• Published 21st May 2018
  • 2,524 Views, 202 Comments

Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of Scootaloo - PonyJoel

During a brutal week before the winter break, Scootaloo was having a difficult time in her life. She went through a deep depression, loss her family but found salvation in a new family. These are now the Tales of Scootaloo's new life.

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Slumber Party! A Reminisce of Speedy Bullet!

Author's Note:

Sombra not only delivers a good Slumber Party for his daughter, he even tells a funny tale of his brother Speedy Bullet.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Sombra, Hope, and Blaze are setting up the party in the living room as the girls are changing into their pajamas in Scootaloo's room. Sombra gives Blaze money for him to step out and buy Chinese food. The living room is all set. Twister floormat, disco ball hanging on the ceiling, karaoke machine, games, movies and much more. Sombra and Hope want to make this slumber party meaningful to Scootaloo. Scootaloo has suffered enough from the past with those who caused her pain and trauma. Its time to move on with the right people in her life. As Sombra finished setting up, he went outside and stared at the night sky wondering. He couldn't help but feel guilty that his friend, Speedy Bullet, sacrificed himself to save him from a mistake he made. He began to pant heavily as collapses on the floor holding his head. Hope realized what was happening the moment Sombra said; Tirek. Sombra roars as he is now reliving the last battle he fought with Speedy Bullet.

Hope comforts Sombra. She understands the pain he's going through. Losing a close friend in a battle that should have been his demise. As this is going on, Sonata accidentally knocks over a journal which caught everyone's eye.

"Sorry, didn't see it there when I was getting up."

"It's alright Sonata," Scootaloo said. "Just be more careful next time."

"I will." Sonata picks up the journal and hands it to Scootaloo.

"So, is that your journal Scootaloo?" Sonata asked.

"Yes well, technically it belongs to my dad. It was then passed down to me so I can read what he left for me. His notes are inspiring especially his last one. He wrote a letter to me in his journal in case he wasn't going to make it. I feel that he knew he wasn't going to make it. Like someone from the future told him what to do and he did it."

"Did you had that feeling back in Canterlot High Scootaloo?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Yes. I did even before Anon-A-Miss came to being. My depression during that time became a 6th sense for me. Then everything else escalated from there. Anon-A-Miss being born, bringing chaos to everyone which caused me to lose my mom and my home. I am happy to have a new family and friends to enjoy my new life away from those assholes." Scootaloo sadly stated.

After hearing what Scootaloo said it got quiet in the room. Then Aria throws a pillow at Sonata shouting;

"Pillow fight!"

The girls grabbed their pillows and started hitting each other. As they were having fun in Scootaloo's room, Sombra calmed down long enough to dry up his tears. He too is suffering from his past. He and Hope went back inside. Then Hope decides to check on the girls as Sombra sits down on his chair. After a few moments, the girls stopped having their pillow fight. That is when Hope opened the door.

"Girls, everything is set. Come down when you can."

"Thanks, mom."

"You're welcome."

Hope heads back downstairs and sits next to Sombra. Sombra wiped his tears away and prepared himself for the party to start when his daughter and her friends come downstairs. Aria and Adagio had mixed feelings of excitement and steadiness. It's their first and trying to make the best out of it.

"So, I guess you had a bloody battle with pillows. Who won the battle?" Sombra said.

The girls laughed.

"No winner, dad," Scootaloo said.

"Darn shame. Oh well, there are other activities to determine a winner."

"Dad, not everything has to be a contest."

"We'll see, Scoots."

"So, where's Blaze dad?"

"Out to get food."

"How long until he comes back?"

"In an hour or so."

"So, what should we do first?" Sonata asked.

"What you feel like doing?" Sombra said.

"Hmm, good question Commander Sombra," Aria said.

"In my household, Sombra will do Aria."

"Sorry, Comm..." Aria coughs a little. "Sombra. It's a habit."

"Yea, its Aria, Sonata, and my first time in time in your home. Also, it's a first to call you Sombra, Sir."

"Point taken Adagio."

Scootaloo looks around and finds a twister floormat ready.

"Hey, girls. I'm willing to defend my Twister Title tonight." Scootaloo said as she smirks. Tossing her dad the Twister Spinner.

"Oh, you're on Scootaloo," Silver Spoon said as she stretches.

"Let's do this!" Sonata shouted.

"Meh, this'll be easy," Adagio stated.

"Easy for me to win, as I'll watch you all fall." Aria laughs sinisterly.

"Hold it right there," Hope said as she puts on a rainbow color bandana. "I gotta defend my title as well." Hope took off her sweat pants revealing her sport shorts.


"You're not the only one with a twister title to defend sweetie."

"It's true. Your mother beat me more than once. I even tried to cheat once and I still lost." Sombra said.

Everyone is silent.

"This is one battle I'll suggest working together," Sombra chuckles a bit. "Everyone ready?"

Everyone nodded.

"Alright," Sombra spins the spinner. "Hope, right foot green."

Hope places her right foot on green.

"Yawn," Hope said mockingly.

Sombra spins the spinner. "Aria left foot blue."

Aria puts her left foot on blue and glares at Hope.

"Glare all you want. I'm winning this battle."

Sombra spins again. "Scootaloo, right foot green."

Scootaloo puts her right foot on green. She sticks her tongue at Hope mocking her. Hope couldn't help but laugh at the silly face.

Sombra spins again. "Silver Spoon, right hand red."

"On it Sombra," Silver Spoon puts her right hand on red.

"Pick me, pick me!" Sonata shouted.

"In a second," Sombra spins. "Left hand on yellow, Sonata."

"Finally!" Sonata places her left hand on yellow.

Sombra spins the spinner. "Left hand on yellow, Adagio."

"Oh goodie, next to Sonata," Adagio said as she places her left hand on yellow.

"Round 1, completed," Sombra states timidly. "Let's see who'll survive."

"Hurry up and spin, Mr. Monolog," Aria stated.

Sombra grumbles and spins hard on the spinner. "This one is for you Aria, right hand green."

"Ah, shit," Aria said as she had to turn herself around and reach. She's able to place her right hand on green but barely.

"Don't mess with me in my own home. I'll make sure you'll regret it." Sombra said. "Anyone else has something to say before I move on?"

Everyone stood silent. Just ready to continue the game.

The game went on for 20 minutes. Aria is the first to fall after 3 more rounds Sombra placed her. She felt that Sombra was trying to make her fall which worked out. Then Silver Spoon fell after 4 more rounds. Her right hand couldn't reach red after placing her hand on green. Adagio and Sonata both fell after 2 more rounds. It was Sonata's fault tho. She sneezed as she tried to move her left foot from red to yellow. Now Hope and Scootaloo are left standing. It's been 13 rounds and neither of them is giving up.

Hope has her left foot on blue, her right on green. She also has both hands on yellow. Scootaloo has both hands on red and both feet yellow.

"Well, it's anyone's game now." Sombra spins the spinner then he receives a phone call. "Hello," he answers. "Wait, what the hell? What happened to Blaze? Yea. Yea... Alright then. See you in a few minutes. Bye," Sombra hangs up the phone. Hope left the Twister floormat after hearing Blaze's name.

"What's wrong, love?" Hope said.

"Well, I'll tell you in a..." Sombra is interrupted by Scootaloo.

"I Win! I'm still the champ!" Scootaloo shouted.

"No, wait! That didn't..." Hope was cut off by Sombra's laughter.

"Finally, the undefeated Twister champion loses her title."

"This doesn't count! I demand we continue where we left off." Hope said turning to Scootaloo now.

"Sorry, mom. You didn't call a time out," Scootaloo giggles.

"D'oh!" Hope slaps herself on the head. Then Sombra kisses her forehead.

"Next time, you'll reclaim it," Sombra said.

10 minutes later, the Chinese food arrived. Sombra gives the delivery boy a tip. He knows that Blaze paid for the food and closes the door. Everyone stood by as Sombra put the food in the kitchen.

"Take what you want. I'll put a movie for us to enjoy,"

"What movie, dad?"

"Fury. It's a tank movie."

"Geez, tanks a lot," Sonata said pun intended.

Everyone gathers and watch Fury as they ate. They enjoyed the movie and the scenery. It gave the Shooting Stars an idea for their Total War this week coming up. After the movie, Hope tosses some microphones for the karaoke machine. Aria, Adagio, and Sonata opted not to sing. They are terrible singers and have no interest in singing whatsoever. Scootaloo and Silver Spoon sing Feel Invincible and Rise from Skillet. Sombra sings some of his favorite songs. His singing is worse than what Adagio, Aria, and Sonata combined but see how much fun Sombra is having. Scootaloo had to cover her ears but Hope is enjoying her man singing.

"Dad! You sound like a screamo singer!"

Sombra didn't care and continues to sing anyways.

"My ears are bleeding!" Sonata shouted.

"Well, if you can do better then rise to the challenge," Sombra tosses his mic to Sonata but Sonata kindly refuse. "That's what I thought."

After Sombra finished singing Ready to Die, the girls sigh in relief that the torment is over while Hope claps and cheer for her husband beautiful singing. The rest of the night went by playing a 2 hour game of monopoly. All but Scootaloo couldn't help but question about Blaze's reason for not showing up to the party. It's Midnight and Everyone is getting a little tired.

"Alright, everyone," Sombra yawns. "it's nearly time for bed."

"Hey, dad, do you have any good memories of my father Speedy Bullet in the army or when you and he were younger?"

"Yea, I have my many memories, and the times he would prank me."

"Before my friends and I go upstairs, can you tell us a little story?"

"I would suggest everyone bring their sleeping bags down here in case any of you happens to fall asleep when I tell you my tale."

In a few moments, Silver Spoon, Sonata, Adagio, and Aria brought down their sleeping bags. Scootaloo sits in the middle of her friends. Hope sits next to Sombra.

"For the tale, I'll be telling, it may humor you. When Speedy and I were in the Equestrian Military School, we were in the same unit. Dragon Army to be precise. We were actually with the Wonderbolts and a whole lot started on the first day of April..."

25 years ago

"Listen Maggots!" Sergeant Hogan commanded. "Anyone fooling on this day will receive heavy-duty punishment. I do not care about the holiday and what it represents! I care about pushing you all to the limits and make you go beyond that limit! Is that clear?!"

"Yes sir!" Everyone shouted.

"Good! Let's head to the field!" Hogan opens the door and a bucket lands on top of him. Everyone laughed. "Who did this?!" Hogan tries to pull it off. "Goddamn it! It's stuck! I can't see a thing!" Several Cadets kicks Hogan in the back. Ow! You little punks! Little did he know that someone placed a kick me sign on his back. After a few minutes, Hogan pulls the bucket off of him. "Alright you little shit heads! Which of you do this to me?!"

"That will be me, Sergeant." Hogan turns around to see Flash Magnus standing firm.

"M-My apologies...Commander Magnus."

"Learn to smile and have a good laugh. Also, Cadets. Today's war is a Prank War. Anything goes under the regulation of the school's ground."

"Oh, shit..." Hogan looks backs and sees the cadets of Dragon Army with sinister smiles and faces.

Speedy comes up and kicks Hogan's ass hard with his boot. "Let the prank war begin!" Speedy shouted.

Every cadet in Dragon Army now kicks Hogan's ass for he is still wearing the kick me sign. Even Magnus kicks him. All Hogan can do is groan about the pain.

"I HATE APRIL FOOL's DAY!" Hogan shouted. He then leaves the room as everyone else in the School kicks his ass.

"Wait wait wait, what?" Scootaloo asked while everyone else is laughing thus far. "You mean to tell us that on April Fool's day, you, my dad and everyone else literally kick Hogan's ass?"

"Yea," Sombra chuckles. "Speedy was the one who placed the kick me sign on Hogan's back. The bucket of glue was Magnus' idea. Now, where was I? Oh yes, I remember, Speedy and I were planning to..."

"Sombra, we gotta get to the kitchen."

"Why Speedy?"

"We're finally going to mess with the Hawk and Eagle Armies for egging our dorm last week."

"How exactly?"

"Laxatives and we lock all the bathroom doors in the school. Then we radio our army to lock any interior stalls inside."

Sombra couldn't help but laugh at the prank.

"Not only laxatives but we get the paintball guns and blast the crap out of them when they can't hold it."

"Now, you're thinking Sombra. I knew you have a brain in there somewhere."

"Excuse me?" Sombra gives Speedy the Shadow of Fear stare that he's working on.

"You're excused." Speedy laughed.

Sombra grumbles a bit but carries on heading towards the kitchen. He and Speedy put laxatives in all the drinks in the kitchen. Speedy takes the purified water and pours in toilet water instead. Then he puts the filter back in. Sombra radios his squad to lock all the bathroom doors and stalls to make sure that no one cannot enter.

"Let's get to Magnus' office to make a special announcement," Speedy said.

"Sure thing."

Speedy and Sombra made their way to Magnus' office. On the way their, they see every cadet pranking each other whether it's in the same army or different. The pranks are minor but things are about to change dramatically. The two finally made it to Magnus' office and snuck inside. Magnus is not in his office as he's on a prank watch throughout the school.

"Hey, Speedy. You can still do the voice right?"

"Yea, I'm just a bit rusty but I should be able to deceit those Eagles and Hawks."

"Cool," Sombra radios Soarin. "Hey, Soarin. You and the rest getting the paintball guns?"

"Yea, we're locked and loaded. Just waiting for the two of you."

"Sounds good. We'll meet up with you after this announcement."

Speedy rehearses a bit as he tries to sound similar to near-identical to Magnus.

"Hawk and Eagle Army, we have a special lunch-in for our best two-way armies of the year so far. Please report to the cafeteria for your meal."

"Hah, that should do it," Sombra said.

"Let's find out if those deadbeats fell for it."

Sombra and Speedy meet up with Soarin and the Wonderbolts in the hallway...

"Hey, dad? Whose in Hawk and Eagle Army?"

"Spitfire was in Eagle Army before she was traded. Fleetfoot, Slaughter, and Rocky were with Hawk Army. During the day, they were gruesome, remorseless, and ruthless. When the battle or war is over, they will still shoot either with the paintballs or airsoft weaponry. They didn't care until they were part of Dragon army when they matured and disciplined for the better. They'll never forget the day when all hell broke loose."

"What day was that?"

"The day I'm telling you, Scoots. Telling all of you. Now, back to the story..."

Sombra, Speedy, and the rest of Dragon Army took their paintball gun and headed to the cafeteria. As they peak through the doors, they were fully shot by both Eagle and Hawk armies.

"Try to prank us in the cafe with food you rejects?! You have another thing coming Dradumb Army!" Spitfire yelled out.

The two armies join forces and go after the Dragon army. Dragon Army disengages as Hawk and Eagle army fully shot them with paintballs.

Speedy and Sombra barricaded the doors so Hawk and Eagle army don't come forth.

"Wow, that was a close one," Soarin said.

"They fell for it," Speedy said.

"What? What do you mean by that? Explain your methods Speedy cause I'm...no...we're confused."

"You heard Spitfire. She mentioned food, not the drinks. The two armies are more likely to have a celebrational drink in which Sombra and I put some laxatives in. By saying having a special lunch-in they were thinking of food."

Soarin's and the rest of the Dragon army were quite surprised after hearing that.

"Even though we locked the doors to all the bathrooms and stalls, what are the chances of both armies breaking down the doors?" Soarin asked.

"I thought ahead which would surprise Speedy here a bit. I made some arrangements within our army to superglue all the toilet seats. Also to remove all the toilet paper so they can beg for it."

"Sombra, that is demented. I love it."

Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, Adagio, Sonata, Aria had their eyes wide open with their mouths dropped open in shock and disbelief. Sombra and Hope couldn't help but laugh. The look on everyone's faces is priceless.

"Dad... That's cruel even for you."

"Hmph, you should have seen Prank Master Magnus during the day. Then you can decide which is crueler in terms of pranks."

"Scootaloo did you know that your dad, Speedy Bullet was a prankster?" Silver Spoon asked.

"No. My dad wasn't like that around me. He was more caring and protective. Though, I didn't see him a whole lot. He was needed during the war. He was needed until the time came..." Scootaloo said as a tear roll out of her eye.

Sombra quickly goes back to tell his tale...

"We should check out the security feeds back in the office," Soarin stated.

"Agreed, let's move," Sombra said.

Dragon Army made way for the security's office to check the cameras of all locations within the school's premises.

"There we go. Hawk and Eagle army already banging on all the bathroom doors. Trying to get in."

Speedy is cracking up, he sees Hogan getting his ass kick by other drill sergeants.

"Guys, gals, take a look at this real quick," Speedy said.

Everyone laughs as they see Hogan still getting kicked by everyone including his mother, daughter, and wife. They can't hear him but see his frustration as Hogan yell and swearing about April Fool's Day. Sombra took his eyes and checks the other camera feed.

"Hey everyone. It's showtime."

All eyes were focused on the doors being broken down by both Hawk and Eagle army. As they brake their way through and sat down, Dragon army leaves except for Scope who wanted to stay behind in case Sombra and Speedy need eyes and ears. Dragon army split into two parties. One male and one female to enter the bathrooms. Sombra and Speedy headed over to the bathroom near the instructor's lounge. Unfortunately for them, Magnus along with Rocky and Hawk army is stuck on the toilet seats having an agonizing time trying to get up. Sombra and Speedy couldn't help but laugh. The screams echo throughout the school.

"Who's bright idea was to superglue the goddamn toilets!" Mangus yells. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! Ooooooooow!"

Sombra and Speedy laughs loud enough for Rocky and Slaughter to yell back.

"Damn you Dragons! Damn you to hell!" Rocky shouted.

"Sombra! Speedy!" Magnus yells.

Sombra and Speedy came to see Magnus holding onto his stomach while he's stuck on the toilet seat.

"When I get out of this, you'll receive a punishment of a lifetime here. Now, get me something else to drink and hot water. I need to get up."

"Hey, Commander Magnus, we need toilet paper!" Slaughter yell out.

"Please, for the love of God, bring us toilet paper as well."

"Will do, Commander Magnet," Speedy jokes as Magnus was trying to slap him for making fun of his name.

In a few minutes, Sombra comes with a glass of water from the kitchen. As soon as Magnus drinks it, he spits it out.

"Ah, what the hell is in that water?"

Speedy and Sombra laugh a bit.

"Toilet water, sir," Speedy said laughing uncontrollably.

Magnus spits out everything as best as he could. Rocky and Slaughter do have a good laugh then remember the pain the two of them were in.

"I'll get the two of you for this. Mark my words, cadets."

Everyone in the room had a good laugh and imagined how it all played out.

"Wow, Sombra. Never knew that you and Speedy would be able to catch Commander Magnus as well. What are the odds of that?" Adagio asks.

"Slim to none really. Turns out that he was unfortunate to drink a laxative fruit punch from the cafeteria. He along with Hawk and Eagle army were celebrating together."

"So, what happens next dad?"

"Hmm, after we all chipped in to help Magnus and the rest of Hawk and Eagle army, Magnus commanded a cease-fire. He gave us Dragon Army the April Fool's trophy for winning the prank war. We got him to drink laxatives, have his ass superglued, and have him drink toilet water. That said enough for one day."

"Whatever happened to Hogan?" Sonata asks.

"He didn't come back to the academy for a week. His ass was sore from the kicking that his mother told the school that Hogan couldn't sit properly. He finally notices the kick me sign after he taken off his jacket; according to his mother."

"Wow, that's sad," Adagio stated.

"So, where's he now?" Aria asks.

"He's now working in Crystal Prep as a dodgeball instructor. He left the life of the military behind after he retired."

The girls yawned a bit as it is 1:30 in the morning.

"Sleep now. When you all wake up, we're going to funfuzion."

Hope has a blanket and a pillow for Scootaloo to sleep on the couch as everyone else got into their sleeping bags.

"Hey, dad?"

"Yes, Scootaloo?"

"Is Blaze coming?"


Sombra and Hope head upstairs to their room as everyone else drifted to sleep.

Comments ( 23 )

Scootaloo and Silver Spoon sing Feel Invincible and Rise from Skillet.Eh. I prefer Sometimes by Skillet.

Interesting. Imagine Sombra singing like a Screamo singer.

Blaze is held up. Great more demons.

Hey I'm the first to read and comment!

You know I should probably stop doing different comments and just do one long comment.

Perhaps, also were you able to read the summarize note I sent you?

Yes very interesting. I probably wouldn't read the stories but now I get the jist of it

Why do I get the chills that more pranks are gonna happen and its gonna be even more brutal then last time

Possibly for a future Prank War in the story or not? That's for you to decide.

Maybe another prank war, maybe not. Maybe another from the past or not.

How's everything?

Glad to clear that up.

Is this ever going to update? I really love this story a lot. It’s funny but sad at the same time.

Longest Writer's Block Ever unfortunately

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