• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 21,397 Views, 9,177 Comments

XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 132: Review


Chapter 132: Review

By Wanderer D

"I used to wonder," Twilight Sparkle said, "At how it felt to be in Sunset's shoes."

"How so?" Applejack asked.

"Almost every time she came back from a mission, she'd have to go check on a friend in the infirmary, and here we are."

A room this size would have housed quite a few ponies, and it was spacious enough for even Rainbow Dash to hover without much problem. A couple of lamps hung from the arched ceiling, and truth be told, the place could have been used as a meeting room for several ponies, but right now it had been to Alejandra alone.

Her wing needed to be extended and held in place at all times, and that couldn't really be done in one of the smaller rooms, with her wingspan being much bigger than a pegasus, after all.

Not that they were that much smaller in this wing of the Royal Canterlot Hospital.

Fortunately for her, Fluttershy had been able to place the bones back in position properly, and secure them before they had gone back to Ponyville. Once the source of the vines was gone, Discord had gotten to work immediately, and the town had returned to its previous glory within the day.

Princess Celestia had insisted that Alejandra be treated at the hospital in Canterlot, as there was much to discuss between themselves and their interdimensional guests, and now, there they were, in a heavily guarded hall wing of the hospital, designed for nobles and diplomats from other countries.

Alejandra's possessions had been placed inside a chest, sealed by Twilight's magic, so that nopony would attempt to study or take them.

"Well, she'll be receiving the best medical attention we can provide, dear," Rarity pointed out. "Why, the doctor said that she'd be fit to fly in a few days! Isn't that fantastic?"

"If she knew how to fly, yeah," Rainbow Dash said, "except, she doesn't, or she wouldn't be here."

Rarity glared at her. "Well, I suppose you could teach her to do so. After all, she and Twilight will need to know how to do so, now that they're here."

"I'm actually surprised at how quickly you learned to fly, Tala," Fluttershy said to the Breezie, who was sitting at the base of the bed.

"The Elders created us with malleable minds," Tala said, "The mold is the same, and modifications come later. It was easy for my own mind to surrender its preconceptions and adopt the natural instincts of this one."

Twilight smiled. "That makes sense. Including the ability of the mirror to do a full transformation, including most motor functions, it shouldn't take Alejandra long to be able to take flight, once Rainbow Dash starts instructing her."

"Yay! And then we can throw that welcome to Equestria party!" Pinkie excitedly bounced around the bed. "And then, when you're all in Ponyville, we can have the "welcome to Ponyville" party!"

Tala looked at Twilight, who shrugged. She looked down at the sleeping griffon and sighed. "In any case girls, do you mind if I have some time alone with Alejandra? I'll join you later when we meet with Celestia and Luna."

The group nodded, leaving one after the other, Tala flying over to ride on Spike's head. Fluttershy, the last one to leave, glanced back with some uncertainty in her eyes, before sighing and walking out, closing the door behind them.

As soon as they were all gone, Twilight's smile faded and she slumped down, resting her head on the edge of the bed. Her wings drooped and she started shaking.

"I can't believe I held on for so long," she whispered. "I'm not made for this. I'm not made for being a-a princess. I don't care what Counselor Luna said."

She felt a claw gently touch her head and part her mane, as it slowly caressed her. "Personally, I thought you made a very good Chrysalis impersonation," Alejandra rasped out.

Slowly, Twilight lifted her head, looking at the dazed griffon, who tried to shift, but found herself immobilized.

"I feel like I was used as a bat by a Berserker," Alejandra quipped, then started coughing. "Damn, those things were nasty."

"Can't be that bad if you're already making jokes about it." Twilight grinned, remaining in place. It felt nice to have her head petted like that. Relaxing. Like a head massage.

"Yeah, well, I'm guessing that if I start laughing it'll start hurting again. I think I heard and felt a few ribs crack back in the forest."

Twilight nodded. "Three ribs. And your wing."

"Oh." Alejandra sighed. "Yeah, that's bad." She looked around the room, just starting to notice several things. Among them, the flowers and cards. "What's all of that?"

Twilight smiled, sitting up and carefully using her magic to place Alejandra's claw gently on the bed. "It's cards and flowers from Ponyville. When they heard you had been hurt, they started sending them here as soon as they found out where you were."

"How long was I out?"

"Only a few hours… we arrived here late last night," Twilight replied. "I haven't had time to talk to the Princesses yet… well, a real talk, in any case. There's too much to catch on."

"Heh, you shouldn't hold back on my account, I'll be okay."

"Yes, well, we still need to talk about what happened."

Alejandra snorted and then grimaced in pain. "Oooowww… what's there to say, Twilight? I frigid up." She closed her eyes. "Please, for the love of fanfiction, just get rid of that fumbling spell."

"I guess it is overdoing it," Twilight chuckled, her horn glowing and enveloping them both. "But please do try to control your language."

"I'll pretend everyone here is my superior officer."

Twilight grinned. "That'll work."

"Listen, Twilight… I let your friend's words get to me, and I went on my own in unknown, dangerous territory. I threw away all caution and training, and just… let my instincts overpower my common sense and experience."

"I still should have—"

"No. No. This is your first time as a leader, so I know you're going to analyze the shii-take out of it. But you did mostly fine. There were things that couldn't be predicted. Fluttershy and I getting into a fight was… an error on my part. She's a civilian, I'm a trained soldier. This is not the part where you apologize, it's the part where you chew me out for acting in ways that contradict everything I've been taught."

Twilight sighed. "I still feel like I'm way over my head."

"Maybe?" Alejandra shrugged, grimacing. "Note to self: shrugging hurts too. Anyway, first command, Twilight. And you did well. You stayed focused, on target and, since we're here and this place is not tentacle-central, I assume you completed the mission."

"We did… we had to… sacrifice the Elements to return the Tree of Harmony to full power."

"The Elements as in that magical thing that Sunset once compared to a nuke?"

"That's the one."


"You don't sound too worried."

"Don't get me wrong," Alejandra replied, looking away and studying the flowers and gifts. "I know it was very important to you, but I can't help but think that they were a bit of a crutch. Especially after how you described them in your vision."

"They brought me and my friends together," Twilight said, "but I realized that it wasn't the elements what kept us together too."

Alejandra smiled. "I'm glad it worked out, Twilight, I really am."

Twilight took a deep breath and looked at the clock on the wall. "It seems like it's time for me to go." She levitated the cards and presents, setting them gently on the table right next to the bed, within easy reach to Alejandra. "Here, you can take a look while I catch up with the Princesses. There's a bell chain next to your bed, just ring it if you need anything."

Alejandra nodded. "Will do."

"I'll come check on you later," Twilight said, walking towards the door. "Get well soon, soldier."

"Yes, ma'am."

Once Twilight was gone, Alejandra took one of the cards, flipping it open. She stared at if for a few seconds, then sighed and put it back on the table. "Figures. Couldn't be in English or Spanish."

With little to do, she looked down at her new body. It was the first time that she had really looked at herself. When she had arrived, she had been interrupted from a proper freak-out by the appearance of Spike, who had demanded to know who she was and where Twilight was.

The sudden voice had snapped her out of her stupor, and she had allowed instincts to take over, scaring the poor dragon in the process. But it had helped. The shock of being a completely different species had threatened to make her break into hysterical laughter, and now, after a full day of being a griffon and even fighting in that form it was… just really weird.

But not a break-down-sobbing-and-laughing-in-a-corner-calling-for-the-commander-to-come-rescue-her kind of weird.

Without her armor, she could appreciate her body better now too. Her coat was light grey, with the chest feathers a gray-blue, with an almost white patch of feathers in the center, as far as she could see.The tip of her tail, which was now moving to and fro, was also the same color.

Her talons were yellow, and her wings were a darker gray. All in all, pretty badass. Unfortunately, there wasn't much she could do right now, so she concentrated on trying to figure out how to make her tail stop stomping on the base of the bed.

"That won't work, duckie. It takes years before a griffon can control that, and most never even try."

If she hadn't been magically held onto the bed, she would have jumped. She groaned in pain and gasped as her battered body reacted to the sudden contraction of muscles.

"Sorry, love, bit of a habit there, sneaking in," the familiar voice said, "never really did grow out of it."

"On the plus side," Alejandra gasped, "My tail is now straight and not bumping all around."

"That it is, duckie."

A shadow jumped from somewhere in the roof, landing lightly next to her, revealing an older (but not ancient) male griffon, with silvery-gray feathers and talons, and a dark grey coat. He was lightly armored, in black leather, with silver indentations.

"I heard that there was a new griffon in the world, courtesy of Princess Twilight no less, and even better, a mutual acquaintance of my old pupil, Sunset Shimmer."

"You know an awful lot, old bird."

The griffon barked a laugh. "I like you, duckie. You have spunk! Princess Luna of all ponies requested my presence here to take a look at you, maybe even train you. Allow me to introduce myself."

He bowed, a perfect, courtly bow as any as Alejandra could imagine. "Galahad. At your service."

o.0.o End Chapter 132 o.0.o

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