• Published 12th Jan 2018
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Meta Gamer in Equestria: Odyssey - reflective vagrant

A fairly standard Human is sent to Equestria and transformed story. This time into the form of his own custom RPG character.

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Chapter 23. Truth be Told, Part 1.

Days had passed by as we spent as many waking moments to optimize our odds as we could. Even Fluttershy took a few breaks from trying to find a new senior officer in order to help with a few details now and then.

It all came to fruition as we submitted our plea to the courts.

I sat there on the floor at the prosecution table in the court that would be used to sentence Tempest in a few days time. Sunburst and I waited for the judge acting as representative of the sentencing committee to read through the details of our case.

The mare sitting at the judge's bench lifted the next page with her horn and raised an eyebrow. "I was impressed that you were able to find the proper channels to go through for a preemptive request screening, being a foreigner. Though it is technically your right, this is the first time in my twenty years I've even had to handle an improper procedure case like this, wartime or not. The penalty for improper paperwork on these things is not something to laugh at, so most ponies make sure to do it right."

She put the papers down and stared squarely at me. "And I'm further surprised at not only how well your plea is put together and resourced, but that you are solely asking for leniency."

A smile cracked from her otherwise blank business like expression. "If you are from a land different than that of the invading forces, I think I might like to meet more of your kind."

A shiver went down my spine as my face turned to the floor, scowling. Before I could control myself, I blurted out a response.

"No, you don't!" I practically commanded her in a voice so firm it surprised even me.

Silence fell on the room as both Sunburst and the committee representative stared at me for my outburst when I looked up again.

My eyes went back and forth between them a few times before I hung my head again and took a deep breath.

"I'm ashamed of my home world. While at first glance the people of my homeland seem alright, that's what makes them so deadly..."

In the dream realm.

"I still hear tales of that day now and again. I don't think either of us need to re live that speech you gave about your home world."

Princess Luna gave a laugh at the memories. "I had already known of course and gave the briefest of classified summaries to the leaders of the allied nations, but the common populace were horrified of the tale of your home world and wanting to cry along side you at the same time. After you left, Zecora and I were called in to confirm your tale and quell the mild panic you wound up causing. Since you had finally spoke of it yourself, I was able to clarify what I knew publicly."

I looked over at the princess. I didn't know if I wanted to scowl at her or laugh with her. "Including the fact that the images of my home that you saw didn't match up with any of the other prisoners that had been put through astral judgement at the time. That would have cleared up so much rumor about me if you were able to talk before."

She wiped a tear with her for-ankle, nodded and gave another laugh. "You were the only one found innocent. Yet, at the same time you were the one that proved the most productive under judgement despite knowing nothing of the invasion. Every other prisoner that we used the Astral Judgement on was simply paid by a hooded figure to be muscle for the invading army. Bane was careful to never have his underlings know too much. It's like he expected them to be captured. Tidbits of troop movements and tactics was the best we could ever extract from them."

"Save for Archimedes of course. When he came along, our entire situation was flipped on its head."

"Yes, that dear broken soul. He lost so much. I hope we can eventually give him the peace he is looking for."

She shook her head and continued, "But we are getting off topic. Something is telling me that this is just another thought festering in the shadow of the real reason of why you are ashamed."

I finally decided to laugh a little without feeling bad about it. "Zecora thought she knew me so well. She couldn't get me because she never hated herself like we hated ourselves. You understand this monster far more than she ever did. Thanks for being patient with me. Now, where was I?"

Back in the courtroom, several minutes later.

"-If you give them an inch, they will take a mile and say it still isn't enough, like spoiled toddlers. Some are decent enough and one in maybe a few thousand might be genuinely good, but never let those good ones make you feel like you can trust the race on the whole. That's the most deadly mistake you could ever make with them."

I took a deep breath, held it a moment and then let it out with all the anguish I had bottled up about it, barely holding myself up by leaning on the prosecution desk.

"There, I said it. I finally sai..." I lost my breath when I looked up and around. I found the previously empty court room was now mostly filled with ponies looking at me in varied degrees of shock.

"Moss, you knew this was an open preliminary, right?" Sunburst whispered in my ear.

Whispers and murmurings started to spread across the courtroom before the sound of a gavel being pounded repeatedly silenced every pony.

"Order! Order in the court! The information volunteered by Moss, as unorthodox as it was, has been recorded and anypony may comb through it in detail after we have adjourned."

The acting judge looked straight at me with an impatient look on her face. "I apologize for causing your frustrations to come to the surface, but I must ask that we continue without any further interruptions like that."

I shrank under her stare and pressed my amulet to make sure I was topped off on time. "I under... ahem! I under stand, your honor."

Some of the ponies left while others took a seat as we got ourselves reset. Once that was over the judge asked me, "So, if I might ask, what even prompted you to ask for leniency?"

I shook my head a little. "While Spa... Fizzlepop Berrytwist was quite intimidating, she was never unreasonably paranoid or abusive, for being at war at least. The biggest thing that scared me was not knowing what my captor wanted due to the language barrier. I don't know if she had mentioned the option back before Starlight was able to create the translation device, but if I had known about the war and Astral Judgement, I probably would have volunteered for the procedure anyway. I wanted answers as badly as she did back then and it would have seemed like my best chance at the time."

The judge was taken back to her prior state of awe at what I said. "I... See. Well, you're reasons for your recommendation will be sent to the rest of the counsel to review. Procedure would have me ask more questions now to avoid needless complications at the final hearing, but I was not prepared for a request of leniency. We will simply have to review your request and compile a larger than anticipated list to ask at the sentencing. Your presence will not be absolutely necessary, but it will certainly help us understand your request better."

She then picked up the gavel again and struck it once on the Bench. "The preliminary hearing is adjourned."

* * *

Starburst and Fluttershy sat next to me on the bench just outside the court room. "I'm so sorry for the outburst in there, guys." I said to break the awkward silence. "I wanted to say something before, but I just couldn't. I was too ashamed. When she said she wanted to meet more of my kind I just co-"

"I don't know what angle you're playing, outsider!" I heard a disturbing and somewhat familiar voice call out from the crowded hallways.

I turned in the direction of the voice to see the crowd parting with Chancellor Neighsay coming forth.

"I've been watching you since you were set loose and you have been playing far too nice. First you cooperate with the local guards to let them understand your abilities, then you refuse to press charges on Spoiled Rich, and now you are asking for leniency on Fizzlepop Berrytwist!"

He stopped in front of the bench and gave a quick glance to the ponies on either side of me. "Nopony plays nice like that in the courts without a reason! Mark my words! I may not know your angle right now, but seeing as you all but admitted to being an invader in there, describing your home world like that, I will dedicate my every waking hour to thwarting your plans and ensuring your request is denied. I may not be a member of the committee overseeing the hearings, but I have my ways!"

With this, he stormed off.

"Well, that just happened," Starburst said in an oddly unshaken tone. "It's amazing how that pony is so xenophobic that it drives him to see only what he wants to see. I didn't get that from your 'little' speech at all. In fact, I think it wound up helping our case."

We then looked around at the crowd with mixed expressions. "Though I feel it may have given your public image a bit of a setback." He wrote down a quick scribble in a book of his that had a moon symbol on it for a few seconds then promptly closed it with a solid thump. "But I'm confident that will be sorted out soon enough."

Author's Note:

And we are nearing the end of the first super ark/ segment. Soon we will be entering the next section where Moss actually goes out on his first proper adventure with the foretold "Knuckleheads" among other things. I hope the slow writing process hasn't dulled the interest of too many of my readers.

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