• Published 6th Nov 2018
  • 4,253 Views, 41 Comments

Nightwaker - Lets Do This

Sequel to Twilight Runs Away. No longer a powerless blank-flank, Twilight Sparkle faces the return of Nightmare Moon... with Twilight having no idea what her magic might do next!

  • ...

Part I -- True Night Returns

On the longest day, of the thousandth year,
the stars will aid in her escape...
The Legend of the Mare in the Moon

Always remember what happened to the pony who suddenly got everything she always wanted...

She had no clue what would happen next...

It was a quiet evening in the grand Audience Hall of the Royal Palace of Equestria, apart from the trickle of the fountains to either side of the golden Sun Throne, and the respectful murmuring of the clerks and orderlies who came and went long into the night. And outside of the private thoughts of a lavender unicorn, seated on a cushion on a lower guest platform of the throne, fretting desperately to herself.

O-kay... she thought, I'm sitting ten feet away from the ruler of all Equestria, Princess Celestia herself. Oh my gosh! What's the socially proper way to even think in a situation like this?

Twilight Sparkle was wearing the night-blue, star-dusted dress that Rarity had made for her during her visit to Ponyville earlier that day. Thankfully the keepers of the School mews had found the shopping bag with the dress in it when the Balloon had returned itself on auto-pilot.

They'd also found the gem that Rarity had given to Spike. The small purple dragon was seated next to Twilight, turning the blue gemstone over and over in his claws, endlessly fascinated by it.

Then Spike noticed the look on her face.

"Relax, Twi!" he whispered. "Everything's fine. You finally got your magic and your cutie-mark, you're Celestia's personal student... and I'm your assistant! It's the best thing that could have happened to us!"

"I know, Spike!" Twilight whispered back. "I know! I just hope I'm up to all this."

She waited tensely as the Princess dictated a last few letters and orders. The tall, regal white pony sat on the high platform, seemingly at ease and in total command. Yet there was a subtle tension in everything she said and did. Twilight hoped desperately it had nothing to do with her.

"There, finished at last!" Celestia suddenly said, turning her attention to Twilight once again. "Paperwork! I always say it will be the death of me. Unfortunately, I'm immortal."

Seeing Twilight's uneasy look, the Princess smiled. "Twilight, when I make a very weak joke you're permitted to roll your eyes at me, you know."

"Um... yes, your Majesty," Twilight bowed respectfully.

"Twilight!" Celestia said sharply. "Sit up straight, and look at me. From this point on, I am your teacher and you are my student. You will neither kneel nor bow in my presence. No crouching, no crawling, no hesitation. And if you have a question, any question, you will ask it! Am I understood?"

"Yes, your Majesty!" Twilight almost bowed out of habit, and nearly give herself whiplash stopping in time.

Celestia nodded, and smiled reassuringly. "And I want to thank you for allowing me keep you here for a short while. I really wanted to have at least a little time to talk with you, to get to know you better. For instance..."

"Excuse me, your Highness." A gold-armored guard pony was standing before the throne, bowing deeply. "The Royal Chariot has been made ready, as requested."

Celestia glanced ruefully at Twilight. "Never fails." She sighed. "I'll walk you out, at least."

She got up, and Twilight quickly followed her example. She fell in beside the Princess, with Spike trotting along beside her, as Celestia strode down the length of the Audience Hall, through the main doors, and then swung right towards the Palace's upper landing platform.

"Twilight," Celestia said as they walked, "there are so many things I want to tell you, so many things I ought to tell you, right at this moment. But given the lateness of the hour I'll have to content myself with the most important.

"First, I won't tell you not to use your magic. You'll likely find that you need to, sooner or later. But... if you'll take my advice? Take it slowly at first. Remember the first rule of spellcasting..."

"Think before you cast!" Twilight piped up immediately. Then she grimaced. "Sorry, I interrupted."

"Don't apologize! I'm glad you know it so well, and I hope you'll bear it in mind. Twilight, you have unlocked a far greater reserve of magic potential within yourself than you have ever experienced. In fact, it's possibly greater than any pony alive has ever known. Even me... I'm not ashamed to admit that the power you can draw upon easily rivals my own."

Twilight stared up at her. "But, Princess... you can move the Sun, and the Moon, and the Stars!"

Celestia nodded. "Exactly! So... baby steps at first, Twilight. You may find that you need to relearn how to use your magic from the ground up."

"I'll remember!" Twilight said dutifully.

"Next, trust in your friends. They helped you discover your true calling, and they'll be a great source of help to you as you find your way. Trust them, and keep them close."

"I will, your Highness. I promise!"

"And lastly, no matter what happens always remember this, Twilight: you have it within you to find the answers you need. Just remain calm, keep an open mind, and be ready to act when it's necessary."

Twilight nodded. "I'll remember, your Highness. I won't disappoint you!"

Celestia came to a halt and looked down at Twilight. There was a hesitant, saddened look in her eyes.

All at once, Twilight found herself drawn into a warm neck-hug by the Princess. She felt Celestia's wingfeathers draped across her back.

"I'm sure you won't, Twilight," Celestia said softly. "One thing more... and this is really crucial..."

"Yes?" Twilight said, worriedly.

Celestia drew back, and smiled. "Have fun this evening! Spend time with your friends, relax, and just do whatever you feel like doing together. And when you return here, I promise we will have more than enough time together to get you started off properly... the way we should have done in the first place!"

"Okay! And thanks, your Highness!"

"You're most welcome, Twilight. Now, here is your ride," she said, looking towards the landing platform where the Royal Golden Chariot was parked, its team of flyers already hitched up. "And your escort."


It was Shining Armor. The muscular, blue-maned stallion began trotting towards them. Then he suddenly came to a halt when Twilight collided with him going the other way.

"Hey, B.B.B.F.F.!"

Shining Armor willingly hugged her back and playfully ruffled her hair. Then he cleared his throat nervously and tried to come to attention. "Forgive us, your Highness!"

"It's quite all right, Lieutenant," Celestia said, joining them on the landing platform. "It is why you're here, after all. I am sending you to Ponyville with Twilight, to be there in case Twilight should have need of you. But don't hover, understood? Give your sister some space. Let her enjoy the festivities this evening."

"Understood, your Highness!" Shining Armor swept up a hoof in a smart salute.

"And Spike, you stick close to Twilight. Do as she tells you."

"You can count on me, your Majesty!" Spike replied proudly.

"Then I won't keep you any further. A pleasant evening to you all, and I'll see you later at the Celebration."

"Thanks for everything, your Highness!" Twilight said.

Celestia smiled tightly, and simply nodded her head in dismissal.

With Twilight leading the way, the three of them boarded the platform of the Golden Chariot, with Shining Armor sitting on the right, Twilight in the middle, and Spike on her left. The flyers called out readiness, and snapped out their wings. The Chariot lifted swiftly into the sky, surrounded by a small escort of winged guard ponies.

"Thanks for being here, Shiny!" Twilight said, now that they had a moment to themselves. "Oh, and this is Spike, by the way. He's my assistant."

"Hey, nice to meet ya!" Spike said, putting out a claw for a shake. "Any brother of Twilight's is a brother of mine. Uhhh... that sounded better in my head."

"Don't worry, I get what you mean!" Shining Armor grinned. "And I'm glad to have some help looking after Twilight, she's a hoof-full!" He stared at her, amazed. "Sis, do you know how many storerooms I turned upside down looking for you? And do you have any idea what it's like having the boss of my boss of my boss summon me to the Throne room, and tell me she's sending me off to Ponyville... and only then tell me how proud she is of you, and that it's because I'm escorting you there?" He shook his head. "And you've got your cutie-mark, and everyone saw the roof of the Palace get blasted into the sky. I mean, I can't even! I'm still processing all this."

Twilight grimaced. "I'm sorry, big brother!"

"Hey, it's okay! What matters is, you're safe. Just... don't pull any more stunts this evening, huh?"

"I'll try not to," Twilight said uneasily.

She was thinking about the one attempt she'd made so far to use her radically heightened magic potential. All she'd done was try to levitate the hat that went with Rarity's dress, to put it on her head.

And she could still taste the resulting cloud of shredded fibers.

She trotted to the side railing of the Chariot and leaned on it, looking back at the Royal Palace slipping away into the distance. It was like an island of warm light in the surrounding gloom of the mountain peak and the deep-purple night sky beyond. And on the upper landing platform, she could still see the minute white form of Princess Celestia, standing all alone as she watched them depart.

The Princess was scared.

Twilight found it hard to accept, but it was so. Of what, Twilight couldn't even guess, but she hoped she'd never meet it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Golden Chariot swung down into Ponyville, gliding to a stop in an open space in Ponyville Square near the Town Hall. It was quickly surrounded by what looked like the entire population of the town, looking on wide-eyed as Twilight nervously stepped down from the Chariot, her brother and Spike close behind her.

An elderly, tan pony with a scroll cutie mark stepped forward. And bowed to her.

"Miss Sparkle," she said as she came up, "I'm Mayor Mare. On behalf of all of Ponyville, I'd like to welcome you to our Celebration!"

"Um... thanks?" Twilight wasn't sure if she was supposed to bow in return.

"Now, the Princess requested that we make you feel at home here. And she also requested we make the Library available for your use this evening. If you'll step this way, please?"

The Mayor quickly led the way through the crowds, past the Town Hall, and over to the large oak tree with the red door set in its base. The Mayor pushed open the door, then stepped back to usher Twilight inside.

Twilight got halfway through the door. And then stopped so fast that Spike ran into her.

The interior was brightly lit and spotless. The dust and dirt of long neglect was gone. The place looked as if it had been steam-cleaned. The wood of the walls shone as if freshly polished, the wall-hangings and artwork looked brand new. Every book had been dusted thoroughly.

Mayor Mare followed her in as Twilight trotted around the table with the horse-head statue on it, astonished. "We did have to tidy it up a bit," the Mayor acknowledged. "But we here in Ponyville pride ourselves on our loyalty to the Princess. When she asks something of us, we don't stint. And that goes for you too, Miss Sparkle. If there is anything we can do for you, just let us know!"

"Wow... I'm standing in the middle of a library, and I just don't have the words! Thank you, Mayor!"

"Our pleasure! Oh, and by the way, we noticed the excellent job you did helping to organize the collection here. If you're ever looking for something to do, Ponyville could always use a talented librarian. And you clearly know one end of the alphabet from the other, my dear!"

"I would love that!" Twilight said. "But... I'm still not sure what my schedule's going to be like, being the Princess's student."

"Not a problem, my dear! The offer stands if you ever want to take us up on it." Mayor Mare smiled. "Now, if you do have a few moments, there are some town officials who would love to greet you and have a word or two..."

Twilight was about to say yes, out of sheer gratitude. But then Shiny cleared his throat importantly. "Excuse me, Mayor!"

"Eeyes?" she looked at him, startled.

"Princess Celestia's instructions on the subject were pretty clear: she didn't want Twilight to be bothered with a lot of formality. She wanted Twilight to be able to relax and spend time with her friends. Isn't that right, Miss Sparkle?" He trotted over to stand next to her, proud and strong.

"I do appreciate everything you've done, Mayor," Twilight said, uneasily. "But the Princess did seem to think that spending time with my friends was important."

"Then by all means you should, my dear!" Mayor Mare replied, smoothly. "I'll let you get settled in. And do let us know if you need anything." She left with a polite nod.

Twilight looked up at Shiny. "Thanks, big brother!"

"Hey, just because I'm standing at the other end of a corridor doesn't mean I'm not paying attention when I see the Princess herself walking my way!" He ruffled her mane with a hoof. "I'm going to go check in with the local guard outside. Will you be okay here?"

"I'll be fine, Shiny! Go guard something!"

He smiled, and trotted out through the door, shutting it behind him.

Spike stared around the room. "Geez..." he said in a small voice.

"And how, Spike!" Twilight agreed. "This place looks a thousand times better!"

At the rear of the main room there was a staircase leading up, and she cautiously climbed it. At the top she found a small bedroom, with a window loft area for the bed. And even more books, ranged on shelves around the walls.

"Omigosh...!" Twilight breathed. "This is perfect!"

She trotted over to one of the shelves, and then sat down facing it. Gritting her teeth, she gently fired up her horn. Picking a book she hoped wasn't too valuable, she lightly tugged on it.

It hit her in the face, and then fell to the floor. Shaking her head, Twilight focused on it, and even more carefully... lifted.

The book drifted up unsteadily, then hung in the air in front of her as if it was sitting on a table. With light pings of magic, Twilight flipped it open to a random page, and then carefully flicked pages back and forth.

And felt tears welling in her eyes as it all started to sink in.

"Spike," she breathed. "I've never been able to do this before! Just hold a book in front of me, without using my hooves. And now it's so easy I have to think hard not to have anything crazy happen!" She shivered. "It's kinda freaking me out here!"

Spike peered up at her, then put a claw out to touch her shoulder. "It'll be okay, Twi! We'll figure it out. You'll feel better once you've got used to it. And I'll help, anything we need to do!"

"Thanks, Spike! I'm glad you're here. I wouldn't want to be alone, dealing with something like this..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When she felt ready to face the world again, Twilight opened the front door of the Library and trotted outside, with Spike pattering along beside her.

"Hey, Twi-lighhht!"

"Pinkie Pie?" Twilight smiled. "It's good to see... oomph!" She found herself being hugged tightly, her face smothered in Pinkie's cotton-candy mane, which smelt of peppermint. It was like being mugged by a candy cane.

"You're back! Are you glad to see us? Huh, huh, huh? 'Cause we're glad to see you! I'm really glad to see you! It means I can throw you a Welcome-to-Ponyville party, just like I wanted to when you got here before, but I wasn't able to do it then, and it's still the same day, so it still counts! Hee!"

Applejack was right behind her, as were Rarity and Fluttershy. And Rainbow Dash hovered in the air above them. Rainbow smirked at her. "We all saw you wingin' in on Princess Celestia's chariot. Now that was majorly cool!"

Applejack nodded in agreement. "Ya looked like a million bits, Twi!"

"And why shouldn't she?" Rarity dimpled. "She's wearing a Rarity original!"

Applejack smirked at that. "We woulda said hi to ya right away, Twi, but Mayor said you needed a few minutes first."

"Which we can totally understand, dahling!" Rarity said. "What with your busy schedule and all! I didn't realize you and the Princess were this close! Ooh, this is all so exciting!"

Twilight winced, and looked around at her friends. "Look, I want to level with all of you," she said. "This morning, I was inches away from being kicked out of Celestia's School. I ran away from the School because I couldn't take it anymore. I came here and met all of you... and somehow that unlocked my magic, kicked it into high gear. And now suddenly I'm the Princess's personal student, and everypony is being incredibly nice to me." She smiled sadly. "I'm just not sure I deserve all this!"

"Shoot, Twi!" Applejack smirked. "You make it sound like you done somethin' wrong! Sometimes you got to run away from whatever it is you been doing, in order to find out what you shoulda been doin' in the first place. I mean, take me, for instance: running off to Manehattan when I was younger. Didn't work out for me, but it's clearly worked out for you, so I'm pleased as punch for ya, gal!"

"Indeed, dahling!" Rarity said. "And if the Princess thinks you're suitable material to be her student, that's good enough for the likes of us!"

"Yah, so live it up!" Rainbow smirked. "Enjoy the ride! You think this kinda thing happens every day?"

"Yay!" Fluttershy said softly.

"Well... thanks everypony," Twilight sighed in relief. "And on top of everything else that's happened... I got my cutie-mark as well!" She flipped back the train of her dress to show it.

"Woah! Now that is awesome!" Rainbow said, and the others nodded agreement. "Uh... what does it mean?"

"I'm still working on that. I think it represents my magic, but I'm not sure how."

"Oh!" Pinkie Pie's face lit up. "You know what this means! Cute-ceaƱera! We get to celebrate you getting your cutie-mark! And I'm gonna throw you the best welcome-party-and-cutie-mark bash EVER! Just tell me where ya want it!"

"Um..." Twilight considered. "I suppose we could use the main room at the Library..."

"Great! Gimme juusssst a few minutes!"

Pinkie Pie vanished through the Library door, slamming it behind her. For a while there were loud crashes and thumps coming from behind the door, followed what sounded like a cannon blast.

"All done!" Pinkie said happily, pushing the still-smoking party cannon ahead of her out through the door. "I'll just go get the refreshments from the store. Back in a hoofsie!"

The rest of them peered through the door. The entire room was decorated in bunting and streamers, with bunches of balloons tied everywhere, and tables with festive tablecloths arranged around the room.

"How did she...?" Twilight began. But Applejack put up a hoof to stop her.

"Word to the wise, Twi, from a local here? Don't ask!" She looked nervous. "Ya might get an answer!"

In no time at all the party was in full swing, and it seemed like the entire population of Ponyville cycled through it at one point or another, because Twilight was constantly being introduced to new ponies.

At one point, Applejack tapped her shoulder, and introduced a gray, blond-haired pegasus with crossed eyes. "And this here's Derpy, our mailmare."

"Uh, Hi, Derpy! Thanks for coming! And this is Spike, my assistant."

Derpy looked at Spike. "Hi, Spike!"

"Hi, Derpy! Hey, I like your eyes!" Spike said, "They're cool!"

He said it so earnestly that Derpy couldn't help but smile. "Thanks, Spike! You got nice dragony eyes yourself!"

Spike preened happily at that.

Twilight simply gave up trying to count how many Apple relatives she was being introduced to. There was the red stallion Big Mac, the yellow filly Apple Bloom, bright green Granny Smith, plus an unbelievable number of cousins, half cousins, and ponies who might be cousins, but no one was completely sure.

They did the traditional reveal of her cutie-mark on the stroke of midnight, and everyone complimented her on it, though like Rainbow they were puzzled as to its meaning. Shiny simply ruffled her mane, lost for words. "It suits you, Sis," he finally said. "Beautiful and hard to figure out! When this is all over, we'll have to have another celebration for Mom and Dad back in Canterlot. They're gonna be so proud!"

And Pinkie organized endless games and activities, so it was well into the wee hours when Twilight finally was able to take a break and wander amongst the shelves of the Library, checking out its collection.

Several minutes later she came back into the main room, a book floating unsteadily in her magic as she turned pages in it with abandon.

Applejack smiled at the others. "Find a good read there, Twi?"

Twilight looked up, surprised. And then winced, ashamed. "Oh, I'm sorry, girls! I should be spending time with all of you. But I'm a sucker for a good book, and this is a Library after all. It's hard not to be distracted!"

"Shucks, Twi!" Applejack said. "You're our guest! Plus which, you're practically Princess Celestia's representative here tonight. You've already been so nice about greetin' everypony who came to the party, and joinin' in on things. So if you need to take a break and dive into a book, you go right ahead and do it. We'll all be here for you, when you come up for air!"

The others nodded in agreement. Twilight smiled. "Thanks! And I do appreciate being given the Library for the evening. There are books here I've never seen in the library in Canterlot. This book of old pony legends for example. There's an entire chapter on the legend of the Moon's mare shadow!"

"The Mare in the Moon?" Spike asked. "But that's just an old pony's tale!"

"According to this it's not just a tale, Spike. The legend has been around for centuries, being lost and rediscovered, practically back to the dawn of the millennium. Listen to this:

On the longest day, of the thousandth year,
the stars will aid in her escape,
and she will bring about Eternal Night...

"Ihhh," Rarity shuddered. "Sounds dreadful! I'm glad it's only a legend! It is just a legend, right?"

"Sure it's a legend!" Rainbow scoffed. "Like the one about the Headless Horse! Or the Olden Pony... Who's got my rusty horseshoe? Oooooooo!"

"I'm not so sure," Twilight said. "It's more of a prophecy than a legend, and according to this the specifics of the prophecy have remained constant since its earliest days, which is highly unusual."

"Wayall, as long as we have Princess Celestia around, we don't have to worry none," Applejack nodded proudly. "I mean, she raises and lowers the Moon every night herself! Ain't nothin' she can't deal with. Right, Twi?"

"I suppose," Twilight said, distractedly. Still reading, she wandered away towards the drinks table.

"Who-wantsa-cup-caaake?" Pinkie Pie sang, wandering through the crowd with a tray on one hoof. "Applejack?"

"Nope, I'm good, Pinkster."

Pinkie glanced at Twilight, then leaned closer and whispered. "You think Twi's having a good time? I hope she's having a good time. If she wasn't having a good time she'd tell us, right?"

"She's fine, Pinkie! Don't worry her, now!"

Not even paying attention, Twilight experimented with her magic by picking up a likely-looking bottle from the table and pouring from it into a cup. Then she added a straw, pleased at how she seemed to be getting better at levitation every time she used it. She had much greater power, yes, but the basics were the same. It just took finer control.

"She just seemed so lonely when she came here, I wanted her to know she has lots of friends here, so I threw this party for her, and got all of us together, and invited everyone in town..."

"Uh, yeah, Pinkie. We know?" Rainbow said. "We were there?"

Attention focused on a difficult passage in the book, Twilight took a deep swallow from the straw.

"...and now she has lots and lots of friends! Right, Twilight?"

Twilight's eyes went wide in horror. The book hit the floor. She turned towards the others, her face contorting in surprise, shock, and various degrees of eye-watering pain.

"Are you all right, sugarcube?" Applejack asked, concerned.

"Awwwwww," Pinky said. "She's so happy she's CRY-ING!"

What happened next was astonishing. Twilight leapt into the air, snorting like a train whistle, her mane and tail bursting into flames, her whole body limned in violet energy...

And then, in a blinding concussion of light, she was gone.

"Twilight!" Spike cried.

"Huahhhh!" Pinkie Pie said. "She exploded!"

"Can ponies do that?" Spike asked, terrified. "Just spontaneously explode?"

In the distance, through the open front door, they heard a descending scream followed by a splash.

"That came from the river!" Rarity said.

"Stay here, y'all, and keep an eye on Spike," Applejack said. "Rarity and I'll check it out!"

The two of them hurried out through the doorway.

Spike went over to the table and examined the bottle Twilight had poured from. "Hot sauce!"

Pinkie tipped the bottle in his claw with a hoof, pouring a generous dollop onto one of her cupcakes. Which she then tossed in the air and ate. "What?" she asked indistinctly, looking at the shocked expressions on everyone else's faces. "This stuff is good!"

Galloping through the crowded square, Applejack and Rarity quickly reached the grassy bank leading down to the Argentum river. And found a sopping wet, bedraggled, and mildly singed Twilight just hauling herself out of the water, shivering and draped in duckweed.

Twilight glanced down at herself. Her dress was little more than burnt fragments, her mane and tail a wet mess. But otherwise, she appeared unharmed. Seeing the others, she waved weakly. "Oh, Rarity! I'm so sorry about the dress! You went to so much trouble to make it for me!"

"Oh, my stars! Dahling!" Rarity said, as they hurried over to her. "I'm not worried about that, just as long as you're all right."

Applejack looked at her worriedly. "You are all right, aren't you, Twi?"

"I'm fine," Twilight said sadly, her eyes lowered.

She didn't feel fine. She felt utterly ashamed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Happily the Library's bedroom included a small bath. After a quick warming shower, Twilight tucked herself in the bed and sat reading from the books of legends Spike had brought her from the Library's collection.

"You... need anything else, Twilight?" Spike asked, looking up at her anxiously.

"Thanks, Spike. I'm good... I guess."

"What's wrong?"

Twilight shut her eyes and sighed. "I'm so embarrassed, Spike! I haven't had a magic runaway since I was a foal. And this makes twice so far. Three times, if you count wrecking the palace!"

"Say what now?"

She looked at him. "Other foals worried about wetting the bed. I worried about waking up with my sheets toasted. I once had to wear an inhibitor ring on my horn for three months straight! I was so relieved when I finally learned how to keep my magic suppressed on my own."

She sighed. "Celestia's right, I'm going to have to learn to control my magic all over again. I can't let a little surprise make me lose it like that, not with this kind of power. I might hurt someone!"

"But Twilight," Spike said reasonably, "how are you gonna learn to use your magic, if you don't use it? You just need practice, that's all. More than that, you need a sparring partner!"


"Yeah! You can practice spells on me. I'm tough, I can take it!"

"Spike! Don't even joke about that -- I could really hurt you!"

"Hello? Dragon? We take baths in hot lava! Or so Celestia's told me, I've never actually tried it. I can take anything you dish out. But, just to be sure..."

He scurried off to the closet. There were rummaging and clanking sounds, and then he returned. He had two pillows tied around his middle, and a bucket on his head for a helmet.

He took up a gunfighter stance, and glared at her. "Okay, I'm ready! Hit me with your best shot, sister!"

He looked so determined that Twilight couldn't help bursting into laughter. After a moment, Spike joined in as well.

"Sorry, Spike! But you look ridiculous!"

"Yeah I do, don't I?" He trotted back over to the bed. "So, uh... you okay now?"

"Better than I was, thanks! Look, Spike, I'll be all right in a bit. You go back to the party and let everyone know I'm fine, and I'll be along. I just... need a little quiet time right now, that's all."

"Okay, will do! And if there's cake, I'll bring you some. Oh, after I've checked the frosting. With Pinkie Pie, ya never know!" He shook his head and trotted off down the stairs. Twilight watched him go, thankfully.

Then she turned back to the books.

There was the book she'd already found, describing the legend of the Mare in the Moon. But there was another book, which went into more detail on the origins of the Mare herself. It was a little wordy and took time to get through, but it spoke of the Mare having been defeated by something called the Elements of Harmony.

Twilight grabbed up the cross-reference book she'd found, and quickly looked that up.

Elements of Harmony: see Mare in the Moon.

Well, that was a big help. She picked up another book Spike had come across. And found that it described an even older legend, from the very beginning of the millennium: the Legend of the Two Sisters:

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land...

Twilight read on, in increasing fascination, of how the younger of the two sisters became supremely resentful and jealous and was thus transformed into the legendary mare of ultimate darkness: Nightmare Moon. Who after a great struggle was finally defeated and imprisoned in the Moon...

... by use of the Elements of Harmony.

Twilight sat bolt upright. "The Elements of Harmony? Then the Mare in the Moon... is Nightmare Moon!"

She stared out through the window, at the Moon with its Mare shadow, looming in the night sky. She felt a sudden chill.

On the longest day, of the thousandth year...

This was the thousandth year of the Summer Sun Celebration, traditionally held at the height of summer... on the longest day...

She stared closely at the moon, and at the four Shepherd Stars which constantly held station at the corners of a tetrahedron around it. Ever since she was a foal, whenever she'd looked at those stars she'd heard a faint, clear note, as if the stars themselves were singing to her. As she'd grown older it had gradually faded away, to the point where it was almost inaudible. And tonight, she couldn't hear it at all.

She leaned forward, peering up at the Stars.

Was it her imagination, or were the Shepherd Stars moving? Slipping closer to the Moon?

The stars will aid in her escape... and she will bring about Eternal Night...

All at once, Twilight flung off the covers, and stared in horror at her flank. At her cutie-mark. Six stars. And Celestia said my power rivals her own. And she can move the Sun, the Moon...

... and the Stars!

No! she thought in mounting terror. No, no, no! Is that what my magic is for? Is that what I am? The means of Nightmare Moon's escape?

She gritted her teeth, terrified beyond words, beyond reason itself.

"Hey, Twilight!"


Spike stared at her, wide eyed.

"I... just wanted to let you know, it's getting close to time to go out and watch the Sun rise. Twilight? What's wrong?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Twilight tensely kept her fears to herself as she trotted out the main door of the Library and into Ponyville Square, and then through the massive herd of ponies all waiting for the Ceremony to begin.

She had no proof, and even worse no time to do anything about it. She considered asking Spike to send Celestia a message. But what would she say? More importantly, what would the Princess be able to do, that she couldn't do already?

It was still nighttime, and the sky was clear. The familiar warm, deep-purple skyglow was scattered with a few stars here and there, forming the familiar constellations. The Moon rode high in the sky above, with its baleful Mare shadow, the arched head and horn sharp and clear.

It all seemed perfectly normal.

The area of the square between the Town Hall and the river had been roped off, and a platform built for the ceremony itself, together with a red carpet leading to a landing area.

As guest of honor by association, Twilight had a front-row space reserved for her and her friends, next to the open area enclosing the platform. As she took her place in the middle of it, Pinkie Pie nudged her happily.

"Isn't this exciting? Are you excited, 'cause I'm excited, I've never been so excited! Well, except for the time that I saw you walking into town and I went Huaaahhhh! but I mean really, who can top that?"

Mayor Mare stepped up onto the platform, and turned to address the crowds.

"Fillies and gentlecolts! Welcome to the 1,000th anniversary of the Summer Sun Celebration!" Waiting a moment for the cheers to subside, she went on. "And now, it is our pleasure and privilege to welcome the ruler of our land, the pony who gives us the Sun and Moon each day -- the good, the wise, the bringer of Harmony to all of Equestria... Princess Celestia!"

As Mayor Mare climbed down from the platform and stepped to the right of it, Twilight looked up and saw the Golden Chariot, with Princess Celestia aboard, already descending from the sky. The Chariot slid to a stop in the space provided for it. As one, all the ponies of Ponyville knelt in respect as Her Highness stepped down onto the carpet... even Twilight, who reasoned that this was an appropriate exception from the Princess's instructions.

At a signal from Mayor Mare the town band, together with Fluttershy's bird chorus, struck up the bars of Equestria, The Land I Love.

The Princess strode forward unhurriedly to the platform, and mounted it. She stood quietly, head lowered, for a long moment. Then her head rose and her eyes searched the audience. Her gaze finally met Twilight's. For a brief moment, Twilight thought she saw Her Majesty looking regretful, even apologetic. I'm so sorry, her look seemed to say.

Then she lifted her eyes to the sky overhead, to the Moon. Twilight followed her gaze, and gasped. The Shepherd Stars were moving now, drawing closer to the Moon.

Twilight glanced down fearfully at her cutie-mark.

Am I doing this? How do I stop it!

She looked up again, just in time to see the stars vanish behind the Moon. And with a brilliant flash, the Mare shadow simply vanished, leaving the Moon's face as bare as a foal's flank.

A wall of darkness swept across the land. The air grew chill, the wind picked up. And shocked cries went up from the crowd of ponies as one and all they looked up and beheld the night sky...

The true night sky.

It had not been seen in a thousand years.

Twilight gasped. The sky was depthless, infinite blackness, yawning overhead like an immense well. One could fall into it, and go on falling until one expired in its depths like a drifting ember, never hitting bottom.

The stars themselves were coldly glinting sparks of light. And there were so many of them that Twilight couldn't even recognize the constellations she knew so well. There were stars Twilight had never seen before. There were stars between the stars she'd never seen before.

There were wisps of tenuous gas, nebulae, and small spirals which the eye simply could not resolve properly because they were mind-bogglingly distant. And stretching across the entire sky was a vast river of phosphorescent light, a wash of cold glow arching from one horizon to the other.

The crowd, almost as one, looked down to the platform, to their Princess, seeking comfort from the yawning chasm of Night overhead.

And the platform was empty.



I am here, Luna.

Ha! At last. Oh, come now, Sister! Thou knew this day would come! That we would be free again!

Yes, Luna. I have spent a millennium in anticipation of this day.

Has it been so quick? We hope thou are prepared to spend an eternity in thy Sun! We will make sure thou are never freed from it. We will bury it below the horizon, so its very memory shall be forgotten. None will ever know of it, and none shall ever come to thy rescue! And the most important Element -- the Element of Magic that thou embodied so well. That too will be buried with thee, forever! None will ever wield the Elements again!

I am prepared, Luna. I ask but one thing: mercy.

WHAT? Thou dare ask US for mercy! Thou were not merciful a thousand years ago, Sister, when thou imprisoned us for contesting thy insufferable arrogance!

I know, Luna. And you were right. The time has come for me to step aside. But I do not ask mercy for myself. Do what you will to me. But show mercy to our subjects. They are yours now, and they are blameless. Show them kindness.

Very well! We can be gracious in victory. We shall show mercy to thy ponies... if they grant us the absolute dominion that is our right!

They will, Luna, I promise. And know that I have always loved you, dearest Sister!

Nothing else? Thou simply yields? Thou are a disappointment!

I shall leave you now, Luna. Goodbye.

Sister? ... Celestia? ...


And the platform was suddenly not empty.

Moon-silver armor, cladding an imperious alicorn as dark as night itself. Luminous, dragon-irised eyes, gleaming a lurid, phosphorescent green. A horn like an avenging sword, wings like storm clouds. An ethereal blue mane, glittering with starlight. And all about her, streams of night-dark smoke swirled, like extensions of her very being.

Standing to either side of her were two black-armored ponies with glowing eyes, fangs, and broad dragon-like wings, like nightmares brought to life. (*)

The Mare in the Moon had returned.

"Our beloved subjects!" Her voice swept across the stunned crowd like a whip-crack. "It's been so long since we have seen your precious little sun-loving faces!" The acid in her tone could have eaten through plate steel.

"What did you do with our Princess!" shouted Rainbow Dash. She leapt into the air, ready to launch herself at the dark alicorn, but then Applejack caught her tail in her teeth and yanked her down again.

"Why? Are we not royal enough for thee?" The Mare smirked. "Dost thou not know who we are?"

Her wings slapped air, and she lifted easily into the sky, hovering overhead. Suddenly she darted to her right, frightening away Fluttershy's birds, and causing the yellow pegasus to cower in terror. "Does our crown no longer count, now that we have been imprisoned for a thousand years?"

She swung forward again, facing the crowd. "Did thou not recall the legend? Did thou not see the signs?"

"I did!" Twilight glared up at her. "And I know who you are! You're the Mare in the Moon -- Nightmare Moon!"

The crowd gasped in horror, recognizing the apparition before them from dozens of Nightmare Night celebrations -- and their own worst nightmares.

The lurid green eyes swept Twilight's way. And Twilight cowered, suddenly not too certain she wanted to draw the dark mare's attention to herself. If even Princess Celestia can't stand against her, there's no way I can, not with my unreliable magic!

"Well, well, well!" Nightmare Moon said. "Somepony who remembers us. Then thou also knows why we are here!"

"You're here to... to..." Twilight's voice gave out in terror.

Nightmare Moon smiled at her fright, seemed to draw strength and confidence from it. Her gaze swept the crowd, her voice rising in triumph.

"Remember this day, little ponies, for it was thy last! From this moment forth...

The Night shall last Forever!

Her bellowing, insane laughter filled the Square, rebounding from its edges and filling the air with mad, terrifying echoes.

Mayor Mare finally got over her shock. "Guards! Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!"

The Royal Guard ponies hurriedly launched themselves at the platform. But the Mare merely tossed her head slightly, her eyes gleaming -- and the guards were hurled away like leaves.

Then she swung her head round to look at the nightmares standing stolidly on the platform below her.

"Nacht! Skaad! To us!"

The nightmares looked up at her unhurriedly. And then their wings pounded the air and they swept up to join her, their eyes glaring fiercely at the crowds below.

The swirling tendrils of black smoke swept around all three ponies, writhing and coiling as if preparing to lash out. Nightmare Moon bared dagger-like fangs, her horn a lance of cold, gleaming fire, her wings spread, her eyes flared, ready to fall upon the crowd before her...

"Mayor Mare!" a voice called. It was Shining Armor, making his way with difficulty through the crowd to reach her.

Nightmare Moon paused, eyeing him, her horn still gleaming.

Shining Armor gave the Mayor a scroll. "Here, ma'am! You need to read this... aloud, to everyone here. I was given this by her majesty, Princess Celestia. It's a proclamation she wanted read after the ceremony."

Mayor Mare stared at him, astonished. Then she took the scroll and unrolled it, swiftly examining the signature and seal.

"Oh my word!" she said. Then she raised her voice to the crowd.

"Attention, everypony, to the words of Her Majesty! I, Princess Celestia, hereby proclaim that the alicorn known as Nightmare Moon..."

She swallowed, and went on. "... shall take my place as sole ruler of all Equestria, and be accorded your respect, honor, and allegiance as befits that office. Know that I take this action willingly, out of care for you, my beloved subjects. And I ask you to accede to this decision out of the respect and devotion you have always shown me. My thoughts... go ever with you..."

Her voice trailed off. She looked up at Nightmare Moon.

Who looked astonished. Her horn faded to silence, her wings furled. Accompanied by the nightmares, she descended back to the platform again. Her armored hooves landed on its surface with a heavy, definitive thump.

"Well! Celestia has always been a pony of her word. So we shall keep ours. We have agreed to be merciful... and so merciful we shall be." Her eyes narrowed, sweeping the crowd. "Provided there are no further displays of wanton disobedience!"

Nightmare Moon looked at the gray-maned Captain of the Guard, who had just climbed onto the platform. The two of them eyed each other for a long, tense moment. Then the Captain wordlessly put out a hoof and Mayor Mare passed up the scroll. The Captain examined it carefully, at length.

Then she reluctantly swept off her helmet, and bent knee to the Nightmare. "We are yours to command... Nightmare Moon," she said, through gritted teeth.

The Royal Guard, who were just picking themselves up and reassembling, eyed one another uncomfortably. And then knelt as well. "Long live... Nightmare Moon!" they chorused, flatly and unevenly.

"We accept thy service, Captain!" Nightmare Moon answered. "Assemble thy troops, and prepare for our return to our Court." Then Nightmare Moon swung back to the crowd, smiling confidently.

The citizens of Ponyville glanced at each other nervously for a long, tense moment, fear warring with loyalty. And then, by twos and threes, and finally the entire multitude, they knelt as well.

Nightmare Moon grinned, her fangs gleaming.

Then her gaze fell on the five ponies facing her in the front row. She glanced to her right as well, at Fluttershy. Her grin vanished, replaced by a watchful, uncertain look. She seemed to be examining each of them closely.

Then she turned her attention back to Twilight. A long black forehoof jabbed like a spear, aimed right at her.

"Thou, who knew our name... what is thy name?"

"Twilight Sparkle." Twilight huddled into herself sadly, not liking the intense look she was being subjected to.

"Indeed? And is it just possible... Twilight Sparkle... that we have thee to thank for our deliverance?"

Twilight looked up, eyes wide. "What?"

Nightmare Moon's head tilted, her look guileful.

"The Shepherd Stars that held us in check... weak as they were, they might have held on for a week, a month, even a year. Yet all at once they surrendered to us, almost as if something had given them just that tiny extra push to make them yield."

She eyed Twilight with a sinister smile. "Or perhaps... someone?"

Twilight shook her head. "No! I never... I couldn't have! I mean..."

"Twi?" Applejack said, looking at her.

"You?" Rainbow snarled, glaring angrily.

"I don't know what happened!" Twilight burst out, terrified. "I didn't want to do it! My magic got away from me again, and..."

Nightmare Moon held up a long, black hoof to stop her, and Twilight sank into an ashamed silence.

Then Nightmare Moon glanced at her nightmare guards. "This one shall come with us," she said. "For her own safety." She extended her hoof encouragingly. "Come with us, Twilight! We shall see no harm befalls thee." She pointedly glanced at the crowd, then lowered her voice to a whisper. "We do not fancy thy chances if thou remains here!"

Twilight shut her eyes for a moment in shame and misery. Then she got up and trudged reluctantly to the platform. Taking hold of Nightmare Moon's hoof, she allowed herself to be drawn up onto it, and then placed in the charge of the two nightmares.

Spike glanced around helplessly at the other ponies for a moment, and then scrambled up after Twilight, to stand huddled in fear beside her.

Twilight felt every eye in Ponyville glaring at her, including those of her friends, sitting in the front row of the crowd and staring up at her in a mixture of disbelief, shock, and anger.

Suddenly, Twilight realized Nightmare Moon was speaking to her. "We asked thee a question, child!" she whispered crossly. "What is this place called?"

"Ponyville..." Twilight murmured, surprised.

"Citizens of Ponyville!" Nightmare Moon called out calmly, as if she'd known it all along. "We thank thee for thy accedence to the wishes of thy former sovereign, and for thy acceptance of our rule. We shall return to the palace -- our palace -- to resume our rightful place. And though there shall be no sunrise this morning, thou hast our leave to continue enjoying thy Celebration for the nonce. But be ready! Our orders for thee will be forthcoming..."

She lowered her head, eyes narrowing threateningly, horn flickering.

"... and they will be obeyed."

To Be Continued...

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, its characters and indicia are the property of Hasbro.
No infringement is intended. This story is a work of fan fiction, written by fans for fans of the series.