• Published 15th Nov 2018
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Starcraft: Queen and Country - Wanderer D

A seemingly safe experiment is violently interrupted, sending three unwitting innocents through the Void to emerge into a universe at war.

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Chapter 027: One Shot

Starcraft: Queen and Country
By Wanderer D
Chapter 027: One Shot

2505, Koprulu Sector, Planet Agria █

Rushing things never led to anything good, so Nova took out her rifle and studied the gathered group through the sights. Selendis looked as arrogant as ever, not a trace of any sort of visible corruption on her or any of the other Protoss, including the Nerazim, and another female that seemed to shrink back in front of the crowd.

The six or so Zealots guarding the podium on both sides, (standing impossibly side-by side with two Hydralisks) also showed no signs of being controlled that she could see, especially as they kept glancing occasionally at the large zerg killing machines next to them.

Raynor's pet was armored up as usual, although his armor had clearly been also modified with Protoss technology. He stood there, almost comfortable at times, at others looking conflicted, but also uninfected. In fact, most humans looked decidedly uninfected, although the woman standing next to him and Sweetie Belle… she had a sheen to her, almost like her skin was actually scales, like a reptile.

If it was an infection, it was very subtle, and she didn't show any signs of the creep that seemed to cover converted victims.

The supposed Zerg Queen also did not look like Nova had been told. Her horn was not split, like in the reports… it was a solid, spiraling mix of what seemed to be exo-skeleton and the powerful crystals that the Protoss used. Her body was covered in a soft, pale-white chitin that covered insectile wings. Although she did still have the pincers around her mouth, and her mane's hair was clearly made up of those strange tentacles that had replaced the follicles for Kerrigan as well.

It wasn't her job to assess her enemies in non-combat situations while on a mission, but she had to wonder how much of the information she had been given was even remotely accurate. Everything since she had arrived was different than expected.

There were no infested cities, no overwhelming amounts of zerg, no fighting between humans and their natural predators. The presence of the Protoss was a very bad sign indeed, especially since it actually backed up the rumors that this queen was actually able to bring peace… the same rumors that had made her so dangerous in Mengsk's estimation that he had ordered Nova herself to eliminate her.

Nova's eyes narrowed. It wasn't really a question of whether she should do it or not… she'd have them remove the memories as soon as she got back, but right now… a sliver of doubt wormed itself into her heart.

"Hello everyone!" Sweetie Belle said, her young, innocent-sounding voice another thing that just… didn't match a death machine like a zerg. It was the same voice she had heard while on her ship, telling visitors to turn away from Zerg space. "I am glad to report that I am much better now, as you can all see! During the battle at Char, Queen Kerrigan suffered heavy losses and I was seriously injured, but I managed to escape to safety, where my friend Selendis and her science team saved my life, and I am so glad to be back here with all of you!"

'People and zerg are cheering for the Protoss.' Nova shook her head with a grimace. This was too unbelievable. The people on the streets included children, and she had spotted a pregnant woman among them! They stood, unafraid, side-by-side with zerg… creatures that could rip them into shreds in an instant. 'What is this madness? Is this Queen somehow able to control them? But how could she do that to the Protoss? And not just any Protoss, but Selendis and her… armada…'

Nova cringed and gritted her teeth. She had been so distracted by the unbelievable sight in front of her that she had ignored the danger she was in, and now it seemed like her window for distracting the off-world defenses would be a lot shorter than anticipated if her crew was going to have to fight both Zerg and Protoss.

She couldn't contact them either. Not here. And they would be striking soon. She didn't have time to wait. The Zerg Queen was in her sights, and however curious she was about her, there was no real need to listen in order to fulfill her duties.

She aligned her shot and pulled the trigger just as a young human girl of about nine or ten years old ran up to hug Sweetie.


It was almost too late.


But, as if her thought had resonated with the Zerg Queen the moment she had realized she'd pulled the trigger at the worst moment possible, the zerg's head had snapped up and her shot smashed against a shimmering, crystalline barrier that dissipated it completely.

There was a moment's pause, as if the universe itself couldn't believe what had happened, and then, pandemonium. Screams and people running for cover, Sweetie hiding the little girl behind her just as the Nerazim standing at the podium disappeared out of view, while Selendis ordered her guards to take defensive positions.

The armored griffon had taken to the sky, joined by several flying zerg.

Nova had mere seconds to escape.

She took off running just in time to see the rooftop where she had been standing be torn to shreds by something. She didn't dwell on what had caused it, merely on getting as much distance as possible without dropping her shroud.

Something spotted her somehow, because she was bombarded from above by Terran, Prottos AND Zerg attacks that obliterated the side of the street she had just barely managed to rush through.

A group of zerglings was blockading the street, but instead of hesitating she used her psionic powers to dash through them like a miniature comet, scattering the creatures into the air. She sent psionics ahead of her as she turned a street corner, managing to dislodge her pursuers for a few, precious seconds.

If she wasn't able to take down the queen with a shot, then a nuke would do. It was unfortunate that it would incur the loss of so many civilians, but chances were they were already infected. In a way, it was a mercy.

She opened up her communicator, but only got static. She tried again, but no luck. That could only mean one thing. Making sure that the distraction she had created had kept her pursuers off her back, she stepped away from the wall she had been hiding behind and stared straight up.

The night sky was lighting up with distant explosions. Her surprise attack had encountered not only Zerg, but a Protoss armada, and with her on the ground under complete blackout communications, there had been no warning.

She was alone.

"Crap!" Gallus shouted the moment the translucent shield around them burst into light fragments when it was hit. "Sniper!" Sparing a worried glance at her, he immediately jumped into the air, intent on pinpointing their attacker.

One of her Hydralisks had lunged across the palisade and attacked the building it had come from. She could feel confusion, and regret, and then the emotions were shoved aside by an iron will. Their enemy was dangerous.

Still, she had more immediate things to deal with. "Are you okay, Suzie?" Sweetie asked the little girl she had hurriedly pushed behind her. She could see Gallus hovering over the town and others combing the place to try and find her attacker.

The young human nodded, her budding zerg powers interlacing with Sweetie's, assuring her that she was okay. "I am, thanks to you!"

"I'm glad," Sweetie said, grinning as she drew the young girl in for an encouraging hug. "You should hurry to your mom. I'm not sure how things will go from here."

Suzie's slitted pupils didn't detract any adorableness from her wide-opened eyes as she stared at Sweetie with worry. "But will you be okay?"

Sweetie's smile did not fade. She nodded and carefully ruffled the girl's hair. "I'll be fine."

After staring at her for a moment longer, Suzie finally nodded and ran off to her mother, who was standing just next to the Hydralisk body guard that had stayed behind, nervously looking from it to Suzie.

It was interesting to Sweetie how Suzie was definitely embracing her inner Zerg, just like Ariel, but her mother, still resisting that newer aspect to her nature, showed no signs of changing. Rather than upset her, she found herself pleased by this. But… she turned to face the city, eyes narrowed. Now was not the time.

"I have to admit," Selendis said, walking over to her now that the little girl was gone. She had looked pretty intense a moment ago, and Sweetie knew she was communicating with her people. "Your reaction was impeccable," the Protoss said, nodding.

Sweetie shook her head. "I almost didn't make it in time. I just sensed a flash of horror and regret… and acted on instinct."

If Selendis had eyebrows, she probably would have raised them in surprise. "And that was enough to prompt you to raise that shield?"

"As I said, it was instinct…" Sweetie chuckled. "As a Cutie-Mark Crusader I got so used to danger that the shield spell was one of the first things I was taught, and it became second-nature to cast it as a gut-response to something like I felt."

Selendis looked impressed. "A Crusader, you say? So you were a warrior back home?"

Sweetie couldn't help but grin. "More like a cause for concern." Her smile faded as she looked at the city. "My Leviathan tells me they were attacked."

"Indeed," Selendis said, watching impassively as Ariel and Lasarra assisted the humans that had injured themselves in the panic. It was something that seldom, if ever would occur with the Protoss, connected as they were by the Khala. All things considered, it hadn't been as bad as she had expected. "But between your forces and mine we destroyed all Terran ships. Whoever is here is on their own."

"I can still feel them," Sweetie said, her gaze leaving the Protoss to study the area. "They've eluded my zerg. But they're still around. Somewhere."

Selendis remained quiet for a few moments. "There are very few operatives with such skill. And this being a Terran invasion…" she grew silent. "You should reach out to Raynor."

Sweetie blinked. "Will he have the time for me? I don't think he likes any Zerg Queen outside of Kerrigan."

"But you are different, aren't you?" Selendis asked rhetorically. "Some insight will help."

Sweetie considered her words and nodded. "I will."

"This is Gallus," a communication came in. "We've found our visitor's ship. We're taking it over. Whoever they are, they're not getting out of here."

"I see, thank you, Gallus… and be careful."

"I… yeah, I will. You too, Sweetie."

Nova cursed under her breath. No ship, no support, surrounded by enemies. Unable to trust anyone… she was in trouble.

But she still had a mission, and she was going to fulfill it, one way or another. As long as Queen Sweetie Belle lived, Nova would not surrender… or retreat.