• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,352 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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A Long Awaited Return

Twilight’s pounding hooves echoed down the corridor, her impromptu company hurriedly following after her. The guard mare wore similar armor to the others: light, minimal, and borderline antique given the confederacy’s technology. Twilight couldn't fault them for their lack of modern weapons or defences though, as this was likely very low priority.

Still, her own irritation was made greater by the fact that everyone she passed wielded little more than knives and pistols. It gave Twilight the impression that these backline soldiers would be incapable of resisting an actual breakout. Not like she planned to use force to escape, but it was a consideration that Twilight couldn't rule out, at least not yet anyway.

With that thought firmly in mind, Twilight turned a corner and stepped into an elevator, her newest companion joining a second later.

“Damn, you’ve got long legs,” she muttered between breaths.

“I wasn't aware that I needed an escort,” Twilight coldly declared.

The mare’s features were almost completely obscured beneath her dark armor and all-encompassing helmet. Only a sparse few patches of teal fur were visible, as well as a few stray pink hairs that poked out from around her shoulders.

“All visitors are supposed to be assigned someone for the duration of their stay,” she replied after swiftly catching her breath. “Even the general has one down here.”

Twilight sighed, easily able to detect that the mare was not being duplicitous. “Fine, you may accompany me, but you must at least tell me your name.”

“Vigilant Watch, at your service,” exclaimed the excitable young earth pony as she snapped off a salute.

“That name is a little on the nose, eh?” Twilight remarked.

“Every generation of my family has a Vigilant Watch, even my cousins. Traditionally it's the eldest that carries this title, but… well, you don't care about all that,” she exclaimed, quickly deflating.

Twilight shrugged. “Not really. If I was not busy, I would probably question your family history, but I have a lot on my mind at the moment.”

“Oh yeah, I guess you would, given everything you’ve been through,” remarked the mare.

Twilight raised an eyebrow and glanced down at the guard. “What do you know of me?”

“Oh, I’ve read your whole file,” she gushed. “Most new recruits don't bother, but I couldn't help but be sucked into your life story after hearing about how you helped defend this very city all those years ago.”

“I’m glad to know my involvement wasn't downplayed too much,” Twilight exclaimed.

“I mean, officially it was, but I got to see the unfiltered reports,” Vigilant replied.

“Unfiltered? So they did censor my involvement?” Twilight replied.

Vigilant Watch nodded hesitantly. “Unfortunately the brass was worried that it may create sympathy for the infested, so your official actions were attributed to some Steel Heart mare. Apparently Steel Heart refused and nearly quit the military over the incident.”

Twilight chuckled. “Well, at least the glory went somewhere fitting.”

“What do you mean?” Vigilant questioned.

Twilight waved a hoof. “It's nothing. Tell me what else have you learned about me from your little file?”

“A lot,” exclaimed the earth pony as the pair stepped out of the elevator and began trotting down another cluttered metal hallway. “I know about your time as the princess’ personal student, but even then a lot of stuff was classified beyond my clearance. Still, it's so cool that I’ve been able to meet the white queen.”

Twilight stumbled and turned to look down at the other mare. “What did you call me?”

“It's your designation. The white queen,” Vigilant replied, turning her helmeted head towards the infested. “This isn't an insult, is it?”

The universe has a strange sense of humour, Twilight thought to herself. “No. It's nothing.”

“Right, so…” Vigilant paused. “Where are we going exactly?”

“To find a certain mare,” Twilight replied cryptically.

Vigilant Watch hurried to catch up to the long-legged infested, who strode confidently around a corner and walked straight up to another security detail.

“Halt,” commanded an earth pony stallion. “State your business here.”

Twilight waved a hoof at the duo. “Move along.”

The pair donned a glazed expression and in a complete monotone repeated the phrase Twilight had just uttered.

“Thank you,” Twilight remarked.

“Hey, you can't do that!” Vigilant proclaimed, trotting after the other mare.

“Really? It sure looks like I can,” Twilight retorted, not slowing down one bit.

Vigilant wanted to stop her, but was nearly knocked off her hooves when a mare carrying a stack of paper sprinted in front of her. Forced to slow down and really observe her surroundings, the young guardsmare was a little startled to find herself in one of the communication hubs. All around her, ponies ran back and forth, speaking animatedly into radio transceivers or writing some manner of report.

It was so loud that the pony could barely hear herself think as she chased after the fleeing infested. Who had stopped beside the workstation of another young soldier who sat at a desk with a great mass of papers spread out before her.

“You’ve found them,” Twilight declared, stopping directly in front of this new pony.

“Holy crap,” she cursed, a hoof going over her heart. “You just about scared me half to death.”

“So, did you locate them or not?” Twilight pressed, unconcerned by the sudden shock she had just caused.

Behind her, Vigilant remained quiet, merely observing the pair, as did a good chunk of the other ponies in the communications room. It was obvious that their curiosity was piqued by the enormous mare that had suddenly appeared in their presence. A few were even subtly trying to maneuver close enough to eavesdrop, but Vigilant Watch shot them a quick glare, scaring them off.

“Yes, and no,” replied the other guard, who plunked back down into her chair and smoothed out her deep blue mane. “I was able to gather that they left Canterlot and were onboard one of the ships, but they didn't make it here.”

“So they were in the ship that went down then,” Twilight reasoned.

Blueberry Curls shrugged. “I assume as much, though I can't know for certain. Fighting a two-front war while also dealing with food shortages and internal division has left precious few ponies to account for the Canterlot refugees.”

“Surely you’re not that low on supplies,” Twilight pressed. “Celestia was rather adamant on constructing far more greenhouses and apartment blocks than what the confederates needed.”

“That has been a huge help, but…” Blueberry Curls cocked her head. “Wait, how did you know about that?”

“She's the white queen,” Vigilant Watch whispered.

“Oh, that makes sense,” Blueberry Curls murmured.

“So,” Twilight began, clopping her hoof against the desk, “where exactly were they last seen, and has there been any attempt to locate the lost ship?”

“We think it crashed somewhere in the badlands. A couple squads of pegasi went out looking, but zerg fliers were too numerous for them to get very far,” Blueberry replied with a shrug. “Anything more than that is either rumour or above my pay grade.”

Twilight hummed softly to herself before finally nodding. “You have done well, thank you, Blueberry Curls.”

“No problem,” replied the mare. “I’m glad I could help, but I should really get back to my unit commander. I don't want him to think I’ve gone awol.”

“Go ahead,” Twilight dismissed. “And send any complaint you receive my way.”

“Will do,” Blueberry exclaimed, giving the towering infested a nod before departing.

“Now where?” Vigilant offered.

“I wish to locate my other friends, and then I…” Twilight muttered as her attention suddenly shifted towards the entrance to the room.

“What are you looking at?” Vigilant inquired.

Twilight didn't answer, as a second later the sliding metal doors parted to reveal an enormous earth pony. One so tall that she nearly reached Twilight’s impressive height, with shoulders as wide as a boulder and muscles so massive that they’d make a minotaur jealous. Her grey fur was partially hidden beneath well-worn orange engineering overalls bearing a pair of steel hearts on the flanks. Though built like the toughest marine Vigilant had ever seen, this strange pony had the outfit of an engineer and a single metal hoof.

Upon this new arrival spotting Twilight, the pair immediately began sprinting at one another. Ponies scrambled to get out of their way, and for a moment Vigilant wondered if she should draw her sidearm. Then they slammed into each other like a pair of runaway trains, a hoof wrapping about the other’s back.

“Are they… hugging?” Vigilant muttered to herself.

“Looks more like they’re trying to strangle each other,” remarked a nearby stallion.

“Blue Bic, where are those reports?” barked a feminine voice.

“Right here, ma’am!” replied the male and quickly sprinted off.

Leaving Vigilant Watch to stand there as the two enormous mares hugged one another for several long seconds. They then took a step back from one another and Twilight grinned from ear to ear.

“Steal Heart, you old goat,” exclaimed Twilight before locking forehooves with the other mare.

Steal Heart smiled right back, her eyes sparkling with mirth. “Twilight. It's good to see you.”

Muscles bulged as the pair engaged in a sudden and intense bout of hoof wrestling, one which the infested was quickly winning. Steal Heart wasn't about to give up though, and her metallic limb pushed back, though she only gained the smallest amount of breathing room.

“What's this? Does that Duke fella have you pushing too many pencils?” Twilight asked with a smirk.

“I’m just makin’ it easy for ya,” Steel Heart replied, her hoof slowly dipping further and further away from her body.

“Had enough?” Twilight teased.

For a moment it looked like Steel Heart was about to lose, but the pony quickly released her grip and stepped back. “Okay, okay, okay. Damn, Twilight, you sure have grown.”

“What is with the metal leg? Last I saw, you still had all your limbs, though you’d lost a few of your marbles,” Twilight pressed.

Steel Heart chuckled and sat down on the floor, tapping her metallic limb with its fleshy counterpart. “Oh, you know. Decided to wrestle a hydralisk,” she replied with a shrug.

“As one does,” Twilight murmured, watching closely as the other mare’s leg split apart to create a primitive set of grasping claws that clanked together. “Now that’s a sweet upgrade.”

“Yeah, they tried to give me a plain old replacement, but after almost dying again, I decided to go back to my roots. Building stuff,” Steel Heart exclaimed. “Figured at least there if I lose another leg, it would be my own damn fault as opposed to Steve forgetting to watch our flank again.”

“There's always a Steve,” Twilight exclaimed with a smile.

Steel Heart chuckled. “There is, isn't there? Now then, as much as I’d like to invite ya back to the barracks and check out those sweet new digs of yers, I figure you’re on a mission.”

“I need to find out the status of my friends. I also need to get ahold of this Duke person and figure out why he's imprisoned my family,” Twilight declared.

“Whoowee, now that's a tall order. The big guy has a whole lot on his plate, what with this war and whatnot,” Steel Heart exclaimed.

“I will not be taking no for an answer,” Twilight retorted.

Steel Heart raised her forelegs defensively, the metal one folding back into a hoof. “As you shouldn't, as you shouldn't. I’m just sayin that we might have to go check out yer friends before we can see the head honcho, is all.”

Twilight hummed thoughtfully for several seconds before nodding. “I suppose that is fair, but they will be free before the day is done. The only question is if they will be walking or fighting out.”

“Ahh, don't get yer knickers in a twist. Old Dukey boy ain't that bad once you get to know ‘im. I’m sure he had a reason fer locking up your kin,” Steel Heart exclaimed.

“He had best hope it's a good one,” Twilight muttered, only to receive a metal hoof to the back, nearly knocking the wind out of her.

“Enough of all this doom and gloom. Let’s see some of these friends of yours,” Steel Heart declared.

“Sounds fair,” Twilight remarked.

“You can roll on out of here,” Steel Heart stated, turning to Vigilant Watch. “I can handle this one.”

“Are you sure, ma’am?” Vigilant hesitantly replied, shooting Twilight a sidelong glance.

“Of course I’m sure. Why would I bother flappin’ my jaws if I wasn't?” Steel Heart barked.

“S-sorry, ma’am!” Vigilant shouted back, snapping off a quick salute before sprinting away.

Steel Heart chuckled. “Sometimes you gotta remind these newbies who’s in charge.”

“Before we go any further. I must ask, how did you know where to find me?” Twilight inquired. “I’ve been in this dimension for less than an hour at this point.”

“Really? Twilight, you’re about as subtle as a firebat,” Steel Heart declared. “Half the damn base is whispering about some mystery VIP who showed up out of nowhere and is intimidating all the damn guards.”

“I would have assumed that there would be better information discipline around here,” Twilight muttered, suddenly feeling rather silly for her bold entrance.

“There is. I just got some of the highest security clearance around,” Steel Heart proudly proclaimed. “Now who are these creatures you wanna see?”

Twilight paused and thought about it for a moment. “Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. I don't really care what order they are in, but those are the ponies I need to see.”

“Hmmm, Pinkie Pie, you say,” Steel Heart murmured, stroking her chin with a metal hoof. “I’ve seen that mare around the shops recently. She's got quite the head for engineering, even if she's got a few screws loose and creeps most folk out.”

“That sounds like her,” Twilight replied.

“She's probably down in one of the engineering bays. Either there or off with that group of psychic folk that the general’s been rounding up,” Steel Heart exclaimed.

“Do you know why he's doing such a thing?” Twilight inquired.

Steel Heart shrugged. “No idea. Rumour is that they got some kind of program going to make a bunch of soldiers with mind powers, but I’m not so sure. I mean, we got plenty of tech nowadays, but there ain't much we know about psychic whatsits save for the stuff that Celestia told us.”

“Speaking of Celestia. How is she? The other guards didn't know much,” Twilight asked, her eyes lighting up.

Steel Heart winced, her gigantic form shrinking somewhat. “I’ll be honest with you. It ain't good. She’s been in and out of surgery ever since she dropped out of that portal over a week ago.”

“She's okay though, right?” Twilight pressed.

“About as can be expected, given what happened to her,” Steel Heart replied, squeezing Twilight’s shoulder briefly before taking a step back. “Look. Why don't we start moseing our way over to the bays? I'm pretty sure I also saw some pegasus chick with crazy rainbow hair down there as well.”

“Right, of course. We’ve caused enough of a scene already,” Twilight remarked.

The pair glanced around to the small crowd that had gathered nearby, the gawking creatures all swiftly turning away once they were found out.

“Follow me. Just hold up at the door for a sec though. I’m going to have to send word up the chain that you want to see ol’ Duke,” Steel Heart remarked.

“Just be quick, please. I am suffering from minor mana burn and a bad case of psychic whiplash,” Twilight exclaimed.

“I don't know what those things are, but I’m going to assume they are bad,” Steel Heart exclaimed, turning towards the entrance. “Either way, I promise it won't take long.”

“I’ll be right behind you,” Twilight declared.

Steel Heart nodded and quickly set off for the exit, stopping briefly to speak to one of the guards standing outside. While she exchanged words with the male, Twilight’s attention drifted to her psychic connection she had with her friends. By the time Steel Heart had managed to get a message sent up the chain of command, Twilight had filled everyone in on what was going on.

It was a nice change from the mental solitude Twilight experienced in the other world, and she couldn't help but smile despite her exhaustion. Twilight had so much to worry about, so many things to consider, but at least she could sense the other infested at the back of her mind.

“Ready?” Steel Heart asked, waving a hoof in front of Twilight’s face. “Not falling asleep on me, are ya?”

“I’m fine. Just thinking,” Twilight murmured.

“Good, ‘cause we got a bit of a walk to the bays,” Steel Heart explained.

“While we go, would you mind regalling me on how the war is going? I don't suppose you’ve made any headway against the Nightmare’s forces by chance, have you?” Twilight inquired.

Steel Heart snorted bitterly. “Unfortunately not. We’ve been fighting the zerg since forever, and even though the Nightmare hasn't attacked us, she also has us sandwiched.”

“With the zerg on one side and the great houses on the other, I’m surprised you guys are even in this fight,” Twilight exclaimed.

Steel Heart shot the infested a playful glare as they rounded a corner. “We’re tougher than you give us credit for, besides. The Nightmare seems content sitting back and creating a giant wall of defences, rather than hitting our exposed flank.”

“Is it that bad?” Twilight pressed.

“Girl, you don't know the half of it,” Steel Heart replied.

Twilight stepped off the small boxy train and out onto the station, her attention remaining fixated on Steel Heart. “Even knowing how much technology Celestia had stored away, I still can't believe you’ve come so far in such a short amount of time,” Twilight remarked.

Steel Heart smiled as she followed Twilight. “We earth ponies have always been known for our technological innovation. I’m just glad that the other tribes finally get to see us in our element,” Steel Heart declared.

Twilight hummed to herself as she gazed out at the underground facility they had stepped out into. The first thing she noticed were the numerous scientists and technicians moving purposefully around the area. Each one so intent on their destination that few gave the pair of towering mares so much as a passing glance.

It was a pleasant change from being gawked at, though Twilight had to worry about accidentally bumping into someone. Not just ponies either, but also a smattering of gryphons, minotaurs, and even a few dragons were scampering from one point to another.

It was a sharp departure from the rest of the base which was largely dominated by earth ponies and pegasi. Though earth ponies were still in the majority, the other tribes and races were well-represented down here. A demographic shift which made sense, given the sheer number of refugees the confederacy had taken in recently.

“Over here,” Steel Heart exclaimed. “One of the guards should know where your friends are.”

Twilight nodded mutely, her lingering exhaustion beginning to weigh heavily at the back of her mind. With little to offer, the infested merely followed the bulky earth pony at a slow pace. Still marveling at the many technological wonders the confederacy had birthed into the world, Twilight barely paid attention to her surroundings.

Until they approached a pony clad in a cumbersome metal suit and armed with an enormous gun that hung from a mechanical arm attached to their back. With their visor down, it was impossible to tell what tribe or sex the pony inside was, though that became clearer when she spoke.

“Well, I’ll be. What are you doing down here Swan? Last I saw, you were taking off like a bat out of hell,” exclaimed the distorted, feminine tone emitted from a speaker on the armor’s exterior.

“To answer your question, Private. I was meeting an important pony,” Steel Heart declared, bumping her shoulder against Twilight in emphasis.

“Damn, you’re tall,” muttered the marine.

“Thanks. I think,” Twilight exclaimed.

“So what can I do for ya? Don't tell me you need me to tell you where you left your spanner again,” teased the marine.

Steel Heart snorted. “I ain't some foal, ya damned fool. I’m lookin’ for a pony named Pinkie Pie. Or I should say that this one’s lookin’ for her.”

Twilight nodded. “And I’d appreciate it if you made it quick. I have little time to waste chatting.”

“You must be one of them new officers that came from Canterlot. Every last one of ya is as impatient as a bee in springtime,” remarked the marine.

“Just answer the question,” Steel Heart exclaimed in an uncharacteristically exasperated tone.

“Relax and smell the flowers. Why don't ya? Where's the fire anyway,” retorted the other mare.

“Just tell us where she is already,” Twilight growled.

“Alright alright. She’s in bay thirty-two with the rest of them spooky folk,” answered the marine. “I’d avoid them if I were you though. You can never tell which one of ‘em is about to read your thoughts and mess with your head.”

Twilight paused, narrowed her eyes, and smirked. “Whatever you say… eyebrows.”

Steel Heart blinked. “What was that all about?”

“Wait a second,” Twilight whispered.

A moment later, the sound of sobbing suddenly erupted from the marine’s armor, the pony inside quickly doubling over. Her companion was quick to offer aid, though his soft reassurances did nothing to stop the guard from bawling her eyes out.

Twilight snickered. “There we go. Come on. I got places to be.”

Steel Heart gave the marine a hesitant glance before following Twilight into the next room, the metal door sliding shut behind them. Immediately cutting them off from the sounds emanating from the sobbing marine as well as her partner.

“Damn, Twilight. That was cold as ice,” Steel Heart exclaimed. “Well deserved, though. Willowbrook gossips more than an old mare at bingo night.”

Twilight snorted. “So what did you do to earn such a nickname anyway, Swan?”

Steel Heart waved a metal hoof over the front of her body. “My coat color combined with quitting the army is what's earned me such an unfortunate moniker.” She snorted. “Not like I had much of a choice in the matter given my age.”

“There's worse things to be called,” Twilight pointed out. “I mean, they could call you the white queen.”

“Ha! I suppose so,” Steel Heart exclaimed. “But maybe we should stow this conversation for later. Looks like we’re here.”

Twilight glanced away from the long, wide metal hallway they occupied and looked over to the large sliding metal door waiting to her right. Most of the other bays were unopened, though the few that were contained a great number of creatures. All of whom were working on an array of projects so numerous that Twilight doubted she could count them all.

“Right,” Twilight declared, turning towards the door emblazoned with the number thirty-two across the front. “Let's see how Pinkie Pie’s been doing.”

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: John, MestreJ, Starless, Gear Change, DioKyo, Tacocat598, Canary in The Coal Mine, Ceepert, Doomgoey, Tiwake, Vigilant Watch, Joshua, Nfreak, Facinus, M, John, Rhys, Corey, Blade Tech, Mephia, Peter, Apollyon, Nightwing, 浩民 簡, Hannibal, Dragon's Sheperd, BeenMcsqueen, Mop Hop, Dale, Xvos, Nathan, Octavia and Lowbar, Lich lord krosis, Prysm, Mike, Astor, Travis, Soundtea, Menthol Qtip, Craig, Mirvra, Ivar, Pacsik, Kali, Makani, Steven, Fiamgoku, free, GruB, Todd, Megatyrant.

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