• Member Since 18th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 14th

Scarlett Haze


The good Doctor Horrible, now full villain of the Evil League of Evil, has begun to look back on his quest to get to where he is. Rewatching his old blogs, he remembers the liquid gold that he managed to pull from the bank with his transmatter ray. It may not be about making money, but not many people will believe you took gold bars when your proof is the same consistency as water. So in an attempt to fix the problem, he plans to rework the old transmatter ray and make the liquid go back into a more solidified state.

That's... when things don't go so well. When the smoke clears and the Doctor sees what has happened, he's in a different basement, in a different world, in a different body. Now, the aptly named Doctor Adorable, AKA Fluttershy, needs to learn how to either return back to Earth, or live out this new life that has actual friends that care about him... her... it's confusing.

Based on, what else? Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog and Dr. Adorable's Ask-Along Blog
Italics = Singing part of the song
Gained approval by the creator of Dr. Adorable! SQUEE!

Umm... and if you want to give me a better picture than the one I'm using, then that would be great... that is, if you don't mind...

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 102 )

Well THIS should be interesting.

Big fan of both Doctor Horrible and Adorable, so instant favorite.

954243 :yay:

Actually, just :yay: all around going on here. I'm in a good mood!

You......... Magnificent Bastard...... I love you so much dude. SO MUCH.

I love Neil Patrick Harris, one of the most comedic, awesome, and all around straight-aura gay actors I've ever had the pleasure of watching. I love his voice in musicals, and love you for writing this. Thumbing this up, wish I could give you a hundred. :pinkiehappy:

... Well, this will be interesting. Continue!

Doctor Adorable? Hell, I don't even need to read it, instant like!
I'll get to it later, some stuff to do first.

I cant wait to see more. You can probably guess the reason why I liked and faved this.

I LOVE THIS. whoops, caps lock.:twilightoops:



I am watching. Do not disappoint me.

956575 No pressure then? :twilightoops: No pressure whatsoever...

Well now, this is certainly going to end in an entertaining fashion, if nothing else.

This sounds interesting!! I love Dr. Horrible! Excited to see the pony version :pinkiesmile:

You're definitely too cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS- Your writing is also awesome. :heart:

960598 Aaaanndd storing that comment for confidence boosting needs :pinkiehappy:

Reads title: Instant attraction :duck:

First song: Instant LOVE! :pinkiehappy:

I am loving this! Can't wait for the rest!

I love how you're incorporating all of the song from the original into your piece. So much win! :yay:

Internal debate between Dr. Horrible and Fluttershy? Love it! :rainbowkiss:

Okay, so Fluttershy is either not there or is in the mind looking over him. I'm interested in finding where this goes.

Now it's getting interesting....

Plot twist! I just know Robo-Horrible will try and take the evil Doctors's place permanently, so Dr. Horrible will either A: Be kept in Equestria for good as Robo-Horrible takes his place, or B: He'll find a way back and will fight Robo-Horrible (Calling him RH from now on) and will most likely be thrown back into Equestria. Or maybe it's good ol' C: Something I haven't thought of. Also: When did Dr. Adorable/Horrible return home? I know last chapter he/she just wanted to go home but I'm not sure. This means she won't get her Cutie Mark if she isn't at Flight Camp! Canon is now (probably) kaput.

1036178 You haven't read the part about the time piece? Different Dimensions,different rules. Basically this is an add on for Act 1 Scene 1 that I had realized 'I need to put Moist in here so it makes sense, AHHHHH!'

that's the best way to leave a message.

1036184 I did not notice anything other than 'A few moments ago'. And there's really nothing else to say a change of time. Also it's called 'Act 1, Scene 3.5.' So if it's an add on to 'Act 1, Scene 1' shouldn't this chapter be 'Act 1, Scene 1.5'? Sorry, it's just confusing for me.

1036210 Yeah, I need to figure this out, hold on, I'm going to start bashing my head against the wall and hopefully fix this...

1036216 That's why you're called 'Quick Fix'! You made that too easy...

You know, you could have used the vocal version of the Bad Horse Chorus.

1040514 I think its funner if its sung out in your head as you read. At least that's my opinion.

Fluttershy, stop making Doctor Horrible's life difficult.

Suddnely ice ball

:fluttershbad: scream

Tenbatsu, things are complicating themselves...
Excellent chapter!:twilightsmile:

Really good, cant wait from Brand New Day.
:yay: "Its abrand new day,
:yay: and Celestia is high,
:yay: all the pegasi are singing
:flutterrage: that you are gonna die!"

nice song-poem-rhyme-whatever thing. Bright colors hurt my eyes

1093153 Yeah, it's difficult to distinguish between Dash and Fluttershy and those two colors were the closest I could fit with. Unless there's another option I can try, it's gonna stay like that for every mix part.

I'll read this soon, but first I just got to say that this is terrifying! Dr. Horrible could easily assert his control over Equestria with a simple look?

Adorable + The Stare = :flutterrage:ULTIMATE POWER:flutterrage:

I'll put it on my 'read later' list.

1099231 =O

What treacherous villainy is this?! I had not even thought of that... Well, FS DID say she couldn't control "The stare" though, so there's that.:trixieshiftright:

I WILL PROOFREAD! PWEEZ? I LOVE DOCTOR HORRIBLE!!!!!! pm me wit the answer please.

This looks AWESOME! Can't wait to read it!:rainbowdetermined2:


around straight-aura gay actors

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Edit: I tell a lie; I would have mentioned ponies.

This. This has epic possibilities.

...I think the robot will make some chaos over there.:facehoof:
Awaiting further releases!:fluttershysad:

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