• Member Since 27th May, 2012
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Pennington Inkwell

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Tempest Shadow had been surprised when Princess Twilight had offered her friendship. She had been even more surprised when Twilight stood up for her in her trial, helping her gain legal absolution from her past.

Now, she is trying to start with a clean slate, turning to the familiar military structure of Equestria's Night Guard. Upon arriving at the New Lunar Republic for her training, however, she finds that legal forgiveness does not mean Equestria has forgotten her past. Now, winning one instructor's good word is all that stands between her and moving forward with her life.

But why oh WHY did Princess Twilight have to send her to a pony so STUBBORN?

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 37 )

intresting and well-written , everything the movie is not

My stories have a slightly different take on the NLR and the Solar Empire, where they're simply specialized branches of the military focused on the needs of a particular Princess.

Also, in this story, does Tempest still have her personal Airship? If so, that could be interesting.

Well, I had assumed that all of the airships were destroyed in the giant tornado the Storm King made, but I suppose anything is possible!

Let me guess: Other ponies will underestimate Tempest, and pay dearly for it.

Not at all, really. This is more about Tempest proving she's changed than about Tempest showing anyone up or getting revenge.

I knew Moonstone was more than just an assistant. Yay! I liking her more and more.

so your empire isn't an empire, and your republic isn't a republic, but you still call them that anyways?

Mind Boggling.

"Don't thank me, Fizzlepop. Thank me when you pass. Until then, your fate is still... up in the air..." With that, he swiftly shut the door again.

There was an awkward moment of silence as Tempest slowly came to the realization that he had just repeated the same threat she had made to Capper before taking him prisoner, obviously gleaned from his testimony in her file.

"That smug son of a-"


I would to see Tempest and Scorching battle it out.

Mother of the Moon, Moonstone is awesome!

No you're awesome. Thanks anyway.

I thought things were getting a bit too much, I'm glad this chapter cleared everything up. You can't just walk around gathering blackmail material about your superior officer and flaunt it in his face, though I can understand why Tempest is angry at his treatment of her.

Like maybe have it being looked after Grubber, and have it show up when she gets leave.

Wow. Just wow.

hm. after reading this, I must conculde that inkwell is an iredeemable asshole who deserves only a grisley death. that character has no redeeming qualities at all. tempest was treated quite unfairly, and the author abused her without reason. the fic seems to only exist to abuse tempest...

If you hate him, then that means I'm doing my job right. After being the protagonist for many other stories of mine, I wanted to change things up with my OC for this story and make him the antagonist, to show that he can have a nasty side.

As for your opinion that the story exists "only to abuse Tempest," I wanted to try my hand at writing an underdog story. Right now, at this point, Tempest is just about to start her comeback. She's starting at the bottom, but she had to get there, first.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, if this is your reaction, I think I'm doing at least an okay job! :twilightblush:

So... thanks!

Oh my Luna this chapter. When Penn reveal the plan I face palmed.

I could probably have handled that part better. I think this chapter was rushed.

A bit, but still entertaining to read.

There's just one thing wrong with this story: The supposed timing of events.

Two weeks since the greatest act of war since Tirek's rampage!

You said in this chapter to place the Storm King's invasion.
Afraid not.
The Storm King came before Tirek did.
The timing is all in the details.
If you want to know what I mean, check out Twilight's crown...

I guess my logic is more based off the fact that no hippogriffs have appeared in the show until after Season 7, so I assumed that the movie took place between 7 and 8.

But even so, I try not to worry too much about the chronological order of events. Season 1 gave us "Applebuck Season" (Fall), then "Winter Wrap-Up" (Winter/Spring) seven episodes later, then "Fall Weather Friends" (Fall again) TWO episodes later, all in a single season. In the words of MST3K...

"Space is warped and time is bendable."

I appreciate your concern for accuracy, though!

I'm just here to give my own interpretation of things and hopefully tell a good story or two.


I guess my logic is more based off the fact that no hippogriffs have appeared in the show until after Season 7, so I assumed that the movie took place between 7 and 8.

That is the first return to the Hippogriffs, true. Those involved with making the movie have said that it takes place in Season Four, not long after Twilight has become the Princess of Friendship, which is why she is so unsure of herself and what Friendship means to her. In many ways, this is Twilight's first existential crisis as a Princess. From what I have seen in the episodes, this takes place pretty much within the first part of Season Four, possibly after Princess Twilight (Where Twilight loses the Element Crown), but before Equestria Games (Where she gains her slender crown with the five jewels). We see her with a new crown in the Movie, and Tempest crushes it, so it logically should take place between those two points.

But even so, I try not to worry too much about the chronological order of events. Season 1 gave us "Applebuck Season" (Fall), then "Winter Wrap-Up" (Winter/Spring) seven episodes later, then "Fall Weather Friends" (Fall again) TWO episodes later, all in a single season. In the words of MST3K...

"Space is warped and time is bendable."

As the Doctor said: "To play with Time, you have to know what falls where".

I appreciate your concern for accuracy, though!

I'm just here to give my own interpretation of things and hopefully tell a good story or two.

And so far you have! I've enjoyed reading what you've written. The easiest thing about writing for Tempest is that she hasn't shown up in the common episodes yet, which makes writing for her much easier. So much is left open for interpretation...


Man, those ending words made me cry...

So much has happened with these wonderful characters, and you've really gotten better at writing Twilight in the meantime! Keep it uuuup!

I enjoy the characters most of all. They work well together.

Will there be a sequel?

Yes! I'm taking a short break in between stories and some cover art is being done by a good friend of mine, but there is already a sequel in the works! Keep an eye out for "Shadowed Skies," coming soon!


Is it wierd that I just had a vision of a southern pony screaming "YOU FUCKIN DEMOCRAT!"

"Then, by the power invested in me as General..." Quick Strike turned and looked at Moonstone.


Yup. Quick Strike outranks just about everyone.

She just hates stuffy rooms and uniforms.

I reread, and...

She has a poorly-controlled temper and a tendency to resolve problems via violence.

Actually, no. Even when angry - she only sparks her horn, but that's it. She's in control. The problem here is that you didn't make Tempest angry, you didn't make her pissed. You made her abolutely enraged. You, Penn, or whomever the helll you are. You FAILED. Tempest doesn't have anger management issues, not more than any other living being. And any other living being would too be pissed off, when they are blocked, or accused, unfairly.

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