• Published 18th May 2018
  • 853 Views, 6 Comments

Equestrian Tales: Nero the Necromancer - PonyJoel

This is how Nero came to be. When he was summoned, when he took over the Draqonacuus species and how he escaped.

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Origins of Nero and Blaze! History in the Making!

Author's Note:

I decided to fill in a little bit of the Necroponies from Blaze's family. How they summoned Nero the Necromancer. How everything fell apart and how Celestia felt about Blaze.

Not much of conversations here. Just a simple fill in as the other sequels progress in the timeline that I'm working on.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

3100 years ago in Equestria, there's a small family that hated the good life that all ponies were living in. They hated the way, Princess Celestia was handling things in Equestria. There was nothing wrong or anything in their life. Corrupted by darkness in their hearts, the Necroponies of Apocalypse wanted to rule all life and shroud the world into eternal darkness. In order to do such a thing, they needed to be very powerful and to take on the forces of Celestia and her army. The Necroponies of Apocalypse has mastered all forms of forbidden magic, Dark Magic, Black Magic and Blood Magic. The one key piece they were missing was an ally to lead into battle against Celestia and her army. Sure Luna was around as well but she wasn't much of a threat due to ponies not worshiping the night and her depression getting the best of her.

A few months later, Draven and Nova created a pentagram blood circle. They were planning to summon a demon that can allow itself to spread, feast on powerful magic and to take down Princess Celestia. After they chanted and used their Blood Magic, they were able to unleash a young Necromancer known as Nero. Nero at the time was inexperience with his new fond of power. Draven and Nova took Nero in as one of their own. To help, train and devour powerful creatures whose magic/power are limitless.

20 years later, Nero grew up and became a very powerful Necromancer. He devoured several ponies that mastered different arts of magic. Nero got to witnessed Nova's first son. She named him Blaze. Nero sought to protect his little brother at the time. To allow him to become stronger and powerful so when the time was right, he can devour Blaze for his uprising magic. Draven sensed Nero's antics and warned him about the agreement they made. Nero hated the agreement so much, he wanted to devour Draven himself. That gave him an idea. When Draven would be on his own for a while, he would sneak up and devour Draven. Nero just needed to wait for the right opportunity to come forth.

10 years later, Nero used his magic to speed the age of Blaze into a young stallion. His magic became powerful enough to devour. However, Blaze went ahead and isolated himself from everyone including his magic. He figured that now would be the right time to meditate on his magic so he can perfect it in his mind. Nero brushed it off and turned his attention to Draven. Draven decided to go hunting for ponies and see if they're worthy enough to be powerful enough for Nero to consume. Nero then sneaked up behind Draven and devoured his body and soul. Fueling him into a new creature. When Nero magic rose, so did his appearance. He grew into a bigger and near complete as a Necromancer. He has never felt anything like it. It excited him a little but turned his attention to Nova. She too had become more powerful than any other pony. After one soul was eaten alive, Nero became hungrier. Wanting more magic to feast on. Wanting more souls to drain on. Things were starting to backfire on the family of Dark Horses. Each of the members was being devoured. Nero's new foundation of magic allowed him to take the souls he drained and morph them into his necromancer army. Each one powerful but their minds are controlled. Never to disobey Nero's commands.

Winter and Reznor took their family along with Blaze far away from Nero's uprising magic and army. More ponies that wandered off to explore the land were devoured and transformed. The energy that Nero was gaining made him bigger, stronger, powerful and demented in all ways possible. Nero became problematic in Equestria. After devouring a pony that was on her way to becoming a Princess in Equestria, Nero sensed a new found of magic that exists in Equestria. Its far away but he can sense it. Unkown to him, Hawk, Willow and their side of the Necropony Family decided to take advantage of the situation and try to kill Nero before he becomes too powerful to stop. They had a way of taking down the Nero and his army. By making a sacrifice within themselves, they'll have access to break the contract and kill them. Hawk and Willow decided that their freedom will be worth the risk. After confronting Nero, he turned and felt an uprising in magic coming from Hawk and Willow. After they explained about the magic when breaking the contract, they are eligible enough to take him down. Nero laughed but fought them. Nero at one point was losing the fight against the two as the others from their side joined in. Sacrificing their freedom to take down the necromancer. Unfortunately for them, by sacrificing their freedom, they only had a limited window of opportunity as their magic was quickly drained by Nero. He used their weakness to his advantage. It became easier for him to control and turn them into his army. Hawk, Willow and their side of the family lost the fight. Some of them retreated and they decided to plan out on another attack.

Another 10 years have passed. Each member of the Necropony Apocalypse family was slowly turning into necromancer soldiers for Nero. Each of them sacrificed their freedom but to no avail. Winter, Reznor, and Blaze were the only ones left from the family. Winter and Reznor knew what must be done. They decided to take the fight to Nero. Nero during the 10-year stretch has become more powerful than a young Alicorn's magic. Winter and Reznor would sacrifice their freedom but they prepared a spell that can negate Nero from using his magic. Giving them enough time to strike him hard with the Spear of Fear. The Spear's magic would eradicate Nero's control from his army. Allowing those who turned into necromancers to drain all the magic from Nero. It was their best shot. Blaze didn't enjoy the idea of sacrificing their freedom because of the limited time they had before turning into one of them. Blaze thought of another way to handle the situation but he was aged 10 years by Nero He missed 10 years of experience with Magic because of Nero. Blaze had no saying or convincing the few of his family. Winter and Reznor went forth with their plan and struck at Nero. The Spear of Fear made contact with Nero but nothing happened. Turns out he had a protection circle courtesy from Draven. Fear struck into Winter and Reznor as they slowed but painfully turned into necromancers themselves. Blaze ran as far as he could. Away from Nero. Nero devoured the magic from Winter and Reznor and sensed a new form of magic. It was chaos that he was sensing. Nero wanted this chaotic magic within his arsenal before taking all of Equestria.

20 years later, Nero had finally found where the chaotic magic had come from. In a remote city isolated from the Equestrian boundaries where different creatures that Nero has never seen before. He found the city of Draqonacite. A Draqonacuus named Oblivion went up to Nero and observed his power. Oblivion was quite impressed with the magic that Nero has deep down inside, however, his chaotic power was far supreme that the blood magic Nero was using. Nero decided to devour Oblivion and that is how everything changed in the city of Draqonacite. Draqoacuus species decided to use their chaotic magic and desolated Nero and his army. It didn't work. With the Dark magic, black magic, blood magic and now chaotic magic combined together, he became invincible.

Around that time, Discord was having a fun day with his mom Eris. Discord made his first ever cotton candy chocolate rain cloud. Eris was so proud of her chaotic baby. She threw him a chaotic rain parade in celebration. Everyone was invited to have fun and enjoy everything that doesn't make sense whatsoever. As they were celebrating, a cold disturbance can be seen by every Draqonacuus' face. They felt something that wasn't right in their world. Eris and Discord ignored it and enjoyed their fun until a skull from the Draqonacuus came into their space. It freaked the both of them out as an army of necromancers came in and started to devour the Draqonacuus species. This enraged everyone and war broke out.

For months since the war broke out, Eris, Rogue, Serpent, Magna, and Lucifer planned an attack against the army. Each of them carried out with their attacks but failed so miserably. Apparently, the combined magic of a Necromancer and a Draqonacuus became too powerful to handle. Each of their kind was being devoured. Their chaotic magic had no effect on them. Eris took her son and flew outside of the city. She held her son and kissed him goodbye. Discord ran away from all that was happening as Eris led the remaining of her comrades into battle only to be devoured by the necromancers. Discord is the only one of his kind as Nero made an appearance right before him. He told Discord to not be afraid that be enlightened as he would be the only one of his kind to experience life to the fullest that warns him that .he will be taking something far more precious than a life away. Nero basically scarred Discord for life.

Nero left Draqonacite to ruins. The city disappeared now that the chaotic magic is deceased. Nero and his army were ready to take on Celestia and all of Equestria. Several members of the Necropony of Apocalypse were overjoyed with Nero's rising in power that they decided to end their lives for the sake of their purpose. Nero reluctantly accepts their offer and devoured them. Turning them into his necromancer army. Nero had everything in complete control. All he needed now was to take everything else away. To complete his goal for world domination.

All seems to go well for Nero until one pony decided to bring the fight to Nero. Blaze came with vengeance on his mind. He is the last of his family. Not wanting to continue the legacy of the Necropony name, he decided to become the Savior of Equestria. Nero laughed at Blaze then turned his back on him. Nero waited for Blaze to offer his freedom so he can have his meal but Blaze gave up something more precious than freedom. He gave up his Cutie Mark. This gave Nero quite the scare as Blaze was free to kill Nero by all means. Blaze figured out how to outsmart the agreement...the contract. Blaze's magic was powerful enough to keep up with Nero's magic. Using his sword, he killed the majority of Nero's army. It stunned Nero as part of his magic was being drained. Blaze used his sword to collect the magic that was being drained by each of the necromancer soldiers. Nero decided to flee while Blaze was finishing off the army. Without hesitation, Blaze chased down the one creature his family summoned that caused so much pain and the travesty. Nero for the first time tasted fear. He hid in Equestria and used a body takeover spell that allowed him to be part of Celestia's subjects. Blaze decided to use his magic to create a sickness so devastating that'll wipe out Nero for good while he's using his body takeover spell. Blaze created the Black Pague to wipe out everypony that makes contact with Nero. Unfortunately, the plaque became an epidemic to most ponies that Celestia wanted to find out the culprit and put them to death. Nero couldn't hide from Blaze anymore so he had to relinquish the body and flee. He went as far away as he could. Not wanting to turn back and find Blaze staring at him.

When Blaze felt Nero's magic fading away, he went forth and search for Nero. As he ran, Blaze stopped at a library. Something in the library caught him off guard and wanted to explore a bit. He winds up finding a book that belonged to Draven. After reading the book thoroughly, he spotted an immortality spell. Not even a second went by and Blaze used the immortality spell on himself then destroys the book so that way, he prevents anypony from becoming immortal. He needed the immortality spell to finish Nero for good. Preventing him from ruling Equestria and all life as we know it. Blaze left the library and returned on his search for Nero. Instead of Nero, Blaze bumped into Celestia. Celestia sensed that Blaze is the one who is behind the plague. She didn't know why but she was sure that is was Blaze. She and her guard took him to the Castle of the Two Sisters for interrogation. Blaze was a bit hesitant but it does allow Nero to hide someplace else. Away from all pony kind so he can resume his search. Celestia and Blaze had a long discussion and it came to a point that Celestia was treating Blaze as a criminal. A cold heartless villain that just created a virus killing off millions of ponies over a creature. Celestia didn't understand why a Necromancer would be doing here in her lands...in her world basically. She believed that Blaze is demented enough to cause so much pain in her lands. She wanted to kill him but Blaze got up and left the Castle of the Two Sisters. Blaze went back for the search of Nero.

2100 years later, Nero continued to flee from Blaze. His magic was heavily depleted from the necromancer army that was lost and the plague that tortured his soul. Nero didn't know what else he can do and he didn't want to face Blaze in a fight to the death knowing that Blaze would win. Nero ran to Canterlot where Celestia is living at. He saw Star Swirled the Bearded newest magic teleporter. It was a magical mirror that can go to another dimension. It became easier for him to go to another universe and collect the needed magic he needs to recover and take back the course of his mission. To rule all life as we know it. Nero stepped in the mirror and was teleported to another dimension. It has no magic but there was something else that he could feed on for an eternity if he wanted too...Hate. There is a lot of hate and corruption to feed on. May not be magic but it's good enough for refilling. When Nero stepped into the portal, Blaze could no longer sense the magic that Nero used. He figured that Nero died due to exhaustion but needless to say, Blaze kept his guard up in case he was to return and conquer once more.

Nero took his time in the other realm. Gathering enough hate to fuel himself. He even found a group of satanist, witches, and people that practice dark magic. It gave Nero a new set of magic to add on. Time moved forward until he sensed something happening in the portal. Nero took a peek inside and saw the one creature he allowed to live all those years ago. He found Discord closing the portal. Nero gave Discord a warning he'll never forget before returning back to the human world to feast on the new hatred going on in their world.

When the time is right, Nero will make his return to Equestria to finish what he started.

Comments ( 6 )

Nero: You'll never-

*Shoots Nero in the head*I'm sorry, were you finished yet?

If only it were that simple.

That was Wade's doing. If it was simple for anyone or anypony, it would be him.

Bet my OC could defeat him if not he'll gladly let others take the center stage but not before softening him up.

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