• Member Since 17th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Alden MacManx

If you're living on borrowed time, do you have to return it?


ISAEC Hurin Tascheter, an Exploration Cruiser for the Inter-Stellar Alliance, find a species of magic-using ponies deep in the Equuleus sector. Problem is, their uncompromising enemies, the Ratzis, found them first. How much of a head start do the Ratzis have on the ISA? The fate of Equestria is in their capable hands. Or hooves, or wings, or whatever...

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 44 )

a different kind of story coming out of Alden MacManx's stable.
as of now i am liking it. time will tell about how this adventurer plays out.

Interesting start. I wonder if you will eventually go for some planet hopping type story or just focus on one planet. All in all, can't wait for you to flesh out that universe some more.

Is this a crossover story? The canon is so complex...

Only in the sense the ISA is a creation of mine from 2003. Found an unfinished story and decided to take the ball and run with it.

a am liking this and how this is developing.

i must say this story is growing on me a good bit.
i am vary interested to see how this is going to play out.

this is looking to be a fun first contact.

paperwork eww.
this story is really getting interesting.
i can all most see things getting exciting shortly.

O fun times for every one.

just how did they get that party cannon into the Wardroom without anyone noticing?

just go with it don't try to understand it is pinkie.

What is this a crossover of?

An RPG universe I created about 20 years ago. The seed story sat idle for about 15 years before I found it again.

ok yep what code go wrong ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,go wrong,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,go wrong.

ok who is holding the leash for Pinkie and Dash.
this is going to be fun times for all or will it?

Wait a sec... Pinkie and the Brain existed in this universe? Had descendents known as Meesers?

Neat bit of away team action.

grate action in this chapter awesome amount of team work.
and we now have a critter to look at.

Our heroes are now the mysterious alien abductors. :rainbowlaugh:

this sounds to be fun and vary interesting.

things are fixing to get hot and heavy fast.

i am wondering just what this surprise is and how effective it really will be?

Got the feeling Celly's sun will soon be renamed the "Death Star" and a fleet might get mooned by Luna.

bug meat windscreen.
this is going to be a messy splatter.

Why use the name Ratzi? Why not just call them Natzis?

It's the name I came up with for them twenty years ago. Just never really developed them until now.

Anyone who called 'bug on windshield time', you were right! Come on up and claim your cheap cigar!

sorry i don't smoke but if you want to throw a bottle of JD my way i wont complain.

some how i see things getting messier as this goes to the next stage.

Sorry, I quit drinking a long time ago.

Coffee it is! *pours you a hundred-cup pot full of Black Insomnia*

Now, if only the Time Lords will forgive me for fracturing the space-time continuum...

I saw the cover art and got excited.
But then I read the description and realized it was a placement for something else.
Now I am the sad.

Sorry about that, but I can't draw to save my life, and there are no extant pictures of the Hurin Tascheter.

Hope you find something to like about the story.

Good reading so far, but you have quite complex backround which is not used too much. Leaves a lot of things open but that is not really a bad thing.

The story background is based on an RPG I started over 20 years ago. I found an unfinished story in that line and decided to update and adapt it to Equestria. One of these days, I'll finish it. Been working on another series. Glad ya like it.

sighs Jennifer would be proud of all the responses, if she was here.

L’Dan smiled after swallowing a piece of beef. “Oh, yeah. When we get complaints later about how unreal they seem to be, I can just point to the records of the actual events. The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it’s stranger than we CAN imagine.”

i love that saying. also, "truth is stranger than fiction."

Jamie nodded. “It’s been worked on for over a hundred years. They’re up to three years now. A century ago, their lifespan was only eighteen months. They are also working on increasing their size. Right now, they are so small, they are easily overlooked,” he told Twilight.

there's an ancient legend of intelligent insects that lived one day.
the Ephemera.

oh, i just remembered a nasty old book where some rat-like aliens with mind-control abilities were apparently hypnotizing multiple planets.
the story starts with a lone refugee trying to warn the people of their next target that they are coming...but gets captured by VERY nasty corrupt rulers who INTENTIONALLY try to drive him and his friend CRAZY!
(that's the nasty part, REALLY bad stuff)
eventually they overthrow the rulers and defeat the mind-controlling aliens with some re-programmed killer robots.
it's a rather silly ending, they exhaust themselves trying to hypnotize the robots, and effectively knock themselves unconscious!

Twilight hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts before speaking. “What we found, using the Elements, is that the Ratzis are backed by what I call an anti-Harmony, that being a functioning Harmony, but instead of being based on the Elements we know, they being Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, Honesty and Magic, their Harmony can best be described as being based on Blind Devotion, Selfishness, Hatred, Grim Inquisition, Deceit and Power.


"that's no space station. that's a moon."
-from a silly crossover story, where Darth Vader met Nightmare Moon.

“Princess Celestia raises and lowers the sun, Princess Luna raises and lowers the moon. Think on that for a moment.” Twilight said.

this reminds me of a short story where a large meteor or a comet was on a collision course with Equestria, so Celestia called for the smartest people in the world to come to Canterlot and try to make a plan to deal with it...
but one of the ponies she invited was Macintosh!
Twilight protested, and insulted him, so he spent the whole night coming up with a plan on his own...which called for using the moon!
Twilight DID apologize to Mac later.

Twilight then spoke up. “Captain Somers, thanks to our conversations with Inquisitor, I can provide maps of not only the space around the Ratschancellory, but high-quality maps of Center City itself, where the Master resides. Inquisitor has been in the Master’s chamber, but has not truly seen the Master. No one has, in a long time.”

oh, this made me think of a Mickey Mouse comic strip i saw in a magazine YEARS ago.
a villain known as "the mighty Throgg" was brainwashing everyone in the galaxy by zapping them with "throgg rays".
Mickey eventually realized that the man on the throne was NOT the real Throgg, the big blob in a tank of water in nearby room was. Mickey unplugged the tank and everyone was free.

Good story. Hope you come back to it.

There is no permanent conclusion; a sequel to this great story will be asked for, in due time...

And one will be written, in due time.

Once I can think of a good story line, that is.

Hmm, exploration aside I dare think it's far from over with the Ratzis. Lots of ways integration can go pear-shaped, and the way you're writing this seems to hint at some splintering into multiple factions. Hardliners opposing integration, staunch isolationists, ruthless egalitarians that want to get as far away from the previous castes as possible. I see a lot of possibilities there. A helluva lot.

It's going to be interesting to see what they become. Culturally they don't sound like they have much, so will they imprint on nearby civilizations?

Annelise activated her shipboard comm. “Khaball to Captain! Ratzi leader is in a small ship at the rear of formation. Pass the word, follow the rainbow!” she shouted into the device.

"Follow the Rainbow!" Indeed ^^

Damned if I remember why I put it that way, but it fits, yes?

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