• Member Since 16th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen April 6th



Fluttershy buys a painting from a new stall in Ponyville markets. It's a quaint picture of a rural cottage surrounded by grasslands and farm animals. It fills her with a curious feeling of longing that she hasn't felt before. Why should she? Her life is already like it.
But new animals start appearing around her home, and her own animals begin disappearing. Why and how she doesn't know, but she has to save them. She has to save all of them.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 12 )

It's an interesting Horror story. But I'm not entirely sure how what happened happened. What was the thing in the painting? Did it have something to do with Wheat Grass, or was it something else altogether? Why was it stealing animals if Fluttershy was already in/going to be in the painting? How did Fluttershy get into the painting?
Very mysterious. A very good short horror story. But I'd just like some explanations through pm if you don't mind.

The thing was probably magic or a pony before her. Everything was being replaced by what Fluttershy owned and items from the painting added to her home. Hence the chickens going missing and cows appearing.

Why doesn't this story have better ratings?

Horror is niche by itself. Horror with ponies is double-niche. It's sad, but I believe that is the main cause.

Well, it might not be much, but you have certainly earned a favorite and thumbs up from me.

Easy resolution Fluttershy just waits until one of her friends investigates why she's gone missing They encounter the invisible wall they get Twilight on the case and they save her. :twistnerd:

Oh Fluttershy, you do your best to help any animal no matter what. You're so sweet! :yay:

Wait. So it didn't need to take all of the animals for her to get... converted? What was the point of one by one then? I liked the story, but now it seems switching the animals by one was pointless if it could change that quick.

Bravo! Bravo! I never saw the end coming! I was so excited to see what twilight was going to do about it!!

This was good, but kinda vague in an obscure way.
I kinda get the feeling it happened over a couple days while no pony outside would notice so it was testing to see if Fluttershy was a good target for the replacement, but it leaves it begging the question of what happened when everypony noticed such a prominent member of their town going missing.

I love that ending. I wonder how long Fluttershy had been in a painting and I like that there's room to ponder about implications like that. Gives a very unique sort of existential dread. Anyway, this was an amazing read and I'm very glad to have stumbled across it!

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