• Published 19th May 2018
  • 2,956 Views, 17 Comments

Equestria's Newest Guardian - SunsetDragon

Dying, not cool. Being resurrected with powers and an artifact I've always wanted in a show that I thought was cool, now that I could work with.

  • ...

The Start of a New Life

The sun was shining over the city of Sacramento on a busy afternoon. On the sidewalk there is a man looking about 20 years of age. The young man appeared to be wearing black tennis shoes and dark blue pants from the waist down. From the waist up though, he wore a light grey shirt and a black, water proof, high collared jacket. The man looked to be 6 foot or maybe a little taller and he appeared to have black hair and dark brown eyes. The man was walking down the street and passed by an ally where he saw a shadow moving. Tempted by curiosity, the man followed the shadow until he was led to a dead end with no one in sight. The man looked around and was disappointed to find nothing in the ally.

"Huh" The man said. "Thought I'd find something cool."

"And what would count as something cool?" Questioned a feminine voice.

The man had turned around to see who spoke only to be met with something he'd never thought he would see. Standing before him was a horse, a horse that had wings and a horn. The horse was different than regular ones though, this one looked more cartoonish and was colored differently from normal horses. This horse bad a goldish grey coat and a mane that was some shade of red. The horse and man stared at each other, blue eyes meeting brown in a stare down that lasted for about a minute before the silence was broken.

"It is rude to stare you know." Stated the horse.

The man was snapped out of his trance and answered back with "Uhh sorry, its just I've never seen a talking horse before."

"Pony, I am a pony, or more specifically an alicorn."

"Wait?" The man questioned. "Alicorn like from My Little Pony?"

"Yes that would be correct." She sated with a smile. That smile slowly turned into a grin with the alicorn asking. "So you watched the show?"

"Yeah, I've seen episodes here and there. Enough to know the species and the general story." The man answered with a nuetral face. His face slowly turned into one of confusion as he asked "But who are you?"

"Oh, how silly of me." She stated. "I forgot to introduce myself, I am Lauren Faust mother of princesses Celestia and Luna."

After hearing her answer, the man had several questions that he wanted to ask but one thought had popped into his head. This single thought had the man question why Faust was here and if she needed something.

"Quick question, are you a god?" Questioned the man.

"Technically speaking, yes I am a god." Answered Faust. "And I need your help."

Now this the man couldn't believe what he was hearing. The god from the My Little Pony universe had found him, an average person, and was asking for his help? This just wasn't making sense to the man.

"Wait? You, a literal god need my help. What could you possibly need my help with?"

Faust had looked down at the floor with regret and disappointment. The man noticed this and felt that whatever it was that she needed help with, she couldn't do it by herslef. Faust had looked up into the man's eyes and said "With a problem that I created and can't control."

It was after seeing Faust looking at him with eyes full of regret that the man had come to a decision, he would help Faust with whatever it was. He didn't know what this would do to him or how it would affect him. But one thing was certain, he would do everything in his power to help solve Faust's problem.

"Alright, I'll help."

Faust had looked at the man with a smile on her face. She had expected him to walk away or just berate her for not being able to control a problem that she created. But standing in front of her was someone who was willing to help her with nothing but determination in his eyes.

"I can not thank you enough for agreeing to help me, but I have to ask if you are certain you wish to help me. There will be no going back once you've agreed."

"Sure, I've lived on my own for most of my life, i'm ready to help." Said the man with determination.

"Perfect! Oh, one more thing, the process of getting to Equestria will have to end with you dying so that I may take you to the Either."

"Wait, I need to what?!"

The mans question fell on deaf ears as Faust had charged up magic energy in her horn. The man had a look of shock and fear of what Faust was doing. In a matter of seconds the magic gathered in Faust's horn shot towards the man and had made a clean whole through his chest. The man had a look of horror on his face and fell to the ground below, as he fell he saw his life flash before his eyes. He watched his entire history, from birth until this very moment, and the only thing that had plagued the mans mind as he closed his eyes and embraced darkness were three simple words.

'Fuck this hurts!!!'

The man saw and felt nothing but darkness all around him, and his mind started to wander as he floated in emptiness. He started to contemplate why he decided to say yes. He wondered if he would ever get out of this well of darkness that had surrounded him. The darkness that had felt like it had been there for eternity was not going away and the man was starting to get pissed. The more the man thought about how Faust had shot him in the chest the more angry he had gotten. Faust saying that she would meet him in a so called "Either" and instead he was floating in nothing but darkness for all of eternity. His anger was starting to get to a boiling point to where he was having vengeful thoughts.

'If I ever see Faust again I am gonna shove a stick so far up her as...'

"Oh would you just open your eyes all ready. I already teleported you to the either and for the gods sake you were not floating around for eternity. You've been lying on the ground for no more than a minute."

The man had stopped his thought dead in his tracks when he heard Faust's voice, then he had registered what she said. So he wasn't in a giant space of pure darkness, he had only been in the Either for a minute and Faust had somehow read his thoughts. So with this new knowledge, the man slowly opens his eyes and takes a look around him. He sees Faust and the area that surrounded the both of them which he had a hard time describing. It looked like they were standing in nothingness but there were surrounded by bright lights and fog that, all and all made it look like they were standing in the middle of the universe. Except instead of the universe being black with lights scattered all across it the universe was white with bright blue lights.

The man had finished taking a look at his surrounding and looked back at Faust with what could best be described as a mixture of pure rage and confusion. The man had thought back on what Faust had done to him and he was not pleased at all. So, with all of the anger he could muster the man had shouted at Faust.


Faust had reeled back from the sheer volume that the man had yelled at and took a second to recompose herself. As she reeled back, Faust had looked at the mans face and found that he was angry but she also saw that the man had a slight look of confusion hidden through his anger. So with this knowledge Faust had decided to act calm and talk at a normal tone until the man had calmed down.

"Yes, I did shoot you and I am sorry. If there was another way to send you here then I would have done so, but in order to get you and send you to Equastria I needed to exterminate you from your own universe. So killing you was the only option I had."

The man had slowly calmed down after hearing that but he still had a angered frown on his face. The man had walked past Faust and sat down about twenty steps away from where Faust was standing and sat on the ground. Faust had stayed where she was for a good minute and then slowly started to walk towards where the man was. When she had arrived next to him, she to sat down and the both of them had just stared of into this void known as the Either. It stayed this way until Faust had decided to wrap the man in her wing. She felt the man stiffen when her wing draped over him but slowly start to ease into the hug that Faust was giving him and he had draped his arm over Faust to hug her back.

After that little interaction of comfort, the man had turned his head to Faust and gave her a gentle smile. The man then got up and offered to help her up. Faust accepted the offer with her wing and was gently pulled up to stand. After staring at each other for longer than necessary the man had offered an apology.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, but you gotta understand that shooting someone in the chest and then have them wake up in a place they don't know will stress them out."

"I understand and in all honesty if I was in your shoes I would have reacted the same way."

"Ok, well now that that's over, what is it that I need to do?"

Faust had started to walk backwards a few steps and then turned around. Her horn lit up and a screen had appeared in the Either and an image had come up. The image was of a woman that appeared to be in her late twenties to early thirties. The woman had long scarlet color hair that reached her mid back and dark brown eyes with a light skin complexion. She had also looked pretty tall, but the man had kept that to himself. Her outfit consisted of black boots and blue skinny jeans that had silver lines running threw them. On top of the woman's jeans she had a silvered trimmed black waistcoat. From the waist up she wore a black shirt and a silver trimmed high collared jacket. She also had on some finger less gloves that were black with blood red highlights. All in all the woman looked pretty intimidating with the deadly glare that was on the image.

"This is Irene Dragnov and she is the problem that I need you to solve."

"Ok, so what happened with her? Did she try to take over Equestria? Did she try to kill one of the elements? Also, how did she get to Equestria in the first place?"

"No, thankfully she hasn't made any moves yet but she is the biggest threat that Equestria will face. I brought her here in an attempt to give Equestria the perfect Guardian. I had offered her the same choice that I gave you and naturally she accepted." Faust had turned away from the image and had continued to speak. "She was a promising candidate for the offer I gave you. She trained in the military and she had scene the horror of death and accepted that this job would come with it. I thought that nothing could go wrong but I was sorrily mistaken. The moment I gave her the powers she asked for and sent her to Equestria, she ran into a small village of ponies and slaughtered them all."

The man's eyes widened but he did not react with a recoil or a gasp. The man didn't interrupt Faust, so she took that as her signal to continue with her story.

"After that, Irene disappeared from the public eye. I'm assuming that she hid to better her powers and to better understand Equestria in general."

"Ok, so Irene is basically evil incarnate now that she has her powers and you want me to try and stop her?" The man questioned.

"Yes, that is exactly what I need you to do. I fear that with the powers I gave her she could conquer all of Equestria and beyond. "

"OK, but what powers did you give her exactly. Because from what it sounds like, you're making me think that you turned her into a god."

Faust had only stared at the man with a face of disappointment and sorrow. She then turned back to the screen that showed Irene and changed the image to that of a checklist. Once the checklist had finished listing Irene's powers the man had took his time reading through all of them. To say that the man was now even more terrified of Irene was an understatement.

"You gave her God Slayer magic, as in God Slayer magic from Fairy Tail?!!?!"

"Yes, she knew exactly what she wanted and was very specific about it."

"Wait, it says God Slayer magics as in plural. Exactly how many types does she have?" Asked the man in worry.

"She asked for 8 types of God Slayer magic, along with all the other powers she asked for."

"Yeah, no kidding. Jesus she has the Dark Spark, All for One, and 30 other quirks under All for One." The man stated in fear.

"Yes, after I gave her these powers and artifact I researched the history of all of them. With everything that she has I fear for home my daughters rule over."

The man had snapped out of his fear induced state when he heard the sadness in Faust's voice. He had looked over the checklist of Irene's powers again and then turned back to Faust. He had chosen to accept her offer and if it meant that he had to fight this very terrifying woman in order to keep an innocent world safe, then by god that's what he was going to do.

"Well this is surely going to be a adventure that could very well end with my death, but i'm the one who choose it so let's get this adventure started. Besides, I think I know of a few powers that can equal and exceed hers."

Faust had turned back to the man with a smile, happy that he was not letting his fear take control of him and still willing to help get rid of Irene. Even if it meant giving up his life.

"Alright then, tell me of the powers that you seek."

"Well if she has God Slayer magic, then i'm gonna have Dragon Slayer magic and If she has 8 elements then i'll take 8 as well."

"Alright and what would these different magics be?" Questioned Faust.

"Fire, Iron, Sky, Lightning, Poison, White, Shadow, and Stellanium Dragon Slayer magic."

"Alright but might I ask, what exactly is Stellanium?" Faust questioned.

"You're gonna have to wait and see. But aside from the Dragon Slayer magic i'll also take the ability One For All from My Hero Academia and the Matrix of Leadership."

"You have chosen some powerful abilities and items, but nonetheless I shall grant you what you have asked."

The man had a smile on his face but it slowly turned into a face of concern. The man had tilted his head to the floor and put his hand on his chin as if he was in deep thought. Faust saw this and was about to ask if something was wrong, but the man spoke up first with a question.

"Can you have the Matrix hold the souls of beings other than the primes?"

That one question had made Faust stop in her tracks and looked at the man with a stare of uncertainty. Faust was about to give an answer when she went into deep thought herself. Faust had stayed this way for some time and to the point that the man was starting to get a little worried. After a few more minutes of silence, Faust had given the man an answer to his question.

"I don't know. The only way to answer that question would be to ask Primus himself if that's possible and if it is, if he would allow it."

"So there is no way to know at all?" The man asked.

"No, I just said that I would have to ask Primus."


"Yes he is but we are getting side tracked. Why do you want to know if the Matrix can hold souls that are not primes?" Faust questioned.

"Well, the powers i'm getting are super powerful and dangerous. Not just to others but to me as well, so i was hoping that you could put in some souls of people who have wielded these powers to help me understand and use them."

Faust had looked at the man with an analyzing gaze that she kept for a few seconds. She then closed her eyes as if she was trying to make up her mind. After another couple of seconds she opened her eyes and her horn started to glow. With a quick "I'll be back". and a flash of light, Faust was gone. The man had seen enough TV and movies to recognize that Faust had teleported away. With there being nothing but vast void the man had decided to sit and wait till Faust had returned.

After about ten minutes of sitting on the ground the man had become extremely bored. The man had changed his position of sitting multiple times in an attempt to sit comfortably. Each position was worse that the last and the man was starting to get fed up. Before he could get to his boiling point, the man had decided to lay down and take a nap. Just as the man was getting comfortable and starting to doze off, Faust had returned in a bright flash. When the man realized that Faust was back, he had gotten up and stared at Faust waiting for whatever she was going to say.

"Alright, so after talking with Primus for awhile he has agreed to let the matrix hold the souls of other beings who have had your powers."

The man had a smile from ear to ear, he could not wait to be able to talk to the people that for all his life he had known as fiction. Now he was going to be able to get to know them and have them help him with his new powers. He was so excited for this awesome adventure.

"But, you can only ask for one for each of your powers, aside from the 13 primes."

Now after hearing that, the man's smiled had wavered slightly. He was hoping to get to know all of his heroes that he had grown up with. But in reality this was still good, at least he would still get help from people who knew of his powers and how to use them. That was always a plus in his book, but now he had to really think about who he wanted to choose. He needed someone who knew practically everything about Dragon Slayer magic and One For All. Actually, the second one wasn't that hard to choose, he already had someone in mind for One For All. The real problem was thinking of someone who knew all about Dragon Slayer magic. After thinking for a while, one person from Fairy Tail came to mind and the man thought it was a safe bet considering who the person was. After making up his mind the man had a question for Faust.

"Ok, so do I just say the names of the people and they will appear in the matrix?" The man asked.

"Yes, just say their names and they will be within the matrix when you receive it. They will also know everything that is going on as to not be left out of the loop."

"Alright well, the people I choose to help me are Irene Belserion and Nana Shimura."

With another glow of Faust's horn and a flash, the deed was done and Faust was ready to send the man on his way. Her horn had glowed again, but instead of a flash of light her horn shot a beam of magic behind the man. When the man had turned around to see where the beam was going, it had turned into a portal. The man took this as his que that it was time to start his mission. But before he was about to leave he turned around to face Faust.

"So, when I get to Equestria will my new powers just be within me?" questioned the man.

"Yes, your Dragon Slayer magic and One For All will be apart and within you but the Matrix will not as it must earned, not found."

"Huh, well i'll deal with that when it's time to deal with it, but what about Celestia and Luna?" The man asked.

"What about them?"

"Well i'm going to meet them eventually and what if they don't believe I am here to save Equestria from danger?"

Faust had not taken this into consideration and admitted that the man was right. What if her daughters saw the man as nothing more than a threat to Equestria instead of its savior. That's when Faust's eyes had started to sparkle and she made her way over to the man to whisper something into his ear. After hearing what Faust had said, the man thought it was good enough proof for the co-rulers of Equestria. So he turned back to the portal and began to walk towards it but just as he was about to enter it Faust had called out to him.

"Wait, I forgot to ask what your name was."

The man had turned his head to look back at Faust. With a smile on his face and his hand being raised into the air to make a thumbs up the man replied.

"My names Ignis, Ignis Ragnarok." And with that, Ignis had disappeared into the portal to start his new life as Equestria's newest guardian.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, hope you enjoyed this first chapter after some minor changes to the original. Either way hope this story is interesting to you guys, enjoy the rest of your day.