• Published 8th Apr 2018
  • 4,461 Views, 132 Comments

Alternative Reality - Crystal Night

Infinite finds himself in Equestria, where his presence may help the Princesses, if not whole of Equestria.

  • ...

Stage Three: Against the Infinite

Author's Note:

And its done.
Im really sorry for the delay, unfortunately things went towards a really bad path.
Everything is ok, for now I hope.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and again my most sincere apologies.

PS: Get some music for this.

The rest of his night went uneventful and even manage to sleep for the last remaining hours, however his mind on something else, or rather somepony. Luna certainly had that spark of defiance. He didn't look really forward for their meeting, Celestia would surely wish to know more about him, and since he didn't know how long he was getting stuck in this world, perhaps giving some information would help him get the Solar Princess trust. As long Luna was there, that meant he could keep teasing her. Another thing that haven't left his mind was the Phantom Ruby. He somehow felt more connected to it. He never understood how it really worked, even after the doctor explained it. If he had to be honest, Eggman had barely tapped into his power. However he did warmed him about using its power, something about pushing over its limits, not only because of the amount of energy it required, but it was the main reason as to why he didn't give the ruby to Metal Sonic.

Upon waking up, Infinte went into the bathroom and washed his face. He glanced at mirror, that's when he noticed the ruby had a strange purple glow.
Ever since they arrived to this place, he could tell something was off. Aside from teleportation malfunction of course.
Infinite let out a sigh. A knock on the door draw his attention.
"Princess Celestia send us to escort to her presence." - said a muffled voice, most likely a guard.
He quickly put his mask on and stepped outside his room.
"Let's get over with this."

It took them two or three minutes to reach the dining hall.
Like expected, Princess Celestia was already there, taking her breakfast, apparently she liked pancakes. But she wasn't alone, her sister was also there.
Infinite took a seat on the far side of the table. Celestia noticed that.
"You can come closer, we don't bite."

Perhaps you don't , but I'm not sure about your sister. He thought as he glanced at Luna, their eyes meeting for a brief moment.
One of kitchen servants approached Infinite, placing down a bowl of cereals.
"How was your sleep Infinite?" - Celestia inquired.

"It was...good." Celestia nodded, her sister already told her about his nightmare, it was in fact a bit concerning.

"If you wish to eat, perhaps removing your mask would help."

"I'm not hungry..."
For most part Luna remained in silence, enjoying her breakfast.
Celestia cleared her throat.
"If you don't mind Infinite, I have a few questions for you."
Ah, there it was. He was starting to wonder when she was going to ask. "I'm listening."

"Is Infinite your real name?"
He took a second to think before answering.

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Mobius, probably you never heard of it."
The Solar Princess shook her head.
"I can't say I have, do you possess any power capability? Aside from floating, that is."
He decided to be a bit evasive with his answer.
"I do."
Luna slightly rustled her wings. Much to Luna's annoyance, that wasn't the answer she was hoping to hear.
"What can you do?" - asked Luna.

"You would wish to know."

"Or perhaps you're too weak."

"Luna! I'm sorry for my sister's recent behavior."
He glanced at the Lunar Alicorn.
"Tell me Luna, are you so eager to face oblivion?"

"Your words represent no threat to me."
He got up and walked towards the door, not before glancing at Luna.
"Maybe action will make you think twice, if Princess Celestia doesn't mind of course."
Luna and Infinite looked at her, seeking for approval.
"You sure about this sister?"
She nodded.
"I can handle him."

"We shall use the training grounds for this." - stated Celestia.
The training ground looked almost like an arena, located not too far from the castle. Celestia decided to watch from a safe distance.
Luna and Infinite stood in the middle, ready to begin. Both of them were quite eager to see how this would turn up.
"Step forward. I'll show you what futility feels like." - Infinite chuckled.

"I'm right here." - replied Luna.
Infinite activated the Phantom Ruby, as the Princess of the Night felt her hooves leaving the ground, the world around them began to shift. She glanced around, but her opponent was missing. Everything ceased when gravity went back to normal. However the Canterlot city that Luna knew was gone, and replaced with a twisted version of it. She stood in the middle of what appeared to be a bridge. Luna looked down and was surprised to find nothing.
"What is this? Infinite! Show yourself at once!"

The masked jackal materialized out of nowhere.
"This a new reality, your reality Luna."

"Your tricks don't scare me." - the princess growled.

"Let's see how many seconds you'll last." He said as a group of red cubes spawned behind Luna. Then Infinite quickly flew away, to which Luna gave chase.
The princess tried using her wings in order to get some advantage, however due to his control over gravity itself it was no use.
"Something wrong princess?" - he laughed before spawning more red cubes from the sky, falling on Luna's path.
She dashed left and right avoiding several of them, but almost getting hit once or twice. She had no idea what would happen if was hit by one, nor she wanted.
A red and blue spring appeared out of nowhere straight ahead of her. Infinite threw two red spheres, but Luna jumped on the spring, launching herself towards him. With the momentum she gained, Luna was able to hit him right on his chest with her front hooves, making Infinite stumble backwards, hitting the floor to only get back up again.
"How dare you?! I'll make you pay for that!"
Luna smiled.
"I'm waiting."

While kept fighting, Celestia paid close attention to Infinite and his ruby, but a new presence also got her attention.
"You can stop hiding now."
For a few moments nothing happened, until...
"Oh fine, I was being so sneaky."

"You can't be sneaky, Discord." - she smiled.

"At least I was trying," - said Discord as he snapped his fingers, summoning a chair and some popcorn. "by the way I like this new look."

"It wasn't my doing, Infinite did this."
Discord pulled out a pair binoculars.
"He seems quite charming, just the way he keeps throwing those red cubes and spheres." Using his tail, he kept eating more popcorn. "Oooh cannons, that fire laser beams. So he's a reality displacer, just like me."
The solar princess nodded.
"So it seems."
The draconequus suddenly gasped. "Perhaps we can be friends? Maybe besties!"
"He doesn't seem to be the friendly type."

Infinite grunted again, the princess was getting on his nerves, not only that, but the Phantom Ruby was losing too much power. He needed to end this quickly. "This is the end."
Gathering the remaining power he had left, he created a bigger version of himself, but it was made out of water. He once called it Perfect Infinite.
"How can he do that?" Luna was quick to dodge one giant claw, unfortunately the other one was faster.
Luna fell on her stomach, grunting in pain.

"You can't stop me now, hahaha!"
When Luna got up, she was smiling.
"And yet you keep losing power." She then suddenly opened her wings.

"What?! No matter. I will prevail!" - he yelled as his final assault was unleashed, sending a wave of spheres, but this time Luna was prepared. She casted a shield and shot some of the spheres in her path.
Perfect Infinite advanced in a last effort to defeat her.
Using his long watery arms he tried reaching to her, however Luna was smart and quick to deal with that. She teleported from side to side, at the same time hitting his arms.

Once she was close enough, Luna noticed a purple glimmer. "It must be that." Luna shot her own magical sphere.
Infinite grunted loudly as he felt the ruby getting hit.
"Nooooo." The Perfect Infinite disappeared and the twisted Canterlot went back to normal.
As Luna landed, Infinite punched the ground in annoyance and anger. "Lost again..."

"Power isn't everything, you know?" Luna lend her hoof for him to get back up, but he pushed away.

"I don't need your pity."

"That was a wonderful magical illusional showdown." - stated the draconequus. Discord and Celestia joined them, though Discord had another thing in mind. He approached Infinite with a curious look. "Such a shinny ruby you got there." - he said as he touched it with his talon.

"Stay back!"

"You will thank me later," Discord whispered and gave him a mischievous grin. "Anyway, I have a tea party to attend to. Ta-da." Just like that he left in a flash.

"What just happen?"
Celestia simply shrugged.
"Discord did."