• Published 19th Nov 2018
  • 18,078 Views, 1,538 Comments

Bedbound (And Beyond) - Cackling Moron

Freshly-arrived human in a state of some disrepair is tended to by local deity.

  • ...


Nice place, Canterlot. Kind of daunting and difficult to navigate, but nice. Interesting architecture, confusing street layouts, locals who hadn’t seen me before so were right back at the staring stage. But that was fine. I liked to think that didn’t bother me anymore.

I wandered around without a clue where I was going for a bit. Seemed like a microcosm of my whole life up to this point. In theory it should have been easy. The palace was obvious. But getting there less so. After twenty minutes I caved and asked a guard, figuring they’d know.

They did, and directed me accordingly. Off I limped.

It struck me then that I’d never actually seen Celestia ‘at work’, so to speak. Would she even be there? She might be busy. She might be off visiting the commonwealth or whatever, I had no idea. Still, too late to be worrying about those sorts of things now.

Further guards supplied further directions and kept me from getting into places I shouldn’t do in the sprawling palace. I’d already done enough of that already, and now didn’t seem the time for pushing my luck.

Before too long I got a better impression of the right way to be going, as there were more regular ponies around. They seemed surprised to see me, but such was life. They also seemed to be waiting to get into somewhere, and in their waiting had formed something I recognised immediately. A queue!

There was a queue. Life had order. This was very reassuring. I understood queues. I joined it.

I felt comfortable in the queue. Couldn’t have told you why. Just felt like it was something I could innately handle. I clutched my bag and lent on my stick and shuffled forward when and where I needed to.

Hopefully it was the right queue, but worse things have happened than being in the wrong one.

I learnt - in the way just absorbs things while waiting - that Celestia was apparently running some kind of court. Locals would arrive with grievances or issues and she would mediate or rule on it. Very down-to-earth, I felt. Also felt like I didn’t really belong in the queue in which case. I wasn’t local.

But whatever, I had an issue, and I was here now.

The queue led me to a spot where I could see into the room before too long. Pretty impressive stuff. I mean, the whole palace had always been impressive, but this room had clearly been built from the ground up with impressiveness in mind. Splendour and grandeur and all that.

The throne was something else. A gaudy golden monstrosity that didn’t so much project regal power and authority as tie you down and pour it all over your face. But it was who was sitting on that caught my attention.

She saw me, too. Not a surprise. I am kind of hard to miss. Her eye just flicked over to me and widened minutely in surprise before flicking back to the pony she was dealing with, her composure rock-solid. Very professional, as well she should.

And so further waiting, further shuffling, getting a little closer each time with a mounting feeling of nervousness building up in the pit of my stomach.

And then my turn, and a well-dressed usher-type pony was there directing me forward, and then I was standing there in front of her.

Celestia seemed bigger, somehow, though that might have just been the throne. It was, after all, a very impressive throne.

Do I bow? Am I meant to bow? Would they know what a bow looks like from a human? Probably. Just do it.

So I did, at least as best I could with my leg. It was passable.

“Uh, yes, hi. H-how are you?” I asked, wobbling a little and thankful - as ever - for my stick.

“I am well, John, yourself?”

Little formal. That could have gone better. Guess a hug would have been a bit much. I can handle that.

“Oh, you know, you know. Just making a go of it. Nice chair, by the way,” I said, nodding towards the throne, groping for levity as I always do.

“Thank you,” she said, sitting ramrod straight.

There was no cracking this facade. I got that, now. Presumably here, now, she had an image to maintain. I was appealing to the Celestia I liked a whole lot - and who did exist, obviously - but who was figuratively hanging up on a hook until the work day was done.

My bad.

“Oh! I have something for you!” I said, reaching into my bag and rummaging. I made to approach the throne but the sudden movement got a reaction out the guards and I very abruptly stopped approaching the throne.

A gesture from Celestia had them at ease, and another had me approaching again, albeit a bit more carefully.

“I made this for you. Well, I made it then thought you might like it. So here you are,” I said, handing over the little thing I’d made, as said. She lifted it up with one hoof and peered at it. It dangled.

“What is it?” She asked.

Ouch. Still, brave face.

“It’s a bear!” I declared. She continued to dangle it in front of her.

“It is?”

Looking at it now, I could see her doubt was well-founded.

When I’d been putting the thing together I’d been riven with confidence. The plans that Rarity had so kindly knocked up for me were very plainly for a bear and I’d done my level best to follow them, and I’d been reasonably sure the results were as close as I might have managed.

Now, though?

“...it could be?”

Dying on my arse in front of everyone was not my idea of a good time, and this did not appear to be getting anywhere I wanted it to be. I’d say it wasn’t going according to plan but that would have required there to have been a plan to start with, and there hadn’t been.

Something of a consistent failure of mine.

“Thank you,” Celestia said, tucking the bear behind her on the throne. Was she smiling? It was hard to tell. She had her game face on. So very regal.

And then I’d run out of words, and she didn’t appear to be in a rush to say anymore, either. I swallowed.


“I’ll, uh, I’ll be going, then,” I said, turning to shuffling off in ignominy.

“John, wait.”

Suddenly stopping and starting didn’t come as easily to me nowadays as I imagine it once did but I managed it, wheeling about to face Celestia again.

“You’ve come all this way, you must be tired. Your room is still ready, if you’d like to stay the evening, return to Ponyville tomorrow?”

Was it my imagination or was everyone in the room watching me?

They’d probably been doing that the whole time, to be honest, but I hadn’t quite felt it until just then. Difficult to ignore, but not impossible.

“Uh, if you’re sure?”

“You remain a guest of the crown, John, you are more than welcome to stay anytime you like.”

‘Guest of the crown’ was such a mouthful. I had kind of forgotten about that, though. I’d just thought it was a joke. Apparently not. I stood up as straight as I could, as a guest of the crown might.

“Very kind of you. Okay then, I’ll stick around. Rest the leg.”

I wasn’t sure I was doing this right but I could have sworn I saw her brighten a little. Made my heart skip a beat, it did.

“I’m glad,” she said, then leaning down to one of the many guards that just seemed to pop up out of nowhere anytime I blinked. “Please show John to his room.”

The guard saluted, and I was subsequently escorted.

In the time I’d been away what flimsy grasp on the layout of the palace I’d had had disappeared completely, so by the time I arrived there was very little chance of me getting back to the throne room or, indeed, an exit. At least not intentionally on my part.

Not that I had any plans on leaving yet, obviously.

The room was much as I remembered it, which is to say exactly the same. No bad thing. Bed was still comfy, view still overwhelming, paintings on the wall still entirely incomprehensible to me. I propped the stick in a corner and sat down for a bit.

Wondered what dinner might be as I ran through possible follow-up plans in my head.

My initial attempt hadn’t been great, this I could see. Far too public and also with no clear goal in mind. I had to do better. Assuming she appeared here later we could talk alone, that would basically take care of itself. If not, then I’d have to engineer some kind of alone time.

Not sure how I’d manage that. My plans fell apart. Shit.

I had another bath. For old time’s sake and to pass time. Not old time passing, just regular time. Not like I had a lot of other things I could do right then.

I tried reading the book she’d lent me, which I’d brought along. Managed a few pages, might have understood them, might have misread them. Put the book back.

Dinner happened. The staff remained as lightning-fast as ever.

Evening came.

I sat around on the off-chance that Celestia might appear, but she didn’t. Then as I got sleepier I took to tossing and turning and clinging to consciousness on the off-chance Celestia might appear, but she didn’t, and I fell asleep. I knew I fell asleep because the next thing I knew it was dark and I was confused.

I’d fallen asleep and something had woken me up.

Why I’d woken up wasn’t immediately obvious. Rolling over and squinting I looked. And then I saw. The door was open a crack. Celestia was standing there, peering in. It was obviously her, she was kind of hard to mistake for anyone else. She noticed me noticing her, too.

“Do you mind if I come in?” She asked, softly, though still loud enough for me to able to hear her.

This was new, and I was still a little groggy so all I managed was a nod. She entered and closed the door behind her, moving across the room with alarming silence and coming to a halt stood beside the bed. I had forgotten how cool her hair was. So glimmery.

Sitting up in bed and stifling a yawn I screwed up my eyes and did my best to focus. Celestia just kept on standing there, mostly in shadow, hard to see.

“Normally you just sneak up on me, this time you ask? I’m suspicious,” I said.

“I could come in again through the window, if you’d prefer? When you least expect it? Wait until you’re asleep? Get you to fall out of bed?”

“Nah, you’re here now. And falling out of bed isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, I can tell you first-hand.”

She laughed, but mainly for my benefit. I could tell.

“Missed you, you know,” I said quietly.

Celestia hesitated, bit her lip, then hugged me, hopping up to reach me in the bed. It was just hooves and no wings but it was still exactly what I’d needed, her pulling me in close. I hugged her back, too. Didn’t really want to let go. I’d missed this.

Couldn’t last forever though, and it did break, her stepping back and then sitting beside the bed and not looking me in the face. I only knew that because the few times I glanced up from the bed she was looking away. Neither of us really knew how to follow that up.

I had a feeling we were both doing the same thing. Waiting for the other one to move first. We could have been like this for a while until someone broke the deadlock. I’d messed up, so I figured I should be the one:

“Sorry,” we said together, having both hesitated and waited for exact periods of time. “Sorry,” we both said together again, in our rush to be the one to apologise first.

“I’ll go first,” we both said and it was now just getting silly and I was going to rush in but a wing came out and pressed against my lips. Not enough to muffle, but enough to make me shut up. “I’ll go first,” Celestia said, eyes on mine. I just nodded, dumbly. Whatever you say, princess.

“I’m not sorry about kissing you. I’m sorry I missed where I was aiming and sorry I panicked and left without really explaining, but not sorry about that part. I - I probably should have done something sooner. It’s something I’d been thinking about and something I’ve thought about a lot since. I’ve been worrying that maybe I was putting something onto you that I wanted to be there and that I was rushing you and when you just looked so surprised I, well, I panicked. And I’ve been worrying since, since you didn’t say anything afterwards. I thought maybe I’d misread the whole thing. It’s been a bit of a while for me, I’m sure you can appreciate. I am a little out of practise. But you’re here! And I didn’t expect that, at all. And I’m - I’m glad.”

She finished smiling, which made me feel a lot better.

“Your turn,” she said, removing her wing.

I swallowed. Big boy trousers time.

“I’m sorry that I’ve, uh, well been dense, probably. It must have been frustrating for you. Because I don’t think you’ve been putting anything onto me. I think it’s been there, I’ve just been, ah, well dense like I say. A bit mixed up. A bit resistant to the blindingly obvious. And I thought you were the one not saying anything to me! I think maybe we should have had this conversation a lot sooner. And it’s probably my fault that it’s taken this long. Must be have been frustrating, yeah. Sorry,” I said.

“More confusing than frustrating.”

“Well, that’s bad too. Guess I’m a little too wound up inside my head. Oh, also, I might have also kind of maybe...told...someone that you kissed me. And it might have spread throughout all of Ponyville. I’m real sorry about that part. I wasn’t thinking. Sorry, really sorry.”

I braced myself for shock and horror, but Celestia just cocked her head at me.

“Why should that matter?”

“Because you’re a well-known public figure and I’m a weirdo alien?”

She waved a hoof at me.

“Pffbt, weirdo alien. Don’t worry about it. I’m over a thousand years old, John. I think I can survive my subjects whispering behind my back.”

I’d really blown that whole thing out of proportion, apparently. Boy is my face red!

Probably mark that one up as further evidence I should relax more, worry less and actually focus more on doing things. Do try to remember that next time. There will no-doubt be next times.

“Who’s more at fault here, you think? For our two weeks of sitting part worrying what the other was thinking?”

Tacitly ignoring the massive, whacking-great chunk of time that was clearly my fault. Just gloss over that.

“Does someone have to be?” She asked.

“Normally people like slapping blame on one party over the other.”

That might have just been something I carried with me from home, but it rung true somehow.

“We could say it’s both our faults and move on with our lives?” She suggested. I made a big show of stroking my chin in deep contemplation and she made a big show of waiting with bated breath. It was hard not to laugh, but we both managed it.

“That might work. I hear compromise is very in,” I said.

“Fashion is so fickle, though.”

“Ah, but sometimes it’s worth seeing what the fuss is about.”

“True, true…” she said, resting halfway onto the bed beside me, still sitting on the floor. Like way back at the start, almost. When she’d asked me about home and I’d managed to dredge up a Monday for her. I remembered that.

Her head lay within easy reach. Those ears were just there, open for scratching. It seemed to work well for everyone else, so why not her? So why was I so bloody nervous just thinking about it?

Just do it! This whole thing has been at least eighty percent you not doing things you clearly should have done!

So I did.

At first she tensed and I clenched in panic, but it must just have been surprised on her part as she almost immediately relaxed. I could see her eyes fluttering even in the dark.

“Oh that is good…” she practically purred.

She was very soft - particularly in a spot just right at the base of the ears, I liked that spot - and very warm and I felt an enormous sense of wellbeing come from what I was doing. More so than what I usually got. This seemed different somehow. I kept on going.

It was very difficult to worry or, indeed, think of much of anything while just watching the look on her face while I scratched her behind the ears. The room could have been on fire and I’d probably have been fine with it. Just her smile. I’d rarely seen her so content.

What an idiot I was. To have missed this, avoided this. What had I been worried about? She wasn’t human, true. But so what? I couldn’t even remember what a human looked like, and it didn’t seem like I’d be meeting any anytime soon. She was just so lovely. And she looked after me. And she liked me! For whatever reason.

And she had cool magic hair and gave me butterflies. What an intolerable idiot I was.

Time to make up for it.

With great effort I stopped scratching her ears. One of her eyes halfways opened and peeped at me questionionly.

“You can, uh, come up on the bed. Properly. There’s a lot of room. If you want. Might be more comfortable. You know. If you want,” I said, swallowing.

Celestia hesitated, smiled again then climbed on up. The bed creaked, I shifted over, she lay against me first then - after a decision - over me, on top of the covers, hindlegs propped beneath her, her body running up beside my legs until the point where she was resting across my lap.

Is that comfortable for a horse? I suppose it must have been.

Was that her heartbeat I could feel, or mine? Fast, either way.

“Comfy?” I asked.

“Much better, thank you. This is a good bed.”

“I did say.”

We were again, I realised, very close. I wasn’t worried about ti this time though, and this time I wasn’t kidding myself into thinking it was a normal, friendly thing. It was normal, but it might have been just a smidge above friendly. And that was fine.

She had real pretty eyes. The light in the room was enough for this. Enough for a lot, actually.

You know, it’s okay to admit to yourself that you find Celestia pleasant to look at. There’s no-one here who’s going to call you out on it. And like you just said, ain’t no humans around and ain’t no humans for you to think about, either. Except you, and you don’t look so great.

Celestia, however, looks great. And looking at her feels pretty great, too. And this close is even better. I could just keep doing it forever.

First face I saw, and what a face at that!

And voice. And hair. And, well, just about everything, actually.

I swallowed again. Couldn’t stop now.

“So, uh, us…” I said.

“If you’re sure-” She started to say, but I needed momentum so I plunged onwards.

“I am, I’m very, uh - I have no idea. But it kind of keeps coming back to this and I kind of keep just...thinking about you so maybe that means something? Who am I kidding, it does something. I don’t know what, but, uh…”

Press on!

“It could end terribly and be awful but maybe it, uh, won’t be? Maybe it’ll actually be alright. And even if it is terrible, finding out might be worthwhile? Or at least pleasant for a bit. Right? Certainly, I - uh - I’d enjoy finding out either way, w-with you.”

Words are hard.

“Life’s too short,” she said, sounding like she might start to get a little choked up.

Wait, was that a joke at the expense of the fact I was going to die?
Celestia you magnificent bastard! Luna was totally wrong about you! You’re on my level!

I hugged her again. I couldn’t help it. God she was brilliant. A rock. My rock. What made most sense here for me. I didn’t even give a shit anymore. Embrace it and stop pretending it’s any other way. Sure it might all end horribly, I’m aware of that, but I don’t want it to and that has to count for something, right?

Just for kicks, I ran a hand through her hair, too. Felt like the fingertip equivalent of putting your tongue on a nine volt battery. Not unpleasnt, just weird. I decided then I wouldn’t make a habit of it.

Eventually we had to stop hugging, though I’m not sure either of us had a good reason for it. Probably because we still had some talking to do. Once that was done, hugs for days.

“I am sorry for talking about the kiss, by the way. Dumb of me,” I said. First thing off the top of my head. Was still bugging me. Weird how she could be so cool with it.

She rolled her eyes.

“Are you still worrying about that?”

“Just didn’t want you thinking I’d been boasting about my, uh, exceptional kissing prowess, you know? I’m not like that. I’m lots of other bad things, but not that bad thing. Just so you know.”

“You…” she said, in tones of mild despair but with a grin as she lent in for a nuzzle.

Celestia was the only one who nuzzled me. Possibly because she was the only one who could reach. Made it special, somehow. I grinned too. Her breath on my neck. That smell - that smell! I wasn’t even sure what it was! Other than her. But that was enough for me. Drown me in it!

She pulled back, and the moonlight in the room fell in such a way that I got a very good look at her face. The best so far. She looked thoughtful. And kind of, you know, beautiful. But I’d already been over that. Just getting harder and harder not to notice.

“Although,” she said. “Speaking of your prowess, as I remember it you didn’t actually kiss me back…”

Oh. Okay.

Be cool, man. She’s already in your lap, this is already going great. Don’t fuck it up!

“Ah, well, we could always - ah - could always...fix...that?”


Celestia giggled - that sound! - and fluttered her lashes, which gave me palpitations.

“Oh yes we could, but I’m afraid you’d just run off and tell everyone again,” she said.

“Argh, woman. Why you got to do me like that?”

Another giggle, but then she was leaning in, and so was I this time.

It was a lot better the second time round, the kiss. A lot, lot better. What with both of us meaning it and all, and with neither of us missing. Lasted longer, too. Long enough that by the time we had to come up for air I was inches from gasping.

Both of us were flushed, like fucking schoolkids. She giggled, I giggled and we couldn’t really help but keep kissing. Little pecks whenever one of us missed and deeper, longer, proper ones whenever we both got the right spot. Between the giggles, obviously.

She ended up sleeping there. Got under the covers and everything. That was new, but roll with it, roll with it. Maybe it’ll work out alright. Maybe this’ll be the best thing that ever happened. Won’t know unless you try, eh?

And getting caught out of bed isn’t really an issue for someone who can teleport, if you think about it.

So there I was. Back in bed. Horse princess in my arms for what may well have been the first of many times. Hopefully I’d get used to the positioning eventually. It was very snug, but not quite comfortable yet. All things in time. We can get this to work, I’m sure.

If I’d just stayed in bed and worked it from there I could have saved a lot of time, really.

But then, where would be the fun in that?


Author's Note:

Long walk round the houses on that one, hah! Haha!

Ah well, that's that.

Comments ( 115 )

Aaaah! It cannot be over! John! Celestia! I want to read more! :raritycry:



lovely story, I'm eager to see more of your future works!

Very nice story, decent conclusion. John, to my American eyes, reads as quite British. The odd memory problem was a novel (to me) plot point, but I would have liked to see it explored more, or possibly partially resolved. I do hope you continue John's experience of Equestria now that he has come full circle and is starting a new 'chapter' in his life.

Sequel is when?

Honestly though, you did amazing for managing to take what was supposed to be a one-off and extending it like this. This has been one of the best reads I've seen in a while on the site, and I hope you continue to make stories just as good. (No pressure though!)

I am sorry friend but the way it looks bedbound and beyond is finished but if you want I could tell you a few fics that might be still kicking like sora's misadventures in Equestria, wolf among ponies (is finished but has the sequel of wolf among carabu), and other ones like that

Dan #7 · Dec 29th, 2018 · · 4 ·

Now Luna needs a human of her own. Maybe another dimensional rift anomaly thingy can bring her an appropriate candidate. Maybe a political science student who understands balancing personal relationships and matters of state and often pulls all-nighter cram sessions and bonds with Lu-chan by introducing her to Machiavelli and Cicero and the Federalist Papers.

But then, if humans start popping up too often, ponies might start competing to each get their own.

Count me among the voices calling for a sequel. I've seen one shots of the like before, but not one that was stretched into an actual story this well without some sort of plan.

So, yes. More Celestia/John, please. (Would they go out on dates? Would she disguise in some way [magical or otherwise?] Would there be some sort of public reaction when they get caught dating?)

Edit: Also, John appearing might be the beginning of a series of human appearances. That could be another direction to take it.

My only regret is that Twilight apparently had a thing for John, and now he's outta reach for her...:fluttershysad:

Unless they do the 'harem' thing. :trollestia:

Then it'll be all right...:pinkiecrazy:

Thanks for the story, it was quite amusing. :moustache:


Once again, a great story from you.

Between this, the stories about Jack, and the ones about the human and Rainbow (I can't remember if he's named in those stories), you are crafting great, fluffy pieces of prose that are entertaining and warm the frozen cockles of my heart.

Like other authors that have written great things here, I eagerly await your next story.

I felt comfortable in the queue. Couldn’t have told you why. Just felt like it was something I could innately handle. I clutched my bag and lent on my stick and shuffled forward when and where I needed to.

well that proves it he British

Okay, that was a pretty cute way to end it. At least now Luna won't have cause to visit her wrath upon him. :trollestia:

They seem like a very lovely couple.

ending felt a Little jarring like there should be more like a epilogue or something, overall though fun read , look forward to your next fic 8/10

Very well written. Lovely ending. 10/10 ship them again.

Well, that was a fun story. The ending did leave me more than a little unsatisfied, though. Good thing there's a sequel in the works, right? :pinkiehappy:

...right? :pinkiecrazy:

This was nice but I thought she would celebrate with cake

So that's the end of you silly heartwarming story. Thank you for this trip it was a pleasure to read. :twilightsmile:

I'm hoping for a sequel, you know :twilightsheepish:

10/10. Good Story. I am waiting to see your future works.

The ending solved no mysteries.
But it was fuckin' cute so I appreciate you, and I appreciate this.

A wonderful, delightful story from start to finish! I honestly hope for more, as seeing their relationship grow and expand(if certain pony customs are a thing here...) ....and see events unfold. It was very well written and utterly delightful to read! Thank you for the tale! Celestia deserves all the love she can get.

It was beautiful.
I love Sun Horse romance.
Thank you for your story. :twilightsmile:

I haven't read nothing yet so im not sure what to expect, but i gotta say i have a good feeling about this fic

guess we're not getting any twilight drama. ah well, sometimes fluff is all you need

This was lovely and fluffy and quite cute. There is the temptation of clamoring for a sequel, but even without it this is nice. Thank you for the story.

KH crossover you say? would you happen to have the name handy?


is there a part two? tell me there's a part two!!! :applejackconfused:

Nice end. Curious if you intend a sequel.

yeah the 1.3 million word story of My little pony: sora's misadventures in Equestria

Thankee kindly good sir.

always a pleasure informing fellow brony's and pegasisters about good fics that could use some reading

What a nice ending, shame its over though. Looking forward to future works from you.

As much as i want a sequel, even though im only at chapter 3 right now, i'm pretty content with this fic staying as it is. I'd figure burning yourself out is rather rash and troublesome, but all in all i'd love a sequel to this story whenever the time is right. :trollestia:

A very enjoyable story. I too would love to see more, perhaps not so much a sequel as side-stories, like John bumbling about in court trying to remember Celestia is wearing her Game Face and accidentally fluffing it all up, scratching her ears or hugging her on the throne, falling over onto a diplomat due to his leg and causing incidents. Either way, still loved it.

This fic in a nutshell: D'aww

Wait a moment. END? Story is complete? Noooooooooo! :raritycry:

This was a brilliant story. Thoroughly enjoyed.


With all the internal struggles between John and Celestia, and how long we prolonged their struggles as a whole, this was the perfect ending to me. We already know they're getting together, and while it would be nice to see more of it (maybe a sequel?), for this story alone, this is the kind of ending I expected. They both fought their mental battles, about themselves and each other, you showed us those, and finally, at long last, we get to see the fuits of the labor.

Bravo. If you make a sequel, I eagerly await. If not, then still, this was a fantastic read. Thank you for all the hard work, and until your next story...

See ya!

Painfully wholesome

It was a long walk. But it was a very good walk indeed. I agree some short stories of johns exploits would be a good read now and again.

Thank you for the story !!
It was a good run and it got perfect ending :) :twilightsmile:
Quoting previous commenter: "Bravo. If you make a sequel, I eagerly await. If not, then still, this was a fantastic read." :pinkiehappy:
Also - if not sequel to this story - maybe we could see how the things are going between Twilight and Jack somewhere in next year? :twilightblush:

This was a delightful read. As always i look forward to what you will write next.

Didn't like the ending. Like at all. Felt very convenient and besides some odd pheromones I had trouble with accepting all pones falling for him and was looking for some twist or climax near the end. However, writing this was a tremendous task and you've been at it at quite a pace. Kudos to you author. I was really entertained and was looking forward to a new chapter almost every night. Thank you. EDIT: [I'll never know how saying thank you to the author can trigger some snowflakes?]

The ending leaves the story with a dissapointing lack of resolution. It feels like he just ended right back qhere he started, and that most all the events that happened were pointless, because he never progresses past uncomfortable and disquieting mix of fear, capitulation, and psuedo-romantic obsession. I don't see why the same result couldn't have been gotten without him just isolated in his room forever like a braindead goldfish.

This was a really good story. The only part I didn't like was the ending. It felt super forced.

Honestly it's sort of funny how in the end he seemed to connect and relate more with Twilight and actually seemed to properly open up more to her.

I will go ahead and say that, unlike what a lot of others have said, I really don't think there should be a sequel. You're certainly a good writer, but the lack of planning was seriously showing for a good portion of the second half of the story. Nothing seemed to go anywhere, he never seemed to really grow as a character, and the ending just felt rushed and left way too many loose ends. If you just gave into popular demand for a sequel I feel like it'd be a similar situation with it seeming to lack any real purpose.

I mean, if inspiration hits and you feel like you could pull it off then by all means go for it. Right now however, I'd say it's better to just let it end. Still, I certainly enjoyed the ride, even if the character was getting really irritating with how oblivious he was in the last several chapters.

No problems :twilightsmile:

There was supposed to be a 5th season, but it was cancelled on that 4th season cliffhanger.
However, they did do a followup movie called "Peacekeeper Wars" that finished off the series. The movie picks up immediately following them being killed on the boat. A few of the scenes in that youtube were from it. It's worth getting, and you might be able to find it in local video stores if you don't want to shop online or order more from Netflix.

If I’d just stayed in bed and worked it from there I could have saved a lot of time, really.
But then, where would be the fun in that?
We lay there, she's completely relaxed.
I can tell she's completely relaxed from how heavy her hooves are getting.
Getting rather uncomfortable, by now.
Yeah, she's really relaxed. Pinching her isn't even getting a budge out of her.
...Kinda hard to breathe....
Are those horseshoes really pure gold?
Heavy enough to be, just from guessing by how hard that one is pressing down on my chest.
Well...this is a thing...death by snuu-snuu.

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