• Member Since 13th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


A Brony from the first season. I have seen a lot of the bad in the world, but what I have seen this fandom produce gives me just a smidgen of optimism for the future.


There is a secret in the Everfree that Fluttershy has been keeping from all her friends. After Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence's wedding, she finds that she can no longer keep it to herself. But how will the Princesses, and more importantly, her friends, react when she tells them the truth about the forest and what it holds?

Awesome cover art skillfully provided by Majestickfire9.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 37 )

I learned a lot about what not to do from my first attempt at writing. Most importantly, having an outline and knowing where the tale is headed ahead of time. I will be updating as often as I can, but not to any particular schedule. Any questions, feel free to P.M. me.

(I am also in the market for a patient editor/alpha reader, so let me know if anypony is interested:unsuresweetie:)

Thanks for reading!

With that glass containing 50% water by volume thought, she began to slowly walk towards the palace.

That is a very effetive way of being non-committal with the glass being half empty or half full.

Of course any chemist knows that the glass is always completely full. Unless it is in a vacuum that is. :derpytongue2:

Myself, I have always subscribed to The Far Side glass personality philosophy myself.

Wow, more views in my first day than I ever expected! But I am still a green author, so, please :scootangel:, leave a comment. Even if you don't think the story is worth a thumb, one way or the other, let me know what I could do to improve. The internet can be a cold place, help me to learn how to make this corner a bit warmer.

. . . that was a bit trite, wasn't it? Or was it? Leave me a note and let me know :trollestia:

Wasn’t even one of the originals readers but yay.

Does Thorax appear in this story?

Wow, it lives! Thanks for great chapter!

Oh good, characters actually thinking things through in a "one of the bearers is a changeling" story. Hopefully they can get to the dungeons before Shiny does something dumb.

. . . He does now. You just triggered a brand new story ark. He won't be showing up for a while though.

And thank you for reading it!

Believe it or not, I had actually written most of this chapter by pencil a couple of years ago, and just rediscovered it a couple of weeks ago following a cross country move. A bit of editing, minor rewrite, a LOT of spell checking, and I finally got it uploaded.

The hardest part was deciding upon a chapter title. I decided to skip the standard "Chapter 4", and go with a entomologically inspired theme, while also referencing the chapter contents. Something tells me this may have been me making things too hard on myself.

I try to use logic in my writing . . . Oh merde, I just realized that I am going to have to write Pinkie Pie later in this story. :facehoof:

As far as Shiny and Fluttershy . . .

Two years is more than a bit.

Assuming he hasn’t already.

True. Given the scene he made in the throne room, he should have been immediately recused from anything to do with Fluttershy, as he proved he couldn't be even a little impartial. We'll just have to see.

Heh, that's one of only two reactions to having to write Pinke, it's either joy or dread, depending on the author.

Come on Luna, you've got to call him out when he does that sort of thing. You can't let the Captain of the Guard act that way around a cooperative prisoner, especially when you're standing right there, it sends the wrong message, both to the prisoner and to the troops.


I feel like that Twilight should slap/punch him for doing that to poor Fluttershy. :twilightangry2:

Why is Angel female? I’m pretty sure Angel is male. Despite the name. Also conflict rising.

It is because it is true. When I see that someone has not only read my story, but was interested enough to leave a comment, it make me want to write more. I have been churning out outlines up the wazzoo for future chapters, but once i saw a new comment, I popped this chapter out in a day.

I think I know how you feel.

Keep up the great work! I'm really interested to see where this goes. :yay::pinkiehappy:

...You know Cadance, giving how little time has passed, I don't think anyone would begrudge you getting an annulment.

Given Shining’s attitude I’m half-expecting it.

mabey it was shinings contribution to the love magic which liquified the changlings? i mean he might have wanted them to be destroyed and cadence wanted them to go away so maby the magic settled on forcefully expelling them? if anything that info is likely to cause cadence to snap as it means she wasent going to kill them but shining made it so they did

Author's Note:
Just a quick interlude to tide y'all over until my next work break.

You know, I never understood before why so many Authors use the phrase "Comments Feed Me". It is because it is true. When I see that someone has not only read my story, but was interested enough to leave a comment, it make me want to write more. I have been churning out outlines up the wazzoo for future chapters, but once i saw a new comment, I popped this chapter out in a day.

So be sure to feed your favorite authors today . . or whenever you feel like it really.

Why did I read this in flutters' voice?

Yes. I just got laid off, so I should have more time on my hands to write. I also have two new stories lined up, both inspired by the Tim Curry movie Legend.

I love The Far Side.

Comment posted by DerpTape deleted Jun 29th, 2021

Tip, you might want to make the reply in the chapter it was made.

I'm a fifth, it depends on the direction the water is going.

I as well.

I have always leaned towards the third personality type myself.

(Better? :derpytongue2:)


Shining will be in real shit, if Cadence learns that dark info you have just said.

Ah man, I want more of this.

Than you Cyanide and Happiness! This video helped inspire me to come back to this story.

Of course inspiration, and follow through are two different things.

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