• Published 10th Jul 2018
  • 1,885 Views, 55 Comments

Paper Mario: Elements & Stars - ThePegaKris

Our flat, beloved plumbers must save Equestria from both their old archenemies and the evils of Equestria.

  • ...

06: Luigi Time

2 Hours Ago
Unknown Location

”...Huh? Where am I?”

Shh... It’s okay, Your Highness... Nothing will hurt you, I promise...

Peach scrambled to her feet, but the door slammed shut in her face before she had time to escape. With balled fists within her tattered gloved hands, she banged against the door, demanding to be released. But she found herself wasting a lot of precious energy. She bowed her head against the door, quivering in despair.

I am terribly sorry, but I can’t just let you free... You will be MINE!!!

”Mario, please save me...” Peach sobbed. “What do you want with me?”

You see... I must regain my full power and energy in order to take over Equestria, but upon reminiscing my foes, I learned that I can’t do that alone... So, I thought of sharing this power with another being from another world, that already has power over an entire kingdom!

”At least I don’t abuse my power like you!” Peach screamed. “When Mario gets here, he will make you sorry!”

I would like to see him try! He’s too weak to fight me, even if he has beaten that lousy excuse for a king that’s been ransacking your own kingdom several times! This time, Mario will bow down to me... It’s time I sent him on a little scavenger hunt...

”Hey, who are these two ponies over here?” Peach asked.

”Somepony help us!” They cried.

Oh, they’re just more leverage for me... In case you don’t know, those two happen to be the parents of the Princess of Friendship, who led her companions to my demise a few years ago... She will also have to do my bidding.

”Y-You can’t do that!” Peach exclaimed. “You’re putting innocent lives at great risk! Let them go!”

That is not for you to decide, young one... Once I’m able to take full physical form again, I’ll be unstoppable... Isn’t that right, my...Shadow Bride?

”S-Shadow Bride? I will never be married to... W-What’s happening...to me I...can’t...breathe...”

Shh... There’s no need to panic or run... You are under the possession of my spell, and will now be known as Shadow Queen Peach... Would you be so kind enough to take the hostages downstairs?

”Yes, my beloved Shadow Groom...”


”I think I need to catch my breath.” Bowser coughed. “Those stairs almost killed me!”

”I’m perfectly fine!” Luigi brushed off.

”Duh, you and Mario were born to jump, hop, or leap off of things...like stairs!” Cappy exclaimed.

”Speaking of Mario, what do you think he’s doing with Twilight at Zecora’s hut?” Rarity asked.

”Probably making something that can make him move at awesome speed!” Rainbow Dash fangirled.

”We’ll see about that.” A.J conjectured. “We’re here, ain’t we?”

”The Tree of Harmony...” Fluttershy cited blissfully.

”It’s been a long time since we’ve used the Elements, hasn’t it?” Rarity brought up.

”And now we get to use them against Sombra!” as Rainbow hoof bumped the air.

”I think ya mean deliver them to him first, and then ruffle him up afterwards.” A.J corrected.

”Anything could be up his sleeve after we deliver all these items.” E. Gadd imagined. “Let’s be cautious here, lads.”

The group just discovered the Tree of Harmony in a big cave, which seemed to be glowing bright as day. The Elements of Harmony looked like as if they were actual tree branches, but with jewels hanging inside of them instead of leaves. There were six in total, and the one in the middle resembled a sparkle in the night sky, with the inclusion of an embedded sun and moon.

”These look so beautiful!” Luigi pointed out. “You girls come here often?”

”Yeah.” Rainbow replied. “We actually have been representing the Elements of Harmony ever since Twilight first met us. That red lightning bolt over there is my Element, which is Loyalty.”

”I treat everypony with Kindness, which is the pink butterfly there.” Fluttershy said.

”I always swear to tell the truth with Honesty, which is that orange apple there.” A.J vowed.

”This purple diamond here represents my fabulous and giving Generosity.” Rarity concluded.

”I love to make everypony smile and be happy with Laughter, which is the blue balloon!” Pinkie giggled.

”And I am the spark in the middle that unites and brings my friends & the other Elements together, which is Magic.” Twilight entered.

”Twilight, Mario, there you are darlings!” Rarity screeched a bit. “How was the detour?”

”With Zecora’s help, she was able to brew my Fire Flowers into something special, but they won’t be ready until tomorrow.” Mario explained. “That’s a nice tree, by the way.”

”Equestria really depends on these six friends of mine, believe it or not.” Spike mentioned.

”Don’t forget the other princesses, Spike!” Twilight giggled.

”Oops, sorry.”

”So just like here, the Mushroom Kingdom depends on Mario and Luigi to save itself from me.” Bowser assumed.

”Yup.” as Mario patted Bowser’s shoulder.

”Well, we can cross off the Elements of Harmony on the list.” Twilight said. “Let’s just carefully remove these and...”

”Not so fast!” A voice popped out from behind.

Smoke bombs went off behind the group and in the midst of them all was a blue unicorn wearing a magician’s outfit. She was smiling sinisterly and her eyes were colored black and red, while being surrounded by a dark aura around her.

”The Dark and Powerful Trrrixie shall put on a magic show for you all to enjoy!”

”Something doesn’t seem right about her.” Mario whispered.

”King Sombra must’ve possessed Trixie in order to go fight us.” Twilight said. “You better free her right now, Sombra!”

”Indeed he has, and I’m more great and powerful than you could ever possibly imagine!” Trixie laughed. “Haaahh!!!”

The possessed unicorn shot a beam of dark magic from her horn into the cave and giant rocks started to block some of the group inside. They all shouted and tried to break out, but struggled desperately & heavily. Luigi, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity were the only ones left to face Trixie.

”Guys, you have to get us out of here!” Mario screamed. “Take care of that magician first!”

”Luigi, work together with Rainbow Dash and Rarity!” Twilight called out. “You three can do this! Save Trixie as well before she gets completely consumed by the darkness!”

”I-I got this!” as Luigi’s legs started to tremble.

”Keep your guard up, Luigi!” Rainbow Dash encouraged. “We got your back!”

”Yes indeed!” Rarity assured. “It’s time we mess up this ruffian shadow inside of Trixie!

”Enough talk, only duel! Take this!”

Trixie shot another beam, aiming for Luigi, but he sidestepped out of the way just in time. He was still trembling, however, as he didn’t have Mario by his side this time.

”Wh-What do I do?”

”Show us your moves first, and we’ll shortly step in to help you improve on them!” Rainbow called out.

”Uhh... Eat a fireball, witch!”

”Gah, that burns! No matter, it will take a lot more than that to stop me! Deploying smoke bombs!”


”Where did she go?” Luigi asked.

”Don’t know, but you two need to get inside my shield before she attacks us out of the wild!” Rarity cried.

Luigi and Rainbow Dash quickly hopped into a crystal clear diamond dome made from Rarity’s magic, which temporarily shielded them. The smoke was still in the atmosphere with no sign of another attack from Trixie, until she teleported and tried to attack the dome from above using powerful kicks.

”Your manners are as bad as ever!!” Trixie groaned. ”It’s time I put you three out of your misery!”

”Grr, there’s too many rocks to buck out of here!” as A.J tried to get out of the cave.

”The Elements won’t react to us struggling unless all of us are inside the cave!” Twilight exclaimed.

”Just keep fighting, Green Stache!” Bowser chanted.

”Aahh, my shield’s about to break!” Rarity cried. “She’s rapidly shooting energy beams at us, I can’t hold on much longer!”

”Luigi, I’m going to fly super fast all around Trixie to distract her!” Rainbow insisted. “Attack her when she’s not looking at you!”

”Got it!”

”Rarity, let me out.” Rainbow said. “Luigi will cover you, too.”

”Okay, but just for extra measures Luigi, I will shoot at Trixie as well to distract her!”

Rainbow Dash immediately flew out of the dome shield and started to fly around like crazy to get Trixie’s attention. She kept missing her shots, which made her angry, and she kept getting hit by Rarity’s magic shots, which made the possessed unicorn weaker and weaker.

”Here we gooooo!!!” as Luigi shot himself into Trixie like a missile. “It’s Hammer Time!”

The green plumber dealt a double attack on Trixie, which even caused her to fall flat on her back. The three fighters were grinning with confidence as they felt that they got this in the bag.

”Way to go, Luigi!” His other two allies cheered.

”You three have crossed the line this time! I will show you what real power is! You will bow down to the king!”

”Uh-oh, get down, now!!!” Luigi commanded.

Trixie charged up and fire at giant beam at the trio, but they evaded it and the blast instead removed all the rocks blocking the way to the Tree of Harmony.

”Noooo!!! All of you, stay back!”

”We’re free!” Mario shouted. “C’mon bro, you can finish this once and for all!”

”She’s exhausted!” Twilight exhausted. “Luigi, now would be a good time to do some combo attacks with Rainbow Dash and Rarity!”

”I’ll go first!” Rarity volunteered. “Luigi, hold out your hammer, darling! I will attach magical diamonds to it and you can use it as a ‘Spiked Hammer!’ Just run straight at Trixie with it to give her the ultimate pain!”

”Hey, I heard that!” Spike yelled.

”Okay, let’s-a-go Rarity!” Luigi exclaimed.

”N-no... I can’t let this happen... I...”

Luigi got his hammer ready into swinging position as Rarity’s horn generated clear blue diamonds around it, essentially making it glow like a real diamond. Then, Luigi took aim at Trixie and started to run straight at her.

”Hiiiyyyaahhh!!!” Luigi gritted his teeth.

”Aaack!” as Trixie started choking. ”Not like this...”

”One last move should finish her, Luigi!” Rainbow called out. “Hop onto me, we’re going up to the sky!”

”I think I know where this is going...” Twilight smirked.

”Please be careful up there, Luigi.” Fluttershy spoke softly.

Rainbow Dash started to fly way up to the sky, surpassing the height of Twilight’s castle and even the highest mountain peak, as if she was going to space. She was also holding Luigi upright by his legs in preparation for his next combo attack.

”The view up here is so beautiful...” Luigi dozed off.

”It’s going to be even more beautiful on the way down!” Rainbow chuckled. “I’m going to try and fly super fast back down while holding you like this so you can do your missile attack again, Luigi. We’re actually going to break the sound barrier at the speed that I’ll be flying, making this attack a ‘Sonic Raindoom!’”

”Is it painful for us, Rainbow Dash?” Luigi gulped.

”You might want to ask that about Sombra’s possessed friend, Trixie... Hold on tight!”

The airborne pony and plumber went for a quick nosedive and they slowly started to pick up speed and more speed in a jiffy. Luigi had his eyes closed and focused on landing his last attack. Meanwhile, the group down below kept an eye on the possessed Trixie to make sure she doesn’t get back up.

”Has anybody seen my popcorn?” as Spike looked around in a goofy fashion.

”Do you actually know Trixie, Twilight?” Mario asked.

”Yes, we used to be rivals in magic for quite some time now, but I’ve grown to like her more and more as a friend. I sure hope she doesn’t sustain any major injuries after this...attack. We need to check out on her and see if Sombra will leave her body. Zecora may be able to heal her, too.”

”Who’s ready to see some fireworks, y’all?” as A.J gazed into the sky.

”Heeeerreee weeee goooo!!!!!!!” as Luigi and Rainbow Dash
came crashing down.

”Aaaahhhhh!!!” Trixie’s voice started to change in pitch and intensity after she got hit one last time.

”That...has just made me sick inside.” Rarity was left speechless.

”Hey guys, something’s happening to Trixie!” Bowser pointed out.

I won’t forget this, ponies...

A small shadow spirit that resembled a pony had Sombra’s voice and dissipated as it left Trixie’s body. She was left lying down inside a big crater with a rainbow streak of colors around it. A sparkle in the sky meant that Luigi and Rainbow Dash were still up there flying.

”Nnnrgh...” Trixie mumbled as she coughed up dust. “Where...am I?”

”Trixie, you’re still alive!” Twilight exclaimed. “Are you still okay?”

”Gah, I think so... I somehow felt only half of that entire pain and I didn’t have full control over my body. I guess I tried to push this demon out of me and he ended up taking the hits in my body. What happened, Twilight?”

”You’ve been possessed by King Sombra and tried to kill us. Thankfully, Rainbow Dash couldn’t have beaten the darkness inside of you without the help of new friends.”

”Oh, is that...so?” Trixie suffocated a bit. “I do recall their names after I was attacked and possessed by that demon. Were they Mario & Luigi?”

”Yeah, I’m Mario, and Luigi’s my younger brother. I hope you can recover from this by the way, Trixie.”

”Yeah, same here. Look, I know we just met and all, but I want to thank you so much for saving me.”

”No problem.” as Mario tipped off his hat.

”I just happened to have come back from doing a magic show in Starlight’s old village and this was the first thing to have happened to me.” Trixie explained.

”Starlight?” Rarity asked. “She didn’t go with you?”

”No, she decided to spend the rest of the day in the village, but she told that she’d be back in Ponyville by tomorrow.” Trixie replied.

”I see.” Fluttershy said. “Do you want us to check you in at the hospital?”

”Bowser, can you gently carry Trixie in your arms?” Mario pardoned.

”I’ll try my best not to poke at any of her injuries.” He replied. “Let me through, please.”

”Oof, easy, easy!” Trixie ticked off.

”S-Sorry, but I said I’ll try my best to be gentle with you!” Bowser reconciled. “Let’s take this nice and slow, shall we?”

”You guys go on ahead.” E. Gadd said. “I’m going to see if I can build a warp pipe back to the Mushroom Kingdom.”

”Okay!” Twilight smiled. “Mario, wait here until Luigi and Rainbow Dash come back down. My friends and I need to collect the Elements of Harmony from the Tree of Harmony. Cappy, you and Bowser take Trixie to the hospital, okay?”

”Are you kidding me? I’m not going with him, he’s still evil!!”

”Oh relax, I’m not going to hurt you!” Bowser reassured. “Besides, you’re not even strong enough to carry this pony around.

”Cappy, it’s okay.” Mario said. “Bowser will actually protect you if something goes wrong. Can you please go with him?”

”Fine. I guess I’ll see you at the castle later, Mario! Take care!”

”Bye Cappy! Bye Bowser!” The rest of the group waved off.

Unknown Location

“So, it seems that the Great & Powerful Trixie was neither of those things, huh?” as Shadow Peach rolled her eyes.

True, my love, but my failed attempt to fully control that magician is only just a minor setback...

”You do realize that these six ponies have the Elements of Harmony, right? If you are unable to stop them along with those pesky plumbers, then it’s my turn to step up the plate.”

Your time to shine will come, Queen Peach... For now, we shall wait and see them when they have all the necessary items needed for complete domination... I will, however, turn the heroes’ scavenger hunt into a death race...

”Alright, my beloved shadow husband... I’m going down the list here and I see that our next target is somepony quite young. Her magic seems to be quite unstable as well.”

Yesss indeed... She is also the only natural-born Alicorn pony in all of Equestria, making her as strong as a newborn unicorn... She will be perfect for our cause!

”But my dear, how will you get past the royal couple?” Shadow Peach asked.

Sssimple... I found another friend of the Princess of Friendship to possess, and she’s even stronger than the princess herself! I’m sending another shadow pony to go find her as we speak...

”Who would that be?” Shadow Peach asked.

Tempest Shadow...or as they actually call her, Fizzlepop Berrytwist... She has a broken unicorn horn like mine, and is a lot stronger, more agile, and more flexible than any of Princess Twilight’s friends... She can sneak into the Crystal Empire and fight off the royal couple all by herself in order to get Princess Flurry Heart...

”Where are you even going to find her? She could be anywhere in Equestria right now!”

Easssyy... I will be lurking around the long trail that she took before she left the Storm King’s legion... It shouldn’t take me too long, I promise...

”I hope...” Shadow Peach said. “I’ll hold down the fort while you’re gone. Farewell, my love...”

Same to you, my Shadow Bride...

King Sombra’s shadow disappeared and Shadow Queen Peach stared crazily at Princess Twilight’s parents.

”As for you two, I don’t think your precious daughter and her incompetent friends will stand a chance against the birth of the Shadow Empire!”

”You’re so wrong about this!” Night Light moaned.

”Our Twilight never gives up on her own parents!” Twilight Velvet declared. “She and her friends will make sure that you literally stay grounded!”

”Hahahahaha!!!” Shadow Peach laughed menacingly. “If you say so...”