, reached the Empire.

Šizra groaned as he slowly got up onto his hooves. His legs were extremely stiff and the spells he had been using were now struggling even more to assist him. Whether this was from his injuries from the night before or if it was just his body further shutting down, he didn't know.

His rising got the attention of his protégé who yawned as he stood and stretched. "Any sign of the Windigo?"

Šizra hmmed before looking over to see that the praetorian changeling guard Pharynx, still in his pony disguise, was watching them both closely. Šizra could not see anyone else around, again given that there were changelings here it was not a given that they were alone. "Praetorian Pharynx, notify Princess Candance and Hive Leader Thorax that the Windigo will be soon arrive."

By the time Šizra made his way down to the square below the Spire the storm had reached the border of the Empire. Several groups of crystal ponies were huddling around the square, most were merely chatting with each other, but a few were looking to the north with trepidation. Šizra figured that those were most likely disguised changelings of Thorax's hive as a 'mere' blizzard in winter should not be something that would concern the average crystal pony.

Šizra groaned a bit as he proceeded to sit down in front of the Crystal Heart. It wasn't a long walk down to the heart from the throne but he still ached all over. It wasn't long before Hive Leader Thorax (back in his pony disguise from the night prior), Praetorian Pharynx, Princess Candace, Twilight, and Shining Armor cautiously joined him, standing in a semi-circle mere hooves behind him. Šizra ignored them as he was not too concerned over an attack with his protégé standing right next and slightly behind him.

Thorax was the first to speak after a few minutes of tense silence. "Last night, when you said that you had to make a choice between one life or two. What did you mean?"

Šizra looked back and let his gaze fall up and down the disguised changeling, trying to get a read on him. "What was Spike to you?"

"A friend." Thorax answered without hesitation.

"Friend like a pony, friend like a dragon, or friend like a changeling?"

Thorax blinked, opened and closed his mouth, then blinked some more before finally saying, "What?"

"Don't listen to him Thorax," Twilight grumbled, rolling her eyes, "a friend is a friend."

"Typical sanctimonious pony creed spouting that friendship can only be pony friendship." Šizra said with a low growl. "No, a friend is not a friend. The different races are not 'same inside, different outside' and even within the same race there are vast differences in culture."

"Like a vile creature like you would know a thing about friendship." Twilight sneered back.

"Insolent wyrm," Šizra now growled out through gritted teeth. He was tempted to have the Crystal Heart fling her out of the Empire but refrained only for the sake of Not-Spike. "Cozy Glow killed Lāckta and would have killed Ilcktulsivitātes Hzathtola if he hadn't been in a pocket dimension, both are my friends."

"You?" Twilight sputtered out in disbelief. "Friends with Discord?! You tried to kill him!"

"Being my friend does not excuse threatening the very fabric of magic and thus risking every life on Cktasaule."

Twilight looked like she was ready to give another retort when Not-Spike walked back to her reached out and held Twilight's jaw shut, much to her shock.

"Stop." Not-Spike hissed softly, "Just fucking stop antagonizing the Hermit Sage."

Not-Spike then put a finger to his mouth before letting go while gesturing with his head to indicate for her to follow him. Šizra watched the two as they walked some distance away before a heated conversation broke out between the two. He sighed as he turned away to wait. While he doubted that Not-Spike would be able to get through to her and get her to stop altogether he was sure that his protégé could get her at least tone down her hostility. He waited patiently until Not-Spike and Twilight returned, both looking emotionally drained.

"Tell me how you became friends with Spike." Šizra asked Thorax after waiting a moment longer to see if Twilight would remain silent.

"From the moment I first split my egg in the nursery hive... all I've ever wanted is a friend..." Thorax slowly began, pausing a bit as he looked off into the distance, towards Equestria to the south. "Chrysalis was queen of the hive when she decided to attack Canterlot during the royal wedding between Princess Candance and Prince Shining Armor, but when I saw Twilight and her friends working together to try and stop the hive, I'd never seen true friendship like that! And I couldn't just steal it and feed on its love. I wanted to share it! I thought if I had a friend, maybe the love we shared could sustain me. So I left the hive looking for love to share, but I ended up starving..."

Šizra nearly snorted at the naïve assumption. Of course, changelings could share emotional energy but still needed some emotion to survive. Thorax's mistake was not knowing the difference laid in how the emotional energy was harvested. Not that Šizra would blame him for not knowing, that was on Chrysalis.

"I somehow ended up drawn by the love that was pouring out from the Crystal Empire... Spike stumbled upon me while I was hiding from a guard patrol in the snowy foothills just outside the city. Spike..." Thorax looked down, his eyes watering, "he risked his reputation and more trying to help me."

"And is that why you brought your hive here?"

Thorax exhaled deeply, a look of shame and guilt crossing over him before he slowly answered. "Six years ago a group of armed ponies claiming that they were merely passing through to get to the dragonlands instead without warning turned around ambushed the hive..."

"Over a third of the hive was killed or injured fleeing into the badlands. My brother, the idiot," Pharynx grumbled, interrupting Thorax and ignoring the annoyed glare from his brother, "tried talk to the scum down alone, like an even bigger idiot. If I hadn't ignored his stupid orders..."

"Pharynx that is enough!" Thorax yelled hotly before his countenance fell and his eyes watered. "I don't need you to callously remind me all the time of how many I failed... and how so many died because I... because I..."

"Brother, I..." Pharynx started as Thorax began to wail but stopped when Candace put a hoof to his shoulder and shook her head.

"Thorax look at me." Candace softly requested, gently lifting up the crying changeling's head. "Deep breaths. That's it, breathe."

It took a few minutes but eventually Thorax calmed down enough and continued his tale. "What remained of the hive managed to flee into the badlands... but there was little to no food there and... and even more starved to death in the months after... In the end, four hundred was... Four hundred was all that remained when we managed to convinced Candance and Shining Armor to grant the hive asylum here in the Crystal Empire..."

"Four-four hundred!?" Twilight sputtered. "But-but that's-that's..."

"Less than a quarter..." Thorax sighed, his head dropping down once again in guilt.

Šizra closed his eyes as the rage and sorrow threatened to overwhelm him. He knew that things were far more dire for the hive than that devastating number revealed. For a hive, especially a small hive, to lose three quarters of its population... Even if the remaining changelings were healthy and in the prime of their lives, which he doubted, it was highly likely that this hive would not see two more generations.

"Šizra, please," Thorax nearly begged, "just tell me what happened to Spike."

"He sacrificed himself so I could live..." Not-Spike murmured before Šizra could respond, the young dragon looking away in shame as everyone turned to stare at him.

Šizra sighed. What Not-Spike had said was a bit more simplistic than the full truth, but the more detailed explanation that he could give was forgotten as the storm that marked the approach of the Windigo suddenly surged forward, crashing against the edges of the city like a wave, rising high into the sky. Several ponies scrambled away in fright when the clouds roared its way down the main road towards the Spire only coming to a stop mere hooves from the Spire.

Šizra quietly and patiently waited as minutes passed with no change. It was nearly an hour later when he saw shadows moving from within the clouds. By than even more crystal ponies had gathered with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. He ignored the gasps of surprise from them when a black letuscktüis whelp with pale white wings stepped out of the churning fog and billowing snow followed shortly by a white and blue letuscktüis whelp. As neither were wearing the Amulet of the Winds, he forwent paying any closer attention to them. Although he did note that the second one was wearing a cream-colored jacket which bit odd but not improbable.

That changed when the second dragon nearly tripped over his tail causing the first dragon to roll his eyes and grumble as he helped steady the second. Šizra blinked, nearly dismissing what he saw as a figment of his mind. When the white and blue dragon stumbled, he had caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a sand scorpion ocarina half hidden under the jacket the dragon wore. But Šizra could do nothing but stare in disbelief when the whelp, once steadied, fully pulled out the ocarina, which was tied to the whelp's neck with a chain. The young dragon examined the ocarina for a second before sighing in clear relief and stuffing it back into a pocket on inside the jacket.

Sizra just could not believe what he had just witnessed. Sand scorpion ocarinas were instruments that were made by a nomadic race that inhabited the Nether Wastes far, far to the south of the Frozen North. There were only two ways he could think of for that dragon to obtain one. One, he, or more likely his parents, had traveled that far, or two, they had managed to trade for one in Traxti. Neither one were likely as letuscktüi were not ones to travel far from either the Frozen North or the Artic South and the race that made the ocarinas were even more isolated then Equestria. So how did this letuscktüis get such an instrument?!

But his musing was quickly but to the side when a third dragon stepped out into view. This dragon was a female letuscktüis sporting deep purple and sky-blue scales. Her rare hair like spines fell slightly over her eyes while a pair of tusks like horns that curled forward from behind her head much like his friend Lāckta, except these were pure white. But what got Šizra's full attention was the Amulet of the Winds, which was softly glowing around her neck. Here was the Windigo he had summoned with his roaring.

But Šizra soon frowned as he continued to observe the young Windigo. There was something off about the way she was walking. Not only was she staring straight ahead and not giving a single glance to the gathering of ponies on either side of her, there was also an almost an imperceptible pause with every step just before her pawed foot touched the ground. It was only when as she stopped within a hundred hooves of him that he noticed the reason. His heart fell as saw her grey, almost white, eyes. If his guess on the cause of her blindness was right, it would make things all the more difficult...

"Hermit Sage."

The demanding tone gave Šizra pause, he stopped walking before looking back at his protégé. Not-Spike had never used that tone of voice with him before. But his protégé said nothing more though, merely standing with arms crossed staring at him. Those eyes... Šizra had seen those eyes once before, eyes that stared back at him with defiant power.

"Are you making Claim?" Šizra asked after a moment.

Slowly Not-Spike's gaze shifted around the gathered ponies, stopping on the statue of Spike briefly before finally snapping back to him and nodding. Šizra eyed the dragon a moment longer before stepping aside and gesturing him forward. He had not anticipated his protégé to make Claim quite this fast and not for this, but, then again, he was not totally surprised with the way Not-Spike had been acting.

The two letuscktüi drakes tensed as Not-Spike broke away from the gathered ponies and walked towards them. Šizra didn't blame them for their reaction, after all, here they were, summoned to the Crystal Empire, surrounded by their ancestral enemy, and even though Not-Spike was a dragon he was approaching them wearing armor and with two swords strapped to his back.

"I am the Guardian Dragon of the Crystal Ponies and I welcome you to the Crystal Empire!" Not-Spike jovially called out a dozen hooves away from the letuscktüi, thrusting his arms wide open and doing a single twirl that ended with a dramatic bow.

Šizra had to resist facepalming. This was not the time for over-the-top theatrics. And it seemed that he was not the only one that felt the same as both Pharynx and Twilight had facehooved while Shining Armor was shaking his head. The only good thing he could see about it was that Not-Spike actions had managed to alleviated some of the tension, if only because of how ridiculous his greeting had looked like.

"Are you the Windigo?" Not-Spike than questioned the dragoness, his tone now deadly serious.

And with word Windigo the mood plunged back down. The crystal ponies started to murmured in fear, several of them quickly fleeing away, screaming about becoming frozen statues for ice demons. The letuscktüi were not much better as the Windigo took a fearful step back with the black dragon stepping forward, snarling, while the white dragon looked like he was about to take flight.

"Crystal Ponies of the Crystal Empire, what is wrong with you?" Not-Spike angrily called out. "You gave asylum to Thorax, an 'evil' changeling who went against his people with a desire to make a friend. You praise Spike, a young dragon, who, contrary to his people 'greedy' nature, risked it all to save you all. These dragons have done nothing to you so why than do you treat this Windigo like she is a cold-hearted ice demon?"

Silence echoed across the square with many crystal ponies looking down in shame at Not-Spike's rebuke.

"They are your neighbors not your enemy." Not-Spike spoke as he turned back to the three letuscktüi.

A hesitant cheer rose up among the gathered crystal ponies along with a scattering of hooves stomps before the Crystal Heart reacted, sending a gentle pulse of mana that caused everyone including Šizra, the dragons, and disguised changelings to sparkle slightly as the wave passed over. When the crystal ponies saw this, a real cheer broke out along with chants of 'Spike' or 'Spike the Guardian Dragon.' Šizra noted a blush tempered by a cringe on Not-Spike's face and he shook his head a bit as his protégé struggled with the conflicting emotions. Not-Spike was going to need to tell them the full truth sooner or later but given what he now knew he doubted it was going to change things a single bit.

As the cheering faded and things turned serious again with Not-Spike speaking softly to the Windigo, Šizra couldn't stop smiling at how proud he was for his protégé. Not only had Not-Spike deescalated the situation swiftly and smartly he was offering amity between the Empire and the Letuscktüi of the Frozen North. That was something Šizra would not have even thought of possible and would have vehemently opposed. But now? If anyone could manage to bring real peace between the two, he was going to put his hope in his protégé.

All this made Šizra think back through the last ten years and what he had seen in those years and what he knew about Spike and his protégé. In many ways, the life of Spike was the reverse of Šizra's sire, the story of the liberation of the Empire and of Thorax only cementing the parallels Šizra saw further. And now with what his protégé had claimed as hoard... Šizra hoped that this time his protégé would succeed where he, his sire, and his parents did not. He only wished he could be of more assistance but with his approaching death... No, that was not true, there was one last thing he could do for the young dragon that he knew would prove very useful.

Šizra's biological father, his sire, had written many journals in the later part of his life. And for the entire five years Spike called the Glittering Isles home, those journals were the only reading material he ever allowed the young dragon to read. Well, technically they were copies that were translated into modern Equestrian. (The originals were too valuable to be handled much less read by someone that could damage them in spite.) Most of the journals covered Šizra's sire's personal journey from being an enemy of all dragons, especially of the tzircktstelescktüi, to discovering all that he had been taught and known about them was wrong, and then to finally becoming friends and even family to a pair of tzircktstelescktüi.

Those journals were precious to Šizra as they were all that remained of his sire. Sadly, nothing of his dam's survived the Cataclysm. Not that he ever knew her as she died shortly after giving birth to him, but there were still times he wished he had at least something of hers. That was beside the point, those journals, along with Leafcutter, were, what one could say, the crown jewels of his hoard. But soon it wouldn't matter... to him at least. But to his protégé? The path and hoard his protégé had chosen was going to be a long and difficult one. One that Šizra knew would greatly benefit from the hard-earned wisdom contained within those journals. But first, he would have to to see if it was going to be doable.

Shine like rainbows oh-oh-oh
Shine like rainbows...

Šizra stop singing, letting a small smile to form. He had see a scattering of heads swaying in time to the beat of the few bars that he had sung. It seemed that the crystal ponies would be receptive to a heartsong from him. The only negative reaction he saw was from Twilight who looked like she had swallowed a lemon. But he knew how to tailor the heartsong to make it next to impossible for her to do anything but let the heartsong play out. Which was good as he was going to need all the help he could get to do what he was about to do. He had to not only trigger and maintain a heartsong he also had to summon all four hundred thirteen of his sire's journals from the other side of the world past all the wards and protections. The feat he was about to do was going to make the summing of the jar of zap apple jam he did for Spike look foalishly easy. It would, most likely, even with the assistance of the crystal ponies, be the last thing he would ever do.

"My protégé soon the world will see you shine and I wish I could see it but your journey isn't mine..."

Once upon a time, you came into my world and made the stars align

Šizra now sang full force, gathering the attention of everyone nearby to him.

Now I have see the signs, you picked us up when we were down so we can shine
Shine like rainbows
Shine like rainbows
Shine like rainbows
Shine like rainbows

To Šizra's relief not only did the crystal ponies joined in for the chorus but the magic of the heartsong had built to the point that music instruments could be heard accompanying them. With the heartsong in full force Šizra began to weave the necessary spells using the heartsong and the unique properties of the crystal Empire along with the leyonic nexus below the Spire to reach out to summon the journals.

Alas, my life is over and now no longer can I be there by your side
But as the dragons come alive, I sing this song to lift you up so you can shine
And the sound that I hear in my heart
Makes a crescendo
And your light that ignites in the dark
It makes us all glow
And shine like rainbows (shine like rainbows)
You shine like rainbows (shine like rainbows)

Šizra smiled when he saw one by one the journals of his sire beginning to appear the the air above him. As each one floated by him he used a bit of magic to emboss in gold upon each book cover the title The Journals of Harmonious Knight. before gently pushing the journal towards his protégé in time to the music.

Now, here I now stand
As the night begins to light
And now hold your head up high
As your fire shines through us all
And the sound that I hear in my heart
Makes a crescendo
And your light that ignites in the dark
It makes us all glow
And shine like rainbows (shine like rainbows)
You shine like rainbows (shine like rainbows)
Shine like rainbows
You shine like rainbows (shine like rainbows)

Suddenly Šizra collapsed to the ground, unable to continue singing, panting hard with froth coating every inch of his body. To his surprise, the heartsong, instead of fading out, surged to even greater heights as the sounds of a sand scorpion ocarina echoed out in an instrumental bridge. He mouthed 'impossible,' his mind reeling at what he was witnessing. The white and blue dragon had skillfully picked up and continued his failing heartsong. That alone was shocking, as to continue someone else's failing heartsong was already extremely difficult to begin with, especially as this dragon didn't know him or exactly why he was singing, but to do it as an instrumental on top of that?! Finally, just to add more onto the unlikelihood of the situation, Šizra could also feel his strength slowly returning to him. How was this dragon managing, not one, but three rare feats for heartsongs, all at the same time!? The only thing he could think of was that this white and blue dragon was some sort of natural prodigy never before seen on Cktasaule.

As Šizra sensed the heartsong about to build to another pre-chorus he felt recovered enough that he should be able to finish the heartsong and summon the final journals. Slowly he got back onto his legs and then reached out to pull upon the strands of the fading spell he had been using to summon the journals. Quickly the spell returned to its full power with a flash of another journal. Šizra nearly chuckled as he glanced over at the neat piles of journals around his protégé and saw his shocked expression, his wide eyes staring unblinking onto a journal in his grasp.

The sound that I hear in my heart
Makes a crescendo
And the light that ignites in the dark
It makes us all glow
You shine like rainbows (shine like rainbows)
Shine like rainbows
You shine like rainbows (shine like rainbows)

Shine like rainbows...

With those final words Šizra let the heartsong come to an end allowing its magic to quickly fading away. The final book that he had summoned, an Ancient Alicorn to Traxti Trading language translation book, gently dropped on top of the journal still in his protégé's hands. The book contained an enchantment, that if he needed or wanted, his protégé could activate which would temporarily translate the journals for easier reading.

Šizra breathed out a satisfied sigh as effects the magic of heartsong gave way to the weight of the what he had just done. He had used far more magic than his battered and weak body could ever handle, performing a feat of magic not seen in twenty five thousand years or more. He knew he now had mere moments to live, and, unlike the last time, when he had been unable to stop Ember before she unleashed her dragons upon Equestria and had to remove Spike from Twilight's care, he felt no regrets. This time he was content, happy almost. His protégé had a hoard and his sire's writings should be all the help the young dragon would need to navigate the managing of his hoard from here on out.

But as he saw the still stunned face of his protégé shakily clutching both the journal and the translation book he thought of something else. Something that he had only done two other times. And given his feelings about his protégé, and coupled with the fact that he had already gifted the dragon with a part of his hoard...

Šizra slowly made his way towards his protégé even though every breath was now a struggle. His vision faded in and out with each excruciatingly painful step. At one point, merely steps away, one of his knees give out nearly sending him tumbling to the ground.

Come on... Šizra screamed internally when he found that the knee just would not move. MOVE!

In the end, he ended up ignoring the now useless leg, dragging his body forward on his three still working legs the final few hooves. Thankfully, he was close enough for his protégé to catch him when the rest of his legs finally gave out from under him. As Šizra looked up and saw the eyes of his panicking protégé he tried to lift a paw to comfort him but couldn't, he just didn't have the strength anymore.

He gazed steadfast into the eyes of his protégé, and then opened his mouth to whisper his final words. "Lathi... sauc... Šihzra Vairozs." (My name is Šihzra Vairozs)

And with that Šihzra let go of the fight and knew no more.

Author's Note:

Thanks Frostbite4 for the dragon with the sand scorpion ocarina OC who is here as a cameo. He is more prominently featured in my Keeper Trilogy.

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