• Published 25th Nov 2018
  • 6,867 Views, 123 Comments

For It Is My Duty - Summer Dust

The Champion of Ash has Linked the Fire, and has been taken to Equestria.

  • ...

Prologue - Through the Fire and into the Dungeon

A man stood in what looked like the remnant of a great arena, or what may have been a great circular theater of some kind. Molten walls made up its edge, cooled after centuries of the ritual that took place here was last enacted. Heaps and piles of ash lay strewn about, covering so much of its structure, the steps or seats perhaps, were otherwise covered in the stuff. Old and tarnished weapons were collected together, stabbed into these piles; the only thing left of those who had come before this man. Those who had failed.

Here he stood in the center of it all, staring into a familiar object; one that he had become rather close within his journey. A coiled sword, embedded into a pile of ash and old bone, left to strengthen the flame that gripped its blade; a bonfire. Though, not just any bonfire. This was the bonfire that all others were connected to, through the power of the First Flame.

Here he stood, his eyes affixed to the flame at the center of this great ash pile. His duty was nearly complete. All that was left to do was to link the fire, as was his right, as newly ascended Lord of Cinder. All he had to do was reach out to the flame, and sacrifice himself so that the Age of Man would continue, as it had for hundreds of years.

But he hesitated.

After everything he had been through, all he had seen, all the trials and enemies he had conquered and vanquished... He hesitated. It was a tall order to throw yourself into the fire, even for the sake of those who would remain. Still, he stared, pondering his choices.

In his journey, he had gone to the depths of the Abyss and seen a vision of a World Without Fire. No flame to light his path, no light to guide his way, no purpose to drive him. In this vision, he came across a peculiar set of orbs, hidden within the illusion. When he returned from the Abyss, they had come with him and were later given a name; the Eyes of a Firekeeper.

One of the previous Lords of Cinder who still sat upon his throne had warned him about these orbs, that they would only show visions of betrayal; that he would forget his duty, to Link the Flame.

He glanced beside this bonfire, and near the base of where the coiled sword was embedded into ash, he looked again at the writing that appeared within the ash. Ancient scrawlings that would call the Firekeeper here, to his side, and commence his Grand Betrayal to all of man.

Her words to him rang out in his mind as he stared at her sign, "...Ashen one, are these... Are these eyes? How gracious of thee, ashen one. The very things we Fire Keepers have been missing... Ashen one, my thanks for the eyes thou'st given. But Fire Keepers are not meant to have eyes. It is forbidden. These will reveal, through a sliver of light, frightful images of betrayal. A world without fire. Ashen one, is this truly thy wish?"

He took a deep, heavy breath. Could he truly bring himself to make this kind of sacrifice? Could he throw his life away for the sake of however many people were left in this world, that he had never even met? Could he trade his life for his dying race?

"My Blade of the Darkmoon, thy deeds merit great worship. As captain, 'tis my duty to honour knights of great accomplishment. Please, it is thine, and not lightly given. As a shade of Father Gwyn and Sister Gwynevere, Persevere in thy knightly duty, hunting down the gods' would-be foes."

In what little light shone onto him from the embers that remained of this fire, a glimmer on his finger caught his eye. The Darkmoon Ring, given to him by his Company Captain Yorshka, rested on his right index finger; a reminder of his other role in this land. First, and foremost, he was a defender of the weak and the innocent. He couldn't falter and abandon his duty now.

With another deep breath, he steeled himself and reached out to the bonfire, as he had done countless times before, and called out to it.

"As Lord of Cinder, I hereby Link the Flame, and preserve the Age of Fire until the time should come again when the next chosen should be called upon."

The flickering embers ignited almost instantly, wreathing the entire blade in flame and licked out at his hand. Even were he not clothed, he would have been swallowed by the flame just as quickly, the air sapped from his body. He felt himself crumbling, becoming part of this Kiln, as so many others had before him. Those who had been chosen to Link the Flame. In a great combustion of fire, the ritual was complete, and the Chosen of Ash was no more.

Princess Celestia of Equestria, Ruler of Canterlot's Day Court, hated meetings. She despised holding court, gathering with nobles, signing "important" documents, and otherwise entertaining most high society bureaucrats. There were a few among their ranks who she found more pleasant than others, such as Fancy Pants and his usual entourage, but most of the others usually bored her to tears with petty requests to gain more bits to line their pockets, or equally petty arguments or disputes over, and she was quoting from earlier this morning, "somepony taking the last banana at breakfast."

She, of course, loved all her little ponies, but sometimes they could be rather foalish. Rarely would somepony come to her with a matter of gravity or important these days; that was usually left to more eventful parts of Equestria, like Ponyville. She, of course, was thankful that the days that passed her by were relatively peaceful, but few and far between were events like the Summer Sun Celebration or the Grand Galloping Gala to liven up her life. Even the occasional pranks on her castle staff would get boring now and again.

Oh, what she wouldn't give to have something ridiculous or, dare she say, chaotic interrupt the current gathering of ponies in her courtroom.

While she was listening to another pony ramble on about an issue that had once sounded important, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a wisp of a familiar-looking tail in the corner of a window she had occasionally been glancing out of. She almost cracked a smile then, that tail was unmistakable. What game would they play today?

"...And as you can see, Princess, that is exactly why I need- no, deserve compensation for-" The stallion suddenly began sniffling and wrinkling his nose, taking small breaths through his mouth, almost like he was about to... "Ah... Aaahh... Ah-cho!!" ...sneeze, on a guard. Celestia covered her mouth, which had cracked into a smile as he saw her guard's face curl in disgust, but to anyone looking at her, she simply looked surprised.

"Are you alright, sirs?" Celestia asked in her most concerned sounding voice.

The noble had begun wiping his nose with a handkerchief. "Of course, ma'am, nothing a cleaning and polish won't fix." The guard said with a roll of his eyes toward the offending stallion.

"How did my beard even begin to tickle my nose, when it hangs from my chin...?" The stallion said, clearly confused.

"Maybe it's because you're so old, and have such big nostrils?" A voice came from everywhere, and nowhere all at once.

"I certainly am not, and my nostrils aren't big! Who said such a thing?" The stallion growled.

"Oh, relax grandpa, it's just me, Discord, Master of Chaos, and- ahem- reformed Spirit of Disharmony." The Draconequus in question appeared with a snap of his digits and a blink of light, as he usually did. "Oh, I'll be needing that back, though." He reached forward while the ponies were still in semi-shock and plucked the stallion's beard off his chin and planted it on the tip of his tail. "Much better."

The stallion shook himself out of his stupor, once again back to his angered demeanor, "You give that back this instant!"

Discord considered the pony for a moment before shrugging and plucking his new beard tail once again, the former tip of his tail coming back with a small pop sound, and placing the pony's beard back where he found it. "There, all better. Now then, where was I- Oh yes, Celestia!" He spun around on his cloven heel to face the princess of the sun, finding her trying just as hard to not smile as she had been before his arrival.

She took a moment to compose herself fully before answering in her usual greeting tone, "Hello, Discord. To what do I owe this unexpected visit?"

"Oh, friends can't simply drop in on each other to say hello every now and then? Say, that reminds me; when was the last time you visited me?" He said with mock disappointment.

"I believe you were still in my garden at the time." She responded coyly.

Discord's face dropped in annoyance, "Right, don't remind me. Anyway, I was in the neighborhood and decided to pop in, but it seems like you're awfully busy with important business, so maybe I should go." He responded, equally as coy. If Celestia weren't already white as a sheet, Discord would have sworn he saw her go pale.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, she was just about to sign my appeal for-" The stallion began, but was interrupted by the shrill screeches of a distressed phoenix.

Celestia was on her hooves in an instant, "Philamena, what's wrong?"

The mythical bird in question was struggling to fly straight as it entered the Court of the Sun, stumbling and falling out of the air just before the start of the stairs. With quick reflexes, Discord reached out and caught the avian with his tail, setting her down quickly, as she began to peck and scratch at him.

"ACK! Watch it, bird brain, that stings!"

Princess Celestia trotted down to her faithful pet and reached out a hoof, repeating her earlier inquiry, "Philamena, what's wrong?" but only received the same treatment as Discord.

She pulled away, thankful that her regalia had protected her from the sharp beak of the flaming bird. She and Discord and all the other ponies present could only watch in distressed confusion as the Princess' pet writhed and flopped around on the floor like it was in agony.

"Please, Philamena, tell me what's wrong?"

"Couldn't she just be pulling your leg again? Hasn't she done this before?"

"Never like this. I can tell when she's faking, and she looks like she's hurt."

"Let me go and get Fluttershy, she'll know what to do."

As soon as Discord finished speaking, the ground beneath their hooves began to quake violently, as though the mountain that Canterlot rested on was being shaken by a giant. Several ponies began cowering, several more falling off balance and onto the ground. Celestia looked to Discord, as though he had an answer.

"It's not me. I'm as much a fan of earthquakes as you are, and we can both fly."

Philamena began rising into the air, though she looked like she were being pulled up by a string, while still writhing in place. The tremors got worse, windows began to crack and ceiling began to crumble, bits of dust and debris falling into the room.

Celestia started calling for an evacuation, for Discord to get her ponies out of Canterlot but stopped when Philamena burst into flame, as she had done countless times before, and began to melt away into ash. Just as suddenly as the violent quakes had begun did they stop, though Philamena did not stop melting. Before long, a large pile of ash collected under her, and she exploded outward in a wave of flames.

Thankful for her own quick reflexes, Celestia shielded everyone in the room from the flames with her magic, though the blinding light was too much to see through. Once the flames subsided, however, an entirely new sight was left in Philamena's wake; a strange creature now lay in the ashes of Celestia's pet.

For several moments, all was silent. Ponies could hear the sound of a pin drop, and some were left with a soft ringing in their ears; the sudden absence of sound after loud or continued noise sometimes did that.

Then the creature began to groan, an awful, pained sound. It appeared to be clothed, though whatever it was wearing was heavily damaged. What the ponies could see of its body was horribly malnourished, lackluster, and charred, as though it had been starved before coming through the flame. It was also carrying various objects, most notable were the large sword and stick that somehow survived the flames on its back.

At the same time, the ashes began to swirl around it; the phoenix was possibly beginning to reform.

Several ponies began to whisper to each other, frightened of this strange new being. They gasped as it began to twitch and stretch its limbs, pushing itself unsteadily onto all fours.

Celestia stepped forward, her regal hooves making small tak tak tak sounds upon touching the now somewhat sullied courtroom floor.

She looked down upon the creature and asked, "What are you?"

The creature took a horrifying, gasping breath, and lashed out at the princess, grabbing onto her chest piece while trying to lift itself up to her eye level, making sounds they couldn't understand.

The Princess, understandably, rose up on her hind legs and kicked out with her forelegs, knocking the creature away and back onto the ground. She wasn't startled easily, but that was a jump scare. The creature, now once again unmoving, lie in a heap on the floor where he was kicked.

"Guards, take that creature to the dungeon and make sure it is isolated. I must consult with the Elements of Harmony."

Author's Note:

Added some grammar fixes.