• Published 5th Jan 2018
  • 2,483 Views, 52 Comments

Rescue at Midnight Station - Sparky Brony

The crew of the USS Voyager has gone missing, it's up to Naomi Wildman, along with the Borg children and one Equestrian friend to find them.

  • ...

Part 4.

Some go fast and some go slow, few things last, but these just need to survive this one battle. The shuttlepods with their limited size and power took longer to modify. This, however, is much easier. Rebi smiles as he finishes tightening the bolts connecting the holographic grid to the ceiling of the cockpit of the Calhoun. Since its launch, the Voyager has only launched the aeroshuttle once. The captain’s yacht connected to the ventral surface of the saucer section of the USS Voyager, however, has a fair amount of firepower for a ship its size.

Azan climbs up a second ladder, several optical cables in his hands. The other ends of those cables are connected into auxiliary input-output centers for the computer core. Once they find the pilots among the holographic characters in Voyager’s main computer, they will be operating the yacht, as well as a grand total of five other shuttlecraft from Voyager. Several hours of hard work by the boys has this last setup complete.

All four type eight shuttles needed phaser emplacements installed. And then they must deal with a lack of crew to fly them. Nearly half of the holographic grid from holodeck one is now installed in the various shuttlecraft on board Voyager.
As Azan hooks up the last few connections, before he smiles at his brother. The list of tasks that Twilight Sparkle has given the ponies and them is now complete. The boys pack up the ladders and carry everything else out of the hatch of the Calhoun and back into Voyager. Azan stores the ladders as Rebi stores the rest of the tools in a utility closet. They turn and head back towards the turbolift.

Their destination isn’t holodeck two, however. Instead, they are heading to the programming alcove that Tom Paris had spent months in creating the Equestria program for Naomi. Azan presses a few keys as he gets comfortable at the programming desk. A few seconds later, Sparkler appears. She takes a moment to shake her mane, “That transfer feels really odd. You know that?” Azan and Rebi just look at her for several seconds, getting a blush from her. “Oh, yeah, you two aren’t programs. Sorry.” She trots over to them, taking a second seat. “Okay, all the preparations are done. I’ve sent a signal to Twilight letting her know how long it’ll take us to get to her. We are going to have to be very precise with our entry into the system.

“We need pilots for all the shuttlecraft,” Rebi starts.

“For all of this to work, and they need to be combat pilots,” Azan finishes.

Sparkler presses a few keys. “Well, Tom and Harry have a World War Two flying aces program. Maybe…” She frowns, continuing to work the computer, then she looks at the boys. “No humans at all in the program now. The Keritan’s must have taken them, too.” Azan and Rebi work with her, checking the various programs in the holodeck storage. Finally, she huffs, “I’m a program; I don’t know how to create new programs, other than the old-fashioned way. Wait, does that work for programs?” She taps the side of her head with a hoof. Ugh. Bad thoughts, bad thoughts.”

“Neither of us have had any training to develop holodeck programs…” Azan says.

Rebi takes up for his brother. “And then programming in advanced space combat?” He shakes his head. “I don’t see us doing that.”

Sparkler taps her hoof on her chin. “Twilight said to scour the programs for suitable pilots, but there’s only one program I can think of…” She trails off, her eyes going wide. “What we need are pilots... flyers...They need to be trained in 3D combat, high G maneuvers and need to be... able... to work...together…" She stumbles to a stop, her eyes wide.

"What are you thinking?"

"Umm, well, they are trained in air to air, and air to ground combat, as well as high precision flight maneuvers. We can add in shuttlecraft operation, that’s not too taxing. We can run them through simulations in the computer to help train them up before we have them transferred into the cores on the shuttles."


She smiles as she presses a few keys, and in the testing area, several figures appear. She looks back at the boys. “Them.”
The boys look at each other.


A few hours later, Azan and Rebi make it to the holographic bridge, and as the portal closes behind them, they look around. Every single station is manned by ponies. Azan stops short as a unicorn squeezes by him, heading towards the turbolift. Sparkler has taken residence in the captain’s chair. She glances over and smiles at them as they move to the science stations. “This is getting crazy,” Azan says; his brother nods, glancing back at the ponies.

Sparkler presses a few keys on the panel at her chair. “Okay, you boys did a really good job purging the dust from the deflectors. Simulations say we should be able to sustain warp eight, maybe a little over, but with the distance we need to travel, we can get there in about eight hours.” She looks up with a smile. “Twilight’s latest message says we need to leave in…” She taps her screen. “Twelve minutes. Ok are we ready?"

"Wait! wait, wait, wait! Oh, heavens!" Rarity trots onto the bridge, panting.

"Rarity? What's wrong? Sparkler asks, turning in her seat.

"Oh my, on a special occasion such as this, ponies working together to save humans and all, I thought we needed something special to wear," Rarity says as she lights her horn with a big smile. She lifts up several vests, much like her winter wrap up outfits, but in this case, they are gold, red, or blue colored with black trim. Each has its own Starfleet badge, and each is paired with a dark black armband with the Equestrian flag on it. Rarity smiles as everypony dons their vests, then she looks at the boys. “Now we are ready to go.”

Those minutes pass by as the crew gets ready for departure. A counter appears on the screen, and the ponies are consumed with their tasks as they complete their preparations. As the time to engage gets close, Rarity steps forward, her voice ringing clearly, “We’re on the way, we won’t hurry back again.”

Bon Bon nods from her position at tactical. “The journey is the end.”

Rainbow Dash takes it up, her hooves and wings flying over the console. “I love this very moment.” She sings as she presses the final sequence on the helm and the ship stretches as it goes into warp, her voice hanging in the air. “We’re speeding up not slowing,” she sings as the stars before the ship stretch into long lines and the ship breaks the lightspeed barrier.

“We might know, we will win, as long as we’re dumb enough to try.” Sparkler takes up the song. “That’s why they call us crazy, and we’ll say if anypony asks us.”

The ponies all join in in chorus. “Hey, where you gonna go, we're off to see the world.”

Rebi looks over at Azan as the ponies continue singing, they both shrug their shoulders as the ship streaks off into high


"They don't need to know," Twilight says as she gets the transport enhancers packed away.

"Oh!" Mezoti and Naomi say in unison.

Naomi picks up one of the backs of spatial charges. "Well it’s our choice to go anyway, you can't do everything on your own."

"There’re three targets, and three of us," Mezoti says, picking up the second pack. "We are small enough to go through the vents, so let’s do this."

“Three different destinations from one transporter pad.” She looks at the other two. “If anything goes wrong, beam back and tell Voyager to delay.” The girls both nod as Twilight presses the transporter activation key. All three of them are bathed in energy as the transporter does its job.

Twilight Sparkle has once again transported to the surface and made her way down into the caves. She has sent off a quick message as she has gotten down deep in the mines, where most of the crew of the Voyager are. Voyager went to warp hours ago. They will be here soon. She has bulging saddle bags with some very nice presents for the crew on this trip. A quick teleport has her into the main cavern once again. She glides over to the Doctor and hovers next to him.
She leans close and whispers fiercely, “Doctor, it’s Twilight Sparkle.”

To his credit, he doesn’t react outwardly as he rolls some more bandages. He doesn’t seem to have any patients that he’s actively working on at the moment, though he does nod slightly.

“We have an escape plan in progress. When Voyager gets here, we are going to teleport the entire computer core that you are on, so it’s got to be powered down before that happens, so be ready for your program to end rather abruptly.”

His eyebrows rise. “I’ll take the necessary precautions to prevent data corruption,” he whispers back.

“You’ll know when things start, but hopefully after that, you’ll be back where you belong.”

He smiles. “Just make sure to keep my mobile emitter safe, too.”

That gets a smile from her, “No promises, Doc. I’ve got a lot to do before this happens.”

He rolls his eyes and she gains some altitude. Captain Janeway must be in the tunnels, but Seven of Nine is lying down. Twilight moves over to her.

“Seven,” Twilight whispers, the former Borg’s eyes open, “I have a phaser for you. Once I give it to you, the light bending spell will wear off, so keep it hidden.”

Seven’s eyes narrow as Twilight’s telekinesis presses the phaser into her hand. As the spell releases the phaser, she presses it against her body, keeping the device hidden. She smiles slightly. “You have a very organized mind,” she whispers. “you have plans to get the doctor back?”

“Yes, Naomi is going to initiate a shutdown and disconnect the power to the core. Voyager is going to beam the whole thing out. We’ll figure out how to extract the programs and put them back where they belong when we are safe.”

Seven nods. “And the forcefields keeping the prisoners in their work areas?”

“All controlled in the main control room. They have a few new presents I’ve left for them. All timed to go off when the spatial charges that Mezoti is planting around the main complex computer and the barracks for the Keritans.”


Twilight frowns. “Though there’s one problem: we need someone to indicate to Voyager where the best surface targets are. I’ve got pattern enhancers here, and we will transport phaser rifles and more equipment down. I know where I can set it up. And I’ve also got a laser designator.”

Seven nods her head. “Lieutenant Paris and Commander Tuvok are over there. Get to them, let them know what’s going on, and give the designator to them. They can get in the enhancer’s field and the Flyer can transport them to where they can be effective.”

“What a wonderful idea,” Twilight whispers, holding herself to keep from clopping her hooves together. She nuzzles the human gently and flies over to the human and the Vulcan, both are sitting together and eating. She has them updated quickly and she quickly gets the transport enhancers in a secluded section of the enormous cavern. Quickly she flits over to a mine cart that’s heading into one of the tunnels.

The light bending spell is crucial at the moment. Twilight is sitting on the front of the mine cart as it makes its circuit through the active mining areas. She’s been able to distribute most of her phasers and com badges to the crew as she’s found them, but one more crewmember needs to be found before she’s ready. She glares at the Keritan soldier operating the mine cart as he slows it down at the next stop. A quick glance around has Twilight smiling for a change. Janeway and Chakotay are working on an outcrop of rock. She waits patiently while everyone loads the cart, then she unfurls her wings to keep aloft as the cart moves of. She gets behind the outcrop, checking quickly to see if the hologrid setup can observe her. She ducks back and cancels out the spell.

“Captain Janeway,” she whispers. The Captain turns to her, her face grim. “We are almost ready.”

Janeway looks at the purple princess for a moment before swinging her pick into the rock face. “The girls safe?”
Twilight avoids wincing. “They are as safe as they can be.” She chews on her lower lip for a moment before lighting her horn. Two phasers float towards her. She secrets one in her uniform and passes the other to Chakotay. She gets back to work quickly, keeping an eye on Twilight.

Twilight gulps softly. “Well, once things get going, everything is going to move fast. I’ve given phasers to some of the crew as I’ve found them. Once everything starts, just make your way into the main cave. You’ll be able to get to the surface from there.”


“I don’t like tight spots, I don't like tight spots, I don't like tight spots,” Mezoti repeats softly with a moan.
She’s crawling slowly, maneuvering her way through the air ducts that spread throughout the entire complex. She stops for a moment, checking the paper map Twilight had replicated for her. Though she wishes she had a PADD with an inertial navigation system, this was easier. Her Borg implants help her to keep her bearings. With a slow nod she peeks through a vent before she reaches slowly into her satchel and pulls out a spatial charge. Gently, she attaches it to the wall of the duct. A single tap on its face arms it and she crawls onward.

A vertical drop slides several meters down to an air intake. Using her hands and feet as brakes she slowly descends, as she nears the bottom, the sound of bootsteps grows louder. She freezes for a long moment as a Keritan soldier walks by. Barely breathing, she can’t do what Twilight can when it comes to disappearing, but her Borg implants let her modulate her breathing and heart rate far better than any human could. She can rely on stealth, though she knows she's not perfect. With a sigh of relief, she watches as the soldier moves on, once the sound has faded, she reaches out to pull the grate open.

Feet first, she slides through and closes the grate behind her. A quick glance shows the hallway is empty. Quickly and quietly she dashes across the hallway and pulls out the codebreaker that Seven of Nine had made a while back, or was it the doctors, well whoever left this in the shuttles storage had to be thanked. She had nearly jumped for joy when she found it in the supply boxes. She moves it close to the biometric security sensor and activates it. It hums softly as it works through the circuits in the door. As it’s working, her head pops up, the measured tread of soldiers marching has reached her ears. She whines softly as she looks at the breaker.

“Come on,” she whispers almost inaudibly. "Work faster, you silly thing."

Finally, with a subdued beep, the code slicer shifts from red to green and the automatic door opens for her and she slides through it. She glances around, workstations are arrayed around the large computer core.
She glances behind her at the door quickly, then she brings out more charges. She places them where they should escape casual notice; at least in places she can reach easily, like under console overhangs, in service panels, and places the Keritans would need to crawl to find. With her job complete, she whirls around and presses her ear to the door. Silence greets her, and she opens the door to rush over to the ventilation grate. She pulls it open and climbs back in. As she gets the grate closed the sharp footsteps of the guards start to approach. She takes a deep breath and lets it out quietly, instead of climbing out, she heads off to her right. She has a couple more charges to set before she is to meet up with Naomi.


“Why do I feel like I drew the short jumja stick?” Naomi whimpers as she finds herself quite busy. The transporter on the Flyer couldn’t bring her directly into the compartment with the big computer core; it was too far down the mine itself. Instead, she has found herself in an access tunnel several levels above. Hanging on a ladder, her own satchel over her head and draped on her side and the rungs were spaced for someone much larger then she was. She has another problem at the moment though, the drop off is nearly fifty meters, and she knows she’s going to have to climb back out somehow.

“Nope, no more heights Twilight,” she murmurs to herself. “Next time, you handle the heights. Or better yet, we have a beach party or something.”

Reaching the core level, Naomi wipes her forehead with the back of her sleeve, puffing her cheeks and blowing out softly, turning she looks at an access door. This one doesn’t have the biometric security. She guesses it’s already a secure area. She reaches up and presses a button to open the door, and it dutifully opens with a soft hiss. Looking down, she gulps before she swings off the ladder and walks into the compartment.

She looks around; the core is massive! She walks slowly around it, down at the bottom are several ports with odd, silvery cables connected into it. She leans down to trace where those cables go; they go down and out the wall. Judging by the number of them, those are the data cables. She brings out her satchel and pulls out one of the cutting charges. She wraps it around the bundle of cables and arms it. She looks around and sighs, “Chutes, and ladders again, don’t these aliens use stairs?”

She climbs the ladder up to the first landing, then finds the second ladder and climbs it. There’s the incoming power, they don’t seem to use electroplasma systems like they do on Voyager, but actual conductors for electricity. This computer uses quite a bit of power it looks like, judging by the thickness of the conductors. They are insulated, so it’s safe for her to touch them.

Kneeling down, she wraps a second cutter charge around the conductors and arms it. That task done, she climbs down the ladders back to the first level. One more task to do before she can meet up with Mezoti, though she doesn’t relish the idea of climbing back up that long outside ladder. Quietly she climbs down to the base of the computer tower and places three small transport enhancers around it, arming the time delay on them. Finally, she adds a subspace tag directly to the core. This way Voyager will be able to lock onto it and transport it right away, even through the rock.

She pulls out a tricorder and moves over to a workstation. She scans the station quickly, then she looks at her display, she smiles as it seems for the first time, things are working in their favor. She presses a few buttons on the tricorder and then sets it down behind the station. Right before the charges blow, it will initiate a core shutdown and preserve the data onboard before the charges cut its connections to the mine and to its power source. She turns and dashes to the door, no need to delay that climb any longer. The sooner she starts, the sooner she will be done. She takes a deep breath and starts to climb. She’ll see Mezoti again soon.


Twilight is again in the main cavern. Voyager will be here in a matter of minutes. A quick message had told her that the girls have successfully beamed back to the flyer. The time is near. She stays high, the crew seems to be milling around. Part of her wants to say something to them. It looks like, even to her untrained eye, they are planning something. She looks over at the Keritan observation deck, and they’ve noticed something too. She smiles a bit though, at this point, it’s too late to stop this, mere minutes until Voyager arrives. She looks down, Tom Paris and Tuvok are slowly moving over to where she had set up the transport enhancers. She flits down and lands next to the enhancers, the countdown continuing in her head. It’s about to get really busy here. She sits down and taps her combadge. “Twilight to Flyer.”

Naomi’s voice is subdued. “We are ready.”

She nods as Tom steps up. He looks back at Tuvok. “Is Twilight coming with us?”

She quickly cancels the light bending spell. “Of course I am.” The countdown is almost ready. She again taps her combadge. “Energize.”

After a few second delay, the area within the field created by the enhancers glows with energy and a dozen phaser rifles appear, along with some more gear. She grabs them with her magic and amplifies her voice. “NOW!” The crewmembers already with phasers leap up. The high-pitched whine of phaser fire is nearly covered up by a loud klaxon alarm. She hops up on an outcrop, her magic pushing the phaser rifles at other crew members as Tom and Tuvok move into the field. As more phasers make it into the fray, she spreads her wings and does a powered back flip to land right next to the two humans, her hoof tapping the combadge as she lands. “Energize!”

The transporters grab them and in seconds they are on an observation deck. Twilight flits over to the only door and lights her horn again, slamming the door shut. She fires a beam at the door, taking her time and welding the hinges and the latch closed.

Turning, she smiles and spreads her wings, horn glowing she floats the designator to Tuvok. “Okay, it’s time for phase one. They should have most of their crew in the observation control room. Voyager is nearly here. We will beam you up after we land. Just keep an eye out for any hidden turrets, and mark targets for Voyager.”

Tom comes over and kneels down before her. “Thank you.”

She tilts her head to the side. “What are friends for? Energize.” Twilight sparkles as she fades away into the transporter beam.


The Keritan technician walks into the computer core room on the second floor. The Keritan holo-tech is salvaged, patched together with mismatched parts from different races and retro engineered; as such it isn’t always as compatible with other systems and programs. It takes a lot of work to keep things stable, and programs often degrade beyond salvaging over time. While scientists have in the past tried to create their own holo-matrices, they have never worked very well. This has ended up with them needing to find new programs just like new workers. Even then, keeping the system running requires daily monitoring.

Walking over, the Keritan tech takes a seat at a programming console, the station positioned with a view of the catwalk around the core tower, with its protective rails and ladders. He looks at the readout displays, someone or something has been in the area, temperature levels are carefully monitored. Ambient thermal displays show an extra body has been in this space recently, though it’s size is far too small to be a sentient creature. He huffs softly, the idea of an animal infestation around the core is worrisome, especially if it’s nesting. As he starts a search, something grabs his attention; a soft beeping sound, different than those he’s used to, gets him to stand up and move around.

Searching and following the sound leads him to behind the computer control. He grumbles as he gets to his knees, a most undignified position to say the least, peeking around behind the large console. His eyes widen as he sees the small device sitting there. Stretching his arm out, he grabs the device and pulls it out. It’s not Keritan tech, and not something he recognizes, as even the writing on the display is alien. He looks at the readout for a moment watching the strange line characters change. “4, 3, 2, 1.” Then a beep from his computer screen grabs his attention back. He stands up, watching as the core performs a complete unscheduled network shutdown. One by one, systems begin going from green to red, to black as they power down.

Total confusion sets in as even the control screen goes completely dark. It’ll take hours to reinitialize the core and get it running. He snarls as he reaches for the keys to try and bring the core back up, then he stops. The fans have stopped, the hum of the electronics have stopped, even the lights have shifted to backup power. But there is still light coming from the core. He stands and moves to the walkway looking over at the holomatrix cables, he can see something flashing. “What the?”

His eyes widen as he runs towards the strange device. Just as he touches it, it explodes, throwing him back against the wall. His consciousness fades as a second explosion rocks the room, severing the power and completely isolating the core.
The entire room shakes for a moment as dust falls. Several consoles go dark as sirens start wailing. In the main control room, there is absolute pandemonium. There are signs of loose slaves all through the mines and several in access corridors. It seems like a general slave revolt. While a slave revolt is nothing new, they have had them before and crushed them easily. This time, however, they have gotten their unworthy paws on weapons. Enforcers are being cut down as they make it down into the main gathering area. The slaves have set up strong points and defensive positions, out of lines of fire of the defensive weapons emplacements.

Dozens more Keritans have made their way into the control room, trying to get a handle on the situation. The director of Midnight Station walks over to the observation windows. He doesn’t flinch as a phaser beam is deflected by the embedded forcefields in the windows. They can shoot all they want, they’ll never get into the control room, and for certain, they’ll never see the surface ever again. He turns around and looks at his soldiers with a broad smile, they are working, but there is no panic, just grim faces as they work. “It is time to end this, depressurize the entire mine. Let them die where they stand, we can replace them easy enough.”

A flashing red light stops him for a moment, something in the vent. Was there something or someone there? Some brightness has caught the corner of his eye, he steps forward looking at the grill in the air duct, there is definitely something glowing up there. He opens his mouth to say something as the spatial charges that had been set by both girls explode. The entire control room is immolated instantly, lights all over the complex flicker in response to the massive explosions. At the same moment charges planted in the primary computer core sever the connection to the rest of the station. In an instant, all internal turrets reset into diagnostics mode, their gun barrels moving into standby position. Security doors and defensive fields loose power, some electrically sealed doors open automatically throughout the underground complex.


Rocks explode as the plasma blast hits behind Captain Janeway, forcing her to duck down. Janeway looks to her side at B’Ellana Torres. The engineer is sitting with her back to the wall holding a phaser, plasma burns on her arm.

“Are you okay?” Janeway asks.

“No, I’m angry, and as stupid as it sounds, I WISH we had some of those holographic Klingon warriors here,” B’Ellana says before leaning out and firing her phaser.

“This is serious,” Janeway says, “you actually want Klingons here?”

“Well something to draw fire,” Looking up at the control room, B’Ellana huffs, “If I could just get up there I could…”
The explosion rips through the security office, blowing out the windows and leaving smoking wreckage falling to the ground.

“Never mind,” B’Ellana finishes then leans out to fire her phaser at a guard trying to sneak up on crew members trying to move the wounded.

“Stay with the injured; get them to the bay. Voyager should be here.”Janeway says, then points to a pair of security officers. “You two, come with me, were going to clear a path for the others, and secure that crossway.”


“Alright everypony, here we go!” Rainbow Dash sings out as she brings the ship out of warp. She glances back at Sparkler, who taps her com panel.

“Wonderbolts, go!”

The already powered up Calhoun drops from its docking latches on Voyager as one type nine shuttle, along with four type eights, streak from the shuttle bay of the Voyager. They pass through Voyager’s shield bubble quickly and join the much larger ship in streaking through the void. Quickly the Delta Flyer pulls from its hiding place in the derelict cargo vessel and joins the other ships.

On the bridge, Sparkler looks at her displays. “I think we’ve got their attention.” She glances at the tactical display on the main viewer. The shields have been raised, and their cannons are online.” She stops and frowns, “Their cannons are still online.” She taps her com panel, “Twilight, the cannons are still online!”

“They must have local controls for them. We’ll have to take them out.”

Sparkler looks around the bridge. “No, Twilight, join the shuttles and keep the fighters at bay, Voyager can handle it.” She opens the full connection. “All shuttles, com check.”

“Alright, colts and fillies, just like we practiced in the simulators. Shuttle one, checking in!” Spitfire calls out.

“Shuttle two, check!” Lightning Streak calls out as he shifts a bit, getting more comfortable.

"Shuttle three, you don't need to yell, just speak normally, please," Misty Fly adds in meekly.

"Okay, okay, Shuttle four, one sec. Okay, Shuttle four checking in," Fire Streak as his shuttle does a barrel roll.

"This is red five... Sorry, I mean shuttle five checking in." Sky Stinger calls out, "Got distracted by a red flashing light. Apparently, my life support was offline and the shuttle was upset about it."

“Aeroshuttle Calhoun, checking in.” Lightning Dust says briskly.

Sparkler nods, “Alright, let’s do this.” She looks at Bon Bon on tactical, “Transfer forward phasers to Rainbow Dash’s control. You handle torpedoes. All other phaser firing arcs, you handle, Lyra.” She looks at the only two bipeds on the bridge. “You two will have to handle damage control, since you two are the only ones who can leave the holodeck.

The ships push forward, final checks are quickly performed, it’s time to join the furball. Ranging shots from the base are starting to reach out. Easily avoidable at that range by all the ships.

“Here they come,” Tom says from their vantage point. He takes the designator. “I hope they’ve got someone who can fly fairly well at the controls.”

Tuvok leans closer. “They were fairly limited in their choices for holographic characters, Tom. I’m certain they will do what they can.”

Tom grimaces as he paints the first target for the torpedoes from Voyager. “Well, they’d better not get her too badly dinged up.”

From mere motes of light, the starship and her shuttles resolve as they approach. Voyager streaks in at a significant percentage of the speed of light. The shuttles screening before her. The fighters in their patrols have noticed the interlopers. They power towards the small incoming flotilla.

“Fighters incoming!” Sky Stinger calls out.