• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


As the Pillar of Beauty, Mistmane is distressed to find her home left to decay, but a mysterious stranger offers her a chance to set things right again. Meanwhile, Daring Do is nearby, exploring a creepy temple, home to a dark secret.

Entry for Writeoff FiM Short Story Round, Event 91. Prompt: All the Time in the World.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

I loved this story--top of my own personal slate in the writeoff round.

I’m disappointed this didn’t make it to the writeoff finals. But, hey, now it’s on Fimfic! Really liked this one.

I like how the mystery reveals more and more dark clues over time. I had thought that Sable Spirit had turned evil again - I didn't expect that she was a giant spider the whole time, despite the obvious clues.

It's clear that you researched feudal Japan while writing this story, which gives it more depth. I also love the detail of Daring Do sensing the air currents with her pegasus magic. Have a like. :rainbowkiss:

Blue Chameleon comments preserved post-deletion:


Sorry I'm late in replying, and thank you for the comments. I'm glad you enjoyed this one so much. Good to hear! :scootangel:


Again, sorry for being so late. Another great comment: cheers for leaving them! :twilightsmile:

It's funny: I was interested during the writeoff to see how quickly people got the twist at the end, because I was playing around with "Sable Spirit turned evil again", and thought it'd make a good Red Herring. So this feedback is very welcome.

Eeee... more Shinto mythology than feudal Japan, to be honest, but quibbles, schmibbles. Honestly, I kinda assume ever since Testing, Testing 1 2 3 that most pegasi have senses like this, in some fashion. Thanks for the like, and especially for the comment! :scootangel:

This is a nice story and I bet that Starswirl would berate her about the use of time magic if she told him this story. It must indeed be very hard for Mistmane to see what became of her village and the show made clear that Rockhoof has evenmore trouble adjusting. Somnambula and Meadowbrook are the lucky ones their homes have survived the passage of time.

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