• Published 17th Mar 2018
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Unexpected Love Life of Dusk Shine: It is not easy with a sister changeling - Yuum

In this new life on Ponyville Dusk shine going discover the friendship,love and animal can be dangerous and with a metamorph sister is life going became unexplected.

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Canterlot Wedding Part 2


Dusk and her group are invited to the royal wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amor Cadenza. When Eclipse reviewed her former babysitter, she knew something was wrong.

She tried to warn others but Shining did not believe her sister …

Cadence will use a spell for trapped Eclipse under the castle.Now will Windy succeed in warning others ...

In the undergrounds of the castle of Celestia. Moony will try to find his way in this crystal labyrinth.

She shoots the crystals to clear the way, "Why is there a lot of crystal here?"

??? : Save your strength, if not you will exhaust.

"Who said that?"

"Me!" The Cadence image appears as reflected on the crystals.

"You!" She shoots an offensive ray on the wall.

"You have a lot of strength for a brat ... Well that's not all that my marriage is starting soon."

"Leave my BBBFF alone!"

The false Cadence leaving.

The purple filly launches a powerful ray that destroys the wall in front and in back, it had a Cadence that looks exhausted.


Angry purple filly jumps on her. "Leave my BBBFF alone!"

"Moony is me."

"Like I'm going to believe you."

"At first I started guarding you and your brother, you always hid behind your brothers because you were shy when you saw me."

The winged pink mare mentions memories and to prove that she is the real one, Cadence performed their song. "Cadence is really you ... wait, how does it make two of you?"

"This Cadence is no other imposter and we have to stop it."

"Understand. While we speak, Windy must have warned them."

"Who is Windy?"

Meanwhile on the surface …

Dusk Shine would start practicing his speech when suddenly a jam of powerful wind blows into the room, scatters the leaves and carries the mauve stallion.

"Dusk, help !!!!"


"Stop your wind!"

"Sorry that was the only way I could find to get your attention."

"Did not you have any other option?"

"It was that or it was the eagle."

"I would prefer the eagle!"

"Did you see the eagle?" The green Breezie shows a giant eagle taking a bat and he wanted to use it against Dusk.


"Dusk you have to help Moony, Cadence imprisoned her under the castle." She explains to the brother of eclipse the situation.

"You exaggerate, If you see Moony say that the bad joke is badly chosen for the moment and when she stopped sulking she joined us."

The purple stallion thinks her sister invented to spoil the marriage of Shining Armor and Mi Amor Cadenza.

"But it's the truth."

In the undergrounds of the castle. The girls go to find the exit to prevent the false Cadence from marrying the chief of the guard.

They arrive at a gallery that has three ways. "Cadence, what road do we take?"

"I do not know."

While the two seek him out, Sandhy heard voices.

"Moony, there is someone else." The sphinx warns them of an introduced enemies.

Three mares emerge from the shadows. It was the ladies of honor who had mysteriously disappeared.

Lyra, Twinkleshine and Minuette: You will not pass.

The three saying with a hypnotic voice.

On the surface…

The ceremony had begun. The bride walks towards the room. Everything went exactly as her plan.

"My dear stallions, mares and foals I have the pleasure to unite Shining Armor and Princess Cadenza for the unions of their love.If some wants to impose on their marriage he speaks or he is silent ..."

Eclipse: I am against this marriage!

A whirlwind of water and fire gush from the ground, the purple filly and the real Cadence come out of the tornado, she draws a magic ray on the fake bride.

The bride protect herself with an enchanted wall. "How did you manage to escape the bridesmaids?"

"Eclipse do karate." Cadence answered.

Flashback …

The three: You are not going to pass!

"Moony I will protect you." The mare goes to protect the filly but Eclipse uses her karate to neutralize Lyra, Twinkleshine and Minuette.

The three his K.O.

(Shiny does not joke when he says his sister is able to beat an adult pony ...)

End of flashback …

"Also sent guards for girls who drive in the undergrounds in the infirmary."

The guests are surprised who has two Cadence. "Why there are two princess of love?"

"The one next to my husband is an impostor and she's a changeling, a polymorphous creature who looks like the one we love to feed on him."

The one next to my husband is an impostor and she's a changeling, a polymorphous creature who looks like the one we love, to feed on him from his love."

She unveiled the identity of the impostor. The second Cadence is surrounded by flames, her pink body becomes black, holes on the hooves, insect wings and a green mane like Moony's.

"Exact Princess, My name is Chrysalis and I am the queen of changeling. It is my duty to provide food to my changelings, that's why I have targeted Canterlot."

"Your plan will fail thanks to the magic barrier that protects the city."

"The barrier? There is one thing you forgot stupid princess. While I pretended to be you, I drained Shining Armor to diminish the power of his spells and at the moment one speaks my army has already managed to create cracks. "
Chrysalis explains the rest of her plan. Outside, her army did exactly what she said.

They continue to attack the magic barrier that begins to break because of their repetitive onslaught.

"Dusk, you and your friends seek the harmony elements to stop this queen during this time I will hold her."

"Understand princesse.Moony you come with us your karate will be useful ... Moony?"

"I am a Changeling ..." She is in a state of shock because of the revelation of Chrysalis and Moony finally finding its origin.

Dusk put her on his back, he and the girls run inside to retrieve their artifacts in order to stop the queen of polymorphous ponies.

During this time Celestia confronts Chrysalis in a duel of magic, each draw an enchanted ray that is equal strength but that of the imposter queen is too powerful and beat Tia.

"Thanks to the love of Shining Armor I have become more power of the sun princess." She boasts of her victory.

She walks over to Tia. "Celestia, before I lock you in a cocoon.tell me, where did you put my daughter?"

"Your daughter, I do not know ..." (She looks like Eclipse means that Eclipse is her daughter, so I need to avoid her discovering that.)

"I do not know." Celestia ment.


"But if you do not tell me where she is, I'll be able to find my daughter."

She locks her in a green cocoon. Elsewhere the purple stallion and her friends are out to retrieve their element but unfortunately the army of insect ponies have managed to break the enchanted barrier.

They run towards them like rockets. Dusk and his friends run for the escapees but they are surrounded by the horde of enemies.

"No choice, we must fight!" Rainbow is ready for battle but the five polymorphous ponies turn into Dusk Shine.

The others are transformed into Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Eclipse Sparkle.

"I always wanted to have plenty of Dusk." The white unicorn is happy to see his prince in several copies.

The others make no comment.

The battle begins, the changeling managed to separate the small group.Windy, Shandhy, Sapphire, Reveria, Pandora and Red join the fight.

Eclipse is still troubled by its origins, as two drones capture it easily.

"Moony, where are you?" Dusk is looking for his sister but unfortunately the impostors make the task complicated.

In the consciousness of Eclipse …

"Moony re-enter!" The wendigo pegase tries to help Eclipse.

"..." She is still troubled.

"Eclipse I understand you're in shock because Chrysalis revealed and you understand you're a changeling too but it should not change you so much!"

"Frost, I'm a monster vampirism, that means I have drained of their love, my adoptive family, my friends and even my lover."

"Stop saying that, you're Eclipse Moon Sparkle, the nicest filly I know, helping your neighbor and the little purple filly I know would have done anything to stop the invasion."

"I ..." the purple filly hesitates.

"Look, your brother, your friends are fighting against the enemy." Frost shows pictures of the interior, his comrades fought against the invasion.

Thanks to Frost's words, Eclipse understood that she is not like the enemy and she has a pure heart.

"Frost, let's go help them!" His ear-tip resonates.

"Understood, you just need to pronounce the words." The wendigo too.

"Frost, cool the enemy!" The resonance is stronger and the artifact gets a new power.

The insect pony who took Eclipse hostage is turned into ice.

It has been transformed into Wendigo alicorn. Eclipse transforms the army of invaders into an ice statue.

She joins her big brother who is surprised to see the new appearance of her little sister.

"Eclipse or Frost?" The purple stallion did not know if Eclipse or Frost took control.

"Dusk, it's me Eclipse!"

"How you have…"

"No time to chat, we have to stop the queen." The orange mare points out to Dusk and Moony.

They defeat the changeling and run to the second room but there were many others near the tower that.

The fight begins. "Moony, enter the building to retrieve the elements."

"Big brother, can not I leave you like that?"

"It's okay, the girls are with me."

"Comprit, Frost let's go." She flies to the tower and goes inside.

Moony searches for the elements of harmony in the room as she looks everywhere. While searching for the artifacts, Chrysalis appeared in front of her.

Angry at her, Moony goes on the attack however the green flames surrounds her the queen.

Chrysalis took on the appearance of Eclipse's adoptive mother, the windigo filly is unable to fight her mother.

Unable to attack the one who raised her like her daughter, Eclipse was helpless and she was captured by the queen.

On the side of, Dusk, Dashie, AJ, Pinkie, Rare and Flutter get to their starting point.

The ponies 6: What !?

"You have failed and I have won.My changeling will finally feast well and soon I will find my daughter, first and foremost.How do you know the transformation spells?"

Chrysalis is holding alicorn windigo filly with her magic.

"..." She says nothing.

"Do you keep silence, in this case?" The changeling Sovereign uses an enchantment to cancel Moony's transformation.

The wendigo filly struggles but the spell cancels her disguise and she becomes a young changeling in front of everyone.

The girls are surprised. "Eclipse is a changeling since all this time?"

The queen of insect ponies has recognized her child.

"Amaryllis ... we finally got together." Tears of joy flow from Chrysalis' eyes

While she's busy. Cadence frees Shining from hypnosis spells of Queen Changelings.

"Shining relaunches your magic barrier spell."

"Cadence, I'm not strong enough to throw it."

"Shining, I know you're capable, believe in yourself." She encourages him.

He concentrates his magic in his horn but it's not enough. The princess of love helps her. Bewitching has become more powerful because of their bond of love.

The force field grows at sight of time. The Chrysalis army disappear one after the other.

"Amaryllis, we have just been reunited ..."

Their queen, unfortunately, eclipses too. Moony understands that she may never see them again, she utters her last words.

"My parents..my brothers ... my friends ... Night Star my first boyfriend.I'm glad to have spent a lot of time with you, every memory I have ... I never forgot them and if I will be unable to see you again, I love you ... "

She disappears.

Dusk/Shining : Moooony!!!!

To be continued…

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