• Published 19th Sep 2018
  • 6,457 Views, 82 Comments

The power of SOUL - Garnet Naturea

A fan of a certain RPG with a few new powers is sent on an adventure of a lifetime in a world he thought was just a little girls show.

  • ...

Meeting Some New SOULs

Walking down the path away from Sweet Apple Acres, Spike pulls out a list of things they need to check, Twilight having stopped groaning for a bit.

“Ok, the weather is supposed to be taken care of by a pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash and should involve clearing the clouds.” he says, looking at the sky. Twilight, Kumu, and Nathan follow suit, seeing a lot of cloud dotting the sky.

“Maybe she is on break?” Nathan suggests, Kumu looking around for anyone who could be Rainbow Dash, and sees a rainbow streak coming towards them, or more accurately Twilight at high speeds.

“Well, she doesn’t seem to be doing a very good job.” Twilight says, before Kumu pulls on her leg, tripping her up and barely avoiding the speeding object. He floats up to Twilights face and makes a worried noise. “I’m fine Kumu, thanks for the save though.” She says petting the blob.

The group looks to a mud puddle where a blue furred, rainbow haired pegasus crashed. Covered in mud, she is wearing a pair of black sports shorts and a blue tank top over her black sports bra. She gets up and begins to shake the mud off like a dog. It would have gotten the others, if Nathan hadn’t risen a green shield. Twilight looks to him in shock, seeing his eyes glowing green. Once the pegasus is done shaking she sees the shield as it is lowered and the raised brow of Nathan.

She chuckles nervously. “Uh, hehe, sorry about that. Didn’t see ya there.” She then does a double take, seeing Nathan and Kumu. She hovers up and looks them over. “What are you two? Your definitely not a Minotaur, or some Diamond Dog. And I can’t even think of a comparison to the little blob there.” She says, Kumu looking to her with narrowed eyes.

“Let me guess. Your Rainbow Dash.” Twilight says with annoyance. Rainbow turns to her and gains a cocky expression.

“The one and only. Why? You heard of me?” She asks Twilight.

“I heard you were supposed to be keeping the sky clear.” She sighs and gets a businesslike tone and expression. “I am Twilight Sparkle and the princess sent me to check on the weather.”

As this is going on Nathan looks to the pegasus mare and quickly Judges her.

Rainbow Danger Dash
LV: 1
EXP: 0
HP: 50
ATK: 15
DEF: 8
The weather manager of Ponyville. Has a lifelong dream of joining the Wonderbolts. Once created a Sonic Rainboom as a filly.

As Nathan and Kumu are going over everything they have learned, Rainbow suddenly launches into the air and begins destroying the clouds, before returning to her position in front of Twilight.

“Like I said, ten seconds flat. I’d never leave Ponyville hanging.” She says, Spike and Twilight looking at her in shock. Nathan begins to clap for her and Kumu whistles.

“Impressive! And here I thought Sans was fast.” Nathan says, Rainbow looking to the duo and smiling a bit.

“You know? You guys are alright. Can’t wait to hang out some more!” She says before flying up and away. He smiles and walks back to the others, closing Twilights mouth for her. She frowns and begins to walk away. Kumu looks to her then to Spike in confusion.

“She is really introverted. Before coming here I was her only real friend. Plus she thinks that some legend is going to be coming true tonight and is freaking out about getting everything done so she can go research.” He explains, Kumu looking a little worried for the purple mare.

“Well, considering what I learned about her when using Judgment, she really needs to make some friends.” Nathan says. Spike pulls out another letter and hands it to Nathan.

“You’re not the only one. The princess specifically told her to make some friends while she is here, but she won’t listen.” Spike says as Nathan and Kumu read the letter from the princess to her.

‘Where have I seen this before? No matter what I try I can’t remember. This Deja Vu will be bugging me all day.’

The group continues to walk on and eventually reaches a large building near the center of town.

“Now decorations.” Spike says as they all walk in and see the hall is covered in beautiful banners and decorations. “Beautiful..” Spike says in awe.

“Yes, the decor seems to be coming along nicely. This ought to be quick. I’ll be in the library in no time.” Twilight says, looking around, earning a slight frown from Kumu

“Not the decor. Her!” Spike says, pointing to a white coated unicorn mare with curly purple mane and tail. She is wearing a sky blue tank top beneath a royal blue overcoat and a violet skirt with some gems sewn in. She was looking through a few peices of fabric. “How are my spines? Are they straight?”

Twilight just rolls her eyes and walks up to the mare, Nathan using Judgment again.

Rarity Belle
LV: 1
EXP: 0
HP: 40
ATK: 6
DEF: 5
The fashionista of Ponyville. Wants to be part of the Canterlot elites. Proud owner of her own clothing boutique.

As he looks around he hears a loud gasp and suddenly the white coated mare is checking him over.

“Oh my! These designs! The color contrast! It is absolutely fabulous! Though this pink flower throws it off.” She says reaching for it, only for Kumu to reveal himself and scare her.

“Kumu!” Nathan says with a frown, the pink blob looking sad and goes up and nuzzles the mare. Rarity tenses for a second before relaxing and petting the little blob.

“Sorry about that. Kumu can be a little trickster at times.” Nathan says, carefully helping Rarity up. She dusts herself off and looks to them again with a sheepish expression.

“Yes well, I suppose it was rather rude of me to just look you over like that. But like I said these designs are truly magnificent! The whites and blacks contrast so beautifully with your hair and gloves.” She says again, Kumu hovering next to her and looking Nathan over and nodding. He just smiles and laughs a little.

“Thank you, Lady Rarity. That means a lot coming from the owner of their own boutique.” He says with a bow, Rarity double takes and smiles.

“Oh my. A true gentlecolt? Truly my namesake.” She says with a giggle. Spike glares at Nathan, only for Kumu to poke him and shake his head.

After talking for a few more minutes and promising to help with some new designs, the group leaves and goes to a cottage on the outside of town. Walking in silence they arrive and sees a ton of animals around the cottage and hears some birds singing in the back. Going around the house, our group finds a choir of birds being conducted by a butter yellow pegasus with a long flowing mane, wearing a long green jumper and long pink skirt.

LV: 1
EXP: 0
HP: 20
ATK: 1
DEF: 1
The animal caretaker of Ponyville. Almost Frisk levels in terms of pacifism. Really needs to take some self-confidence classes.

She was conducting the birds till stopping as one of them was off key. She asks quietly if they can do a diffrent note and was going back to conducting when Twilight walks up and scares her and her birds. As Twilight is trying to talk to Fluttershy, Nathan walks up to the tree where some of the birds are hiding. He just stands there below the tree, one of his eyes deep green, the other bright cyan filled with both Kindness and Patience.

One of the birds, a young robin, sees him standing calmly and come out from his spot to look at the human. Nathan smiles and slowly holds out his hand. The robin hesitates, before flying down and landing on Nathans outstretched hand. The robin looks a little unsure, so Nathan brings up his other hand and gently pets the bird. The robin enjoys the treatment and calls to his friends that Nathan is safe. After he calls out a few of the other birds fly down and Nathan laughs a little and he and Kumu directs them back to their spots for choir practice.

Fluttershy, Twilight and Spike had noticed what Nathan was doing after the robin had called for his friends, but were no less surprised by the feat. Fluttershy was the most surprised as a few of her bird friends are almost as shy as she is. Twilight goes to talk, only for Kumu to appear in front of her and cover her mouth. Nathan nods to Fluttershy and directs to the birds to continue practice.

Fluttershy nods and goes to continue. After a few minutes and an adjustment here and there, the birds song is perfect. Birds nod to one another before flying off to relax before the celebration.

“Um, thank you for helping me with the birds.” Fluttershy quietly says to Nathan and Kumu. The duo smile at the shy pegasus.

“No problem. I have had to deal with quite a few skittish animals back home when my mom brought me with her to work at the vets.” Nathan says to her. She smiles and looks over the duo closer.

“Excuse me for asking, but what are you two? I have never seen creatures like you two.” She asks and begin to flutter behind them as the group walks to the library. Spike and Twilight are listening, but Twilight looks annoyed and is slouching.

“Well, I am a human being, scientific name Homo Sapien. I am essentially a highly evolved ape, but our earliest ancestor between humans and apes were from millions of years ago. Kumu is....I don’t really know.” Nathan says, with slight realization. Kumu quickly goes and pulls on the book from within Nathans coat. Quickly taking the book out, Kumu turns the pages till he reaches one near the center and points with a tendril.

“SOUL companion? ‘A being that is created from the users SOUL similar to an imaginary friend that can interact with the real world and is dependant on the SOUL users personality and traits for what they can do. But with enough energy they can gain their own personality and even SOUL.’ Huh. How about that. Is that what you are Kumu?” The blob nods with a smile and takes his spot on Nathans head.

“Oh, that is adorable.” Fluttershy says, looking at the little blob that was set to take a nap. Nathan laughs a little and reads through the section on the companion, finding they can come in almost any shape, but their size is dependant on the SOUL users wants. If they want a small companion, that is what they will get.

Fluttershy and Nathan go back and forth for a bit, with Spike adding in here and there, before the group arrives at the library. Twilight goes to excuse herself and Spike, but Nathan and Kumu go to the door and opens it for the mares. Twilight rolls her eyes and goes into the tree.

“Spike? Where are the lights again?” She asks in the darkness.

“Here!” Spike says, flipping the switch.

“SURPRISE!!!” All of them jump as the lights come on and a large group of ponies shout out. Kumu reacts by hiding in Nathan coat, before peeking out. A pink earth pony quickly hops up to Twilight. She is wearing a blue t-shirt with ‘SMILE’ in big yellow letter and a pair of blue jeans.

“Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you!” She says to Twilight before noticing Nathan and Kumu. She lets out a loud gasp. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I was right! There was something new in Ponyville!” She says quickly. Kumu can’t help but laugh at the mare antics. Nathan goes to Judge her, but what he gets is confusing.

Pinkamena Diane Pie/ Pinkie Pie
Earth Pony?
LV: 1
EXP: 0?
HP: ??
ATK: I never want to hurt anyone
DEF: More than enough
Don’t you think it is rude to check someone’s stats when they are not looking? I love parties and seeing ponies smile! Also hi!

Nathan blinks a few times and rechecks her and gets the same response. Kumu looks to her in befuddlement, being able to see her stats too. They exchange a look and think of one thing.

‘Sans and fourth wall awareness.’

She looks to the duo, her big eyes filled with innocence and excitement. The duo just look back in silence as the ponies nearby begin to party. This goes on for a minute before Kumu sighs, shakes his head and goes over to Fluttershy to rest in her mane, the pegasus giggling at this turn of events.

“Ooookkkayyy.” Nathan says, rubbing his head and getting a drink, almost grabbing some hot sauce by mistake. Pinkie goes back to rambling to Twilight about the party and Twilight goes to get a drink as well. Nathan notices too late she grabbed the wrong bottle. She drinks her cup of hot sauce and her face begins to get red and for tears to come out of her eyes.

Nathan snaps his fingers and summons a water bottle from his inventory that AppleJack gave him after brunch and hands it to Twilight, the mare chugging it all down and sighing in relief. She thanks him and hands it back, the bottle disappearing into his inventory again. The others look to him in surprise for the fact he can do that.

“Woah! What kind of spell was that?” Rainbow asks, hovering by Nathan.

“It is not really a spell. I just have access to a personal pocket dimension that I can store thing in. Like the water bottle or my Chaos Sabres.” He answers, Twilight sighing and going up the stairs to her room.

“Chaos Sabres?” The group of mares and Spike asks. Nathan smirks and summons his swords in his hands and twills them a bit before stabbing them into the floor. The gathered ponies look at the weapons in awe, just feeling the energy they give off. AppleJack come up and pull one of them free and looks it over.

“My word. These are some mighty fancy lookin swords. I wonder, can you use them though?” She asks with a quirked brow. Nathan just laughs and dismisses them.

After that, the party continues for a few hours before most everypony leaves to get ready for the celebration. As Nathan is walking to the town hall, he looks to the moon and sees the outline of a mare with wings and a horn.

‘The Mare in the Moon.’ Nathan suddenly goes wide eyed and grabs his head. ‘How do I know that?!?’ He tries to think, to remember what is going on here, but nothing comes to him. What he does know, is the legend is real.

‘Tonight, the mare that was banished for a thousand years will return, her soul still tainted and in need of saving. Only the powers of Harmony can free her from her dark prison.’

He and Kumu look to the moon again and then to each other. They both nod and Nathan runs to town hall, his eyes burning red and filled with Determination.

The duo are some of the first to arrive at the town hall and they are keeping a close eye on the moon, and see the group of stars that will be aiding in her escape. Soon most of the town arrives, but a few notice Nathans red eyes and are sensing something is amiss.

“Nathan?” Turnings, he and Kumu are greeted by the sight of the six mares from the day, most of them being worried about his eyes. “Are you ok darling? Your eyes are red.” Rarity says. She looks closer and sees that his eyes are actually coloured red as opposed to being red from crying or something like that.

“I’m fine. It’s just a side effect of my magic. Whichever trait I am the most filled with at the moment, my eyes change to match.” He explains and looks back to the window then to the stage. They don’t get a chance to respond as Mayor Mare walks up and signal to begin.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration.” As the crowd cheers and Mayor Mare continues, Twilight, Nathan and Kumu all look to the window and see that the image of the mare in to moon has disappeared.

“Oh no..” Twilight and Nathan say together. They look back as the mayor is about to finish and introduce the princess.

“...the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria...” pause for effect. “Princess Celestia!”

Rarity opens the curtains and everyone looks to see...an empty balcony. There is immediate confusion and worry as there is nopony there. There are several gasps as a blue and purple mist begins to form on the balcony, beginning to take shape. Not long after, a large black mare with wings and a horn, adorned in battle armor stand and laughs maniacally.

Nightmare Moon is back.

Nightmare Moon
LV: 15
EXP: 7000
HP: 3500
ATK: 40min-80max
DEF: 40min-80max
The corrupted form of the princess of the night. Filled with anger, jealousy, spite and Hatred. Intent on bringing everlasting night.

“Oh my beloved subject. It has been so long since I have seen your precious, sun loving faces.” She says mockingly.

“What did you do to our princess?!” Rainbow yells, and is about to launch herself before being grabbed by the tail by AppleJack. Nightmare begins to laugh again.

“What? Am I not royal enough for you? Don’t you know who I am?” Pinkie goes to guess but gets cut off by Kumu covering her muzzle with a deadpan stare. “Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years?” She asks going to Fluttershy and then to Rarity. “Did you not know the legend? Did you not see the signs?”

“I did. And I know who you are.” Twilight and Nathan say together.

“You’re the mare in the moon-“ Twilight begins.

“Nightmare Moon!” And Nathan finishes. There was a round of gasps from the crowd at this information.

“Well, well, well, it seems two little beings remember me. Then you also know why I am here.” She says. Twilight pauses to think but Nathan walks forward with his scarf covering the bottom of his face.

“Your here to continue your idiotic battle against princess Celestia and try to bring about everlasting night!” Nathan shouts and Nightmare does a double take and growls.

“What was that first part?” She says angrily. Nathan closes his eyes, then opens them back up, the rainbow coloured flames burning in them. Nightmare actually flinches at this and stares wide eyed at him.

“You heard me. This is idiotic. Instead of doing something sensible like talking to the princess about your problems, you allowed yourself to be consumed by your own Hatred and jealousy, becoming corrupted.” Nathan face softens a little at her. “Luna. You don’t need to do this.”

“Never say that name in my presence!” Nightmare yells in rage and launches a blast at Nathan. Kumu quickly detaches from Pinkie and covers Nathan. The blast hits and causes some dirt to kick up. Nightmare sends a gust of wind and clears the air, showing a pink dome that retracts into the form of Kumu, Nathan being completely unharmed from the blast.

“Thanks for the save Kumu, but I could have handled it.” The blob rolls his eyes and takes place next to Nathan, just hovering above his shoulder. The duo stare down Nightmare, the Alicorn staring right back. Before any could react, Nathan and Kumu disappear and reappear atop what looks like a large dragons skull hovering above the crowd, and eye level with Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare launches another magical blast, only for the Gaster Blaster to open its jaws and launch its own blast, easily overpowering Nightmares, forcing the mare to take to the air to dodge.

“Impossible! How was I overpowered?!?” She asks and turns to Nathan with rage and sees his smirk. She goes to fly in and strike, before noticing the lack of a certain pink blob. “Where..?” She looks back to Nathan and sees he actually had pink eyes without the fire. ‘Nathans’ smile turns jagged and pink. She realizes what happened.

Turning, Nightmare finds Nathan right behind her, fist cocked back and glowing orange just before landing a hard overhand punch in the chest, sending her straight into the ground. He summons another Gaster Blaster and gives a high five to his double as it turns back into the pink blob of Kumu.

“Take that! Now let the princesses go you corrupted nightmare!” He calls out, before having to ride his blaster like a skateboard to dodge another couple of blasts.

“Silence! Thou shalt not defeat me!” Nightmare roars out. Nathan jumps to the ground and summons his Chaos Sabres and Kumu morphs himself to have a large scythe. Nightmare looks between the two and growls, seeing she may be outmatched. She quickly turns to mist and escapes out the window. Nathan and Kumu dismissed their weapons. They look to one another and nod.

Nathan is filled with Determination and Justice.

Comments ( 63 )

Right after I read chapter 2 chapter 3 is out lol

Oh... I just noticed this is doing the whole 'follow the main mlp script' bit.. Is this gonna be a thing where you follow the whole mlp timeline and their episodes word per word and that no matter what the extra characters do, say, etc, it won't cause a ripple effect and change the future?

As this is going on Nathan looks to the pegasus mare and quickly Judges her.

Rainbow Danger Dash

You made her middle name actually be Danger. Nice touch.

Welp I want more of this

Nice chapter. The short fight scene was great, kicked luna's ass for a bit.

Pinkamena Diane Pie/ Pinkie Pie Earth Pony? LV: 1 EXP: 0? HP: ?? ATK: I never want to hurt anyone DEF: More than enough Don’t you think it is rude to check someone’s stats when they are not looking? I love parties and seeing ponies smile! Also hi!

It really is rude when you think about it :moustache:

This is the best undertale fanfiction story I've ever read. Keep up the great work! :twilightsmile:

Please for the love of Jesus himself keep this story going!

Pinkamena Diane Pie/ Pinkie Pie Earth Pony? LV: 1 EXP: 0? HP: ?? ATK: I never want to hurt anyone DEF: More than enough Don’t you think it is rude to check someone’s stats when they are not looking? I love parties and seeing ponies smile! Also hi!

PINKIE! STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL! Or at least wait until Sans shows up or something.

If you think Chrysalis is anything other than a green affinity monster you are sadly mistaken.
Sadly all this is doing though is making me more and more want to draw MLP!undertale, where changeling rainbow is powered by fields of flowers, whispering everyones hopes and dreams. They even both snarl. NGAAAHHH!

suggestion for something down the line
Lv 10
HP: 300
EXP: 2400
Atk 350-360+++
Def 170
The Queen of the Changelings, desperate to save her people Determined to do what it takes even becoming a monster [technically she's Asgore]

Needs a bit of editing.
I see that Pinkie isn't the only one fourth-wall aware. That or he saw the show. :D

Hope more of this comes out soon, this is getting exciting. :pinkiehappy:

If you make the OC OP it'll be interesting to see.who beats him upmate.
Reaper sans:"wow kid nice shot, I am death so can't run kid, wait you have multiple souls how is this possible!?"
OC:"Cause I am in God mode."

Needs better grammar but I like it!!!!!

I like this story so far! Hope to see more in the future.

Id say vermilion would be a good way to describe his eye colors at the end, if they arent 2 diffrent colors

i really hope more of these stories chaptures come out soon. this is great :pinkiehappy:

Exp: Infinity
Level: infinity
HP: infinity
ATK: infinity
DEF: infinity
Fuast goddess/creator of planet Equis.
Will eliminate you if you're aren't supposed to be in this world.

Ssoo, any idea if and when this will get an update?

Hope this gets an update soon.

So will this be updated soon?


Love this so far:pinkiehappy:, and clever with only giving an idea of nightmares atk and def.:pinkiesmile: He only just started using hes magic so he cant get an exact reading on her between his inexperience and the hate.:pinkiesmile:

Nathan is like alloy from chocotale but all the souls instead of asriel and chara

minor nit pick on the cover art, perseverance is a bit redundant here as its a almost a synonym for determination,

Comment posted by Rexor deleted Jan 27th, 2019

Please I need MOAR!!!!!!!!!!

What's under the dark blue and orange hearts? I can't read it...

Bravery for orange, Integrity for blue

any idea when your next chapter will be out? i can't wait to see what happens next!

Not for a while, working on my other Displaced stories, plus work has been nuts.

I know the feeling

can you plz update the story or at least put it on pause/ hiyates

any idea when we can expect an update and new chapter?

well then...that's one way to leave a cliffhanger. anyway this is a fantastic story I hope to see some more if you're up to it



*googles that*


We need to show this to Toby.......

Pinkamena Diane Pie/ Pinkie Pie Earth Pony? LV: 1 EXP: 0? HP: ?? ATK: I never want to hurt anyone DEF: More than enough Don’t you think it is rude to check someone’s stats when they are not looking? I love parties and seeing ponies smile! Also hi!

Oh sh** 💩run the pink one knows😦😧😨😰😱

This is a great story so far! Keep up the great work!

NEEEEED MOOOORRREEE!!!!!!!!! This is sooooo good!

A fun read so far, if love if you would continue. The way the soul magic works is something ive never seen before and its quite intriguing

Pinkamena Diane Pie/ Pinkie Pie Earth Pony? LV: 1 EXP: 0? HP: ?? ATK: I never want to hurt anyone DEF: More than enough Don’t you think it is rude to check someone’s stats when they are not looking? I love parties and seeing ponies smile! Also hi!

*shivers* and this is why you don't use check or whatever they are using to check stats.

‘Sans and fourth wall awareness.’

Times that by 100,000,000 and you get close to pinkie.


It's been dead since 2018

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