• Published 6th Feb 2018
  • 3,350 Views, 83 Comments

Super Mare-io Odyssey: A Story Untold - Cool_Quick

A collision on the Odyssey lands Mario and Cappy in Equestria, where things quickly become interesting.

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Terror in the Ship

Author's Note:

Yep. It took me a month and a half to do this chapter. Ridiculous? You bet. Just wait, next chapter won't come until December. Hopefully that won't happen. Anyways, here's the next highly anticipated (I hope) chapter for you guys. Happy Halloween!

The sun was setting gloriously in the horizon as the Odyssey flew far over the land. Equestria was several hours behind us now, and underneath our ship was just grassland and water. Occasional towns flew by, but they were swallowed up in the steadily growing fog. All that could be seen for the most part was just clouds and a steadily darkening sky.

Inside the ship, Luigi and I were on opposite sides of the bunk room, labeling each bed. After a small little argument about who had the best bed by the balcony, Luigi and I decided to assign beds to everyone, with me taking the one by the balcony, and Luigi taking the one behind me. The entire time that we spent making the signs, and taping them to the ends of each bed, Luigi and I shot each other looks that could have killed an entire town.

But at long last, our argument subsided. I went and made some coffee while Luigi walked to the balcony with Fluttershy. I joined them later; and we watched as the sun slowly sank below the world.

After about thirty minutes, I turned on the Odyssey's outside light that hung from the rim, and went back inside.

In the gaming room, Applejack and Rainbow Dash had apparently figured out how the Nintendo Switch (not a sponsor, don't copyright me) worked, and the two of them were going head to head on Super Mario Party in the Sizzlin' Stakes minigame.

"My steak is going to be so much more delicious than yours!" Rainbow declared as she flipped her cube awkwardly to a side she'd already cooked. "This strange device is so cool!"

"That's a Joy-Con." I said.

"I love Joy!" Pinkie exclaimed.

At that moment, Applejack had one side left to cook. "Yuh'd bettur hurry up Sugarcube. Mah steak is almus' dun."

Rainbow gritted her teeth, and flipped again. Her steak suddenly glowed, and the game ended with her in first place.

"Aw, yeah!" she celebrated. "Most Awesome Steak Chef right here!"

Applejack stared in the perfect deadpan expression at her 2nd place. "Nex' time..." she left that unsaid.

An hour later, we began getting ready for bed. Luigi tried to brush his teeth and comb his hair at the same time, but ended up trying to comb his teeth with his hairbrush and brush his hair with the toothbrush. We got a great laugh out of that.

Finally, we said our goodnights, and I went to my private bunk by the balcony. Less than five minutes later, I was asleep.

(alternate P.O.V. Bowser's Kingdom)

Magikoopa, a replacement of the first Magikoopa, stared through time and space at the Mario Bros. and those strange colorful ponies as they slept. He laughed hysterically to himself at what he was thinking about doing.

"Heh... it is Halloween after all..." he told himself. "Why not make it a memorable one for these pesky Mario Bros?" He turned and looked behind him at his proudest new creation. "Now, my pretty..." he said. "Enter the one with the green hat. Give them all a scare..."

(Mario's P.O.V.)

Sleep didn't last two hours for me. Around 1 a.m. I heard a muffled scream from the other room.

I jumped... quite literally... out of bed, and stood in my Princess Peach underwear (you didn't need to know that).

"Who's there?" I asked.

No response.

I slowly crept forward, feeling the sweat pour off of my forehead. I needed to wake up Luigi.

Finally arriving at his bunk, I pulled back his covers, and said "Luigi, did you hear...?" I was cut short when I realized something.

Luigi was gone.

Now, I started to feel a bit more worried. Luigi may have been a doofus, but he was still my brother.

The door into the room I was in suddenly shut.

I froze, my heart rate beginning to rise as whatever was in the room crept towards me. As it approached, I slowly turned around, and felt my stomach nearly drop out of my body.

Luigi stood there, his eyes blank, and his mouth opened, drool flowing like a waterfall out of the side.

I laughed a bit nervously, and said "Luigi? Wake up, you're sleepwalking again."

Luigi didn't respond.

I stood and slapped him. "Luigi!"

Luigi didn't even blink. He continued to stare with that same vacant expression.

Fear coursed through me, as I realized that he wasn't sleepwalking. Something was horribly wrong.

This became even more evident as I began backing out of the room, and Luigi followed.

"Don't worry," I said as I began to open the door slowly. "I'll be back..."

Suddenly, Luigi lunged. He hit me with a solid uppercut across my chin, and my head exploded. I slumped out of the door, and felt Luigi on top of me, pinning me to the floor.

I shook my head to clear it as much as I could, and dodged another punch that he directed at my face. "You wanna fight?" I asked. "Have this!" I kicked Luigi right in the groin, and he staggered off of me back into the other room. Quickly, I closed and locked the door just before he lunged again.

I ran as fast as I could from there, hearing Luigi pounding on the door behind me. I needed to find those ponies.

As I ran through the hall, I literally ran into Twilight who was running up the hall. We made a loud sound like two NFL players colliding, and the five other ponies watched us collapse to the ground.

"Mario?!" Twilight exclaimed after her breath returned. "What's going on?"

"Luigi isn't himself!" I yelled back. "He attacked me!"

"What happened?" Rarity squeaked.

"No idea," I replied as Pinkie pulled a cake and a paper bag out of the Pinkie dimension and ate and hyperventilated at the same time. She's quite a talent, albeit an unusual one.

"Maybe... he's just sleepwalking weirdly?" Fluttershy whispered in hope.

"There's no way he could be sleeping deeply enough to where two kicks in the face couldn't wake him up."

"Oh.." was all she could say before she began hyperventilating herself. Pinkie reached into the Pinkie dimension once again, and handed her a paper bag.

"Well, we need to do something about-a this-a," I stuttered, starting to panic a bit myself.

"We can start by CALMING DOWN!!!" Twilight yelled, and the paper bags immediately left. "And think rationally."

"With Pinkie here, that'll be hard," Rainbow commented.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Where did you last see Luigi?"

"I locked him in the bunk room back there." I gestured back down the hallway.

"Ok. Let's go there, and see what we can do." With that, she began trotting down the hallway, and we followed hesitantly.

When we reached the door though, we were in for a shock.

First, as we neared the door, we realized that we didn't hear any knocking and pounding. Then, when we reached it, we found out why.

The door was opened.

Luigi was gone.


The paper bags returned.

"GUYS!!" Twilight cried out. "Don't lose hope! He could have just... gone to the restroom."

"I doubt it-a," I replied.

"Um, guys...?" Fluttershy breathed.

"Yes?" Twilight asked.

"He's... right... behind... us..."

Sure enough... we turned and saw Luigi standing in the hallway with that same vacant expression on his face.

Before we had a chance to think, he sprang.

He tackled Pinkie to the ground first, but Pinkie gave a pretty strong kick and knocked him back. Rarity fainted, which left Luigi with one less to deal with.

But, Luigi had set his eyes on me. He slowly moved towards me, grabbing a nearby butter knife.

"Luigi..." I said.

All of a sudden, Fluttershy stepped in front of me. "LUIGI!" she exclaimed. "You know us! Stop it!"

She fixed Luigi with a very intense stare, which I thought wouldn't help much. "Fluttershy… he has-a a knife-a..."

But, to my surprise, Luigi began cowering under her intense gaze. And he wasn't the only one.

The hat on top of his head suddenly seemed to move. At first, I thought it was just my imagination, but then I saw eyes appear.

"No... way..." Cappy exclaimed. I was in shock myself.

It was a Bonnetor just like Cappy, except its eyes were an evil shade of red. And Luigi's eyes suddenly cleared, and showed the same deep shade of red.

"It's a Dark Bonnetor…" Cappy explained in shock. "It possesses whoever wears it."

I stood up. I had to get that hat off.

Rushing forward, I grabbed the hat, and yanked hard. With a popping sound, it came off and flopped to the floor, eyes rolling in dazed confusion. Taking advantage of its dizziness, I picked it up, rushed to the balcony, and chucked it as far as I could, watching as it fell through the clouds below.

Behind me, Luigi groaned. I turned around and saw Luigi awkwardly stand up. And then he tumbled backwards, and tripped over Rarity, who was still lying comatose on the floor, and then he knocked over a nightstand.

As he lay on the floor again, I said "Welcome back, Luigi."

"Wow..." Luigi said. "That felt worse than eating a whole bowl of ravioli."

"Speaking of ravioli..." I said. "I think we all deserve a little snack after our little fiasco."

"Sounds great!" Pinkie exclaimed. "I'll whip up a cake!" And off she zoomed to the kitchen.

"Um... I'll make some tea..." Fluttershy whispered as she slowly followed Pinkie.

"And I'll get up... sometime," Luigi mumbled under a pile of books which decided to fall on him a moment ago.

We all laughed as we headed towards the kitchen and a snack. Little did we know that our challenges from Bowser had only begun...