• Published 24th May 2018
  • 1,530 Views, 8 Comments

Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of the Changeling Guild - PonyJoel

When Thorax mentioned to the students that stood away from the Anon-A-Miss ordeal and didn't picked on anyone affected by it, they created their own guild to take the fight against Cyberbullying and now Bullying throughout their school.

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The Set Up! Party Time! United As One!

Author's Note:

The time to party. Bringing forth the energy that was taken due to Anon-A-Miss.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

The day has finally arrived. Tonight is the night that the school as a whole will feel the energy of positivity. For the past two days, the Changeling Guild has been getting most of the students to forgive each other about the whole Anon-A-Miss fiasco and the fear of Chrysalis lurking in the school. So far during the week, most of the students saw a different side of Chrysalis. At first, she came super scary and demanding but as time went on and some students getting to know her better, they see how nice Chrysalis can be. The Changeling Guild is something else. New members are joining in but there are others that remain isolated. They still have hatred in their hearts. Bullying still roams but its decreasing. Thorax has helped in that department. He winds up becoming the school’s counselor within the three months vacation he has. Thorax has helped many students with so many different problems, situations, and even suicidal thoughts.

The gymnasium is being used to set up for tonight’s party. Lyra and Bon Bon would be telling the guild how to set up the party using Pinkie Pie’s book of parties since she is unable to help out. Lyra gave the groups a set of instructions on how to build the hype for the party tonight. Trixie and her group had to spread out the invitation cards to all the classrooms including Principals in the school. Flash’s team is to go out of the school’s premises and buy the snacks, drinks, foods, and decoration. With the help of Principal Celestia, they are excused from their classes for the day in order to do what is needed. Principal Luna will be driving her van so Flash’s team doesn’t have to take the bus around town. Giving them a better source of transportation. Principal Luna is quite happy to see the faces of her students lighting up for the first time in a long time. She hoped by having this party tonight, everyone can focus on the Friendship Games coming up in a matter of weeks. Next, we have Sandalwood’s team. They’ll be decorating the entire gymnasium for the day. Lyra and Bon Bon are in charge of making candy and desserts.

Now that everyone has their plans, the Changeling Guild split up and started working. Trixie, Snips, Snails, Derpy, and Snowflake started to put invitation slips on every locker they see with tonight’s timetable. From all the floors in the school to the library, to the classrooms, to the offices. Every inch of the school has an invitation with tonight’s time for starting. 7:30 tonight is the time. For everyone to have fun, unite and be happy. Trixie and the rest of her team finished with their task and headed off to the cafeteria.

Principal Luna took Flash Sentry, Bulk Biceps, Cloud Chase, and Flitter in her van and drove them to the supermarket first. After 40 minutes within the store, she then drove them to a party store for them to gather more items for the party tonight. After the party store, Luna drove them back to the school. She let the Changeling Guild know that if they need to make another trip, just to let her know before the day is over. Flash and the others nodded in agreement and took their bags into the cafeteria.

After Flash gave Sandalwood much-needed decorations for the party, he and his team got to work setting up, putting the chairs in places with tables. Sandalwood, Octavia, Vinyl, and Gizmo took their time organizing and decorating the gym. For the next hour and a half, everyone finished their job. The gymnasium is now ready for the party tonight Sandalwood, Vinyl, Octavia, and Gizmo headed towards the cafeteria as now, it is time for their lunch break.

It is now 11:30 as the Changeling Guild has gotten most of everything done. Lyra has asked Octavia and Vinyl to help out in the kitchen with the sweets. Thorax and Chrysalis came to the cafeteria to meet up with the Changeling Guild. They are both quite impressed by the progress they made during the week. They loved how most of the students in school is already forgiving themselves and each other. They cannot wait to see how everything else plays out.

“So, how is everyone doing?” Thorax asked.

“We’re doing alright so far. Seems that Trixie, Snips, and Snails have a little more work to get done.” Gizmo said.

“Yea, I think Trixie just talked to Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie about the party. Seems that they were in limbo until she came and brought them out.” Flash stated.

“She did?” Chrysalis looked. She spotted Rainbow Dash talking with the jocks, Fluttershy talking to the emos and Pinkie Pie talking with everyone else that looked a little gloomy. “Well, I’ll be.” Chrysalis smiled.

“So far, everything is nicely set up. All we need now is the candy and desserts. Once that’s cleared then all we have to do is leave school early, get dressed and come back to put everything else into place.” Sandalwood said.

Chrysalis and Thorax smiled. They couldn’t believe how fast the Changeling Guild was able to change the mood of most of everyone in the school but the two looked at each other. They remember how quickly they can be when getting the job is done which is why they are called the Changelings. They can see how the Changeling Guild is living up to the name.

“You all did wonderfully as a guild. I along with Chrysalis are proud of you for what you’ve accomplished so far in a week.” Thorax said with a smile on his face.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet. We still have a long wait until the party starts and everyone banding together to prepare themselves against those jerks at Crystal Prep.” Bulk Biceps said while flexing his muscles.

“You know, Thorax and I along with the rest of my Changelings graduated from that school but we weren’t as mean as they are right now. I will support this school against them.” Chrysalis mentioned.

“Hey Chrysalis,” Thorax laughed, “you remember our teacher the Cinch.”

“No no, you mean the Wailing Pinch.” Chrysalis laughed a little.

“No no!” Thorax couldn’t hold it in. “When Christmas came,” Thorax laughed harder.

“That’s right! The Grinch!” Chrysalis laughed harder.

“We have to remind her of that name when she comes with her school.”

Both Chrysalis and Thorax laughed as the Changeling Guild looked at them with confusion.

“Are you talking about Principal Cinch?” Cloud Chaser asked.

The two nodded and continued to laugh.

“How did Cinch earned the name the Grinch?” Flitter asked.

“Well, whenever the holidays came, she hates to celebrate it at all cost. Always cursing us or anyone who upsets her. One of our other teachers played a special called How the Grinch Stole Christmas. As the cartoon was playing, it was Pharynx who called Cinch the Grinch. Everyone looked and pointed at her. Cinch the Grinch. Cinch got mad at Pharynx. She stormed out of the room taking the special out of the VCR and broke it shouting Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!. The way she said it was funny. Every year, there’s been a tradition. Whenever the holidays will come, Cinch becomes the Grinch.” Chrysalis said as she calmed down a little.

“When Cinch was a teacher, she had rage explosions. I guess by now she actually made it to anger management classes and become the next Principal of Crystal Prep but still. Chrysalis and I are going to cheer for Canterlot High to see if the Grinch is still inside of her.”

Flitter and the rest of the Guild understand how Cinch got her name but they changed the subject and focused back on the party. The bell rang and everyone but Lyra, Bon Bon, Octavia and Vinyl remained in the cafeteria. They are still making desserts. The rest of the Changeling Guild went home to get ready. Chrysalis and Thorax stayed and reflect on the good old days of Cinch the Grinch.

Few hours have passed as everyone in school were on their way back home. The Changeling Guild came back to the school wearing their clothing for tonight’s party. Trixie, Cloud Chaser, Derpy, and Flitter have brought Octavia, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Vinyl their dresses for tonight since they were in the kitchen finalizing the desserts. Chrysalis and Thorax remained in the school. They were fine as they are. They still have to make sure that the Wi-Fi in the school is still running and no one is trying to alter the Wi-Fi schematics. The two ran into multiple hackers but they were able to fight them off successfully. They were too easy for them to handle. Chrysalis called in the rest of her Changeling squad to come by to the party for fun and see the progress the Changeling Guild has build up.

As Octavia, Bon Bon, Lyra, and Vinyl are getting dressed, everyone else in the Changeling Guild placed all the food, drinks, and desserts in the gymnasium. Even made specialized sweets that don’t contain any sugar for Pinkie Pie. Candy without any sugar but has all the flavor in it.

“There, that should do it,” Flash said.

“Let’s check everything off the list. Snips! Snails!” Trixie called out.

“Yes, ma’am!” Snips and Snails shouted.

“Let’s check everything off the list together.”

“Right away Trixie!” They shouted once more.

Trixie got her pen. She reads what’s on the clipboard.

“Delicious food?”

“Check!” Snails shouted.


“Check!” Snips take a zip out of the orange soda.

“Speakers with surround sound?”

“Check!” Snails played a short guitar solo as it echoed throughout the gym a little.

“Huh, remind me to add him to the band. He has a nice rhythm for something that short.” Flash said to Gizmo and Sandalwood.

“Disco Ball?”

“Check!” Snips said while break dancing a little.

“Flashing color lights?”

“Check!” Snails said as he played with the lights. Moving them in certain directions. Even hitting the Disco Ball as it lit up the gym with various lights.


“Check!” Snips said which send a loud booming voice by accident. Everyone in the gym covering their ears a little. Also glaring at Snips a little. “Hehe, my bad.”


“Check!” Snips placing the microphone for an important speech later tonight.


“Check!” Snails said while sitting on a chair that’s near the mic.


“Check!” Both Snails and Snips holding onto various games such as Cards Against Humanity, Twister, Boss Monster, Monopoly, and much more.


“Check!” Snips played a slow dance song.

“Alright. That’s everything except for one thing that is missing.” Trixie said after checking everything off the list.

“Which is?” Cloud Chaser asked.

“Guests! Can’t have a party without guests!” Trixie smiled.

The Changeling Guild got a good laugh. Chrysalis and Thorax came by to see how everyone’s doing. They saw the gym and were quite impressed.

“Hey Chrysalis, can you do us a favor?” Gizmo asked.

“Sure, what is it?”

“Can you take a group picture of all of us?”


Octavia, Bon Bon, Lyra, and Vinyl all came wearing their gorgeous dresses. They too wanted to be in the group pic and they had perfect timing. They came close with their friends. Chrysalis stepped back a little. She has her phone. Getting ready to take the group pic.

“Everyone says Changelings for life.”

Changelings for life!

Chrysalis took the group pic. She sent it to her computer to print out later.

“Alright, now that all that is settled, let’s get into our positions.”


There’s now only an hour left before friends and students of Canterlot High are coming. Snips and Snails will be the Doormen. Also, taking the coats of everyone that comes in. Flash Sentry, Sandalwood, Bulk Biceps, Octavia, and Snowflake will be a band for tonight. Lyra and Bon Bon will be by the dessert tables. Trixie, Gizmo, Cloud Chaser, Flitter, and Derpy will bring those who still bully or those who are isolated together and help create a better bond in the school. Vinyl will be the DJ whenever the band is not playing. Chrysalis and Thorax will be standing by in case some knucklehead decides to wreck the party. In a few minutes, the rest of the Changeling squad came and stood by Chrysalis and Thorax.

An hour passed and already a lot of friends, students, and teachers are starting to show up. Trixie and Bulk Biceps decided to lend Snips and Snails a hand with the coats. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna showed up. They’re both happy to see smiling faces from everyone. Next came Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. They were all excited about tonight. Something to look forward to after the hell whole of last month. As they went in, they were the last ones as no one else was present. Trixie told both Snips and Snails to standby for latecomers. If no one shows up in a half hour, they can come by to the gym.

Half an hour passed and both Snips and Snails headed to the gym. Already students were dancing and having fun. Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy were talking with Trixie, Sandalwood, and Derpy about the Changeling Guild and the Changelings themselves. Snips and Snails decided to dance with the others. Lyra pulled Flash on stage so he can make an announcement.

"Everyone! Hello!"

Everyone paid close attention to Flash.

"Welcome everyone to our Friendship Party."

Some students clapped and cheered. Others remained silent.

"The reason why we are having a party tonight is to reunite everyone together from past actions of a web user known as Anon-A-Miss."

More than half the crowd booed and cursed the name Anon-A-Miss. Chrysalis and her Changeling Squad entered the premises of the party to make sure that no one dares to start a riot. Anything similar when Thorax witnessed the riot a while ago with Sunset Shimmer.

"This is the time we put differences aside and focus on the main objective. Not allow an internet bitch ruin our good relations with those we call friends."

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie couldn't help but look away. It was their fault for the negligence of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo that drove them to create the account. More so for Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle due to their sisters tossing them aside. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but feel the guilt wrapping around her like a Christmas present. She couldn't believe the words spoken by Scootaloo earlier today. The three of them remained silent.

"We have something approaching in a few weeks. The Friendship Games is coming. So is Crystal Prep. I don't care how they are doing this year because we now have a new fond of energy ready to explode. Due to everything we all been through with Anon-A-Miss, we can now take it on Crystal Prep thus winning the Friendship Games for the first time in a long time!"

Everyone cheered except for Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy, and Pinkie. They tried to put on a straight face but couldn't help but feel ashamed knowing how bad they screwed up. Eventually, they decided to leave the party early. With Flash bringing up Anon-A-Miss, more memories came pouring down. Horrid memories of how they treated Sunset Shimmer and the time Twilight straight up yelled at them for their decision and behavior towards Sunset Shimmer. So much for their idea to lighten up the party.

"Our time is now! Scream! Shout!"

Flash's band began to play.

"Scream! Shout! We are the Fallen Angels!"

Everyone screamed and shouted as Flash sang. Taking a song from Black Veil Brides.

Flash and his band played a couple songs to enlighten the mood of everyone. Some of the students were amazed to see Chrysalis not only singing along but dancing as well. She even took the mic and sang Born 2 Run along with Pharynx. They had good chemistry. Everyone is moving and grooving as they sang. The energy is vibrant and powerful that traces of magic that was left behind went into everyone. No one noticed or felt anything magical but their bonds of friendships were growing. Getting stronger and stronger. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna couldn't help but smile. They haven't felt anything like this in a long time.

After an hour of singing and Flash's band playing music, Vinyl came in and started playing her music giving them a break. Other students continued to dance with Vinyl's music while everyone else was either playing games or talking with each other. Trixie sat at her table with the other Changelings. They watch how everyone is interacting with each other.

"I want to say this, Mission Accomplish," Trixie said.

Every Changeling group hugged each other.

"Now, it's up to all of you to make sure that everyone here can continue the flow of friendship. Continue this energetic toward the Friendship Games. That will be your toughest task but it can be accomplished when each of you put your differences aside. To create something greater. I believe that the Changelings is more than capable of taking down Crystal Prep."

"Anyone else you think can give Crystal Prep a run for their money Chrysalis?"

"Nope. You, Changelings, have what it takes. You brought this party together. You helped reunite everyone. Now you'll be the ones who will emerge victoriously. It's a no-brainer."

"Then, we will have to push ourselves to take down those jerks at Crystal Prep!" Flash shouted.

"1!" Trixie shouted.

"2!" Snips shouted.

"3!" Snails shouted.

"Changelings For Life!" Everyone shouted.

The party continued throughout the night. Everyone having a great time left. Chrysalis told the Changeling Guild to head home. She and her squad will be cleaning up the party. As everyone headed home, the Changeling Guild decided that they will be spending the weekend together. To hang out and form various ways to hype the Friendship Games for everyone. This is going to be quite fascinating...

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