• Published 6th Nov 2018
  • 656 Views, 10 Comments

Ready for Commitment - StormLuna

Fluttershy and Colgate have been dating for six months and while they are both happy, Colgate realizes that she is ready to be more than marefriends with her and will do anything to make sure she says yes when she asks her the big question.

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A Friday Date

A few minutes before nine, Colgate arrived at Fluttershy's cottage. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Almost immediately, Fluttershy answered, "Colgate, it's good....." She then noticed that Colgate was not dressed in business attire like she normally was. She noticed that she was wearing a dress, "Colgate, you look amazing!" She continued to take in the mare that stood before her before continuing, "I thought you said you didn't own any dresses and I thought you didn't like them."

Colgate at first had a nervous look on her face before replying, "Well I wanted to do this for you and I must say, Rarity did a good job of figuring out what would look good on me."

Fluttershy commented, "Well she did a really good job." She left her cottage, put her arm under Colgate's and asked, "So what do you have planned for us?"

Colgate gave her a smile, "Well I was thinking we could do whatever you want to do." She squeezed her hand and continued, "This is your day sweetie, we shall do what you want to."

While Fluttershy and Colgate did love one another, never had one of the two ever used a term of endearment before. This brought a deep blush to Fluttershy's face as she replied, "Really, it is up to me as to what we do?"

Colgate nodded her head and Fluttershy continued, "Uhm, well, I really never thought it would be up to me." She then looked towards the forest and thought a trip to Celestia's old castle would be romantic. She pointed to the left and suggested, "Uhm, well we could always go into the forest."

Colgate knew how scared Fluttershy could get when it came to places like that. At first she wondered why she would want to go to the forest but then realized that perhaps Fluttershy was wanting to test her, to see if she would protect her if they ran into some timberwolves. She gave her a smile and replied, "That sounds good to me."

Fluttershy grabbed Colgate's hand and the two headed into the forest. The Everfree Forest was one place that Colgate did enjoy going every now and then since it was where she could seek solitude after a rough week in the office. As the two headed further in, they began to hear growling noises. Fluttershy squeezed Colgate and asked, "Do you hear that?"

Colgate knew that sound all to well so she powered up her horn and prepared to strike in the event any were to attack. Colgate replied, "Yes." She pulled Fluttershy close and continued, "Don't worry, if any try to attack, I'll handle them, alright?"

Fluttershy gave her a smile and replied, "I know you will, I know you'll do anything to protect me."

Soon the growling started coming from multiple directions and Colgate knew exactly what was going on, she knew that the timberwolves were planning on attacking them all at once. She said, "Fluttershy, get behind me. They are circling....."

Before she could finish her statement, the timberwolves came rushing out from behind the trees. Colgate had been surrounded like that before so she knew exactly how to handle it. She powered her horn up further and began blasting each one with a powerful bolt of energy, blasting them to bits.

Fluttershy was shocked that Colgate would so easily blast multiple timberwolves apart without showing one ounce of fear. Fluttershy squeezed her tightly and asked, "Colgate, how did you do that? You didn't even show any fear!"

Colgate returned the squeeze and replied, "I come to the forest sometimes for solitude when I'm stressed so I've dealt with them before." Colgate saw the remains trying to regenerate and knew she had to do something to prevent that. She grabbed all the wood in her aura, placed it in a pile and used her magic to set it ablaze.

Fluttershy was impressed with this, "I take it you know how to prevent them from coming back?"

Colgate replied, "Yep. Now we better stay here to make sure this fire doesn't wind up spreading."

Fluttershy wrapped herself around Colgate as the two watched the remains burn. Fluttershy knew that not only would she keep her safe if they strolled into the forest again, she also knew that Colgate was fearless and had the composure to handle threats from timberwolves. After an hour the fire had burned itself out and all that remained was a pile of ash. Colgate gave Fluttershy a smile and continued, "Well we won't be worrying about those anymore." She grabbed Fluttershy by the hand and asked, "Where next?"

Fluttershy replied, "I was thinking we could visit Celestia and Luna's old castle."

While Colgate had visited it before, she thought it might be best if nopony else knew about that. She said, "You lead the way."

Fluttershy pulled on Colgate's hand and the two continued their journey. After nearly an hour more of walking, they finally reached the bridge that led to the castle. Unfortunately, it looked like it was in worse shape than it was the first time Fluttershy saw it. She knew that she could easily fly across but was concerned about her marefriend and how she would get across. She asked, "Colgate, how are we going to cross?"

Colgate replied, "Well you can fly and I can teleport."

Fluttershy got airborne and crossed while Colgate easily teleported across the chasm. Once they were across, Fluttershy again forced her arm under Colgate's and led the two in. The way she was acting, Colgate could tell that Fluttershy knew a fair amount about the layout of the place but did not question where she was leading them.

After a few minutes Fluttershy had taken them to the chamber where they found Celestia and Luna's old journal. One thing that Colgate noticed about it was that unlike the main library, the roof was still intact. She asked, "I take it you brought us in here for a reason?"

Fluttershy gave her a cute smile, "Mhmm!" Fluttershy had a plan, a plan that she hoped would work. She continued, "I don't know about you but I'm a bit tired. What do you say we sit down for a while?"

Colgate replied, "It sounds like a good plan to me."

One thing that didn't make Colgate overly happy was that there were no chairs, that they would have to sit on the floor and get their clothes dirty. Normally such a situation wouldn't bother her but given how much she paid for the dress she was wearing, it did. She did not want to disappoint her marefriend so she sat down and leaned up against a wall. Fluttershy immediately sat in front of her and used her as a cushion. Colgate had a feeling as to what she wanted so once Fluttershy got sat down, Colgate wrapped her arms around her and pulled her close.

At first it was quiet between the two until Fluttershy grabbed Colgate's hands and began to move them up towards her breasts. Colgate then gave her a smile, "I think I know why you brought us out to this chamber now!"

Fluttershy replied, "Mhmm!"

Colgate found many, many things about Fluttershy incredibly attractive but that answer and the tone of voice she used made her seem all the more attractive. Finally Fluttershy pushed Colgate's hands up to her breasts and continued, "Now you know what I want, don't you?"

Colgate gave her a similar response, "Mhmm!"

Colgate cupped her breasts and began to squeeze them, bringing out moans of delight from Fluttershy. While they had been dating for quite some time, this was something that Fluttershy had fantasized about a lot but felt that they had not been in the right place for it to happen until now. The sensation was more than she could ever imagine and began to moan, "Oh Colgate, that feels so good!"

Colgate took that as a sign that she wanted her to continue to grope her. They sat there in a state of bliss for two hours until finally Colgate's stomach began to growl. Fluttershy gave her a giggle, "I take it is your way of saying you think we should go back to town?"

Colgate replied, "Yeah, I'm getting pretty hungry."

The two got up and headed back towards Ponyville. On their way back to Ponyville, they heard growling and saw eyes shining from behind the trees but the moment Colgate powered up her horn, the timberwolves stopped growling and they retreated further away from the two. By the time they returned to town, Fluttershy had also become hungry. She turned to Colgate and asked, "So where do you want to eat?"

Colgate gave her a smile, "Well that is up to you, everything is up to you today."

Fluttershy replied, "Well I was thinking of something different, I was thinking that I could fix us some lunch and then we could spend some quality time together alone in my cottage."

While Colgate had been hoping that they could have went into town, ate at the cafe and then spent more time out and about, she agreed, "Alright, sounds good to me."

Fluttershy grabbed Colgate by the hand and led the two to her cottage. Once they got inside, Angel immediately greeted them and was not thrilled seeing the same pony with his owner that she had been going out with for months. Despite knowing that Colgate made Fluttershy happy, Angel hopped in front of her and began squeaking in disapproval.

Colgate asked, "What is he trying to tell you?"

Fluttershy gave her a nervous smile, "You don't want to know." There had been many times when they went out that Fluttershy had ordered heavier meals but she wanted to see how Colgate would react to a lighter meal. She continued, "How does a daffodil and daisy sandwich sound?"

That was one thing that Colgate could not stand, flower sandwiches. She did not want to hurt Fluttershy's feelings so she replied, "Yeah, that would work."

Fluttershy immediately got to work making their lunch while Angel continued to squeak angrily at Colgate. This was something that Colgate was finding a bit unnerving but knew that if Fluttershy were to say yes to the big question she had planned, that this was something that she would have to get used to.

Once Fluttershy finished fixing their lunch, she put the sandwiches on plates and when Colgate sat down at the dining room table, Fluttershy pointed towards the living room, "I was thinking we could sit on the couch and eat together."

Colgate nodded and the two sat down on the couch together. While Fluttershy immediately started eating her sandwich, it was all Colgate could do to even look at it. After a slight glare from Fluttershy, Colgate levitated the sandwich up to herself and began to eat it. Just as it was with every other flowery sandwich, it was not to Colgate's liking. She knew that she simply couldn't gag or suggest to her marefriend that they go out and get something better. Long after Fluttershy finished hers, Colgate finally got started on hers.

Fluttershy noticed how long it took her to eat and asked, "Are you ok Colgate? Usually you devour your meals!"

Colgate replied, "Yeah, I'm fine." She wanted to get out of any further discussion regarding the sandwich and continued, "So would you want to go out again for a while? We could always hit the market."

This was not what Fluttershy wanted to do at all. Fluttershy let out a yawn and continued, "Actually I was thinking we could just stay here in my cottage." She pulled Colgate close and continued, "And just have it be us and nopony else" she then saw Angel staring at her intently and continued, "well and my animals."

Colgate replied, "Alright, we can do that."

This was a situation that was different than what Colgate had been hoping for but didn't want to risk the relationship by again bringing up going out. It wouldn't be long though until her thoughts would be interrupted by Fluttershy pulling her close and kissing her passionately.

Fluttershy had long been wanting for her and Colgate to just spend time together in her cottage for ever since not too long after they started dating and since Colgate said that this was her day and she would decide what they did, she was going to make sure that her desire became reality.

As the continued their kiss, one of her animals was not thrilled, Angel. He jumped up on his owner and began squeaking in disapproval. Fluttershy stopped and gave Angel a glare, "Angel Bunny, such language!" She pulled Colgate up and continued, "What do you say we go somewhere that we won't be disturbed."

This was something that Colgate had been hoping to hear. She had hoped that they would be able to be out and about rather than cooped up in Fluttershy's cottage. She began to head towards the door and asked, "So do you want to go to the market, grab a bite to eat and maybe head over to the park?"

Fluttershy sighed, "I suppose we could but there is something that I would much rather we do, something that I have been fantasizing about for months."

Colgate asked, "What is it that you have been fantasizing about?"

Fluttershy grabbed her by the hand, pulled her towards her bedroom and giggled, "I think you'll like it."

Colgate's hopes of going out and about were dashed when Fluttershy did this but she did love Fluttershy more than enough to do whatever she wanted. She replied, "I hope so."

Fluttershy led her up to the bedroom and closed the door before any of her animals could follow them in. Often times Fluttershy would listen to music before going to bed so she put some soft music on, grabbed Colgate's hand and asked, "May I have this dance?"

Colgate gave her a smile, "Yes you may."

Fluttershy pulled her close and the two began to dance. Fluttershy could read Colgate's eyes and would catch her occasionally glancing towards the window and decided to stop that. She grabbed Colgate's flank and began to massage it, which did stop her from constantly glancing towards the window. After a minute of massaging, Fluttershy cleared her throat, "Ahem!"

Colgate knew that this was Fluttershy's way of saying that she wanted her to massage hers as well. Once Colgate was massaging her flank, Fluttershy pulled her into a deep kiss as they continued to dance. While she did wish that they could be out and about, Colgate did find this enjoyable. For Fluttershy, this was part of what she had been wanting for quite some time but would soon move on to what she wanted next.

They continued to kiss and dance until the music stopped. Once the music stopped, Fluttershy threw Colgate down onto her bed, pounced on her and pinned her down. This shocked Colgate, "Fluttershy, what did you do that for?"

Fluttershy continued to hold Colgate down and giggled, "It is something I've been dreaming of. Just you and me, laying in bed and holding one another."

Colgate asked, "In our dresses?"

Fluttershy replied, "Well not exactly." Fluttershy began to strip down to her undergarments, looked at Colgate and continued, "Would you join me?"

This was something that Colgate certainly did not want to do because she knew that it meant that they would not likely be going back out and about anytime soon. She did as Fluttershy requested, laid back down and very quickly Fluttershy laid on top of her. She gave Colgate a smile and added, "This feels so much better, doesn't it?"

Colgate did love Fluttershy a lot but just laying with her in only their undergarments seemed odd to her. At first Colgate was wishing that they could just get dressed before too long and then go back out, eventually though, especially once they began to kiss and rub their bodies together, Colgate was in a state of pure bliss. It was at that moment that she realized that perhaps such a way of life with Fluttershy would not be as bad as she initially thought.

Several hours had passed and both mares had begun to get hungry. They broke their kiss and smiled at one another as their stomachs were growling. Colgate asked, "Fluttershy, you fixed us lunch, how about I treat us to supper?"

Fluttershy gave a yawn, "I don't know. I'm just really tired and am ready to call it an early night."

Colgate's face dropped a bit but figured that this would be just as good of a time to see if Colgate was up for her plans for the next day, "Fluttershy, I was thinking. I was thinking that maybe we could go up to Canterlot tomorrow."

Fluttershy asked, "Why? Why would you want us to go up to Canterlot tomorrow?"

Colgate replied, "I have something special planned for us. I was thinking about taking us to Bon Apetit for a special supper."

While she had never been there, she had had heard Rarity talking about that restaurant. She gasped, "You want to take me to the most expensive restaurant in all of Canterlot?" Colgate began to say something until Fluttershy continued, "I can't let you do that, I don't want you spending that much money on me!"

Colgate gave her a smile, "Fluttershy, money isn't an issue. You are far more important than that. Like I have said many times, there is no such thing as 'too much' when it comes to you." Colgate then gave her a sad look and continued, "Please, please let me take you."

Fluttershy asked, "Alright, what time do you want to go?"

Colgate replied, "How about I come get you at four, we'll catch the train to Canterlot and by the time the train gets there, we can head to the restaurant."

Fluttershy gave her a smile, "That sounds good." She then yawned louder, "Well I suppose I should let you get on your way. I'm sure you want to get some rest for our big day tomorrow."

Colgate gave her an embrace and replied, "I think that would likely be for the best."

Colgate gave her a kiss before she left. After Colgate left, Fluttershy couldn't help but wonder why Colgate would be so insistent on her taking her to what is likely the most expensive restaurant in not just Canterlot, but all of Equestria. She couldn't help but say to herself, "I don't get it, why?" Something then began to cross her mind. She gasped, "Is she going to ask me to marry her? Is she wanting to commit?"

As Colgate headed home, she was a bit disappointed that Fluttershy didn't let her take her to the cafe but knew that she did make a good point about being well rested. She also couldn't help but wonder what Fluttershy thought about how their day together went. One thing she did know, she knew that Fluttershy was the type that would likely want to stay in her cottage more than going out and about if they were to ever get married.