• Published 15th Feb 2018
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Dadonequus Discord, But It's The MLP Movie (And still doesn't have Discord) - CrazedLaughter

The "Hero Colt" Anon finds himself within the events of the MLP movie and tries to win the day in his own way. Of course, like everything else he does, this doesn't go at all like he plans

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Chapter 8: A Horn Renewed

When you entered the room, Tempest was already sitting down with an emotionless expression. She was waiting, and obviously deep in thought. The room itself was interesting, near the start of the door was dreary with a few Storm King merchandise thrown about. But the back of the room? Swords, gold, treasure, pirate flags, and a portrait of the pirate captain herself. Obviously they were originally keeping that hidden given the curtains that were on either side.

Capper closes the door behind you as you walk over to the seat across from Tempest. “Wow, smell that tenseness, thick enough to choke anyone. But ah, if you don’t mind me asking, why don’t we just beat these guys and beeline towards our pony friends?”

“Because…” You hop on the seat “Tempest here? I don’t think she’s as bad as she thinks she is. I think she’ll find what I have to offer really interesting”

Tempest slowly rolls her eyes “You are aware I can hear the both of you, right?”

You shrug “Yep, not like you can do anything about that. So uhhh...oh…” These chairs really were meant for those pirates. You couldn’t reach your head high enough over the table to comfortably look at Tempest. “Capper, a little help?”

Capper snickered just a little as he put you in his hands and gently put you on the table “Sure thing, Captain. Still though, I think you got that hat on too tight...way too tight.”

“Maybe…” You reach into your saddlebag, and pull out your trusty map. “But if you’re feeling really uncertain about all this. You can use my map to get out of here.”

Capper just looks at the map with an eyebrow raise before looking at you with doubt on his mind “I mean sure, but uh...unless that map is pointing to some invisible sky bridge then I think walking too far in any direction will just get my fur wet.”

“No..erm..Right, you don’t know anything about my stuff. Um, this map here will take you to my house if you toss it in water or some other form of liquid. You helped me get out of that cage so...If you really want to-” But then Capper stops you as he takes the map and puts it back in your saddle bag.

Capper then grins at you as he points to himself “Anon, I think I said I’d watch your back. So relax, it’s cool, I trust you. Just don’t be too hasty with that whole “Blowing up the ships” thing, alright? Just something to think about since those pirates aren’t exactly what I’d call bad guys.”

At this point, you figured. So you just give him a nod “Right, it’s just a last resort sort of thing. Thanks Capper…. Anyway, back to you” You look over to Tempest.

“Hmph. you’re so cocky. What makes you think I’m going to accept any of your offers?” Tempest was less than impressed with your attitude. She thought you really aren't as great as you yourself thought. Just an arrogant little colt with too much power.

You calm yourself, and look to her with stoic look of your own. “Because Tempest, I know what you want. I can guess to how your life has been like. And most of all, I know you are owned by your own obsession. You’ll agree to what I have to offer. Guaranteed.”

Tempest let out a groan of disgust “You’ll never understand anything. You can stand there pretending to know, but you’re just an ignorant little rugrat who should have stayed at home.”

“Tempest, I understand you more than you know. You’re pretty easy to figure out once the pieces have been laid out. You lost your horn and you were left alone...even hated. You felt your horn was what brought you love and respect and so you wanted to become whole again. But somewhere along the way this became an obsession, you are willing to do ANYTHING to get your horn back. So much so, you’re willing to become the monster you were accused of just to have it back.” You stop yourself there. You had one last thing to add to that….But you’d let Tempest figure that out on her own. For once, you felt you had this. You couldn’t lose. You were starting to feel like one of those old wise wizards that knew more about someone then they themself did. It was fucking awesome.

Tempest said nothing at first. And then, as if she was trying to come up with ANY counterpoint, she turns her head and replies begrudgingly “THEY chose to see me as a monster. I did nothing wrong.”

“I believe it. Some kids are just too naive and cruel. I don’t think everyone was like that though. I know it must have been hard, but I’m sure not everyone saw you as a monster.” This, you were sure of.

“That doesn’t matter now, does it? It is what it is.” Tempest says, her tone becoming more pained with the memories of the past.

“Then why try to fix your horn at all?” You ask

“Because then I’ll become whole again. The pain will finally stop…” Tempest answers immediately this time, obviously this thought had been with her for quite some time. It was simple, and in truth, probably lost its meaning a long time ago.

This was it, Anon. Not only were you going to put your Saturday Morning Logic into this. But everything you learned in Equestria as well. If this didn’t work, well, it was a nice life.

“Well, if that’s what you really think...If that’s what you really want…” You lift and remove your necklace with the horn, and toss it towards Tempest. “Then here, make it a reality.”

Tempest just looks at the horn, then back at you with an insulted expression “What do you take me for? A fool? That’s obviously a fake.”

“Oh...no, that’s pretty real. I can tell from here from just how nice that necklace looks. But let’s get on the matter that matters, right? Anon, that, to me, sounds a little crazy. A lot crazy. The kind of crazy they lock you up for. I mean I know I said I was behind you but you’re scaring me with this. What if you’re wrong?” Capper was starting to feel panicky. If the horn was as powerful as it seemed then he didn’t want to be at the other end of it.

Tempest did seem to notice the royally high quality of the necklace. She takes it and holds it up towards you “Mhmm, he’s right. If this is the real deal, what makes you think I won’t use it on the both of you?”

You don’t react, you stay calm. You knew you were right on this. You just had to be. “You won’t, this is too important to you.”

Tempest, while not directly reacting, was in disbelief nonetheless “You’re willing to help me for nothing, even after everything I did to you?”

You shrug “I don’t hate you Tempest. Have I gotten angry at you? Oh yeah, using me as bait didn’t sit too well with me. But even then, if you really are as bad as you think I think you are,then you would have already taken the time to blast me with your broken horn and make an escape. So yes, if you’re willing to accept my help. Then I am giving it to you….but be forewarned” You give her an ominous look “Chaos is fickle and unpredictable, there can be some dire consequences if you are unable to do this properly.”

“I don’t want to ruin the vibe we got going here, but “dire” is a pretty harsh word. What kind of “dire” consequences are we talking about here?” Capper was of course worried about what could happen if she does it wrong. He was afraid of it going too far and possibly blowing everything up anyway.

“Dunno…” You stare intently into Tempest’s eyes “It’s all up to her. So, what do you say Tempest? Trust me enough to give it a shot?”

Tempest says nothing, she just keeps her focus on the horn as she slowly reaches for it. For once, her entire demeanor breaks as she could suddenly feel her goal finally becoming a reality. She knew she shouldn’t trust you, that it could all be a trap. But she’s been waiting so long, and what she’s already seen of the horn, she felt, was evidence enough it could work.

You did your best to contain yourself as you saw her slowly pick the horn and and bring it to her forehead. This was it! PROGRESS!

In a flash, the sombra horn becomes a normal unicorn’s horn adorned on Tempest’s forehead. Her broken horn, for the moment, ceased to be. Tempest looked to Capper, a stoic look in her eyes as she sternly said a single word “Mirror…”

Capper was mystified and yet slightly afraid by the entire event, he never witnessed this kind of magic first hand and so he kept his eyes squarely on Tempest as he clumsily reached for a mirror on a cabinet as he held it up to her.

And when she finally gazed upon that mirror, seeing herself complete, her expression finally began to soften up “..So...you told the truth. I…” But she couldn’t think of any words to say at all. She was stunned. So much time, so much waiting, and it was finally here.

“Relax Tempest. That’s still my horn, you still need to cast a spell to regain your old one. Your thoughts must be chaotic, as must your methods. That is the only way to get it to work properly.” You never felt so in control in one of these situations in your life. You were almost there….

Tempest was silent, Capper was silent, hell, the entire room was like it was frozen in time at this point. Tempest gave you a stare for one more moment, it was like she was contemplating just blasting you due to her not trusting you. But, she doesn’t, she takes a breath and closes her eyes. And then?

“W-what’s going on?! I know you said chaotic! But I feel like the everything is going to blow up!” Capper was shocked and afraid at what he was seeing.

You just waited patiently as Tempest found herself being enveloped in a dark red cloud. The air in the room began to vortex around her as she called out in anger and fright. “I knew it! I knew I couldn’t trust you!”

You just stare intently as the cloud fully envelopes her and begins to spin. Capper takes a sword from the corner and holds it towards the cloud “Hey! I’m not going to have to use this thing, right? Because I think I’d rather take my chances with the beasties outside”

“It’ll be fine....” You just wait as the clouds begin to calm and dissipate from where Tempest was sitting. “She couldn’t manage it...I mean, she did manage it. But, not in the way you’d think. Take a look.” You point your hoof to where she had sat.

Capper got on this toes and looked over the table with caution. His eyes went wide to what he saw, but he wasn’t afraid, just utterly perplexed “Well I’ll be a pony’s uncle…”

From Tempest’s seat, you can hear a higher pitched groan “W-what happened? Where am-” Suddenly, as if all her battle training hit her at once, Tempest jumped onto the table and looked upon you in rage “You tricked me! You’ll pay for this!”

D-did she not even notice what happened? Wow, she didn’t even take the time to be stumped at her situation. No wonder she was a “Commander”, she didn’t let anything try to ruin her focus. “Tempest, relax. You did it!...So to speak.” You were looking at a filly Tempest. She had done what you expected, she cursed herself due to her strong desire to have her horn back. Well, she had it back alright. Her body was reverted to a time before she lost it, even her scar was gone. Though, the regression seemed to make her even quicker to anger than before.

“You mean made me smaller? I already noticed. Instead of destroying me you just decide to humiliate me. Well Anon, I hope you have a good laugh.” She aims her horn at you “It’ll be your last!”

Ok then….she was MUCH quicker to anger and judgement than before. “Uh..Tempest. Look, I mean itAAGH! WOAH!” Tempest had meant to, of course, zap you with her horn. But instead she was using telekinesis on the sword Capper was holding. Her very rage manipulating it as it came rushing towards you.

“G-GYAH!” You throw yourself back as Capper’s upper body is slung above the table as the sword nearly slices at your “sacred” spot! “TEMPEST! GEEZ! RELAX!”

But she wasn’t paying attention. She was focusing so hard that she had her eyes closed as she focused to create the biggest blast she could. Not even realizing she was just about to slice you in two instead.

Capper could feel himself losing his grip on the sword “H-hold on there..A-Anon..nnn..NGH!” He raises the sword with all his strength as slams it through the table. When he leaned back to catch his breath, he could see the sword was struggling to get free. He had to act fast. “I got to remember to take a cat nap for a week after this. If crazy was a guy, even he’d think this was nuts. Ok, let’s see.” Capper takes a quick look around and spots the mirror he held up for Tempest “This better work” He quickly swipes it up and brings it in front of Tempest “Hey little filly, open your eyes!”

“What..?” Tempest opens up her eyes to see what was even going on, fearing she was about to be attacked, she had forgotten Capper was even in the room. However, upon gazing into the mirror, it no longer mattered.

Nothing at the moment...mattered.

The sword stopped it’s movements when Tempest looked into the mirror. You had been to scared to move due to how close you came to losing the ability to reproduce. When you saw what had happened, your laid your head down and took a deep breath. “..That….was too close.”

“...My horn.” Tempest’s gaze was fixated upon her reflection as she slowly gave her real horn a tap. When she felt it was real, her eyes started to slowly fill with tears “I-it’s…”

Capper, not wanting any kind of encore, quickly notices your horn had fallen onto Tempest’s seat. He quickly swipes it up and rushes it to you as he gazes upon Tempest “Anon, mind letting me in on what just happened?”

You take your horn necklace and put it around your neck. That was a close fucking call. But finally, the reformation can now happen. “Like I said, she managed it….sorta. She cursed herself in a way I did a couple times. Her desire for her horn, or perhaps, for things to go back to the way they were before she lost it, caused her body to revert back to a time before it was broken. But, it’s a curse, as I said, so it can’t be undone normally.” No, you knew what this was. You had done this to yourself a couple of times. Like when you turned everything into a noire that you couldn’t escape from until you “cracked the case”.

But, the question is. Would Tempest want to stay this way? No, probably not. If this really was like Starlight, and given how things go with ponies anyway, you knew in the end the horn didn’t matter. If she lost her friends and was deemed a monster due to losing her horn, then having it back now that she was working for a real monster wouldn’t do anything for her. You were glad for the experience your time in Equestria has given you because if this was before even Starlight? You’d probably be fucked.

“So, what does that mean for us?” Capper asked “There’s still her goons, you know that right?”

You nod as you look to Tempest with a determined look “Just leave it to me…” You walk over to the entranced filly. And give her a warm smile as you greet her “Hey Tempest, how are you doing?”

She was still looking into the mirror, utterly captivated by her horn. “I…” She sniffed as she began to slowly cry in happiness “..I never thought I’d ever get it back.”

“Yeah, it looks great.” You put your hoof gently on the mirror to get her attention “Didn’t I tell you my horn could do it?”

Tempest gets a little startled by your hoof, but then she looks up and looks upon your smiling face. By this time, her face was drenched in tears. At first, her gaze was rather sad, but then she slowly began to smile a heartfelt and sunny smile “Y-you did. I can’t believe you’d do this for me, even after everything I did to you.”

You shrug “No big deal, I’ve dealt with worse. So-” You stop when you notice her smile vanished, she was looking at you as if nothing made sense anymore.

Then she slowly said “Why?...I attacked you, I attacked your homeland, it...it doesn’t make any sense. You had no reason to help me...so...why?”

You tilt your head and give her the biggest smile you can muster “Like I said, I think you’re cool. I mean, sure we kinda got off to a bad start. But I really could tell you weren’t a bad pony deep inside. You just needed someone else to...How did you put it? Open up your eyes.”

Tempest let’s out a little giggle at that “W-well, I guess I did try to do the same to you. Though..” She let’s out another giggle “You were pretty quick to hate that cat.”

Wut? “Hey, I me-”

But then Capper, sensing the situation finally calmed. Smugly points his finger at you “She’s got you there Anon, and I was already a changed cat by the time you saw me. That’s pretty biased, tsk tsk, what would your aunt thing?”

...oh come on “Wow, ok then. I was feeling like a wise grand master til you guys pointed that ou-” You’re once again interrupted as suddenly, Tempest hugs on to you tightly.

“...I...I can’t thank you enough for this. I finally have it back, thanks to you.” She nuzzled her head on the side of yours.

But, as warming as the moment was….You now knew what came next. So you tried to sound as gentle as possible “Yeah, I’m glad you’re happy, Tempest. I really am. So now that you have your horn….what are you going to do now?”

As she continued to hug you, her eyes suddenly went wide as a shivering cold went down her spine. As you thought….She never thought ahead of what she would do after getting it back. Perhaps, in her mind, she never even thought she’d get it back.