• Published 15th Apr 2018
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The Sun and the Clover - BG9

After getting on the wrong bus, Anon enters a world of magic that will change his life forever

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A Wrench in the Works

Anon felt bewildered. Was Clover talking to him directly?

"Don't be alarmed." Rarity said calmly "This is your mana speaking unconscious desires, fears, and thoughts."


"Yes. Though I'm not sure if these are your own or Clover's. It's been reported before that previous holders of the crest can hold such deep regrets that it can still permeate their mana after they've passed on."

"That's incredible. Almost as if it was alive."

"Mana is very much alive. It is the Greater Magic, after all."

"I thought mana was a gift given by the Greater Magic."

"Many mages have forgotten where we came from and our centuries old relationship with magic. Mana isn't simply an energy source as many would claim. It's not just coal for burning. Mana is a living breathing thing. It records all of our earthly experiences, it's information but conscious unto itself. It's not a gift of the Greater Magic, it is the Greater Magic living within us."

Anon stared at his left hand, Clovers crest glowing a brilliant sparkling emerald. The more he stared at the more he felt emotion coming from it, similar to the feeling of looking into an animals eyes and being able to sense what it's feeling.

"What's it saying to you?" Rarity asked

"It's not saying anything. What I do feel from it though is fear."

As Rarity and he did the preparation, Sunset was doing a bit of preparing herself. She had returned to the family manor to prepare for the coming festival as well as figure a way to throw a wrench in Valencia's plans. Her manor was located in a pocket of space she could access at any point by use of her crest.

Sunset placed her hand against the wall of her room and her crest flashed twice, opening a portal on the wall. She stepped through and set eyes upon her family home once again. It was many centuries old, yet still somewhat modern. The house was an impressive six stories tall made of smooth red brick and limestone. It had an old English style, looking almost akin to a castle, and was surrounded by a wide, full garden. She walk to the front door, tall, black and made of mahogany. Before she could even slam the knocker, a maid opened the door.

"Greetings Mistress." she said, her head bowed "To what do we owe the pleasure?"

"Is my mother home? Or any of my sisters?"

"I'm afraid not. They've gone for a meeting with the High King."

"With my sisters?"

"Yes. It's the annually scheduled summit between the Noble Families and the King."

Sunset got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She knew this wasn't correct information. The annual summit wasn't for another six months, it always took place in late November. Not only that, the maids of the house we bound by oath never to lie to the masters of the house.

"Why wasn't I informed!?"

"Your mother wished not to disturb your studies."

"I need to go to the High King's Domain right away."

Sunset felt a sinking feeling. It wasn't like her mother to keep her out of the loop on these matters, especially something as important as this. The High King rarely consulted with the Noble Families unless it was absolutely crucial. It was even more rare for more than the head of house to be present for these meetings.

"Yes M'am." she said "This way, please."

Sunset followed the maid down the hall and into the back garden. Towards the far end she approached a large marble statue of a man with a beard. The first High King. Only five were constructed, one for each family and were the only entrances to the dimension known as the High King's Domain. Sunset touched the statue with her wand and a portal opened.

Once she crossed the threshold she was greeted by the familiar chill. She had only been her once as a child and the fear was similar now. Something about the place felt off. The castle was tall and looming, made of white marble and black roofing. Gargoyles hung all across the walls, silently guarding the entrance. Sunset quickly made her way down the bridge that crossed the moat. Instead of being a small sea filled with sharks or crocodiles, the moat was simply empty space that expanded on forever and ever. If you fell, you'd never hit the bottom.

She walked through the center garden, past several hallways and into the throne room. The throne room felt even more magnificent than she remembered it being. It was a long, open room with four tables on the sides and one in the middle closest to the door. The walls were made of pure gold and across the bannisters hung the flags of each family respectively. There, all the families were gathered at their table. Twilight Sparkle with her mother Twilight Velvet sitting on the left table closet to the king's throne. Across from her was Sunset's family, consisting of her mother and five younger sisters. Beside Twilight's family was the Candenza Family, with head of house Lady Amore and her teenage daughter, Mi Amore Cadenza. Next to Sunset's family was the Sombra Family, with Lord Sombra and his air Chrysalis. At the end table to the right sat the Montage family, consisting of only Juniper Montage. Finally, at the right end table sat Wallflower's father with Wallflower Blush. The family's were arranged based on the number of years in service to the High King, past and present with the left side and position nearest the king signifying the longest number of years.

At the throne was the High King Tirek, hidden behind a large vail the obscured most of his appearance. As tradition demanded, no one but a select few could set eyes upon the king's form as it was considered sacred. All of the King's children were missing. All but Valencia.

As Sunset burst through the doors the entire meeting stopped. She was breaking several hundred ancient codes but she didn't care. Something was obviously amiss. The kings booming voice echoed throughout the room.

"You dare intrude on this meeting in such a manner?"

Sunset's body was forced into a bow out of her control and immediately wracked with a searing pain.

"Explain yourself, Sunset Shimmer." the king commanded "You answer shall determine the punishment befitting you."

"Forgive me sire. I was concerned when I heard there was a meeting taking place and I was not invited to attend, especially considering as I am acting head of the Shi-."

Sunset reached for her neck. She couldn't breathe. She tried to struggle against the invisible force slowly crushing her windpipe but to no avail. Her vision began to double and her life began to flash before her eyes. Just as she was sure she was about to die, the force released its hold on her beck, dropping her to the floor in a panting, coughing mess. Echos of giggling could be heard coming from Chrysalis.

"Since you position as head of house is new I'll forgive this transgression this once," he said "But next time it will be the last mistake you make."

As Sunset gathered her breath she returned to the bowing position

"Permission to speak, milord."

"Permission granted."

"What is the purpose of this meeting?"

"Why don't you come and join us? We are just getting ready to start."

"Yes, milord."

Sunset quickly took a seat by her mother who didn't meet her gaze. The display that had just occurred was a sign of ultimate humiliation amongst the nobles. For a new head of house, this was akin to social suicide. Not only that, it tarnished the entire family's name. The king began his speech.

"I am sure you are all wondering why I brought you here today. I have come to inform you that I am to be married once again in one month's time. All family's and their head's are expected to to be there."

The room was filled with silence. The king hadn't been married since his wife passed over a hundred years ago, by his own hand no less.

"The woman to who's hand I am taking" the King said "is Nightmare Moon."

Throughout the rest of the day the smoke filled more and more of the room Rarity and Anon occupied. There were few more instances like that of the smoke saying messages. When Rarity wasn't meditating she told Anon stories of the Order. Apparently quite a few had taken up prominent positions in mortal affairs like politics and business. But the 23'd hour the smoke had filled nearly the entire room. Anon was fast asleep, only for Rarity to wake him.

"Now for our final part of preparation."

Anon rubbed his eyes


"You know how to thread mana in reverse right?"

"I do."

"You're going to do that, however this will be a bit more tricky. This smoke is laced with your mana. You need to take it into your own body. All you have to do is place your want to your nose and thread it past your wand and into your lungs. Does that makes sense?"

"Sort of. Let me give it a try."

"Don't do it too fast. Else you lungs may explode. Thread with each breath you take."


Anon put his wand to his nose and took a deep breath in. It took a few tries to get the smoke into his nose, but eventually he figured out how to do it. The entire process took an hour to complete.

"How do you feel?"

"Fine I guess. I expected to be coughing at least."

"Good. We'll do this again over the next few days and then proceed with the Trial of Day. For now, we're done."

"Glad to hear it. Thanks Rarity. I enjoyed this time together."

"As did I. You can go out through the door. I'll be here a while longer."

"Alright. I'll see you around. And I'll see you tomorrow for the raid."


Anon walked dow the steps and back into the dorms, then into the courtyard. It was nice to breathe some fresh air after having to sit in the smoky room for so long. He turned to the side to see Lyra standing at the edge of the courtyard, staring at the rising sun.

"Lyra?" he called out

"Oh, Anon. Finished the first trial already?"

Her voice was sullen and tired. Clearly Bonbon was weighing heavy on her mind.

"Just preparations for it."

"Are you ready for tomorrow?"

"Yes. I've asked Rarity to come along if that's alright."

"The more's the better. With in reason of course."



"Do you blame me for what happened?"

There was a long pause

"No. As much as I wish to, I know in my heart that if I were in that situation I'd have done the same. Neither you nor Bonbon could've known this would happen. I just wish it could've been me and not her."

"I'm sorry."

"I forgive you."

"I promise I'll use my wish on her."

Lyra clenched her fists tightly

"I was thinking about that. And... I was thinking it'd be better to use the wish to defeat Nightmare Moon for good."

"You can't be serious?"

"I love Bonbon. She has been my sister in arms for as long as I can remember. But given the entire situation..."


She turned to him, tears rolling down her face

"The fate of all of the mage world is at stake. If we don't defeat Nightmare Moon there won't be a world for Bonbon to enjoy for much longer."

"Clover the Clever defeated her once before! I'm her successor and I'll do it again! I'll use my own two fists if that's what it comes too!"

Lyra grabbed him by the shoulders

"This isn't the time for heroics! If Nightmare Moon wins the entire world, both mage and mortal will enter an era of oppression the likes of which you can't imagine! Clover the Clever couldn't finish the job the first time so how on earth will-"

He slapped her hard

"I've made my choice. I'm going to cure Bonbon and I'm going to defeat Nightmare Moon."

Author's Note:

When I first wrote this chapter I forgot the include the Montage Family. I added them in. Sorry for the confusion.

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