• Member Since 14th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd


"I haven't seen a bigger waste of talent since Dan Marino." -Lucky Seven; Want to support me?


While pouring over the town's taxes, Twilight Sparkle notices an anomaly in Applejack's returns, deciding to confront her about it. Needless to say, backcountry traditions and consumption tax-dodging don't sit too well with the Princess of Friendship.

Cover art by Probablydnon

EDIT: Featured 3/20!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

This is actually quite interesting and perhaps a legitimate explanation how the farm stays up

The banjo music vibes are strong with this one.

Ah, gotta love the sweet smell of corruption in the morning.

Maran #4 · Mar 20th, 2018 · · 13 ·

I agree. This was an interesting idea, but both Twilight and AJ were reduced to negative stereotypes. I know it's satire, but this type of mischaracterization isn't my cup of tea.

I laughed the most at Spike's mention of Twilight taking correspondence courses for degrees and such.

This wasn't exactly a bad fic per se, but it was pretty clichéd. Not just the moonshine thing (speaking as a native of Appalachia here), but also for the portrayal of AJ as a moonshiner and Twilight as the sanctimonious bureaucrat. The only joke about the moonshine I really found funny was with Spike, with him taking a jar home for later.

Nice story I was cracking up at" it's the revenuers" lol. And then Twilight was bought off with books. :rainbowlaugh:

Rainbow Dash’s eyes went wide as she looked at the new arrival. “Oh crap, the revenuers!” Leaping upwards, she shot into the sky and out of sight. Then, she slammed back into the ground, nabbing a jar of liquor in her hoof before bolting away once more.

:ajbemused:: "Didn't you forget something, Rainbow?"
:rainbowhuh:: "Let's see. I have my stuff and I got away from Purple Smart. Nope, I'm good. Why do you ask?"
:ajbemused:: "What about Loyality, as in Not leaving an friend behind?"
:rainbowwild:: "No thanks AJ, I'll rather live a long, happy live and leave you to deal with her."
:ajbemused:: "...No ‘white lightning’ for you next time."

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.
(But am I the only one here who feels bad for poor Spike?)

I feel for Spike in the end, at least he got something out of it. Very light fluffy fun. Reminds me of TJPones Sparkles the Wonder Horse comics.

I live next to the famous 'Moonshine Alley' from the old films, so this was a bit of local history nostalgia. Fun story.

And that's the story of how Equestria discovered the twin magics of prohibition and government corruption in one fell swoop.

That last line made me lmfao. I've seen that video several times.

It’s April 15! Tax day!

I have almost never wanted to set fire to a purple unicorn more than I do at this exact moment.

LOL at Twilight blackmailing Applejack.

Ugh, Twilight’s smart enough to have sixteen.

Ha, I just noticed the pun in the title of the story. She actually was making bootleg applejack, wasn't she? It did always strike me as funny that she's named after a kind of apple-based booze when the show is so child-safe even the cider is non-alcoholic.

note they did not ask how many doctorates she had

It's not even satire, hell, it's not even good comedy.


My grandfather was shot by prohibition agents back in the day.

Now, whenever playing GTAV I hijack every Pißwasser truck I see and drive it off the pier. Also, torrent my weaselly black guts out to stick it to the Pigs.

(Okay, I made all that up, though the old man did teach me valuable lessons like not to bother buying expensive brewing equipment and make do with just a jug and balloons. It makes for pretty house decorations).

I used to be sung to sleep with this song... and used to sing it to my own kids, years ago.

Just saying. :ajsmug:


Rainbow bailing in a heartbeat was by far the funniest thing for me. So much for the Element of Loyalty.

Twilight blew a dismissive raspberry down at him. “Of course not. It’s April 15! Tax day!”

Twilight, I hate you SO much.

Also a great small stary, Thanks.

“Good one, Spike. Do you really think anyone in that family has the financial literacy to open a savings account, much less be able to absorb four years of loss? No, there’s only one business in the galaxy that gets you this rich…”

“Only one business available to country yokels with an eighth grade education,”

Stereotyping much, Twilight? :duck: Who's to say one of the Apples isn't secretly some math whiz? I mean, Granny Smith's been running the place practically her whole life almost single-hoofedly, so she must know a thing or two about financing and enough money management to keep the place going.

“She’s obviously lying about the extent of her understanding if she’s involved in what you think she is, Twilight.”

See?! Case in point! :rainbowlaugh:

But then again...we all saw nothing fishy going here in the end, didn't we? :ajsmug:


Yeah, I concur.

Ponies + Booze is a combination I can get well behind (seeing as of how that's where I got my start in pony fic), but it's not quite as fun when it's silly and petty and mean-spirited.

Not to mention I'm fairly certain Equestria wouldn't have much in the way of temperance laws to begin with. ;)

My Little Distillery: Nepotism is Profitable

“Oh crap, the revenuers!”

I completely lost it here :rainbowlaugh:

Tax returns... What an outlandish concept.
In most countries, tax money simply disappears.

Lmao! This is amazing. Twilight... naughty naughty! The best part about this was actually finding out about it and reading it on tax day haha.

Author Interviewer

I'd kind of been hoping Twilight had her mind set on some other illegal activities and would be searching for the evidence thereof while completely missing the large distilling operation right in front of her nose, but I can't say I'm disappointed with this outcome. :)

Alternate ending, Apple Bloom on hearing the commotion returns with a cricket bat and knocks Twilight out. They then hack off of her horn and bury her. Being an Immortal Alicorn Twilight spends a month in the casket before Celestia finds her, the Apples deny everything.

Twilight drives a hard bargain. *tired sigh*

Hilarious way to poke fun at political and illegal sitiations.

Does this mean there was pony prohibition at some point? Or is the Equestrian government desperate enough to tax known vices?

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