• Published 18th Jul 2018
  • 7,027 Views, 19 Comments

Danger in the Sky - Raptormon132

Darth Vader and Tempest Shadow continue their hunt for Princess Twilight Sparkle and The rest of the Main Six, which lead them to Captain Celaeno's ship.

  • ...

Danger in the Sky

It had not been long since the Main Six had stowawayed on board the airship from the docks of Klugetown. They were soon discovered by the crew of the airship, which was owned by anthropomorphic parrots working as delivery parrots for the Storm King, commanded by their captain, Captain Celaeno. After consulting the Storm King's rule book, Celaeno declared that they were to be tossed overboard. But just before they did so, the union whistle blew, and the ponies unwittingly joined the parrots for a lunch of birdseed like gruel.

When Twilight asks them to take her and her friends to Mount Aris, Celaeno refused out of fear of suffering the Storm King's wrath. The ponies learned that before the parrots served the Storm King, they used to be sky pirates from their home of Ornithia, before the Storm King invaded and took over. Celaeno and her crew opened up a bit, and told the Main Six everything. About the Storm King and his empire, how they ended up being forced to work as delivery birds for the Storm King, and how their home of Ornithia was later invaded and conquered by his empire. They even mentioned how glorious the Ornithia kingdom used to be, and how they even felt responsibility for the ruin for their people.

Then Rainbow Dash and her friends encouraged the parrot pirates to oppose the Storm King's iron-fisted rule for their people, and return to their swashbuckling ways. Inspired by Rainbow's words, Celaeno and her crew discard their uniforms for their old pirate outfits and gear. For resparking their spirits, Celaeno agreed to repay them by taking the Main Six to Mount Aris. Taking the ships wheel, she changed their ships course.

"Come on," Celaeno said. "Let's show these little ponies how it's done!"

At Celaeno's command, her crew took hold of the hatch ropes, and pulled them, causing the sail hatches to open on the airship's sides. Like a butterfly hatching from its cocoon, rainbow coloured sails raised out and beamed in the escaping sunlight through the thick, dark clouds. The Main Six looked in awe at the rainbow sails shining, with Celaeno and her crew standing confident and proud.

Rainbow Dash proudly turned to Celaeno "Awesome! I knew you had it in ya! And now for the finishing touch!

With that said, Rainbow Dash flew straight up into the sky high above the airship at high speed with everyone else looking up into the sky. At that same moment, Twilight came over towards the others on the deck and looked up to see Rainbow Dash diving back toward the airship. A very worried and fearful expression appeared on her face, for she knew what Rainbow Dash was about to do.

Twilight's fears were realised when she saw a vapor cone beginning to form around Rainbow Dash, and sonic rainboom exploded near the airship a moment later. Celaeno and her crew watched with awe at the sight of Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom. Twilight face-hoofed herself with great fear and irritation as Rainbow Dash made the sonic rainboom spiral around the ship. She hoped against hope that this would go unnoticed by their pursuers.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the sky of the Sea of Clouds, the lone personal skiff of Tempest Shadow was travelling east toward the area of Black Skull Island. Tempest stood on the deck, with Capper being held prisoner, and Grubber at the steering wheel controlling the ship. Grubber's stomach began to growl of hunger as it usually did from steering the airship, or anything for that matter. He licked his lips as he picked up a slice of spongecake. Just when he was about to start eating, Grubber heard a sound of what sounded like a massive explosion that got his attention. Tempest heard it too, and was looking in the same direction as Grubber was. There, they saw the colourful form of Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom shining a great distance away in the south-east direction.

Grubber pointed that the sonic rainboom, looking awestruck. "Looka that rainbow! Looka that rainbow! Whoa, that'th tho cool!"

"For now, just follow along with him, and go east towards Black Skull Island. I am confident that the ponies will make a careless mistake on board the airship they managed to stowaway on. That mistake will give away their real location. His treason will be dealt with later. Contact me when the ponies are found."

Tempest grinned sinisterly as she recalled Darth Vader's words, while also processing Grubber's comment and seeing the sonic rainboom. "Yeah. Of them to alert us." She turned to Capper with a cold glare. "Funny, though. They don't seem to be heading to Black Skull Island."

Capper looked at Tempest with a look that was mixed with embarrassment and fear, while trying to act like he did not know. Tempest, who did not believe Capper from the start, turned to her Storm guards.

"Get me in contact with Lord Vader, now!" Tempest said.

One Storm guard nodded as Tempest quickly went to cauldron at the centre of the deck. A moment later, one of her guards walked over with a bottle of communication potion, where it poured the potion in cauldron. Blue smoke began billowing out of the cauldron like burning flames on water. Tempest stood there waiting for Vader to answer her call, when moments later, the smoke got bigger, and the form of the Sith Lord himself appeared.

"Yes, Commander?" Darth Vader asked.

"Lord Vader, we've found them. The ponies have been sighted in the Sea of Clouds heading south-east."

"Prepare a boarding party, and intercept the airship. I will set my ships course to rendezvous with you shortly."

Tempest nodded. "Yes, my lord."

The dark lord's face disappeared as the blue potion smoke began to dissipate in the cauldron. With the call to Darth Vader over, Tempest quickly went over to the airships controls. Seeing that Grubber was still awestruck by the sonic rainboom, she pushed Grubber away from steering wheel, and took control of the airship herself. Tempest then turned the ships' course, setting the engines to full speed to intercept and capture the Main Six.

Back on Celaeno's ship, the Main Six were enjoying the company of Celaeno and her crew. All of them were so inspired by how these little ponies could have such a great impact on them. To ignite the fire inside them to rebel against the Storm King's tyranny, return to their swashbuckling ways, and to hopefully help their people of Ornithia to do the same.

Celaeno laughed happily. "You little ponies are alright."

"Thanks," Rainbow Dash said. "You birds are pretty great yourselves."

Lix Spittle scratches her chin with her metal fork, thinking curiously. "Curious though, how did you ponies end up stowawaying on our ship anyway?"

Applejack came forward. "Well, y'all see, we're bein' pursued by a pony named "Tempest", an' her guards."

Celaeno blinked. "Tempest? You mean Commander Tempest?"

Twilight came over, intrigued to hear what Celaeno might have. "What can you tell us able Tempest?"

"She's the second-in-command of the Storm King," Celaeno said. "She's cold, merciless, and would not hesitate to do anything to get anything the Storm King wants. In fact, she was the one who lead the Storm King's invasion attack of Ornithia."

Mullet raised a curious eyebrow. "So why is she after you? Did you little ponies do somethin' to get on her bad side?"

"The Storm King has invaded our land too," Twilight said. "Tempest is after me for my magic, and all the magic of the alicorn princesses."

Spike stepped forward. "She and some other guy found us in that creepy city back there."

Celaeno raised an eyebrow. "Other guy?"

"There was this other guy with her that chased us, before we got on board yer ship ta escape." Applejack said.

Fluttershy began to tremble with fear. "He was big, and really scary."

"He had some kind of strange powers that he uses to choke somepony." Rainbow Dash said.

"And that fearsome, menacing, black attire." Rarity cringed. "So terrifying."

"And he had a breathing sound, like this." Pinkie Pie put her hooves in front of her mouth, and started breathing to do her best impression of Darth Vader's breathing. "Seriously. He should really see a doctor. That doesn't sound healthy at all."

"He also had a red glowing laser sword that could cut through anything," Spike added as he imitated swinging a sword while trying to imitate the sound of the lightsaber. "It could even deflect Twilight's magic."

Celaeno thought inside her head. Big, scary, strange powers, black, breathing sound, red glowing sword... Her eyes suddenly widened with shocking fear, along with her crew. "Oh, no!"

"Not that guy!" Boyle said.

Mullet looked at the others with concern. "This isn't good if Vader is after them too."

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Vader?"

"So you know who that guy is?" Spike asked.

Twilight spoke out. "We're desperate for anything you can tell us about him."

Celaeno turned to three of her crew, where they began looking at each other, and nodded in agreement. They then turned back to the ponies and baby drake to tell them all they knew.

"Okay then," Celaeno said. "He is the newly appointed co-ruler of the Storm King's army. His name is Darth Vader. "

"Darth Vader..." Spike processed with a curious eyebrow. "Where did he come from?"

Celaeno shrugged at Spike's question. "Beats us. No one really knows for sure."

Lix Spittle took over. "They say he just dropped out of the sky one day from another dimension in Storm King territory."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Another dimension?"

Boyle nodded. "Yeah, or so we’ve heard. He killed one of the Storm King's best captains and his whole squad effortlessly with his red glowing sword, and some power he calls "The dark side of the Force". Only the captain's assistant survived."

Spike tilted his head. "The force?

"What the hay is that?" Applejack asked with a confused look.

"A power Vader has," Mullet explained. "Something about a power created and surrounded by all living things, blar-blar-blar. We don't understand any of this sorcerers mumbo jumbo. But he can use it to levitate things, choke people, increase his strength, even to sense things, like the presence of others. He's not someone you wanna mess with."

Celaeno took over. "Vader is the strongest and fiercest guy one could ever face. The only one who ever survived a fight against him was Tempest herself."

Twilight blinked. "Tempest? She fought against Darth Vader?"

"That's right," Celaeno said with a nod. "She fought against him using the sacred weapon of our people in Ornithia, the lightning naginata of Fulgur. She managed to hold her own against him, and came the closest one to defeating him. If it wasn't for the Storm King, she would've been killed like anyone else."

Spike blinked. "Whoa! This Darth Vader guy sounds like a real severe, killing machine!"

"You're telling us," Mullet said. "It's a wonder why he doesn't overthrow the Storm King himself."

Lix Spittle spoke out. "When he joined the Storm King, the armies became better due to his tactical mind, and his name and presence became something feared among the Storm King's empire."

"We even met him ourselves," Boyle said. "And there are only two ways Vader meets you. You've got something he wants, or he's mad."

Celaeno nodded. "That's right. And if Vader's after you, then you little ponies are in big trouble."

"Is there anything else you can tell us about him?" Twilight asked.

"Sorry, that's all we know." Celaeno answered as she shook her head.

Twilight sighed quietly. "Well, the sooner we get to Mount Aris, the better."

"And we can seek help from the Queen of the Hippogriffs." Spike said.

Celaeno raised an eyebrow, and tilted her head. "Hippogriffs? You're searching for the Hippogriffs?"

"But no one knows where they are." Mullet said.

Twilight blinked. "What?"

"Hey, isn't that what Capper said?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"What do you mean by th..."

Before Twilight could finish her question, the sound of Squabble squawking and a bell ringing got everyone's attention. Celaeno turned to Squabble, who was on the rope ladder, to see him squawking and pointing to the distance. She and everyone else looked in the direction Squabble was pointing to. There, coming through the clouds, they saw the sight of a skiff approaching from the starboard side. From the Storm King's emblem, they knew what it meant.

"Storm guards," Celaeno said. "Looks like they found you!

Twilight's eyes widened with fear. "Tempest!"

"And no doubt Vader not far behind as well." Mullet said.

Fluttershy whimpered with fear. "Oh my goodness!"

Celaeno turned to her crew. "Secure the rigging! Lock down the cargo! Everyone, prepare to be boarded!"

With that order, the whole crew began scrambling to prepare. Boyle opened a door on the deck that lead below deck, as he turned to the Main Six.

"Quick!" Boyle instructed. "Get below deck, and try to keep quiet! We'll try our best to get rid of them."

Without question, the Main Six went down the steps to hide below deck. When they were all below, Boyle closed the door, leaving the Main Six alone below.

Rainbow Dash turned to Twilight, grinning with embarrassment. "Ya think she saw my sonic rainboom?"

Twilight glared at Rainbow Dash. "Are you kidding me?!?!" She yelled, not bothering to hide her frustration.

Outside, the skiff of Tempest continued to approach Celaeno's ship. The front of Tempest's ship opened up, and shot a harpoon straight at Celaeno's ship. The harpoon punctured though Celaeno's ship's starboard hull, causing the ship rock to one side, and make everyone on board to either lose their balance, or knock topple over. Inside below deck, the Main Six could see the hole in the ship with the harpoon still inside. Then they watched as the harpoon opened up, locking and hooking to the ship, and preventing any chance of the ship escaping.

Tempest's skiff began to pull closer to Celaeno's ship by a chain attached to the harpoon, with Tempest, Grubber, and her personal Storm Guards standing at the front of the ship ready to board. When both ships came close enough to each other, they jumped aboard the pirates' ship, landing on the deck. Celaeno and her crew looked with shock, but kept calm to look like nothing was going on.

"Commander Tempest," Celaeno said. "What's the problem?"

Tempest paced forward as Grubber loudly bit into a slice of spongecake. "Where is the Pony Princess?"

"Princess?" Celaeno picked up the ship manifest, and began checking it. "Prin-Cess, Prin-Cess... Nope. All we're hauling is Storm King merchandise."

Grubber took a bite of a slice of spongecake. "The pony Printheth and her friendth were theen ethcapin' aboard your ship back in Klugetown."

Celaeno raised an eyebrow, trying to act mildly surprised. "First we've heard of it."

"We didn't see any stowaways on this ship." Mullet said.

Tempest passed by Celaeno. "Lord Vader himself witnessed the ponies stowaway on your ship. And he is on his way over here."

Twilight and the others, who were listening from below deck, gasped quietly. Tempest was bad enough, but the word that Darth Vader was on his way was a fearful thought.

Tempest stopped pacing, and turned to Celaeno and her crew. "You do realise that if you were to shelter fugitives, the Storm King, and Lord Vader would be quite... explosive."

Celaeno and her crew looked nervously at Tempest, with Celaeno quietly gulping by the threat. Back below deck, the Main Six had listened to everything that was happening and being said. Worry about being revealed began to rise within Twilight, as she turned to the others.

"We have to get off this ship before they tell Tempest we're here!" Twilight said as quietly as possible.

Rainbow Dash responded with confidence. "We helped them get their mojo back! They're not gonna give us up!"

Twilight groaned with frustration. "You don't get it! She said Darth Vader is on his way here! And they said that he could use the force to sense the presence of others! Even if they don't tell, Darth Vader could still find us, because he can still sense us!"

A bit of confidence began to disappear from Rainbow Dash, as she processed Twilight's words. At that moment, Twilight glanced at the hole in the starboard hull where the harpoon was hooked. Through the gaps, Twilight caught the sight of another skiff approaching. An obsidian black one with the red Storm King emblems. Twilight's eyes widened, for she had a great feeling that she knew whose ship that was.

"Oh, no!" Twilight turned to the others. "He's here! Darth Vader's coming!"

"Uh-oh!" Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight looked around at her friends. Spike stood nervously by a hyperventilating Rarity, Fluttershy was cowering behind a crate, Applejack sat up against a crate, and Pinkie Pie was climbing into a crate. Seeing that no one else was going to think of a way out, Twilight knew she had to think of it herself. She began looking around below deck for a solution on how to escape. Until she caught sight of a large gray tarp with the Storm King's face on it. Then right below next to it a hatch lever. And close by was a large crate, and lengths of rope. Looking at these things, an idea popped into Twilight's head.

"I've got this!" Twilight said.

With that said, Twilight quickly took the ropes with her magic, and took the tarp down. She then levitated the tarp over to Rainbow Dash. "Hold this!"

"What are you doing?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

Back on deck, Tempest began approaching the pirate crew, with her personal Storm guards, giving no mind that Darth Vader's skiff, The Executor, was approaching their position. Grubber watched on with interest at this situation, while eating some more spongecake.

Tempest put on a calm, but cold tone. "Now, I'm gonna count to three, and if you don't tell me where they are, your ship is going down." She began to count. "One..."

Celaeno and her crew look amongst each other.


Seeing this dangerous situation, Celaeno looked defiantly at Tempest as she grasped the hilt of her sword, preparing to fight her way out. The rest of her crew were the same. There was now a stand-off between both parties when Tempest declared, "Three!"

Right at that time, there was a sudden scream, and a loud sound of something slamming that got everyone's attention. The screaming quickly began to fade away as everyone looked to the door that leads below deck.

"What?" Tempest said.

Celaeno sighed with relief, knowing that the noise was the ships lower hatch, and that they used it to escape. "Thank goodness!" She thought to herself. She also knew that the hatch below would close after a few moments, and was right when she heard it slam shut again.

The Main Six were all falling out of the sky, plummeting towards the ground, along with some other items that managed to fall out of the hatch. Twilight looked back to see Darth Vader's airship beginning to dock with Celaeno's ship along side Tempest's ship. She quickly turned back towards her friends, and with her magic began to gather up all her friends into an empty crate. With her friends all in the crate, she took hold of the rope with her magic, and began flying around her friends with the rope.

Applejack raised an unsure, confused eyebrow. "What in the hay is she up to?"

At that moment, Twilight took hold of the tarp, and brought it over above the crate. The others watched as Twilight quickly began tying the rope around the tarp, and soon began to wrap rope around the crate. When she tied a knot in the rope to secure it, she quickly jumped into the crate with the others. But she was not done. Twilight then quickly grabbed Spike. And before he realised it, Twilight quickly thrusted the little drake, squeezing him in a heimlich maneuver like way. This cause Spike to forcibly blow out fire into the tarp as they began to slow their fall. Twilight kept her eyes shut, hoping that her plan would work.

Moments later, the Main Six soon found themselves floating again, with the crate they were in barely avoiding hitting the ground, and brushing the top of a tree. The others soon looked around them, and soon realised that Twilight had ingeniously made the things into a makeshift hot-air balloon. They all sighed with relief that they were all still alive in one piece thanks to Twilight clever quick thinking.

"Thank goodness." Rarity said.

"Phee-yew!" Applejack turned to Twilight. "Quick thinkin', Twilight!"

Twilight could not help but let out a brief cheer and laugh excitedly, for her plan had worked so well. She was filled with a feeling of accomplishment at her plan, and that they had managed to escape Tempest and Darth Vader a second time.

Pinkie Pie popped up between Twilight and Applejack. "That was fun!" She yelled while grinning excitedly. "Can we do it again?"

Rainbow Dash got out of the hot-air balloon, and began pushing the hot-air balloon. "Next stop, Mount Aris!"

"We're home free!" Twilight said.

The others cheered as they were now close to their destination. In front of them, Mount Aris stood proud in their sights just a short distance away, with the light of the sun shining on the mountain. They knew that they would all be safe from their pursuers once they seek help from the queen of the hippogriffs to save their home.

Back on Celaeno's ship, things were quite bad. Storm guards began searching the ship for the Main Six. Darth Vader stood on the deck, with his arm was extended. In his grasp, he was holding Celaeno by the throat as he held her off the floor, with the Captain's feet dangling at Vader's knees. A part of Celaeno's face was turning blue with fear and lack of air. Grubber looking on with interest as the Sith lord questioned the Ornithian pirate.

Tempest came over toward Darth Vader, catching his attention to inform him of the search. "My Lord, the princess and her friends are not on board this vessel."

With that said, Darth Vader turned his attention back to the Ornithian pirate captain. Tempest and Grubber watched on while the dark lord continued his interrogation, wondering how much longer Celaeno could last.

"Where are those Equestrians you assisted?" Darth Vader asked. "WHAT have you DONE with the princess?"

Celaeno struggled to talk through being choked. "We didn't shelter no ponies..." She gasped. "This is a trading ship... We're only... hauling Storm King merchandise..."

"If this is a trading ship, where are your Storm King uniforms?!" Darth Vader threw Celaeno to the ground right before she was about to lose consciousness. He then turned angrily to Tempest, Grubber and the Storm guards as he yelled, "Commander, tear this ship apart until you found those Equestrians! And bring Capper aboard, and put him with the others!"

"Yes, my lord." Tempest turned to Grubber. "Search below deck now!"

Grubber jumped. "I'm thearchin'-I'm thearchin'!"

When Grubber rushed off down below deck, Tempest turned and went back to her ship with her two personal Storm guards to retrieve Capper. Celaeno struggled to get up from the ground, and held her throat, coughing and gasping for air. Her crew rushed over to her side, and helped her up.

"Captain, you alright?" Mullet asked.

Celaeno gasped for air. "...Yeah. I think so."

Moments later, Tempest returned with Capper in between her Storm guards, where they put him in group with Celaeno and her crew. The pirates looked at Capper with confusion.

"Capper?" The pirates said.

Capper smiled awkwardly, and waved. "...Long time no see, guys."

The awkward reunion was cut short when Tempest began approaching them, causing them to back away to the other side of the ship with fear. Darth Vader stood by watching everything. A moment later, Grubber came walking back up from below deck towards Tempest and Darth Vader.

"You found something?" Darth Vader asked.

"There'th no ponieth. But I found thith." Grubber held up a cupcake, and began to inspect it closely. "It'th a... kind of a cupcake... with thprinkleth..." Grubber suddenly held up another item in his other hand as he said, "Oh, yeah, and I found thith too."

The other item turned out to be the ponies' map to Mount Aris, which they had forgot to take with them before escaping. Tempest took the ponies' map, and began looking at it carefully where her eyes rose with fascinated realisation. Grubber came to Tempest's side to look at the map, eyeing at the little drawing Pinkie Pie did of herself.

"Wow, this is a real artitht!" Grubber commented before taking a bite from the cupcake.

"Looks like they're heading to Mount Aris." Tempest said.

"Really?" Capper began to stammer and laugh nervously. "Mou- Mount Aris? I... Well, that's my mis— I didn't know that... Mount Ari... My bad, I didn't... That's my... I'm sorry, I'm very very sorry."

"Those are the words of a terrible liar, and a traitor!" Darth Vader turns to Tempest. "Commander, destroy them, and their ship!"

"Yes, my lord." Tempest stepped forward towards the terrified prisoners, her broken horn beginning to crackle loudly with blue sparks of unstable magic. "Now, about your betrayal..."

In an angry rage, Tempest fired a destructive surge of magic in different parts of the ship. It surged toward the crates on deck, then the ship's sails, the helm, and to the major area that kept the ship in the air. Darth Vader, Tempest, Grubber, and their Storm guards quickly got off the ship, as one of the guards on board detached the harpoon. They all stood on board Tempest's ship and watched Celaeno's pirate ship, unable to maintain in the air, beginning to fall towards the ground in flames, leaving a trail of smoke.

"We must now return to our search." Darth Vader said.

"Oh!" Prattler suddenly blinked, like if he just remembered something. He approached Darth Vader to speak as he began to board his ship. "Um...My Lord? I almost forgot to tell you. While you and Commander Tempest were searching in Klugetown, his Excellency, the Storm King tried to contact you."

Darth Vader stopped walking. His back was turned as Prattler continued to talk.

"I told him that you were busy, so he wanted me to deliver a message. He wanted me to inform you and Tempest that he's going to arrive at Canterlot tomorrow, saying that he's bored, and decided to arrive one day early."

Tempest's eyes rose with concern, before shifting to a glare, along with a snarl at Prattler. "What?!"

"Uh-oh, not good!" Grubber commented.

Slowly, Darth Vader turned around towards Prattler. "So, Prattler..." Anger began to rise in his tone. "First you failed to have our ship intercept sooner, and then you withheld important information?!"

Prattler flinched, and backed away in fear from the angry tone in the dark lord's voice. "It was an accident, my lord, I'm sorry! It won't happen again!"

"You are right," Darth Vader said. "It won't."

Darth Vader raised his hand, and with the force, held him up off the deck by his throat. Prattler began squirming with his hands clutching his throat, and a look of fear and dread in his eyes.

Darth Vader's eerie mechanical breathing filled his mind, as he hissed, "You have failed me for the last time, Prattler."

"No! Please! My lord, don't-"

Before Prattler could plead any further, Darth Vader flung the weasel over board. The sound of Prattler's screaming echoed as Tempest and Grubber watched him plummet to his death and disappeared through the clouds below, with his screams fading away into complete silence. There was a moment of silence among them.

Grubber winced as he thought in his head. The poor guy muth've buthted every bone in hith body.

"Commander." Tempest and Grubber attention turned to Darth Vader at him addressing Tempest. "Set your course for Mount Aris and continue your search. Calculate every possible destination around the surrounding area until Princess Twilight and her friends are found."

"Yes, Lord Vader," Tempest said. "I will double my efforts."

Darth Vader pointed at Tempest in a warning fashion. "Don't fail me again... Commander."

With that said, Darth Vader turned around and walked back on board The Executor with his personal Storm guards. As soon as they boarded, the guards began untying the ropes, and retracted the boarding ramp. Tempest and Grubber watched as The Executor began to depart, and disappear into the Sea of Clouds.

"Whoa," Grubber said. "Lord Vader thounded pretty theriouth when he thaid "Don't fail me again". And you thaw what happened to Prattler when he didn't tell us about the Thtorm King commin' a day early. Not to mention what happened to you when you and him firtht met-

Tempest turned her head to Grubber with an angry glare as she interrupted her sidekick by shouting, "Grubber!" The angry tone in her voice, along with angry sparks from her broken horn made Grubber jump with fright. "Get us to Mount Aris, NOW!"

Grubber yelped with fright, and rushed over to the skiff's controls to begin their commanded course. The engines came to life, and Grubber steered the ships course to continue their search and pursuit for Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

Tempest glared at the horizon, with more sparks of magic coming out of her broken horn. "You're not going to keep me from getting my horn back, Princess! I swear if it's the last thing I do, I will find you! Even if I have to kill your friends!"

Author's Note:

Hey, guys.
Here it is. The third sequel of my "What-if-Darth Vader-was-in-MLP: The Movie?" series.

Note: This story series follows the story line of the movie, for the most part.

A very special thanks to EJLightning007arts for making the first story art image, and to LoneUnicornWriter for recently proofreading it.

Link to the image: https://ejlightning007arts.deviantart.com/art/Vader-Chocking-Captain-Celaeno-719560947

Comments ( 19 )

Commander tear this ship apart until you find those plans and bring me the passengers I WANT THEM ALIVE- Darth Vader.
Anyway. Good story

I hope Vader has his own version of Death Squadron here.

Awesome! Is about time

Another brilliant chapter in this epic saga. I can't wait to see what will happen next.

YEEHAW! Great chapter! Loved it! Bye bye Prattler. It was nice knowin’ ya. Man, Vader is merciless!

I digress though. Sorry for my late review. Was busy IRL. Hope to see more soon!


Bye bye Prattler. It was nice knowin’ ya. Man, Vader is merciless!

Well, I had to have Vader kill someone. And this is so much like him. Besides, who says Prattler's dead?
Or have I said too much?

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. And the next one will be out sooner or later.

Great story. Just what do you plan to do with Vader once Tempest gets reformed. (Crosses fingers) Please don'thave him reformed. Please don't have him reformed.


Great story. Just what do you plan to do with Vader once Tempest gets reformed. (Crosses fingers) Please don'thave him reformed. Please don't have him reformed.

Well, maybe the title image (or top half of it) made by EJLightning007arts will give you a clue on your question.

Ok, but how will that tie in to the Empire Strikes Back?

It won't. That's the point. It's Alternate Universe for Star Wars too. Vader's going to be reformed, but he will die at the end.

(Shakes finger) He is part of the Galactic Empire, and a Sith! Take him away! (stormtroopers takes you away)


Very nice! I'm certainly waiting for more!

Its so refreshing to see Vader being such ruthless. Killing Verko, then throwing Prattler overboard. While he also had Rainbow in a death grip XD. I have a feeling Vader is gonna be more ruthless by the time this is over

Maybe, maybe not. You'll have to find out. :raritywink:

DO it Vader, let the comment section see you true nature

You screwed up Rainbow. Darth Vader's fist is going to come for your hide.

"Prepare a boarding party, and intercept the airship. I will set my ships course to randevu with you shortly."


Oh. Oops. Thanks for pointing that out.

Tempest’s face photoshopped over Luke's face, is probably the funniest thing I've seen this week.:rainbowlaugh:

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