• Published 21st Apr 2018
  • 11,478 Views, 695 Comments

Anon-A-Miss: Friendship is Home - PonyJoel

Before of Anon-A-Miss came, sisters were distant, friendships getting stronger. After the birth of Anon-A-Miss everything falls apart but something good comes out of it. Something very special. Friendship came make itself come home.

  • ...

Returning To Equestria! Grand Tour! Discord's Message! New Friends and Reunited With Celestia!

Author's Note:

This is now Sunset Shimmer, Twilight and Spike returning back to Equestria right after the assembly in the gym were over. This is how they're day went in Ponyville.

Comment if you like.

Enjoy the chapter.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Moments ago, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, and Spike left the school. Twilight said what was needed to be said. Sunset was happy that is was all over now. She doesn't have to deal with any more trauma that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle caused as Anon-A-Miss. No more backstabbing friends, no more hate, no more being blamed for and no more Rainbooms. It'll be her, Twilight, Spike and new friends that awaits in Equestria. Sunset Shimmer does have Celestia on her mind but she's not that paranoid as she used to be. When Twilight wrote to her about how Celestia was feeling and how she wanted her back, it came quite clear to her that Celestia and she should make peace. At the end of the portal, Discord was there to greet them.

"Why, hello there Twilight Sparkle! It's so good to see you again after a long 32 years of your disappearance." He said.

"What?!" Twilight said petrified.

Discord burst into laughter as he saw the look on Twilight's face.

"Just kidding Twilight, you were gone for a couple hours. No big deal." He went to observe Sunset Shimmer with a magnifying glass. His eye beaming down on Sunset Shimmer and taking a good look at her cutie mark. "Suns huh, Well I now know why they call you Sunset Shimmer. You must have the power of the sun!" He said while holding on to a Sunny D drink which poof out of existence.

"Discord," Sunset said. "Twilight has told me that you changed from being the Lord of Chaos to Defender of Equestria."

"You heard right my dear!" Now wearing his black mask, cape grey vest showing his chaos symbol.

"I thought that we should be friends because you and I have some things in common," Sunset said.

"Like what?" Discord said hovering in mid-air on a cotton candy cloud.

"I was an evil tyrant who ruled Canterlot High for years. I was mean and caused a lot of pain. I basically ruled the school with an iron fist. No one could stand up to me. I exposed a lot of things about the students of Canterlot High, I blackmailed them including some of the teachers. Then I came here, stole Twilight's crown and turned into a Raging She-Demon. Enslaving the school turning everyone into mindless zombies. I was attempting to make my return to Equestria and start a war until Twilight came and showed the era of my ways. Thanks to her, I was reformed right then and there. A tougher opponent came and I was to blame for the cause. Despite what everyone said or did, I stood my ground and fought back. When Twilight and I won, things were looking good for me. I started to fond deeply with Friendship." Sunset stated.

"Well, I do see a resemblance here. I used to be an evil tyrant myself. I reigned supreme with my chaotic power for 150 years before I was defeated by Celestia and Lulu. After breaking out of my stony prison, I ruled Equestria once more with my chaotic power but it was Twilight and her friends who stopped me and turned me back into stone. After being released a second time, one of Twilight's friends helped me. Her name is Fluttershy, she gave me the best gift anyone could ever give. Love of a friend. I used her by making her promise to never use her element against me despite how everypony else wanted her to use it and turn me back to stone...When I made Fluttershy upset with me for my own doing, I saw why having a friend is so important. Once you have it, you don't want to lose it. Being alone for years and years made me realize that life is more important than doing things my own way. I need others to grow. Then as I was building up the trust for all ponies, Tirek came and he promised me a partnership. For the cost of it, I gave away my friends for free. Freedom to spread as much chaos as I wanted. I even gave Tirek Fluttershy and her friends. Feeding Tirek's power before he betrayed me. Twilight then fought Tirek using her Alicorn magic. She and Tirek were evenly matched until she saw something. She saw that there was greater magic than Alicorn magic. She made a deal with Tirek. Tirek released Twilight's friends except for me. I didn't deserve anything for all I've done but it was Twilight here that showed the kindness of a friend. She ordered Tirek to release me. Never in my whole life, I ever felt grateful. Tirek did give me something as a sign of gratitude. He gave me his medallion. I gave the same medallion to Twilight as a symbol of our friendship and that I would never make another mistake that'll cause an end of the world scenario. When I gave it to her, it was the key to victory. After Twilight and her friends defeated Tirek and restored order, we became best friends. That is how I know that everything will turn for the better. From starting out evil to becoming good. What a chapter in life." He said, finishing his statement.

Sunset Shimmer took everything that Discord has spoken. She took his words wisely and went up to him and hugged him.

"I know now, we're going to be great friends cause we both have journies to see the light at the end of the day," Sunset said happily.

"Well in that case welcome aboard on the fun train!" A small train with 3 cars appeared. One for him, one for Sunset Shimmer and one for Twilight who had Spike on her back. "This is your conductor speaking, now showing the grand tour of the Friendship Castle!" Discord pulled on the string making a train horn sound. Tracks came out of thin air and have the train leaving out of the library for the tour of the castle.

"Well this would be interesting," Sunset said.

Spike woke up from his nap. Seeing Twilight, Sunset, and Discord on a miniature riding train in the air.

"Uh...what did I miss?" Spike asked. Curious to know what's happening.

"I'll explain later Spike," Twilight said. "For now, enjoy the ride." She teleported herself to Discord. "Mind if I explain the full details of my castle in each of the rooms?"

"Not at all Twilight. I'd be happy for you to explain everything in full detail." Discord said as he shoveled coals into the engine.

"Mare and Dragon, this is your Captain speaking. I Twilight Sparkle will now commence the grand tour...Let's get moving Discord."

"Aye aye, Captain!" Discord shouted now driving the train out of one of the many libraries in the castle and into the hallway. He drove into a room where the Friendship Throne room is at.

"If you look to you're right, you'll see the Elements of Harmony thrones and that table over there, has the map of Equestria. Everytime our cutie marks glow, that's the map signaling us if there's a Friendship problem that needs to be fixed." Twilight explained.

"Yea and since I don't have a cutie mark, I made the map use my chaos symbol as a way to call to me. I'll be able to sense it and see who else would be joining me but unfortunately, the map hasn't called out to me." Discord said as he shoveled more coal into the engine.

"Who knows, maybe it'll call out for the 2 of us to solve," Sunset said.

"You know, I wouldn't mind going on an adventure with you Sunset. We should call ourselves The Reformers!" Discord shouted.

"Reformers?" Sunset questioned.

"Yea, we started with dark paths that led us to become better creatures thanks to Friendship. Also, we can add more members who are willing to join in." Discord stated.

"That sounds like a great plan. I do like the name now if you think about it...Reformers...I wonder who else could possibly join?" Sunset questioned.

"That sounds wonderful guys. Now on with the tour!" Twilight shouted.

Discord drives the train out of the Friendship Throne room and back into the hallways where certain rooms are opened filled with bedrooms.

"Out here as you can see, we are in the living quarters of the Friendship Castle. Sometimes my friends would come and spend the night here so I decided to make each room her a personalize bedroom filled with everything a pony would need except for one room right there." Twilight points to the right where there is a white aura portal. "That room would lead straight into Discord's personalize room that he made just last Tuesday."

"It is quite marvelous to say the least. Anything goes in my room as long as you have fun with it." Discord said.

"Wow..." A thought came to Sunset Shimmer, "would I be living here since I don't have a home to call my own?"

"Yes," Twilight answered. "My castle will be your new home here in Ponyville as long as you like."

That brought a smile on Sunset Shimmer's face with a tear of joy.

"Wait!" Discord shouted. "Allow me to take that tear, I am quite thirsty after all that work of shoveling coal for this train." He said as he wiped Sunset's tear off of her face and poured it into a cup of joyful tears. "Ah refreshing!"

Sunset could only laugh seeing the better side of the Draqonacuus.

"Anyways like I was saying, you'll have a place here and I do prefer for you to live here while making new friends."

"Thank you Twilight, I really do appreciate this," Sunset said.

"You're welcome, Sunset. It no problem at all." Twilight exclaimed as she smiled. "Now, onward Discord. We have much more for the tour."

Discord drives the train out of the hallway and heads towards the kitchen.

"Here is the kitchen. We have all sorts of food even crystals for Spike here to eat." Twilight said.

"Speaking of eating, I'm hungry," Spike said. "Are any of you hungry?" He asked.

"I'm good, I had a lot of hot fudge sundae while waiting for you guys to show up. Also watching Ponyville in case something was to stir up trouble." Discord said.

"Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Not right now. Maybe later." Twilight responded.

"How about you Sunset? Are you hungry?" Spike asked.

"Well now that I'm back home, can you make me some haystack fries?" Sunset said.

"Sure! No problem. It'll be ready in 35 minutes." Spike went ahead and started his cooking routine.

Discord then drives the train in a loopy loop and headed towards Twilight's main library.

"This my personal library for doing research on many spells in our Equestrian history. I have read a lot of them and still, more finds its way to me. This is not only a study hall but a place to practice and perfect all kinds of spells." Twilight explained.

"Even dark magic? Black magic? Rituals? Witchcraft?" Sunset questioned.

Twilight blushed a little. "Uh...no...not yet. Those books are harder to find especially forbidden spells. Those type of magic is not supposed to be in any way. That is why it remains lost."

Discord shudders a bit from a cold feeling.

"You alright discord?" Sunset asked.

"Yea. I just have this weird feeling that I'm not used to when somepony mentions the word forbidden magic." Discord answered as he was turning blue and his feet covered in ice.

"Sorry, I didn't know that," Twilight said.

"It's fine, oh wait, I see something up ahead!" Discord drives the train down in a spiral heading towards the balcony. Twilight shook her head and wasn't surprised that Discord went down to go up.

"Here we can see all of Ponyville far and wide. This is truly an amazing sight, especially at nighttime. For the times I read and took a short break, Luna's moon looks brighter than ever." Twilight said.

"Now here we go!" Discord drives the train out of the balcony. The tracks were upside down but nopony fell off. Discord made sure that he put a gravity spell so that way nopony would be able to fall out of the cars until the tour is over. Discord stopped the train by Twilight's room.

"Now this here is my room. Where you can come to me and talk instead of by writing. Also When I'm in here, I'm usually reading, taking notes or doing some work. I'm always available if you want to hang out or have a talk. Sometimes I won't be here because it either I'm on a Friendship quest or fulfilling my duties as a Princess."

"With that being said, the tour has now come to an end." The train disappeared and Sunset Shimmer landed on for hooves as Twilight used her wings to fly a little. "Twilight I do need to speak to you about something important. Also Sunset Shimmer, I can teleport you to the kitchen so you can eat your haystack fries." Discord said.

"No thanks. I think I'll walk there on my own. I need to get used to being a pony again." She galloped down the hall and making it to the stairs for her to go down.

"What is on your mind Discord?" Twilight asked.

"I used my magic to open a Dimension Window to see how things were playing out between you and this...Canterlot High School. I am quite surprised to see Chrysalis being good and having a heart but what I need to tell, is about that speech of yours that you gave out."

"What about my speech?" Twilight now starting to question Discord.

"What I need to tell you is that you were having a similar mentality that I had." Discord stated.

"What?" Twilight getting upset.

"Well to put it in simpler terms, you told the students of that school, your friends' counterparts that they are a disgrace as a species for hating. I felt the same way years ago when ponies were hating me because of my magic and the way I look. I condemned them as a species and ruled over them. You've forgotten that not all creatures are filled with hate. There are some with cruelty in their name but there are those out there with a kind-hearted spirit ready to help someone. All I'm saying to you is don't have the mentality that can take you down out of anger. That is exactly what has happened to me before I changed. Also, I have something to show you." He used his magic and opened a Dimension Window for Twilight to see.

"That's the school's library," Twilight said, observing the students and Thorax.

"Yes, moments ago they just had a meeting. A life lesson being taught to them. Thorax is a kind-hearted spirit who is encouraging these students to stand up against this so-called cyberbullying and hopefully against all sorts of bullyings within their school. These students just took a pledge and now going to help the students that were affected by the cause of Anon-A-Miss. There you have," Discord scrolled the window to the cafeteria, "Pharynx giving a hard life lesson for these troubled teens that can change their lives around. Finally," he scrolled again to see Chrysalis with the Rainbooms, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom, "we have Chrysalis giving the girls a second chance in life to make amends. Sweetie Belle and Rarity are now back together. Everyone now knows the pain they inflicted on Sunset Shimmer and now they are making things right as a family. Sure there are those who don't want to listen but that is ok. The majority of a species work they're way through to make things better. Like all ponies here in Equestria, they have their ways. Some bad but mostly good. Do you understand what I'm saying here Twilight?"

Twilight thought about everything that Discord just said to her and now, Twilight does feel a little shame but still, they have done a lot of damage to Sunset Shimmer and there is no excuse for that. Sunset Shimmer is done in that world. Twilight can understand the mentality of condemning species just based on hate instead of the whole picture. She imaged herself for what it'd be like to condemn and destroy a species out of anger. The thought of it could give Twilight nightmares.

"You're right Discord. I...I...I wasn't thinking straight. I said that out of anger. Just like you did. I now realize as a Princess, I can't judge any creature for some screw up they have caused. You are a good friend Discord." Twilight said. Smiling and giving Discord a hug.

"No problem Twilight. It's the least I can do for saving me from my mistakes." He said. "Now I'll be going. I have a date with Fluttershy, we are having a tea party. See you later alligator." As he said that and flew out the window, something bit Twilight's mane as she jumped up quick only to see that it was Gummy.

"Twilight!" Pinkie shouted outside of the castle. "Give me Gummy! He's not done taking his bath!"

Twilight teleported Gummy back to Pinkie Pie as she ran off instantly back to her bathroom. Twilight then decided to check downstairs to see if everything was ok in the kitchen. Also to check on Sunset Shimmer. As she went into the kitchen, Sunset Shimmer was stuffing herself with the haystacks that Spike made a second time.

"Soooo gooood!" Sunset Shimmer shouted as she ate her haystack fries. Enjoying every bite of it.

"This is the second plate that I made for her. She can give Pinkie a run for her money in a haystack eating contest." Spike said as he's removing his chefs' hat.

Twilight could only smile. Watching as her friend enjoying herself with her meal. Then turned to Spike.

"Spike, can you send a letter. Letting Celestia know that Sunset Shimmer is here. That she can come by when she wants too."

"Sure, I'll be happy to help." The baby dragon said heading into a room where he can write to Celestia.

"So I guess you've enjoyed everything that has happened so far?" Twilight asked.

"Can't talk. Must eat." Sunset didn't want to be bothered until she finishes.

"And done," Spike blew on the letter sending it to Princess Celestia. "Now to catch up on some much-needed sleep."

Twilight went to the fridge, using her magic to grab an apple and a carrot and walked back to Sunset to have a little something in her belly. Sunset finished eating her fries as Twilight took a bite out of her apple.

"Sorry Twilight, I forgot how delicious hay is," Sunset said.

"It's no problem. Also, Celestia is coming by later to see you."

Sunset paused just by hearing the name Celestia. Her heart is pounding a bit fast. She is quite nervous to see her...mother. Twilight can see Sunset sweating a bit and acting nervous.

"Sunset, I promise you everything is going to be fine. You have nothing to worry about. Whatever your thinking, it's an illusion because Celestia wanted to go into the portal and bring you here herself. She cares about you in more ways than another." Twilight stated assuring Sunset that everything will work out.

Sunset took deep breathes calming herself down. Next, she knew, there was a big knock on the castle doors that startled Sunset.

"Calm down Sunset, there is nothing to be afraid of...Spike!"

"Huh?" Spike heard Twilight as he was about to get some shut-eye.

"Can you get the door and allow that pony to come in."

"Sure, also I'll escort him/her to you Twilight." Spike got out of his bed and ran towards the castle doors. As he opened the doors, he's being greeted by Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Discord.

"Sorry for intruding in but Pinkie Pie senses were going crazy. She senses somepony new is here so she went ahead and gathered each of us. Fluttershy and I were having our tea party but Pinkie here wants all of us to greet the pony. Even though I've just met her and didn't want to come but Pinkie insisted I should come along anyways so here we are." Discord chimed as his eyes blinked multiple times.

Spike can only groan at Discord but he allowed everyone to come in.

"Twilight, our friends are here," Spike shouted.

"Alright then. Bring them here then." Twilight thought maybe seeing her friends can be a good thing for Sunset Shimmer. The counterparts were pretty horrible but she knows without a doubt that things can change for Sunset by seeing familiar faces.

"Hi, Twilight!" Pinkie said as she and the others were in the kitchen. She gasped to see Sunset Shimmer. "So you're the pony that my Pinkie Senses were telling me!"

Sunset turned the other way. She...she...just got rid of the counterparts from the other world out of her life not wanting to do with anything with them but here are the pony versions of them. All smiling and waiting to see Sunset Shimmer.

"Hey Sunset, I know that last time we've met weren't on good terms so let's start a new right here right now," Rainbow stated.

"Yea," Applejack said, "we can become friends and help one another."

"Have fun with each other." Rarity said.

"Go on adventures together." Pinkie cheered.

"Hang out together," Fluttershy said.

"Don't forget, we can show you all sorts of Friendships together!" Discord chimed in.

This caught Sunset Shimmer off guard. She wasn't ready to see the faces of the counterparts but here they are. Offering a hoof to extend. Twilight is next to her offering her hoof just like everyone else. Spike offers his claw and Discord does the same. Sunset could feel the love in the atmosphere. She can feel the Magic of Friendship deep down inside of her. Like the time she felt it during the Battle of the Bands. Sunset is feeling the light building up inside of her. She can't take it anymore so she jumped out of her seat and into everypony. Discord uses his magic to have everypony in a group hug as Sunset Shimmer cried her eyes out. They were tears of joy and happiness. For the first time before Anon-A-Miss came into existence, Sunset feels happy again.

20 minutes later, everypony was in the Friendship Throne room. Discord used his magic to have 2 more thrones line up next to the table. One for him and one for Sunset. Sunset is enjoying herself with her new friends. Familiar faces yes but different personalities. More love than hate inside of them. She missed being in a world that is meant for her. She missed being a pony. Now she can have her life together again.

"Thank you everypony for making this day the best ever for me," Sunset said, sighing happily.

"Hey Sunset, don't forget. When somepony comes into town, I throw a welcoming party. Later tonight, I'll have one set up for you and everypony here in Ponyville is invited so you can make as many friends as you need to." Pinkie cheered.

"Trust me, her parties are worth it," Rainbow stated.

"Oh, I believe her. Back in the other world, Pinkie Pie would throw an awesome party but now in a world filled with magic, it'll be even better." Sunset said.

"Good. Discord, you're invited as well!" Pinkie squee.

"Thank you for the invite. I'll be happy to join in." Discord said thanking Pinkie Pie.

"So Sunset, mind telling us what the hay happened to you?" Applejack asked.

"I rather not talk about it right now," Sunset said, sighing sadly.

"If you don't mind, I could use my magic for them to see with your eyes about what has happened to you. You don't even have to say a word, my dear friend." Discord said.

"Well, I suppose you can but please keep things to yourselves. I want to move on with my life in a place where I do belong." Sunset said in a stern tone.

"Of course Sunset." With a snap of his fingers, everypony but Sunset got to see exactly what she witnessed. It was bad enough as it is. The horrid memories being put into Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. They felt irate for what they're counterparts said and done to their new friend. As for Spike, he shed some tears. Twilight felt more irate than ever but remained calm. Not wanting to have a heated meltdown. Discord saw it in his mind and he fully understands how Sunset felt. Each of the ponies blinked twice once the spell was over. They each hugged Sunset Shimmer showing sympathy towards her. Sunset took each hug and embrace the warmth of a fellow friend.

"Thank you for understanding what I've been through and thank you Discord for showing them without me speaking a word."

"Ah, no problem. Anywho, Pinkie, need help with setting up the party?" Discord asked.

"Not really but hey, I'll enjoy you helping out." Pinkie said.

Discord and Pinkie left the castle to grab supplies for the party. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity decided to leave the castle. They have some work to do for the rest of the day before nightfall comes. Sunset Shimmer and Twilight went back to the library where they came from. Sunset Shimmer left her duffle bag and wanted to put her things in her new room. Twilight escorts Sunset Shimmer to her new living quarters. She is 3 rooms away from Twilight's room. Twilight left allowing Sunset Shimmer to have her privacy. Sunset Shimmer opened her duffle bag and pulled out her leather jacket. When entering through the portal, it alters the size to fit her better. Sunset Shimmer decided to try on her leather jacket. After seeing herself in the mirror, she looked good but remembers what she looked like as a human. She took off her leather jacket and put it in the closet along with her personal things she took with her. The closet will be a reminder for the good she has done in the other world and a reminder who she is today. She closes her closet and opened the other one. She put her usual stuff in there and closed it up. Sunset then sat on the bed and took a good nap.

3 hours later, Twilight knocked on Sunset's door waking her up a little. Sunset stretched as she got out of bed and opened her door to see Twilight.

"Sunset, Celestia is here to see you. She's in the dining hall waiting for you." Twilight said.

Sunset sighed heavily but embraced herself to confront Celestia. She and Twilight walked to the dining hall. Sunset Shimmer stopped and saw her teacher...her mother. Sunset was paralyzed at the moment but then, Celestia flew to Sunset holding her for the first time in a long time. Celestia is crying with tears of joy and sadness. Seeing her daughter come home after receiving a punishment from her former friends and classmates.

"My little Sun, you've come home...I missed you all this time...I'm sorry for how I acted towards you when you needed me..I'm sorry I put work over you as my priority years ago...I'm sorry for putting you in a dark path...I thought when you left me...I was going to lose you for good...I thought I screwed things up...Can you ever forgive me Sunset Shimmer...?"

"I...I forgive you, mom...I missed you...I miss being with you...learning from you...and making you proud of me...I'm sorry for how I acted and nearly lost myself..." Sunset said in tears of sadness.

Celestia used her wing to removed the tears from her daughter's eyes. "It's ok, I forgive Sunset. I promise to never make you run away again I promise to be here for you whenever you need me...I promise that everything will work out for you...No need to worry about anything..."

This is truly a heartwarming moment. A family reunited after being separated for so long. Tears of joy came out of the eyes of Celestia and Sunset instead of sadness. They are together again. No more running away. Celestia could even sense the magic building inside of Sunset like the time she did for Twilight. It's brighter and more powerful than ever.

"Sunset Shimmer, I would like for you to stay here with Twilight Sparkle. She'll be your teacher. She'll help you embrace the Magic of Friendship. You have an untapped hidden magic deep down inside of you. I now know that in time, you'll be able to unleash it for everypony to see." Celestia stated.

"You mean that I have the chance to become a..." Sunset was cut off by Celestia.

"Yes, a Princess. You have the magic deep down inside to accomplish that goal. I can sense it. I know you can feel it. The power of magic has something special for you but I do not know what. Only time will tell for that matter.

Both Sunset and Twilight Sparkle were shocked to hear. Sunset Shimmer now has the potential to become a Princess of her own. If Celestia believed in Twilight then surely enough she believed in Sunset Shimmer as well. How exciting it is to hear.

"Celestia, moments ago, you've taken the words out of my mouth. Spike originally had an idea that I take Sunset under my wing to show her the magic of Friendship. Now, I'll accept the task at hoof." Twilight said. Smiling at her teacher.

"Then it's settled. From this day on, Sunset Shimmer will become a student of Twilight Sparke." Celestia stated. Confirming what she said with a smile. "Now I must be going. I have an important meeting to attend to with Luna. See you soon Sunset Shimmer. Know that I love you."

"I love you to mom," Sunset said happily as she dried her tears.

Celestia flew out of the castle and headed back to Canterlot. Twilight saw Spike running their way.

"Twilight, Sunset! It's to get going! The party is about to begin." Spike shouted.

Twilight, Sunset, and Spike made their way down the halls and into a different room that Discord nor Twilight showed Sunset. When Spiked opened the door, Sunset was greeted by everypony in Ponyville. Cheering and shouting in joy to welcome their new friend into town. The night went out perfectly. Sunset made a ton of new friends especially those who had familiar faces. The music, the cake, the party, everything that went down was perfect. Sunset Shimmer is having a time of her life talking, playing, laughing. Even Discord making everypony laugh with his antics.

2 hours have passed and everypony headed out of Twilight's castle. Everypony had a great time welcoming a new friend. Discord hopped back into his dimension after he teleported Fluttershy back to her cottage and Applejack to the barn. Spike went ahead and ran to his room so he could get some sleep. Twilight and Sunset Shimmer walked towards their rooms.

"Thank you for an amazing night Twilight. I needed this more than ever." Sunset said as she yawned.

"It's not a problem. Get some needed sleep. In the next few days, your first Friendship Lesson will begin." Twilight said as she yawned.

"Thanks, I'm looking forward to it."

Both girls went to their rooms and fell asleep.

Sunset couldn't believe that earlier today, she was a student at Canterlot High, now she's a student of her friend Twilight Sparkle. What a journey life can bring to somepony at times.

Tomorrow gonna be a special day for everypony while tomorrow gonna bring hell for everybody at Canterlot High.