• Member Since 10th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Writing’s pretty fun.


Discord has been frozen in stone for another thousand years. Chrysalis was blasted away with a concentrated attack of love. Sombra exploded from the power of the Crystal Heart. Tirek, thought to have been put back in Tartarus.

Who could’ve known that they were simply pushed onto another dimension? Now working as teachers at a High School, influencing the next generation to be their army.

If only they weren’t all assigned to the same kids.

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 37 )

Loved it! Now update! Cause I'm reading this now while I'm hiding in the janitors closet.

Damn, he is intense... I like it.
Also, the students seem to be taking to the lessons rather easily. And quickly. Curious. :applejackunsure:
Awell, it's fun. :twilightsmile:

Great story, although I would have liked to see the actual lessons.

The person reaches into a bag they wear, “Transcending The Mundane, and Discerning the Transmundane are my two favorite! Could I get your autograph on them? Please?”

... I always felt that Bethesda used the wrong Daedra. Hermaeus Mora had the mission, 'Discerning the Transmundane', but they should have used the name for one of Sheogorath's

But, what about the Equestria Girls versions of these characters?

Well, they don’t exist in EQG. That was the entire idea. Where they actually exist in the world, as their old selves.

I Tunes is something that allows you to listen to music. Fallout New Vegas is the best Fallout game made.

I just wish Bethesda would let Obsidian make more Fallout off-shoot games.
Imagine a fallout game set in Australia if it were made by Obsidian?
It would be bloody epic, and quite possibly bring Fallout into the Survival-Horror genre.

Yes! Now that’s a good idea!

Although they still could do many. My personal favorites being Florida, Russia, Canada, Germany, and Italy.

Discord leans against the door frame, “I Tunes is something that allows you to listen to music. Fallout New Vegas is the best Fallout game made.” He turns to a random wall, acting as if he’s taunting someone invisible, “Fight me.” Then he turns back to Tirek, “It’s a single player RPG, very fun, and oh so modded from when I play it.”

Oh ho ho, I will. I most definitely will.

The difference, though, by using Rusdia, Canada and Germany, is you'd encounter much the same creatures you would in the current Fallout games.

In an Australian Fallout, you're getting Rad-roos, mutated echidnas, Drop Bears and, my personal favourite/most hated, giant irradiated spiders.
And they're just the highlights.
Dingoes, Wombats, Platypus (god only knows how that freak of nature would change under radiation), Flying Foxes, snakes, both venomous and not, up to the eyeballs, and SOOOOOOO much more!

You forgot Emus. Oh god, what if Emus gained intelligence and the entire game is to either replace them as leader or join them to put down a revolution. See, regular people come up with better ideas than Bethesda themselves. Who cares about West Virginia, the worst state, when we could have Super Emus?

why cant there be another Fallout game set in Texas , we had brotherhood of steel, can we get one like Fallout 4.

The original Fallout, or it might have been 2, had something like that with the Deathclaws. There was one that had taught itself English and you got the option to help him.
Granted, that was before Fallout became property of Bethesda, and a couple of the developers from those are working with Obsidian on The Outer Worlds.

No, the things to be afraid of in an Australian Fallout would be the reptiles that are so perfectly designed by nature that they saw the dinosaurs die off and are still around.
Mutated Saltwater Crocodiles are a scary thought. They'd eat a Deathclaw for breakfast.

Discord leans forward, “I didn’t hear a ‘no’.”

Because she's trying to be subtle in telling you, "Not yet."

I like this.
I favoritize this.
I follow you.
I do things.

“Very well then! If I shall not dance with you, then I will dance with no soul but you. I shall dance with myself.”

I am disappointed in myself that I did not think of that song, so I accidentally made a pun. Good play, good sir, well played.


Thank you, thank you verra much.

So, what would happen if they tried to follow Twilight through the mirror?

why the fugg did tirek draw fuggin K.Rool?

not bad
some minor spelling errors, but those are overlookable

Hmm, not bad. At the risk of harping on a old line, it needs less telling and more showing.

Now this was a compelling bit of philosophy.

That's weird. Good, but weird.

This is awesome I hope you make more

Something wicked this way comes...

The Dazzlings are here

.....ya think discord!? She gonna shew your ears off ya goof.

Discord nods, “That you are right! But, sadly, the good Doctor shan’t be able to teach you.” He leans over his desk backwards, staring at the kid through his new upside-down perspective, “I’m afraid he came down with a terrible case of pushed-down-the-stairs-itis. He should be hospitalized for...” he raises his arm, moves his sleeve, and looks at a watch drawn in by crayon, “the rest of the year.”

Okay, you cracked me up at that one :rainbowlaugh:

some find their revelations on their own terms
others need to be dragged towards them

I love how the students compare sombra's aura to that of a God, but they dont do that for discord

despite the fact that it seems that the timelines and events are mixed and mixed up. This alternate universe is interesting to watch. (At least I'm interested in the idea of ​​this fanfic.)

I like how Sombra makes himself the good guy in this… . I kinda like it

So Tirek’s a war commander??? Cool!

is this story dead?

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