• ...

Sunset arrives

Three years later; Twilight was celebrating her twenty-first birthday with Luna at the castle. Although it took a while; she had gotten used to being a vampire and reveled in it.


“Come on Sunset. Let's get in there,” a voice said

“Scootaloo; what is so important about sneaking into the castle? On Nightmare Night, no less,” Sunset asked

“Other than your birthday approaching; I want to actually see it,” Scootaloo replied “And maybe find a souvenir in the process.”

“Mom and dad wouldn't approve of this.”

“Well; you knew them longer than I did. What's life without a little risk,” she countered

“You've heard the rumors as much as I have. About the princess being a vampire.”

The two found a section of wall that contained a trellis that had been forgotten and they proceeded to scale the boundary wall of Canterlot Castle.

● LUNA ●

Luna closed her eyes for a moment and found a pair of heartbeats that did not belong to any of the maids in the castle.

“It seems as if a few unexpected visitors are arriving.”

“What do you want to do about them,” Twilight asked

“Keep an eye on them for now.”

“Alright; mom,” she replied


Once on the other side of the wall; the two pressed into a dark area in order to hide from a passing guard. Taking their time; they managed to avoid any patrols and get inside the castle.

Spotting an open door; Scootaloo headed inside and spotted a crown on a pedestal in the center of the room. Sunset noticed the center had a six-pointed star and was reminded of rumors she heard.

“That's not possible,” Sunset said to herself

Before they could do anything else; a dark shape entered the room and cast a spell to knock them out. A little while later, they started to stir from their nap.

“Uh. What happened,” Sunset asked groggily

“Sunny? That you,” Scootaloo asked “Where are we?”

“Good to see you both awake and unharmed. Why did the two of you sneak into this castle,” Luna asked angrily

“It was my fault Princess Luna. I convinced my older sister to sneak inside. We heard rumors about you being a vampire and wanted to see if it was true,” Scootaloo replied

“What difference does it make if I am a vampire,” Luna asked curiously

“Curiosity. Is it true about your daughter,” Sunset asked

“Yes. The former Twilight Sparkle was killed. Midnight Star rose in her place,” Twilight replied

“Since you both know about the two of us being vampires; we can't let you get away without something,” Luna said “We'll give you time to talk in private.”

Luna and Twilight left the room, giving Sunset and Scootaloo the ability to get adjusted. The walls were rock and seemed to be much different than the rest of the castle; signifying they were deep inside it.

“What are we going to do; sis,” Scootaloo asked nervously

“I'll take whatever happens. You have a lot more to live for. My cutie mark was a fluke. I just happened to perform a fire spell at the right time. I love you Scootaloo,” Sunset said, hugging her

“I love you too; Sunset. I'm sorry to have gotten you into this,” Scootaloo replied


“Mom; is it really necessary to do this?”

“Let me answer that question with one of mine own. Was it worth forcefully transforming your friends into half-vampires,” Luna countered

“I asked you to do that in order to make them go through what I suffered. They'll get over it eventually.”

“I don't actually have to do this; but they are not to speak of what transpired this evening. Turning one into a vampire is a kind of bonus,” she replied “Let's head back there to settle this.”

"Before we go; I have a question for you mom. Do you regret what happened?”

“Turning you into a vampire? Yes; I do. I let my hunger take over the night I killed your family and gave you vampire blood. If they would have accepted; I'd have taken you as my student and given you the choice whether or not to become a vampire,” Luna replied sadly

“I've spent many a night thinking how different my life would been if they were alive. I can't dwell on ‘what-ifs’ and just focus on the here and now. What's done is done and there's nothing that can change that. I'm a vampire for life and must deal with drinking blood.”

"Very mature of you," Luna mused

"After watching my family murdered; it's not exactly easy to act like everything was fine. I had to grow up quick and start acting like a grown mare."

"You could have stopped your studies at any time and just focused on being a filly," Luna commented


“Which one of you want to be first,” Luna asked

“I'll take the entire punishment. My little sister has more to live for.”

“As you wish. Midnight; would you please escort Scootaloo out,” Luna replied

“I want to see what happens,” Scootaloo replied

“It'll be best for you not to be here,” Twilight replied

“Go ahead Scoots. I love you,” Sunset replied as Scootaloo hugged her

Twilight led Scootaloo out of the room as another pony took their place. Sunset seemed to recognize the newcomer.

“Aren't you DJ Pon-3,” Sunset asked

“I am. Vinyl Scratch at your service,” she said “And yes; I am a vampire.”

“Shall we get started,” Luna commented, as Sunset nodded hesitantly

Luna turned her head and gently bit Sunset in the jugular. After a few minutes of feeding; Sunset found herself passing out due to the pain of having her skin split apart.

“Time to get up,” Vinyl replied

“It hurts too much to move.”

“Drinking blood will help. Vinyl; please guide Sunset to the neck,” Luna directed

Sunset felt her fangs extend as she began to drink from Luna. A small tap on the hoof, got her attention to stop.

“There's just one thing left to do,” Luna said, before quickly snapping Sunset’s neck

“Ow. What was that for?”

“You needed to die in order to become a vampire,” Vinyl replied

“I'll let your sister know,” Luna said, before leaving


“Miss Star; why couldn't I be with my sister?”

“Midnight,” Twilight started, before receiving a ‘huh’ from Scootaloo “Just call me Midnight. The transformation would scar you mentally if you witnessed it. On another topic; would you like something to drink?"

“Juice please.”

One of the maids left the room for a moment before carrying a pitcher of apple juice and two glasses upon her return. Twilight used her magic to pour the two a glass.

“Scootaloo? She's ready to see you,” Luna said

Scootaloo down the rest of her glass before racing out of the room. Twilight calmly left trying to catch up to the speed demon as Luna trailed behind after pouring a glass of juice for herself.


“Sunny! How do you feel,” Scootaloo asked upon returning

“Like Tartarus. I'm still feeling sore.”

“You're a vampire now; right,” Scootaloo commented

“Indeed she is. The two of you will be staying here for a few days until Nightmare Night in order to get accustomed to being a vampire,” Luna replied “Midnight, Vinyl; would you two follow me?”

● LUNA ●

“What's this about,” Vinyl asked directly

“The mirror.”

“Mirror? What is so important about it,” Twilight asked

“It leads to an alternate Equestria and I wished to test it by sending Sunset through it.”

“We've been there before; so this isn't about testing anything but more of a punishment for her,” Vinyl commented


The next few days seemed to be agonizingly slow as Sunset couldn't wait for her birthday. In order to occupy herself; much of her waking moments were spent reading in the library. She found herself being startled by someone nudging her arm; only to see her younger sister as the culprit.

“Come on; sis. There's something I need to show you,” Scootaloo said, pulling her arm

“Alright. Alright, I'm going.”

“Close your eyes, first. I don't want you to spoil the surprise,” she added

“Lead me where you need.”

Sunset found herself being lead down a long hallway before descending to the lower level. Her sister stopped short, causing Sunset to bump into a solid object.

“Huh? Why'd we stop?”

“Open your eyes and see for yourself,” Scootaloo replied vaguely

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUNSET,” Luna, Vinyl and Twilight exclaimed

Sunset was actually standing in front of a table that was decorated with a cake designed with her cutie mark on one side and Twilight’s original on the other.

“Thank you all.”

“There is something more for you,” Luna started

“You're sending me through a portal to another world. I heard you discussing it the other day.”

“Just so you know; the portal will reopen in thirty moons,” Luna added

“What!? What's going to happen to me,” Scootaloo demanded

“You'd be staying in the library in Ponyville with me as your guardian,” Twilight replied

“It'll be okay. Just know that no matter how far apart we are; I will always love you Scootaloo. Now, how's about we do that one last time before I leave? Sunshine, sunshine. Ladybugs awake…”

“Clap your hooves and do a little shake. I love you too sis,” Scootaloo said, wiping her eyes

“Happy Nightmare Night to you all as well,” Luna added

The party went by quickly before everyone headed into a private room containing a covered mirror. Before Sunset could leave, her sister gave one final embrace as Sunset calmly stepped through the mirror and disappeared from sight.