• Member Since 14th Dec, 2013
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This story is a sequel to Sunset's Crowning Achievement

The last time Twilight saw Starlight Glimmer, she threatened to kill Rainbow Dash when she was just a filly and ruin Twilight's life by going back in time. Only, when she failed to find Starlight in the past and returned home, Equestria wasn't a ruined wasteland, Ponyville was a lot bigger than she remembered, and all these new ponies in the castle were talking about some big pony they call Empress.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 420 )

Oh my...
This is excellent, but so confusing. Is Twilight going to stay in this timeline? Will we get to see the years between Crowning Achievement and this? What happened with all the teasers in the epilogue!?


Thank you for this wonderful gift of literature. It has me hooked already.

You decided to mess with Twilight by having her meet a filly Rainbow that already knows filly Twilight and commenting that she has moms. I'm assuming that Sunset and Cadance are so doting to Twilight that Rainbow likes to tease her about it and refers to them as her moms. I think that this was fantastic and that was much funnier. I can't wait for Twilight and Spike to reach the future to find a gigantic Sunset taller than Celestia to crush them with a bear hug all the while noticing Celestia giving them a death glare for some odd reason. :rainbowlaugh: I just can't wait for any of the sequels to come out! :scootangel:

I made this comment at the end of the first story, and after reading just these first two chapters we can tell that them being her moms isn't some nice, goodhearted teasing, it is for a much darker reason. You have made me sad. :applecry:

Empress Sunset married to Cadance. I remember that one, so crossing with a previous fanfic though I don't recall anything bad happening to Twilight Velvet in that one so why is Tempest/Fizzy referring to Sunset as Twilight's mom?

Seriously, This multiple timelines has really gotten crazy. This has to be the point though where both the Prime-timeline and Alt-timeline become known, which causes something to happen. Because it doesn't seem like more then one Equestrian timeline can exist at a time, unlike in the multiverse theory. This is a singular timeline rule, where only one chain of scenarios can play out, not multiple that exist side by side.

Causing Prime-Twilight to Fight to restore her world and having to fight Alt-Celestia, Cadance, Shining, etc. With maybe Prime timeline Sunset joining Twilight as she comes to the realization that as nice as the world is she currently lives in, its not right to wipe out an entire history and essentially stealing others people lives.

In the first story, at the end, Rainbowdash specifically said 'moms' when Prime Twilight was spotted by her in the past so this was a revelation that the author has been planning for a while now. In all likelihood this is going to be a short story to tease at some elements that are going to happen in the next, probably larger, story that is going to take place soon after Sunset's Crowning Achievement. We'll probably get the concrete answers in that one, or this one will tell us, and that theorized story will go into depth on how it happened.

And if Sunny is smart, she'll realize she just encountered the temporal shenanigans that started this whole mess. :pinkiecrazy:


I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess Empress Sunset decided to continue the tradition of adopting new alicorns into the royal family.

When only Cadence preceded Twilight, it was an orphan becoming an alicorn and the ponies in the village who raised her having no experience or knowledge of magic so Celestia stepped in and adopted her niece. Since Twilight still had family (and was already technically family-in-law via her brother's marriage to Celestia's adopted niece) there was nothing to push her to do anything further.

Once alicorn Sunset showed up, and Celestia made her her adopted daughter, it became a pattern. And patterns breed traditions. And traditions get followed, traditionally. Because tradition. :twilightsmile:

Even if it does maybe kinda-sorta make her brother her adopted dad?! :twilightoops:

I bet one of the first things Twilight does when she see’s Sunset is mention CHS. I wonder how Sunset will react to that. Celestia too when she finds out.

SO GLAD THIS CAME OUT SO SOON!!!! Your Sunset's saga is my favorite fic and I thought I'd be SO much longer till the new segment! Keep up the excellent work, may Jim effing Sterling bless you one day himself and thank God for him!

Are those two being overprotective of all of those little fillies or did they adopt twilight after a horrible accident? (damn do ambiguous dialogues hook me!)

Also, I couldn't help but remember the evil witch from The Sword in the Stone crying "it's not fair!" while reading Starlight do the same after being restrained by Cadence.

Glad to see you on the next leg of the long story, thanks for keeping on it.

Twilight is going to suffer a meltdown. It will be hysterical. I am living for the next chapter.

Oh thank you glorious greatness. I asked and I was given. This is exactly the story that was nagging at my mind, of all the cool little bits that this sort of time shenanigans would create.

Also I have not seen the movie so Fizzy is a bit of an enigma to me.

I am a happy, happy reader. You've kept up some wonderful, delightful threads in this series, and this story promises to be more of the same.

the way Tempest refer to Twi as Twily.. this Twilight's dating Tempest Shadow huh? nice...

Oh my, yes. Twilight is going to have to talk really fast to get out of this world with an unpunched face.

So right now my main question is: Did Twilight displace this timeline's Twilight when she arrived, or are we gonna get a changeling scare soon? Secondly...if Twi still had her exam and it resulted in a rainboom per destiny...what happened to this timeline's Spike?

I've been waiting for this! Thank you for being so awesome!

he problem with that idea is that either way you'd have to wipe out the lives of everybody in the timeline you wish to sacrifice.
I honestly hope this series doesn't end in restoring the original timeline but I can see Twilight jumping back to "fix" certain things that seem to have come out of the change to NMM's path and followers.

Oh there is going to be some serious time confusion in this story! And YAY! Tempest got saved!


Prologue: Starlight ends up in post Crowning Achievement Equestria, a few years along just as Young Twilight did her test. Things changed a little bit. No Spike hatching? Curious.

Chapter 1: Alicorn Twilight ends up in post Crowning Achievement Equestria, some 10+ years after Starlight showed up during a time when Sunset rules as Empress. Perhaps she is in the timeline that Shiny saw when he did the jump forward in time spell given to him by Celestia. Spike isn't known. Very curious. So many changes.

How will this play out? We got pCAe for the prologue and pCAe10+ for Twilight.

I'm hoping the story will eventually focus on pCAe. There are a lot of awesome stories to tell. But clearly Twilight is going to see what is going on and carry the information back to her own timeline. With who knows what consequences. Fascinating! This is going to be an awesome read in every conceivable way!

And then, she found herself floating alone in the timeless voice.

Is this supposed to be "timeless void"? (also, a bit of nitpick: if she could find herself, then it's not timeless)

I'm sad this doesn't seem to have Sunny as the PoV mare (Yet, #Sunset is best pony.)
There also isn't a Mature tag, which says a lot about expectations for everyones love life xD

Well Prime-timeline Twilight cant exist in this alternate world, being displaced and essentially alone. Not to mention all the built up prejudices Alt-Celestia and Cadance have regarding Twilight. Something has to be done, either this world that was never meant to be gets erased like those alternate timelines where the villains won or Twilights and Starlight get erased.

And our Lord Brony knows how to write a delicious sex scene.

I was hoping for Twilight to be stuck in the past and have her meet herself, not to have a couplet time skip up to the present I am curious to know what happened for Twilight still having that magic surge but still not allow spike to hatch if things are as they sound like. Still, I am interested in this alteration of Tempest and wonder why she seems to be the captain of the guard. I was honestly hopping to see how the Sparkle start to get used to their new position as nobles. I did like that Starlight also seems that she might get involved in this story still, though she does seems to be in bad shape. Still I wonder if Celestia will still have a misplaced grudge against her after all those years. I wonder how Twilight is going to deal with all those changes nowhere near as bad as they were before but still I would imagine that she might not be too hot at the idea that she is with Shining(maybe). I still somehow expect her to go back in time to see what happened with the past. Still, this could be interesting.


I wonder if that is really the case or there is something we aren't thinking of though.

Though even if the single timeline thing was true I seem to recall some stories and games where characters continued to exist after their original timeline or altered timeline stopped existing because they weren't in it when stopped existing while other stories had said people fade way usually at the most dramatic moment like a wedding but leaving the memory of their existence behind in those who knew or saw them.

Well, crud. This is what happens when you get your timelines twisted.

It's worse than the Schwartz. Well, maybe not so bad this time. We're not talking a bunch of comedic idiots.

I think there is a fair chance that the next scene will be Sunset smashing her way through the walls of time.


I'm hoping the story will eventually focus on pCAe. There are a lot of awesome stories to tell. But clearly Twilight is going to see what is going on and carry the information back to her own timeline. With who knows what consequences. Fascinating! This is going to be an awesome read in every conceivable way!

I'm not sure this is the Crowning Achievement timeline, either we assume that Equestria recrowned Sunset as empress for her size/power or for her actions against NMM or this timeline has diverged from Sunset's weekend in charge...
I'm thinking that the T4 timeline is the work of Starlight and this story willl contain more Twi Vs Star and result in Twilight creating the CA timeline.

Technically, she could. Timeless and spaceless are not the same. If something is timeless, it means that it is constant and impossible to change. Spaceless means that it doesn't exist as matter, and is instead only spirit.
You can find yourself in a timeless void, but you can't realize you are there. You just are.

Welp, I didn't read the prequel, so I'm about as lost as Twilight.

*is dizzy from trying to figure out the time travel stuff and then always landing on the question of who started the first loop*

Some interesting points of note:

In the timeline Starlight appeared in, perhaps a year or maybe two after the events of Crowning Achievement, Sunset has become aware of Nightmare Moon. Cadance specifically mentioned the name. How this revolves around the Oath that Celestia was forced to make to her possessed Sister is a question. Did Cadance tell Sunset? Tia is still alive so she hasn't broken her oath. Did Sunset learn of Luna and Nightmare moon in total and did she learn about Celestia's plan to end her own life and the life of her sisters together and leave Equestria to her?

In the timeline where Prime Twilight arrived, Sunset is empress. I might have missed any mention of Celestia, but Sunset is ruling. Did Celestia's plan go through in this timeline? Are Nightmare Moon and Celestia both dead in this timeline?

The next few chapters are going to be bloody awesome and I CANNOT wait for more!

Yet another sequel?!? And It's Got FIZZY!!!

i luv u...

Not to contradict the previous story, but Sunset knows about NMM. What happened to Celestia's life-pact to keep that a secret until the return? Unless she came back ten years early.

the pact was that sunset could not be told by her mom or gf nothing in the pact prevents her from finding out on her own.

Celestia made the pact. Other people telling Sunset does not violate the pact. If its not done on Celestia's instruction, it won't break the pact. So Cadance clearly told Sunset about it.

"But...I...want to be with Sunburst," she whimpered as tears began to roll down her face.

You made me almost shed years for psycho Starlight. Bravo!

Huh, lots of little things that make me believe this version of the Crowning universe also suffered changes from Starlight's meddling. Already married Sunset and Cadence even before Twilight was in school, Sunset apparently being bigger than Celestia in the same timeframe, apparently wide use of technologies Sunset was barely imagining. Starlight broke things hard enough for them to change even further the past, it seems.

That or the interval between Crowing and the Rainboom was longer than I imagined :derpytongue2:

Still waiting anxiously for more :yay:

Pretty sure Sunset found out about NMM before Celestia even made that pact. I think she off handedly mentioned having to take care of her at some point. Could be remembering it wrong though.

Except Celestia outright said that Cadence blabbing it would kill Celestia too, Cadence said it too.

“NO!” Cadance shouted, cutting her off with a hoof to Celestia’s mouth. “You do not get to talk about this anymore! You gave up! Now, I may have one hay of a job in front of me since I can't tell the super alicorn about it without killing her mother, but I will find a way.

Not sure, but Sunset's Crowning Achievement takes place before magic kindergarten I think. Which would mean the time frame between the end of that one and the start here could have been the same universe without changes... I think?

It's hard to tell and I really hope the author can clarify what the heck is going on. Is this pulling cannon Twi into the main story finally? or is this gonna just be about that Twi in a completely different AU?

Yes yes yes yes yes yes

AND we're back! I love this setup, instead of going through all of the events leading up to Twilights return, we get to find out what happened with Twilight! Also get ready for Twilight times two!
Can't wait to see where things go, I think the biggest questions we are all looking forward to are:
How did Sunset become Twilights mom?
What happened with NMM?
Did the changelings ever show up? Bits on the changelings being 'concerned' by either Sunset or Cadence
Is the Empire back?
And how did Sunset regain her title of Empress?

Yay! Another cliffhanger in the best part, also I guess that something did go wrong if there is no Spike

My guess is that Sunset intervened with Tia's/NMM's fight, causing Celestia to die, then Sunset goes supersaiyon and kills NMM. Lasty, since Celestia and Luna/NMM are dead, Sunset, as Celestia's daughter, inherits the throne and crowns herself Empress.

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