• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Character Sheet # 3 Kurilian La Perm

Name: Kurilian La Perm.

Race: Abyssinian.

Gender: Female.

Orientation: Barn door swings both ways, but only for one at a time.

Class: Good Witch.

Being a witch requires one to know how to brew mysterious concoctions, whether it’s through cooking or creating your own brand of magic through mixing reagents together.

The magical ability of a witch is generally tied to their emotional state for good or ill.

Evil witches have the tendencies towards hating sweet tasting things like ice cream, usually have bad rotting teeth, they curse those who even vaguely earn their ire and create purple smooze. You are not this kind of witch.

Good witches tend to be more towards creating things to help the people around them, are somewhat softer hearted and will do whatever they can to assist others to the best of their abilities.

Note: Rhyming isn’t necessary when performing feats as a witch, but it is certainly fun.

Bio: Born in Abyssinia, Kurilian, or Kuril as she is better known, was raised in the capital of Panthera. Her youth wasn’t of much interest aside from the fact that she had lost both her parents early in life.

Her early interests included wanting to learn how to enchant things or be a witch. After the loss of her parents in an accident, her only family, she set about working in various odd jobs. She was a waitress, a baker and a short order cook, she was also ran parcels across Panthera as a courier.

Despite the loss of her family and her dream of wanting to learn enchanting, which she apparently didn’t have the talent for, she settled into a quiet life while never taking an interest in other Abyssinians.

She takes out the frustrations of losing her family too soon on other Abyssinians in bar fights. She’s a rather talented bar brawler and is well known in some circles for it as both her mother and father were fairly skilled fist and claw fighters as well.

She would continue to settle into a dull life with nothing to look forward to as her dreams slowly faded away, until a quirky unicorn became enamored with the lonely heart that wasn’t as colorful as those around her.

Said unicorn was Long Shot Odds, he wanted to travel the world and didn’t care if he was sickly or that it was terminal.

The one thing that stopped Long Odds travels was meeting Kurilian La Perm after she unleashed her frustrations on a number of poor bar patrons. He hit it off with Kuril and they soon fell into a love that wasn’t going to end well, because Long Odds wasn’t meant to live much longer than thirty days after meeting Kuril.

Long Odds survived longer than he was supposed to, he gave Kuril the last two years of his life and he did one last act of defiance against his sickness. He got Kurilian La Perm pregnant with a kitten with a unique cross species breeding spell a week or two before his death.

It wasn’t long before Kuril found out she was pregnant and was rather jaded about life, she decided to find a nice place away from Panthera where her lover and parents were buried.

She moved to the coastal port city of Pal Calico Coast, more commonly known as Palicoast. She found help among the friendly Abyssinians there, they would help her through her pregnancy and she would cook them food at her own little spot in the port.

Kuril was unsure about her motherhood, but she was going to do her best to raise her child in a friendly environment. She named her child Jaded, based on her feelings about life.

Eventually, after having her daughter, she sought out her dream to become a witch on her own merits upon the urgings of her odd daughter.

She cherishes her kitten and said kitten means the world to her, even if she doesn’t always express it outwardly or correctly at times when acting playful.

She’s has a loving heart and a sweet, if a bit catty, disposition. Her life started as a bunch of stumbles and she had to grow up too fast to bleak prospects where she might have been alone for the rest of her life, now that’s no longer her future as things turn out to be far brighter and more colorful than she could have ever dreamed.

Kuril eventually becomes the self-proclaimed witch she wanted to be with a lot of heart and an adopted family to dote on.

Appearance: Anthropomorphic Feline, white and silver fur, blue eyes, short tail. Wears colorful white, purple or otherwise brightly colored robes and sometimes pointy hats. Underclothing is optional. Can carry a pack or over the shoulder bag, also has pockets inside her robes for carrying various useful potions.

Positive Trait/s: Mama Bear, Big Heart.

Neutral Trait: Whimsical.

Negative Trait/s: Depressive, Curious Kitty.

Racial Trait: Night Vision.

Racial Bonus: Abyssinian Agility. Adds points to Dexterity.

List of Skills: Potion Making Specialist, Magical Cooking, Fist Fighter.

Special Ability: Create “Delayed Instant Wall Potion”.

For whatever reason Kuril will usually have a “Potion of ‘delayed’ instant wall” on her, said potion creates a brick or cement wall that can stand up to the force of repeated cannonball strikes.

Aside from the oxymoron, the wall potion has a tendency towards the comical with its activation time after the potion is used. Kuril can even lend these potions to others for them to use.

Note: Nobody, not even Zecora, fully understands how Kuril makes these potions work the way that they do.

Magical Talent: Magical Alchemy, Witchery*.

The power of destroying objects, imbuing objects or permanently enchanting objects to cause magical effects related to the object used.

Star Talent: The ability to make potions that can transform others, heal, make one fly, can cause safe explosions or a variety of other incredible world altering effects. You can even add special effects to food if you so choose. Sometimes you can make these effects happen even without the necessary ingredients from just pouring your emotions, magic and memory into a potion alone.

Witchery can be tied into any number of class fields such as Witch Doctor or Shaman.

Cutie Mark: N/A

Stats: Measuring from 1 to 10, 1 being weakest for given species, 5 being average for given species, 10 is strongest for given species. Anything above 10 for every 2 points has a title that goes from ‘SUPER-natural’ to ‘Demi-god’ to ‘Godlike’ to ‘Minor God’ to ‘Outright God Of This One Thing In Particular’.

Strength: Physical prowess of the character. 10*, 7/10.

Kuril is moderately strong for an Abyssinian and her right hooks will lay you flat on your back, possibly even knock you out with just a grazing blow.

Star Stat: Mama Bear maxes out all stat potential for its duration.

Constitution: Injuries the character can take before death and the amount of stamina they have. 10*, 2-6*/10.

Star Stat: Mama Bear maxes out all stat potential for its duration.

Star Stat: The ‘Depressive’ trait has a tendency to randomly lower constitution, but is always counteracted by Mama Bear. Can activate even when character is having positive moods or feelings.

Dexterity: How fast a character moves or reacts to their surroundings. 13*, 8/10.

Like all Abyssinian’s Kuril is pretty dexterous, flexible and able to run pretty fast for someone who wears robes all the time.

Star Stat: Mama Bear maxes out all stat potential for its duration.

Intelligence: Knowledge and the ability to use it. 10*, 7/10.

Kuril is fairly intelligent, she excels in the kitchen and is quite knowledgeable on many things in a restaurant and beyond. She’s far better than her daughter is at math at the very least.

Star Stat: Mama Bear maxes out all stat potential for its duration.

Wisdom: Common sense, self-restraint. 15*, 3*, 10/10.

Kuril, after all she has been through, is extremely wise and has plenty of self-restraint that comes with raising a kitten. She is willing to give anyone advice should they need it.

Though at times Kuril will let her curiosity get the best of her.

Star Stat: Due to stat potential already being maxed out, Mama Bear boosts stat potential by fifty percent beyond maximum.

Star Stat: Curious Kitty decreases wisdom by a lot when in effect, but is always counteracted by Mama Bear.

Charisma: Leadership, persuade, adorable antics. 10*, 7/10

Kuril is a queen and like any queen, she knows how to tend to her kittens with love, encouragement and silly heartfelt attention.

Star Stat (Special): Mama Bear maxes out all stat potential for its duration.

In the case of charisma anyone nearby who is neutral or an ally will listen to the Mama Bear trait wielder regardless of what they think they should be doing if Mama Bear is in effect.

Luck: Determines if good or bad things happen. 10*, 5/10

Kuril, while she has the average luck of any other Abyssinian, can actually max out her luck stat while she is angry.

Do not hurt Kuril’s kittens or you will face an Abyssinian whose luck has reached incredible heights. You would not like her luck when she’s angry.

Hidden Abyssinian Trait: Thanks to Abyssinians tampering around with their luck through mystical artifacts like the Misfortune Malachite, Abyssinian luck tends to be stagnant or at the very least barely any Abyssinian is luckier than any other, as such all Abyssinians start with and will almost always have 5 luck no matter what modifiers attempt to add to or subtract from it.

Star Stat: Mama Bear maxes out all stat potential for its duration.

Skills: What is the character good at doing?

Potion Making Specialist: If your character has this, then they have the capacity to make a potion for just about any occasion with temporary or even semi-permanent effects. Even then there will always be a cure to whatever your character makes, so nothing to worry about if everything explodes in your face.

Magical Cooking*: The sweet attractive smell of food well cooked, your character has the ability to create almost any kind of food imaginable as long as they have the ingredients to make it. All food made with this skill will always provide random stat buffs or can have various potion like effects if added during the cooking process.

Star Skill: All food made with this skill is unusually healthy to consume, even when it shouldn’t be. Fried foods will not clog arteries, any food that might have detrimental effects will not, but food that have poisonous substances will still be poisonous to the race that eats it.

Fist Fighter: Never bring a knife to a Fist Fighter fight, even crossbows, horns or other projectile weaponry might not even help you against a character with this skill. If your character has this skill then they are an entire step up from using the ‘Brawling’ skill, the accuracy of your characters attacks is boosted and can become far faster than normal.

Traits: Natural positive, neutral or negative things about the character.

Mama Bear: Your character, no matter the situation, gets angry if children are injured or threatened within their vicinity. This puts the character with this trait in a state of adrenaline that will give them the kind of strength that any good mother is known for having.

All stats are maxed out or boosted and the character may earn the ‘Berserker’ trait at random if they somehow have low wisdom even with Mama Bear in effect.

Unlike Chaotic Planning, Mama Bear does not need time to come up with a plan to rip the cause of its activation apart. Said ripping can be done verbally, emotionally and especially physically depending on the circumstances.

Big Heart: Your character will always seek out sad or despondent characters and try to cheer them up or at the very least make sure they are okay after given a pep talk. This tends to lead the character to adopting others into their lives, even if it is entirely to their own detriment.

The character with this trait wants the people around them to be happy regardless of how they are currently feeling personally.

If the character loses a lover, they can love again a little bit easier. That does not mean they will ever forget their previous lovers. This has a tendency to activate the ‘Depressive’ trait.

A side of effect of Big Heart is that it can turn what could be enemies into lifelong friends. They also have a tendency towards caring more for everyone around them more than themselves. While that is not always a good thing, you will at least always know if this character loves you on some level.

Whimsical: Whether it be for good or ill, the character with this trait tends towards being silly or humorous to brighten the mood. Not that it always help, but being whimsical leads to weird situations that have a positive or negative influence on others around the character.

If a character has had a bad childhood, they will try to cover it up with fits of whimsy to hide their own pain behind a veneer of confident cheerfulness. Sometimes that cheerfulness is real and isn’t a mask to hidden pain. It’s hard to tell at times, but it is always best to hug this character anyway.

Character doesn’t mind theft or shenanigans nearly as much as they should, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone too much.

Depressive: This trait comes about due to emotional trauma, your characters constitution is randomly negatively affected by their emotional state or other environmental stimulus. Even when happy, having the Depressive trait means it could still take effect.

It is somewhat easy to hurt the holder of this trait emotionally. The trait makes the holder more susceptible to physical injury.

Curious Kitty: They say curiosity killed the cat, in this case it might be true with this trait. This trait has a tendency to drop a characters wisdom by a large margin, when this happens there’s a chance of the character doing something incredibly dumb just out of curiosity.

Even if the character is extremely wise, this rarely, if ever, activates. This trait will make sure they still have their moments where they do something absolutely dim for the sake of curiosity.

Worships: The Moon, Yggdrasil, Baast, Sekhet, Celestia, Luna, Quetzalcoatl.

Loves: Blade Bright, Jade’s late father Long Odds, her adopted kittens, her kitten Jaded, her friends, cooking, Airship Mauled, having a big family and loving community above almost everything else.

Likes: Good food, being a witch, being the mayor of Airship Mauled despite the paperwork, being the owner of her own restaurant The Witch’s Fare, children.

Dislikes: Child abuse, sad people, GODLESS, excessive violence, terminal sicknesses or other ailments, feeling bad, attempts at bribery.

Hates: Anyone that would dare harm her kittens, adopted or otherwise.

Allergies: Caffeine, Chocolate, Tea Leaves, Theobromine.

Most known for: Inventing ‘Potions of Delayed Instant Wall’ and her incredible talent for cooking various things.

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