• Published 21st Mar 2019
  • 2,942 Views, 112 Comments

Power Rangers: Element Fury - Equestrian Defender

A group of teens are chosen to become the world's only hope against an ancient evil, using powerful Elemental Magic to become the Power Rangers: Element Fury!

  • ...

Episode 3: Fight As One

-Monday, March 23rd, 2019-
-Canterlot High School-

Sadly the team wasn't able to meet up for training on Sunday, as Soarin had to help his Uncle move into their new apartment, which Flash decided to help with. Not only that, but Twilight and Tempest needed to fill out some paperwork at the school while Thorax was... doing something at home (he never said.)

But they did all meet up at Sugarcube Corner, minus Sunset because she had another job interview, to just hang out and get to know each other a little more. While it was only for a few hours, they did manage to learn a few things about each other.

Surprisingly, the human Twilight didn't sing or dance like her Equestrian counterpart. Instead she played the violin and preferred classical music over pop, though she did also enjoy rock and roll (which she said was mostly because she hung out with Tempest so much.) Also, she hated tea but loved coffee. Her dream was to use her knowledge of science and engineering to create a clean and renewable energy source, one that could eventually replace fossil fuels.

Flash already knew a lot about Soarin, being best friends since they were kids. But the rest of the group found out that he lived with his Uncle Jetstream since he was seven (though he didn't say why, since that was kind of personal.) He also enjoyed cooking, comic books, video games, and riding his motorcycle. Honestly he didn't have a dream as of yet, but he wasn't bothered by it. He figured he'd probably find his calling sometime in the future.

Oh, and he loved making jokes. And puns. Especially puns. Leading to this moment.

"Don't doubt me guys," Soarin said with a smirk. "I know for a fact that I'm very, pun-ny."

Everyone groaned, with Tempest actually slamming her head onto their table. "Goddamnit Soarin."

Thorax was a fairly open book. Aside from running the Morphin Blog and having a fondness for insects (especially beetles, fittingly enough) he was a huge fan of anime (something he had in common with Soarin) and had what he jokingly called an "addiction to anything and everything sugary and sweet" (which explained why along with his school stuff, his backpack was also filled with candy.) He also liked to write stories in his free time, leading to his dream of wanting to be an author or screenwriter.

Tempest... was a bit more tight-lipped about anything involving her past or home life (though they did notice that she looked at Twilight when it was her turn) but she was nice enough to tell a few basic things about herself. Her favorite music was rock and roll, she didn't like bullies (especially snobby rich @$$holes like Suri Polomare) and she liked art (especially graffiti.)

Flash had told his new friends that his mother, Storm Sentry, was a lieutenant on the police force (something he and Twilight had in common, as both had a family member in law enforcement) and about his ten year old little brother, First Base. He also told them about his father, Fire Brigade, who had been a captain for the Canterlot City Fire Department before he contracted his leukemia. He liked multiple forms of music (though he leaned more towards rock, much like Tempest) and played the guitar in his free time. He did used to be part of a band, but they broke up a couple months ago. His dream was to either be a cop like his mother, or a firefighter like his father, which everyone thought was pretty cool. Soarin joked and said protecting and saving people must run in his family, which Flash admitted was pretty true.

After the exciting events on Saturday*, naturally the Power Rangers and the monster attacks would be the talk of the entire school. Everyone was asking the usual questions of:

"Who were these new Rangers?"

"Where did they come from?"

"What did the monsters want with Canterlot?"

"Who did the monsters take orders from?"

And many more questions that would more than likely never be answered.

It almost took all the attention away from the fact that the five Rainbooms were missing.


Which led to the very, very uncomfortable meeting Sunset and Flash were currently having with Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna.

"I appreciate you two coming to talk to us," Celestia said, taking a seat at her desk.

"No problem," Flash replied. Sunset didn't say anything, knowing what was coming.

"Let's get straight to the point," Luna stated. "We got a phone call from the parents/guardians of Rainbow Dash, Rarity Belle, Fluttershy Breeze, Pinkamena Diane Pie, and Jacqueline Apple."

"Who's Jacqueline Apple," Flash asked.

"That's Applejack," Sunset replied. "Jacqueline Apple is her real name. But she hates it so she took Applejack as her nickname."

"Got it. Sorry Vice Principal Luna, you were saying?"

"Apparently, their children haven't been seen or heard from since Friday afternoon, after they were all told that they would be having a sleepover at the Breeze's house."

"Something that I'm guessing you know about, Sunset," Celestia interjected. "Seeing as how Fluttershy's parents said that you waited all night for them, only for them to never show. The next morning, you promised that you'd look for them and find out what happened to them."

She nodded, remembering that promise. "Yeah, I remember."

"Well, seeing as how they're not here for class today, we're assuming that either you didn't find anything-"

"-or you did, and whatever happened to the Rainbooms involves magic," Luna finished. "Which would probably be why you haven't told their parents, or notified the proper authorities."

"And before you ask, Flash, the reason you're here is because Rainbow Dash's parents saw you and four other teenagers (coincidentally being our four new students joining our school today) and all of you left Canterlot Mall and headed off in the direction of the Everfree Forest," Celestia explained. "Which means you more than likely know what she knows."

Both Flash and Sunset had known this was going to happen, especially considering that Sunset's friends all had very supportive and loving families (Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's parents, Pinkie Pie's big sister Maud Pie, Rarity's Aunt Gem, and Applejack's grandmother, Granny Smith.) But they didn't think telling them the whole truth would be a good idea, since the more people who knew about their secret meant more chances for the wrong people to know. In this case the wrong people would be the press, the police, or the Ranger's own families. Flash knew for a fact that if his mother found out he was the Red Ranger she'd ground him, take his morpher, and more than likely blow the whistle on all the others. And then everything would snowball from there.

So after they swapped numbers and set up a private encrypted chatroom (courtesy of Twilight) they all came up with and memorized a cover story that would hopefully be enough to get the adults to back off, if only until they could actually get the Rainbooms awake again. "We found out that the Rainbooms had went into the Everfree Forest to help Fluttershy release some rabbits the animal shelter were caring for back into the wild," Sunset said, beginning their cover story. "We managed to find where they released the rabbits, and even found Fluttershy's phone."

"But aside from a few footprints from their shoes, there was no other clue to what happened to them," Flash continued. "No blood, no signs of any struggle, no evidence of any sort of foul play. For all intents and purposes, they just up and disappeared."

"So we searched around the area to see if they might've still been there, but we didn't find them." Sunset mentally prayed they'd buy this next part. "And then we were attacked by the same kinds of monsters that attacked the farmer's market yesterday."

Both Celestia's and Luna's eyes widened at that. "You kids were attacked?!"

"Yes," Flash replied. "They just came out of the woodwork and chased us out of the forest. But no one was hurt, and we didn't tell the cops because we figured they'd write it off as a prank call."

Luna couldn't fault the logic in that. "So, they showed up in the same area where your friends were?"

Sunset and Flash nodded. "By the time we got out of the forest and back to Canterlot, we found out that the same monsters attacked and got destroyed by a new team of Power Rangers. And we didn't tell any of the Rainbooms' families because we thought there might be a chance that they might show up yesterday or today." Sunset sighed. "But... they didn't."

Flash looked at the two women and said "I don't want to jump to conclusions, but the fact is those monsters jumped us in the same area where the Rainbooms disappeared while we were looking for them. And while they did attack us, they seemed more like they wanted to disable and capture us as oppose to kill us. I think it's highly likely that-"

Celestia held up her hand. "That's enough, Flash." She sighed. "Are you sure that's all you two know about what happened?"

Flash nodded, and Sunset gave a low "Yes."

If either of the two adults were suspicious of the two of them, they didn't show it. With nothing else to say, Celestia said "You two are excused. Oh, and if you would, could you two please show our new students around the school?"

"You think they bought that," Sunset asked Flash once they were out of the office and a few feet down the hall, hopefully out of earshot.

Flash nodded. "They should've. We didn't lay it on too thick, we kept eye contact, and we did everything we could to make it sound believable. Not only that, but we have an airtight alibi since we technically did come back into the city after the fight was over."

"Yeah, I guess."

Flash noticed her tone of voice. "You know we had to do that, Sunset."

"I know. I just... I kinda figured after what happened at the Fall Formal I wasn't going to be lying again anytime soon."

"I get that. But I seriously doubt they would be okay with five teenagers going out and saving the world in colorful costumes while piloting giant robots. And neither would the police. Or our families."

"Especially your incredibly overprotective mother. I highly doubt one of the best cops in Canterlot would be okay with her son being a vigilante."

Flash groaned, facepalming. "Don't remind me. She worries about me and First Base enough as it is. If she ever found out I was fighting monsters while simultaneously breaking many, many laws? She'd probably have a full on panic attack that would make her heart explode."

Eventually they reached the hall where Twilight, Soarin, Thorax and Tempest were. Twilight and Thorax was looking at something on Twilight's laptop, Soarin was reading a volume of some manga, and Tempest had her earbuds in and was tapping her foot to whatever song she was listening to. "So," Flash told the group as they arrived. "It looks like Sunset and I will be your tour guides for the day."

Nobody seemed surprised by that. Putting her laptop away, Twilight asked "Did the Principals buy our story?"

"It looks like it," Sunset replied. "But be sure to remember the cover story in case they call you in to confirm it."

"Jeez, you make it sound like we're being interrogated by the police," Soarin joked.

Tempest chuckled while she stashed away her earbuds. "Considering how you drive that motorcycle of yours? I have no problem believing you've spent time in handcuffs."

"I will neither confirm nor deny that statement."

Flash couldn't stop the small laugh from escaping his lips. "Anyway, let's get this tour started. First stop, our lockers."

As they walked, Thorax looked in his backpack and asked "You okay in there, Stag?"

Hiding under his spare hoodie, Stag poked his head up and said "I'm good."

"Be thankful you're not squashed between a math textbook and someone's gym shorts," Aquila said, her voice coming from Soarin's backpack.

"Guys, keep it down," Twilight whispered. "The last thing we need is someone wondering why voices are coming from our backpacks."


"Remind me again why you guys are keeping your shrunken down Zords in your backpacks," Sunset asked.

"Because they've spent the last 1500 years in a dusty old cave," Tempest replied, sticking a hand in her backpack and petting Bolt (more like tapping her Zord on the head with her finger, but it's the thought that counts.) "Figured they could use some fresh air."

"Problem is that we don't exactly blend in, so unless we're all alone without non-team members, we can't exactly walk around in public," Splash said, from Twilight's backpack.

"So this is the next best thing," Leo finished from Flash's backpack. "Plus, being stuck between a chemistry textbook and a bag of... Sweet and Spicy Chili Doritos is far better than staying in a cave gathering dust."

Soarin smirked and asked "So, you finally got over your addiction to Nacho Cheese?"

Flash rolled his eyes. "Nah. I just got hooked on another flavor." Once they reached the lockers, Flash noticed something. "Uh, Sunset?"

Sunset sighed when she saw her locker, marked with a message of DIE SHE-DEMON! scrawled in permanent marker. "You know, you'd think after I saved the school and possibly the world from the Sirens, EVERYONE would've let this thing go by now."

Tempest shrugged. "Some people can hold grudges that last forever. Trust me on that one."

She didn't answer, instead choosing to open her locker and pulling out what she needed for her next few classes, she asked "So, are we heading back to 'that place' after school?"

Everyone nodded. "Yeah, we're hoping to at least get some basic training for our elements before the next monster attack," Twilight replied. She then promptly facepalmed and added "And now that I said that, I've probably just jinxed us and our next monster attack is probably going to be sometime today."

"Let's hope we can at least cover the basics before the King sends one over to our dimension," Thorax said. He then looked and asked "Hey, am I the only one who noticed all of our lockers are next to each other?"

It was true. From right to left was Flash's locker, followed by Twilight's, Soarin's, Thorax's, and Tempest's lockers all side by side. Sunset's was in the same row, but there was an empty locker in between her's and Tempest's. "Huh. Weird coincidence," Soarin commented.

Or is it? Sunset mused with a smile.

-The Dark Dimension-
-Inside the Castle of Shadows-

"My disappointment at this turn of events, cannot be overstated."

Nevermore and Blast Radius both shuddered at their King's words, knowing that despite how calm his voice sounder, their King was anything but. If the sparks of black and purple lightning were anything to go by, he was annoyed at best, and angry at worst.

"I understand, my Lord," Nevermore stated.

"The longer those five meddlesome brats are allowed to live whilst the Gems are bonded to them, the more powerful they will become. It's possible that with enough time they could grow powerful enough to become a legitimate threat to us."

"Well, for Nevermore and I, perhaps," Blast Radius quickly said. "But surely you, my Lord, would forever be beyond their abilities."

"I probably would be, Blast Radius, if I happened to have a BODY, as well as the full extent of my powers. But as I am now, if the Rangers were to get into this room and shatter this tube, my energy and consciousness would be scattered so far across this dimension that I may never be able to pull myself together again." A few more sparks flashed in his tube, and he continued "Did Skullossus at least manage to generate enough fear to justify using the Shadow Resurrection?"

Both Blast Radius and Nevermore nodded. "He has generated a substantial amount of fear, my Lord," Nevermore stated. "Enough for us to replace the Pawns we lost and be able to perform another Shadow Resurrection."

"However, if we are to create for you a new body," Blast Radius explained "then we are going to need more. Far more."

A sigh sounded from the tube, and the King said "I assumed as much. Do we have another monster ready to send out?"

"They're getting prepped as we speak," Blast Radius answered. "And they've been given clear instructions: Cause fear among the humans first and foremost, and to destroy the Rangers when they try to interfere and bring us back the Gems."

"And while they're doing that, I shall be scouring the city for any signs of the Gem of Steel and the Gem of Light, incognito," Nevermore added.

Very well. Who are you sending?

Blast Radius smiled. "Let's just say his love for causing fear among the humans is second only to his love of sharp objects."

-Clover's Cave: Medical Room-
-After School that day-

Clover looked at the healing chambers, running multiple scanning spells on the five Rainbooms to try and figure out how to lift the spell that was keeping them comatose.

It wasn't going anywhere. No matter what counter-spell or method she tried, the spell that Nevermore had placed on the Rainbooms persisted. In some cases, it rejected her counter-spells rather violently, creating shockwaves that sent her across the room (which was why she was now wearing a protective vest and a football helmet.) She sighed and said "I'm going to have to look through my books again." There was a sudden knock on the door, to which she said "It's open."

The door slid open to reveal Sunset Shimmer, who blinked when she saw Clover. "Is... now a bad time?"

She shook her head, taking off her helmet and letting her green hair fall out. "No. This is just because the last counter-spell I tried on them bounced back, and I would like to keep my ribs and spine intact."

Sunset nodded in understanding. "Well, the Rangers are here and ready for training."

"I'll be right out," she replied, slipping out of the vest. She saw that Sunset hadn't exited the room and asked "Something on your mind, Sunset?"

She nodded and asked "How's it been going with them?"

"The Rainbooms?" Seeing Sunset nod, Clover replied "Well, the healing chambers are keeping their bodies stable for now courtesy of the built in stasis spells. They managed to keep my alive all this time while I healed, and negated my need for food, water, or... bathroom breaks."


"Sorry." Clover sighed. "The problem though is that whatever Nevermore use on them is either immune to or completely rebuffing all of my attempts. I've tried almost every counter-spell I can think of and it did absolutely nothing, and trying to connect to their minds in any way only serves to give me a splitting headache." She groaned and said "I'm running out of ideas, and sadly I'm no closer to figuring out this puzzle since when I started."

Sunset looked at the Rainbooms, worry evident on her face. "Have you ever seen a spell like this before?"

Clover thought about it for a second, and replied "Similar spells, yes. But most of them were to put a patient in a controlled coma before surgery. Not to put them into a sleep-like state for what I presume to be forever."

She thought about it for a second, before saying "Maybe I should write to Twilight."

"You mean Princess Twilight?"

It was there for just a moment, but Clover could swear she saw a slight blush on Sunset's cheeks. "Yeah. That Twilight. I figure she might be able to find a book in the archives or something about this."

Clover nodded. "Couldn't hurt to try. Because frankly, outside of leaving them in there and hoping the spell wears off (which I don't think is likely since it was cast by villains,) I'm about out of ideas." Running a hand through her hair she said "In the meantime, I've got five highly energetic teenagers to teach magic to."

As she left, Sunset reached into her backpack and pulled out the magic journal Princess Twilight gave her. "I just hope she's not at another political summit again." Pulling out a pen she began to write Dear Princess Twilight...

-Downtown Canterlot-

In an alleyway behind an abandoned building all was quiet, until a black portal appeared and scattered a bunch of discarded newspapers and old garbage.

From the portal emerged two monsters. One was Nevermore, still in his monster form. The other was a rather, peculiar looking monster.

For starters he was a head taller than Nevermore and with a body that seemed to be made completely out of rusty blades, with a few protruding out of his shoulders, arms, legs, and back. The only part of his body that wasn't silver or rusty-brown was his glowing yellow eyes. He flexed his four fingered hands and said "Okay, what do I cut up first?"

Nevermore rolled his eyes and replied "Anything. As long as there's humans around so we can harvest their fear, Razor. In the meantime..."

His body seemed to turn into black liquid, before reshaping into a more human looking form.

The result was a pale-skinned man with long, shaggy black hair and sickly yellow eyes. He clothes were almost entirely black; his boots, jeans, and t-shirt were all jet black, along with his trenchcoat. There was some gold on the front of his coat, along with a gold necklace around his neck with a large black stone. He pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them over his eyes, and said "I have Gems to find. Have fun."

Razor laughed before one of his fingers elongated into a three foot long blade, which he promptly slashed horizontally down a trash can. It stood still for a moment before both sides fell apart, the blade having cut through the (thankfully empty) trash can like it was made of butter. "Oh, you know I'm gonna have fun!"

Flash shook his head, shaking off the fuzziness he was feeling. "Please tell me we're done now."

Clover nodded. "Yeah. You can go sit down now."

Flash sat down in a chair next to the other Rangers, all of them feeling a bit dizzy or disoriented. Why?

Well, the five Rangers and Clover were discussing their training regimen when Thorax pointed something out. He had been looking through his blog when he noticed that in the past, several teams of Rangers had dealt with either one of their members or almost all of their members being mind controlled or had their minds screwed with, either by a monster or the Big Bad themselves. Some prominent examples included the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger, the White Dinothunder Ranger, and the Jungle Fury Spirit Rangers; all of whom had fought the then-current teams of Power Rangers and had done a good job of kicking their asses. Soarin even pointed out that it wasn't just the Power Rangers. Superheroes in comics or characters in manga were always getting mind-controlled or possessed, usually forced to do horrible crimes and/or fighting their own friends.

And considering what happened during the Fall Formal (where the majority of the school save for Princess Twilight and the Rainbooms were mind controlled by the transformed Sunset Shimmer) and the Battle of the Bands (where the singing by the Siren Sisters made everyone except the Rainbooms (again) so angry they were about ready to tear each other apart) Thorax thought that maybe it might be a good idea for Clover to put some spells/enchantments/wards to make sure that none of their future enemies could mess with their heads.**

Everyone agreed, with Flash being the most supportive of this since he was subjected to having his brain messed with during both events, and he was understandably NOT eager to repeat the experiences. Not only that but outside of sparring with each other or fighting evil clones of themselves (hey, it could happen) they really did not want to fight each other.

And thus they spent the last half hour having Clover put protective spells and wards on them that would protect them from multiple forms of mind magic; be it a monster taking control of their minds, having their emotional states altered to make them angry, sad, depressed, or enraged (which thankfully included the Siren's Songs) having their minds swapped with a monster's, having their memories erased***, et cetera.

Having gotten her bearings back, Twilight asked "So, you're sure these wards will work?"

Clover nodded. "I've cast these spells plenty of times before back in Equestria. They always worked then, and unless one of the monsters has telepathic abilities on par or even stronger than Professor X or the Martian Manhunter, you'll be fine."

"Well, I don't think we're gonna be crossing over with Marvel or DC anytime soon," Soarin replied, standing up and stretching. "But did you really have to cast a ward on us that would make sure a demon or evil spirit wouldn't possess our souls?"

"Like Thorax and Flash said, better safe than sorry. And considering the King of Shadows has had a millennium and a half to find the meanest monsters in The Dark Dimension to build up his army, there's no telling what kind of freaks and freaky abilities he's got to throw at us."

"Yeah," Tempest admitted. "I wouldn't put it past him to have some sort of body-snatching monster."

"So now that that's over, how about we get to training," Flash asked, getting back to his feet.

Clover nodded. "First things first, have you guy tried to use your magic ever since your battle with Skullossus?"

They all shook their heads, with Soarin saying "Last thing I wanted was to have the apartment we just moved into torn apart by a tornado."

"That was probably the smartest move you could've made." Clover said. "While Elemental Magic isn't necessarily the most powerful magic there is, you're still dealing with the forces of nature. If you guys tried a spell and you lost control, the results could be disastrous. Fortunately, that's what this training is for. So, let's get started-"

She was then cut off by the monster alarms going off. "Right after you guys deal with this monster."

They rushed to the computers to see what was going on, and to their surprise the scanners were picking up two alerts. One was a monster made out of blades (AKA Razor, not that they knew his name) and a group of Pawns tearing through the downtown area.

But the other one was a bit confusing, since all they saw was a pale-skinned guy mostly dressed in black walking through a different section of downtown. He wasn't attacking anyone or anything, but he did seem to be looking for something. "Um, unless that guy is a vampire or a werewolf, I don't think he's a monster," Soarin pointed out.

"Looks can be deceiving," Flash replied. "The Sirens look human enough, but give them enough magical power and they reveal their true monster forms."

"And from what you said, they were a pain in the ass before that happened," Tempest stated. "Still, why would they send this guy out when they've already got Mister Blades going to town?"

"That's easy," Thorax explained. "'Mister Blades' and the Pawns are causing havoc that will no doubt draw our attention, while the other guy who looks like a human can go out and about and hunt for the Gem of Steel and the Gem of Light."

"Probably a good thing," Twilight mentioned. "According to this, the human looking monster apparently has a low magical signature. Probably wouldn't last long in a fight."

"Let's not take any chances though," Flash cut in. "Weak or not, if he finds the Steel or Light Gems then the King of Shadows can use it to his advantage. And that's the last thing anybody wants."

Clover nodded. "Flash is right. I think the best course of action would be for you to split into two teams; one goes to deal with the blade monster while the other deals with the one searching for the Gems."

"We'd probably only need one of us to deal with the human monster," Flash stated. "I'll take him."

"Are you sure that's a good idea," Thorax asked.

Twilight nodded. "Yeah. Maybe one of us should go with you?"

Flash shook his head. "Not a good idea. With all those Pawns and that monster tearing up Downtown, more Rangers should be there dealing with them rather than joining me in destroying or driving off the weaker monster."

They couldn't really argue with that, so they all headed towards the teleport platform.


Razor and the Pawns marched through the town, sending the citizens running away for safety. While the Pawns didn't have any facial expressions to be seen, Razor was having an absolute blast. "This is the most fun I've had in centuries!"

To prove his point, he extended one of his claws, which began to glow. He then swiped it downwards, unleashing a crescent wave of energy that cleanly sliced a (thankfully) empty car in half, right before it exploded which made even more humans cry out in terror. He let loose an evil cackle before looking at the Pawns and he yelled "Come on boys! Make these humans scream! Make them feel terror! The more fear they feel, the more fuel for the King!"

Meanwhile behind a dumpster, all the Rangers except for Flash were listening in on what he was saying. Twilight in particular was relaying the conversation to Flash to keep him looped in, as well as Clover and Sunset back at the cave. "'The more fear they feel, the more fuel for the King'," Twilight echoed. "Clover, what does he mean by that?"

"I've got a theory about that, but it's nothing good," Clover replied. "In the meantime, take that monster down!"

Tempest cracked her knuckles. "Now this is the kind of after-school activity I could really get into."

Thorax peeked over the top of the dumpster and stated "Coast is clear save for the monsters."

"Then let's go," Soarin replied, jumping out from behind the dumpster and running forward, much to the other's surprise.

Which for Tempest quickly turned to annoyance as she dashed out after him. "HEY! Leeroy Jenkins, wait up!"

"Keep up, slowpoke!"


Twilight and Thorax followed the two, Thorax asking "You think those two are gonna be able to get along?"

"They managed to do it before," Twilight replied. "But didn't all the Ranger teams have to work on being, you know, teams?"

It was at that moment they arrived to Razor and the Pawns. "Hold that thought," Thorax said.

Because at that moment Soarin yelled at the monster "HEY RUSTBUCKET!"

Razor turned towards Soarin, seeing all four of the Rangers standing there ready to fight. He focused on Soarin and replied "Well, if it isn't the Power Rangers. You saved me the trouble of having to- HEY! WHO YOU CALLING RUSTBUCKET!"

"You, stupid," Tempest replied, enjoying the growl from the monster.

Frustrated, the monster extended his claws and yelled "It's Razor!"

He brought his claws down on a car beside him, slicing it into multiple pieces, widening the eyes of the four of them. "Definitely gonna want to avoid those," Twilight stated.

"I think we figured that out, Twi," Thorax muttered, pulling up the sleeve of his hoodie to reveal his morpher. "Ready?"

The other three replied "Ready!" and readied their own morphers.

"Water Fury!"

"Wind Fury!"

"Earth Fury!"

"Lightning Fury!"


Now fully morphed, the Power Rangers drew their E-Raisers, ready to fight.

Razor growled, pointing one of his elongated claws at them. "GET THEM!"

The Pawns charged forward, as did the Rangers, and the fight was on!

Meanwhile, Flash was following the human looking monster, doing his best to stay out of his line of sight. If he noticed Flash following him, he didn't show it. So far the monster had been looking around several construction sites, a steel mill on the far side of town, before coming closer to the downtown area near a construction site where a company was building a skyscraper. The building itself was half-finished, with all the workers having gone home for the day, so there was no one around.

Which was why no one stopped him when he hopped over the fence and into the site. Flash waited a few minutes before opting to take the stealthier option of climbing the fence.

Landing as quietly as he could on the other side, he looked and saw that his quarry... was gone. "Huh? Where'd he go?"

"Closer than you think."

Flash whirled around, and was immediately sent flying by a backhanded blow from the humanoid monster. As he collided with a support beam and felt whole spasms of pain go up his spine, he groaned "Well, if there was any doubt you weren't a monster, it's gone now."

The monster man laughed. "Ah, the Red Ranger. So good to see you again."

Confused, Flash asked "Have we met?"

"Perhaps this will jog your memory."

The monster man then reached into his shadow, his hand literally sinking into it like it wasn't there, and pulled out a very familiar black and gold katana. "Oh, crap. Nevermore?"

"Of course," Nevermore laughed out before dashing forward with his sword raised, preparing to slice Flash in half vertically.

Fortunately he was just fast enough to summon his Pyro Saber and block the strike, the two swords creating sparks where they hit. Flash grunted due to Nevermore's strength, but he managed to say "So, how exactly did you manage to hide your true power? What we got on our sensors was a lot weaker than what you're capable of."

"Oh, your sensors found me? And here I thought I was keeping my power suppressed."

Breaking the blade lock, Flash went on the offensive and tried to strike him, only for Nevermore to block the attack without any issue. "Come now. I have several millennia of sword training and combat experience. You on the other hand, have only had that sword for... 2 days, I'm guessing?"

Flash growled as he pushed back against Nevermore's attack. "You know, Skullossus said the same thing about having 'centuries' of combat experience. And guess what? We still beat him."

Nevermore laughed. "Despite his proclamations, Skullossus was one of our weakest monsters. I, on the other hand?"

Before Flash could blink, Nevermore broke the blade lock and lashed out with a kick that struck him in the chest and sent him flying across the site again. He quickly got back to his feet, just in time to see Nevermore's body glow back before transforming into his traditional monster form. "I am the King of Shadow's top lieutenant, the Right Hand of the Dark Lord himself. You are but a small candle's flame compared to my power."

Flash chuckled, readying his morpher. "Well, even a small candle's flame can dispel the darkness. Fire Fury! Engage!"

Now morphed, Flash stood at the ready with his Pyro Saber. "It doesn't matter how strong you are, Birdbrain. We will defeat your monsters. We will defeat you. We'll fix whatever you did to the Rainbooms. And then we're going to dethrone that King of your's once and for all."

Smirking, Nevermore readied his own sword. "Bold words. Let's see you back them up."

And with that, the two of them began their duel.

Soarin blasted another Pawn away with the Cyclone Crossbow, the foot soldier fading away once it hit the ground. Another Pawn tried to get him from behind, but he pulled off a similar spin like he did in the Everfree Forest, kicking up a miniature tornado. Think I'll call that one my Tornado Spin he thought. He was jarred out of his thoughts as the Pawn was sent flying into a group of his cohorts, knocking them over. Before they could get back up he fired off a Tornado Grenade and sent them all flying and fading away. With no more Pawns around him he said "Hey Tempest! That's ten for me!"

Tempest twirled his Storm Spear before impaling a Pawn and firing a lightning bolt through it and striking another one. Both faded away as she saw four more Pawns all rushing at her at the same time. She felt the lightning inside of her, pink sparks appearing around her body as the Pawns seemed to be slowing down to the point they moved in slow-motion. Taking advantage of this she pressed her attack and unleashed a series of lightning fast slashes with her weapon, and feeling immense satisfaction as she watched the Pawns fall apart in slo-mo. "Sorry boys. You're too slow." Looking at Soarin she added "Thirteen for me, Airhead."

"Huh. You didn't strike me as having lightning fast reflexes."

Every Ranger that heard that groaned. "Can the chatter, and the jokes, please," Twilight said as she fired off a Water Blade through a Pawn before spinning and slashing an arm off of another. The Pawn surprisingly didn't react to it, only to notice its stump and that its sword was now on the ground. Fortunately Twilight sliced its head off before it could reach down to grab it. Hearing a scream, she turned to see a group of Pawns about to attack a woman and her baby on the other side of a fountain. Without any hesitation she jumped over the fountain, and the water inside of the fountain's pool raised itself up into the air to create a platform for Twilight, which she jumped off of like it was a solid surface. While in midair she fired off several Water Blades, destroying all of the Pawns except one. The last Pawn quickly met its end when Twilight landed on it, stabbing right through it with the Hydro Slicer. Once she landed she looked to the mother and asked "Are you okay?"

The woman nodded. "Y-yes. Thank you, miss."

Twilight smiled behind her helmet. "That's great. You two get somewhere safe." Once they ran off Twilight said "Thorax, you almost done with your Pawns?"

"Working on it!"

Thorax cleaved through three Pawns with a single swing of his Quake Ax, grabbing the sword from one of the fading ones and throwing it, impaling another Pawn to a nearby wall. He then looked around and saw that he was surrounded by roughly six Pawns all charging him from multiple angles. Instead of panicking or trying to dodge, Thorax instead leaped up into the air, raising his fist up before letting himself fall down. As his feet touched the ground he slammed his fist down, sending a shockwave that cracked the ground and sent all six Pawns up into the air. He then quickly spun around and swung his Quake Ax, either cutting or knocking the Pawns away. The ones he cut immediately faded into nothingness, while the ones he knocked away ended up fading too (either because Thorax's strength was too much for them to handle, or because they hit something that broke them.) "And now I'm done." Looking around he asked "Did anybody see where the walking razor blade went?"

Everyone looked around and saw the aforementioned monster had decided to make himself scarce."Oh come on," Tempest grumbled. "Is this just their M.O.? Use the Pawns to keep us distracted while they run off to go destroy something?"

"Maybe he's just scared after we turned that bonehead Skullossus into dog treats," Soarin suggested. "Clover, Sunset, you guys wanna help us find that guy so we can send him to the recycling center?"

"Please," Twilight added.

"Already started tracking him after you guys morphed," Sunset replied. "The walking-tetanus factory is heading towards the Seven/Eleven right next to Spark Plug's Auto Shop."

Everyone paled at the implications of that. "If he were to start a fire at that gas station-" Thorax began.

"Let's make sure he doesn't get that far," Tempest stated.

As they ran off towards the Seven/Eleven, Soarin hit the communicator on his morpher. "Flash, where are you? We could really use your help."

"I'm a little busy at the moment!"

Flash had been under the initial assumption that being morphed would give him the strength, speed, and power to take down Nevermore relatively quickly. He had been proven wrong in those regards, and had been dueling with Nevermore for the past five minutes unable to land a single blow. Every strike of his sword was deflected or sidestepped, and the one time he tried using a Blazing Slash Nevermore simply destroyed it with is sword. He tried shooting a jet of flame at him, but the bird monster simply tanked it with only a few singed feathers.

The most frustrating part was that Flash knew Nevermore was holding back his true power, probably just to toy with him. Locking blades with him again, he asked "Are you even taking this seriously?"

Nevermore smirked. "No. Admittedly while you've shown some promise and a hint of skill, you're hardly worth me using more than five percent of my true power."

Flash grit his teeth, growling as he felt his anger rising. He broke the blade lock and slashed at his opponent, and to his and Nevermore's surprise crimson flames suddenly coated the Pyro Saber.

And even more surprising was Flash's attack breaking through Nevermore's defense and slashing right across the left side of his face, eliciting a roar of pain and several curses from the crow monster. Flash looked at his now flaming sword and said "Huh. That's new." Looking at Nevermore clutching the side of his face he asked "So, am I still not worth the effort?"

A low growl emanated from Nevermore before he removed his hands from his face, allowing Flash to see the damage. The entire left side of his face was seriously burned, with the left eye pretty much nothing but ash. "You are going pay for that, you insufferable child."

As he said that his katana began to glow black, the blade extending from its original length to almost six feet.

Flash reiterated his earlier statement. "Oh, crap." Hope the other Rangers are having better luck than I am.

Razor grinned evilly as he saw his target in the distance. "What better way to spread some fear than with a blazing fire followed by a nice big boom," he said aloud.

He took a step forward, only to be struck by a bolt of pink lightning, making him stop and spasm.

The bolt was courtesy of Tempest Shadow, who quickly put herself between Razor an the gas station. "Sorry Rusty, but we're not letting you go any further."

Razor growled and moved to strike her, only to be blasted by a shot from Soarin, followed up by a Water Blade from Twilight. "GRR! Anyone else wanna take a shot at me?!"

He felt a tap on his shoulder, and he turned around to see Thorax holding his Quake Ax poised to swing. "Batter up!"

He swung for home, slamming his ax into Razor's side and sending him flying into the side of a garbage truck. The force of the swing was actually hard enough that he smashed through the side of it and collided with the other side. Soarin whistled and said "It's a home run! The crowd goes wild as Thorax Beetles scores one for the home team!"

Tempest facepalmed at that. "Okay, seriously Soarin. Do you ever shut up?"

"Only when I'm sleeping," he replied.

"Well if you need a nap-"

Thorax looked at the garbage truck as it suddenly rocked and said "Guys, maybe wait until after we take out the walking pile of rust before we-"

The words died in his throat as Razor's elongated claws tore through the side of the truck, quickly followed by the other one. With a horrendous sound of tearing metal the monster forced his way out of the garbage truck, glaring hatefully at the Rangers. "I! AM NOT! RUSTY!"

"Really," Twilight asked. "Because I'm seeing some pretty obvious signs of rust on your armor."

That was the wrong thing to say, as Razor let loose a roar of rage, elongating his claws and yelling "AIR CLAWS!" before unleashing multiple energy waves that cut through the concrete sidewalk, the road, and several cars. The Rangers all got hit and sent flying, their suits protecting them and making sure they didn't get cut in half. Landing most ungracefully on the ground, they struggled back to their feet to keep fighting. "Okay, this guy is clearly a lot stronger than we thought," Tempest groaned out.

Thorax nodded. "We could really use some help right now."

"Not help," Twilight said. "We need Flash. We were only able to beat Skullossus because all five of us were there."

"Hate to be the bearer of bad news," Soarin answered, firing his Cyclone Crossbow and nailing Razor in the chest "but that human monster Flash was tailing turned out to be Nevermore, who he's currently sword-fighting with." He ducked, dodging another energy wave, and added "I seriously doubt Birdbrain's just going to let him run and come help us."

"A sentiment I unfortunately have to agree with, old bud," Flash replied on their communicators. "Especially cause I kinda burned half of his face extra crispy and- AH!"

There was the sound of something very heavy slamming onto the ground. "What was that," Tempest asked.

The hook of a crane. He lead me to a half-finished skyscraper a few blocks away from you guys. I could probably get to you guys in about five minutes if I could get this guy off my back.

Soarin snapped his fingers and said "Flash, remember when Smokescreen and his goonies cornered us behind the Cloudsdale Arcade?"

"Yeah. We barely got away from those morons. Though to be fair I did kind piss them off when I kicked Smokescreen in the- Soarin, you're a genius!"

"Thanks man. I try."

"You guys try and hold out for a few more minutes. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Another Air Claw slice through the mailbox beside Thorax, who replied "Make it sooner. Please."


"Believe me, I'm trying."

Flash broke the blade lock, sidestepping a thrust from Nevermore while attempting to strike his back, but Never once again countered his attack. Honestly, he was surprised that the monster was still able to put up such a good fight despite his new lack of depth perception.

It didn't help that the blade of his katana was now able to extend itself; the few times Flash put some distance between himself and Nevermore to try and launch a Blazing Slash, Nevermore would swipe at him and his sword would glow black and then grow to absolutely insane lengths (the record so far that Flash had noticed was at least ten and a half feet) and would cut through just about anything. Solid steel girders, a dump truck, and the cable holding a crane's hook.

The problem with trying to get in close to attack him was that since Nevermore decided to up his game, he was now fighting faster and stronger than he had been earlier, and Flash was struggling to try and match him. I really hope this works.\

Flash ducked under an attempted thrust and began a series of strikes and attacks, Nevermore blocking each and every one. Sparks flew form their blades whenever they clashed, until finally they locked blades again while glaring at each other. Nevermore growled "Surely, you realize you can't beat me."

Grunting with the effort, Flash replied "Maybe. But you never know. We humans are full of surprises."

"Like what?"

He smirked, thankful the helmet concealed it. "Like this!"

And before Nevermore could understand what was happening, Flash brought his knee up...

...right into Nevermore's crotch.

Now Flash wasn't an expert in monster anatomy, but he reasoned that since Nevermore and the other monsters he'd seen had been relatively humanoid, then they would have something in that area.

And if the incredibly pained look in Nevermore's eyes was any indication, he was right.

Taking advantage of that, Flash headbutted the monster and making him stumble backwards into a pile of sandbags. "Sorry to cut this short, Birdbrain, but my friends need me." Flash then fired a Blazing Slash that struck him full on in the chest, creating a small explosion and a bunch of smoke.

Not waiting to see if Nevermore survived that (honestly he wouldn't be surprised by that) Flash ran and leapt over the fence and booked it towards where the other Rangers were fighting Razor. "How you guys holding up," he asked on his communicator.

"Not that great," Tempest replied.

"Rustbucket's gone completely crazy!"


The past few minutes for the Rangers had not gone well. Their attempts to attack with their individual weapons had done little to no damage aside from scratching Razor's armor. This in turn made Razor angrier, elongating his claws and launching Air Claws everywhere, most of them missing the Rangers but striking just about everything else (fortunately their weren't any civilians around, so nobody except for the Rangers got hurt.)

Soarin fired another shot from his Cyclone Crossbow and asked "Where'd this idiot learn to shoot? The Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy?****"

"Don't jinx it," Twilight admonished.

Thorax, who had managed to sneak up behind Razor, struck him across the back with the Quake Ax. But while it knocked him forward, it still didn't break through his armor. "Well, his back armor's as strong as his front armor."

Razor whirled around and yelled "I could've told you that, moron!" before slashing Thorax across the chest and sending him flying into a car.

Before he could follow up on that, Tempest used her Storm Spear to pole vault and kick Razor in the face. She then started slashing and stabbing at the monster, trying to find a gap or hole in his armor that could serve as a weakspot. But sadly it was to no avail, and Razor endured her onslaught for roughly a minute before unleashing a spread of four Air Claws that struck her point blank, sending her flying through a window into a building. "I'm okay," she called.

"You won't be for long," Razor responded, his elongated claws glowing bright silver. "Let's see what happens when I chop up that building while you're inside of it!"


A crescent wave of fire slammed into his side, setting him partially on fire. He growled and turned in the direction it came from, seeing Flash standing there. "You're done hurting my friends, monster."

Razor laughed as the fire started to burn out. "Your friends couldn't scratch me. What makes you think you can?"

Flash smirked behind his helmet. "Not me, tinhead." The other Rangers lined up on either side of him, all readying their weapons. "Us. Five Rangers, fighting as one."

He scoffed at that, his elongated claws glowing bright blue. "Like one more's gonna change anything. AIR CLAWS!"

As Razor launched the slicing energy waves, the Rangers launched their own attacks to counter them. "BLAZING SLASH!"





All of the attacks collided, cancelling each other out with several bright flashes. "If that's all the five of you got, then this'll be-" Razor began, only to balk once the flashes died down and saw the Rangers holding a fully formed Fury Cannon that was aimed right at him.

"No," Flash admitted. "But this is!"

Before he could fire off another Air Claw, the Rangers yelled "FIRE FURY BLAST, ENGAGE!"

The Fury Cannon launched the massive blast of fire, striking Razor head on. While his armor had been able to withstand the Rangers' individual attacks, the full power of the Fury Cannon was too much to handle, partially melting his armor as the attack drilled into him before exploding.

Once it died down, Razor weakly growled "That was a lucky shot." before falling forward and exploding into black energy like Skullossus had.

Blast Radius sighed as he watched Razor die. "Well, today's certainly turning out to be a bummer," he muttered. "Nevermore's been injured and we lost another monster."

"Let's hope we can at least salvage this moment," the King of Shadows said from his tube. "Resurrect him. "

He nodded, pointing his staff at the rune circle as his eyes became black smoke again. "SHADOW RESURRECTION!"

Back in the real world, the Rangers witnessed the beam of shadow magic that remade Razor and grew him into a giant. "OH, IT'S GOOD TO BE BACK," he yelled.

Soarin looked at Flash and said "I think it's time for some heavy metal."

"Amen to that," Flash replied. "Leo?"

The Zords appeared in front of the Rangers. "You rang," Leo asked.

"As a matter-of-fact, we did," Twilight stated, pointing at the giant Razor. "It's time we take that guy to the scrapyard."

"Then what are we waiting for," Bolt happily said, wagging her tail. "LET'S GO!"


Razor growled when he saw the fully formed Element Fury Megazord standing across from him. "You think that wannabe Gundam of yours' can hurt me," he asked before he charged at them with his claws extended. "Think again!"

"Wrong franchise, moron," Soarin replied from his console. "And as for us hurting you, how about you try this?"

The Megazord reared its right fist, before throwing it forward and smashing Razor in the side of the face with a perfect right hook. "OW!" He snarled before swiping at the Megazord, sparks flying as his claws glanced across the lion head on the chest.

Inside the Rangers were all jostled around as the whole Megazord shook from the impact. "Jeez, this guy's a lot tougher than the last guy," Tempest noted.

"Noticed," Thorax replied, holding onto his controls.

Razor roared, grabbing onto the Megazord's shoulder while using his free hand to continue slashing at the head and chest.

"This guy's not giving us an inch," Soarin said, trying in vain to get a punch in with the right arm.

"And we're too close to him to use the Elemental Stampede," Twilight stated.

Flash looked at his console before finding something useful. "Then let's get some distance."

He pushed a big red button and yelled "LION FIRE!"

On the outside of the Megazord, the mouth of the Lion Zord opened and a fire began to glow in its maw. Confused, Razor asked "What's that supposed to-"

Before he could finish a stream of fire shot out, striking him point blank and sending him flying, crashing down on the street.

"HA! Bullseye!" Looking at Twilight he asked "We far enough away now?"

She nodded. "Yep."

"Then let's finish it!"

As Razor got back to his feet, he saw the Megazord segments glowing and charging at him. "Oh, come on!"


The five Element-enhanced Zords slammed into Razor, reforming into the Megazord behind him. Defeated, he started sparking before falling forward, saying "Looks like I'm heading to that recycling plant in the sky" before hitting the ground and exploding.

Flash sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "Elements Together, Rangers Forever."

Nevermore growled as he looked at his reflection in the mirror.

Specifically at the bandages covering the burnt half of his face.

The spot where that damned Red Ranger had struck him.

The mere memory of it was enough to make him draw his katana in a fit of rage and slash it through the nearest object, which happened to be one of the black pillars in the room, cutting through it like it was butter.

"You know, you keep cutting through those pillars and you're going to make the 2nd floor the 1st floor."

He turned to see Blast Radius standing there, having just come into the room. Taking a deep breath he replied "Sorry. I'm merely... venting my anger."

"At having half of your face burnt or at getting kneed in your cajones?"

Nevermore grit his teeth. "At the fact that I was humiliated, by a rank amateur with a sword."

"Well, maybe next time you won't underestimate your opponent."

"He got lucky," he growled, tightening his grip on his sword so much Blast Radius was surprised his hand wasn't bleeding. "He won't be next time."

"So," Clover said "what did we learn today?"

It was after their fight with Razor and now the Rangers were back in the cave, resting and digesting what had happened.

"The monsters are a lot stronger than we thought they were," Twilight guessed.

"Some of the monsters can hide how strong they really are," Tempest added.

Thorax chimed in with "And shapeshift."

Clover nodded. "All good points. But not what I was looking for."

"We're stronger when we're together, rather than when we're alone," Flash said.

"Bingo. You guys may be strong on your own. But together, as a team, you guys can take down anything."

Everyone nodded at that. "Still, you managed to do some damage to Nevermore by yourself, Flash," Soarin stated. "That was pretty cool."

"Yeah. Except if I hadn't took your advice and kept trying to fight him, he'd probably have killed me," Flash replied somberly. "As we are right now, Nevermore's too strong for any of us to take on 1 on 1. Hell, he didn't even use his full power on me, so I'm not even sure all five of us could take him down."

"Well, that's why you got me to train you guys," Clover said. "And now that the monster threat's been taken care of, we can finally get started on your first lesson."

Everyone's reactions were to either groan, sigh, roll their eyes, or a combination of the three. "Can't we do it tomorrow," Tempest asked exasperatedly.

Clover smirked. "Nope. No time like the present."

They all sighed, knowing she wasn't going to let it go.

Meanwhile in the Medical Room, Sunset had just gotten her reply from Princess Twilight via the Magic Journal.

She hadn't been able to find a specific book on sleeping spells or curses that could help the Rainbooms, but she did know a pony who specialized in that branch of magic and was more than willing to lend her aid. But she'd have to come over to the Human World to see what had happened to them so she'd be able to tell what had been done to them. If she can help then I say bring her over.

Okay then. It'll probably be a few days, her schedule's kind of packed.

Really? Who is this mare again?

Oh, I forgot to tell you! It's Princess Luna.

Sunset's eyes widened. Princess Luna? She's your specialist?

Yeah. Not only does she have several centuries of magical knowledge, but she also specializes in Mind Magic, Dream Magic, and Curses. Plus, she's been wanting to meet you for a while.

Sunset smirked. Gee, a former villain now reformed wants to meet another former villain now reformed. I wonder why she'd want to do that?

Ha ha. Very funny.

I try. See you soon.

See you.

There were a few footsteps, and Sunset turned to see Clover walking in. "So, how's the training going," she asked.

Clover smiled. "Pretty good. They're going through some basic exercises right now, summoning small amounts of their elements. I'm letting them practice that for now." Seeing the journal she asked "Did Princess Twilight find something?"

"Yeah. A specialist she thinks can help. But we're gonna need a cloak or something to hide her when she gets here."


"Because I'd really not have to explain why there's suddenly two Vice-Principal Luna's on campus."

Author's Note:

*Yeah, bit of an oopsie on my part from Chapter 2. I said that the events of the first two chapters occurred on a Saturday, but THEN I had Tempest and the group say they had school TOMORROW. Even though at the time, tomorrow would be Sunday, and while some schools do have school on Sunday, most American schools don't. So, oops.
So, bit of a minor retcon on my part.
**This has always been a plot line that I've never particularly enjoyed in any season of Power Rangers. Mind Control, emotional manipulation (Thank you, Sirens.) and body swapping. I don't know whether it's because it's happened in multiple episodes across multiple seasons and it's gotten kinda stale, or because I just really don't like it when a villain is easily able to mess with the minds of our heroes. It would make sense if the Ranger team doesn't have a mentor figure who's experienced in this stuff, but you'd think that Zordon or one of the other mentors would think to use items or enchantments to make sure a monster or the Big Bad wouldn't be able to screw with the Ranger's heads. Fortunately, that won't be happening here.
***Take that, Forgotten Friendship!
****Apply now and learn how to hit everything EXCEPT your target.

After a... Holy Cow! It's been over a year since I last wrote for this story. I'm not kidding, I published Chapter 1 on March 21st, 2019 and Chapter 2 a month later on April 1st, 2019 (and it was a serious chapter and not an April Fool's joke.) I am so sorry to all of you who have been patiently waiting for this story to continue. I am so sorry for making you wait this long.

Anyway, technically a sorta-filler episode having the Rangers bond and fight a monster. We'll get to more plot and character stuff next episode. Promise.

Also, if you didn't happen to read it on the preview page, we got a TVtropes page now, courtesy of SuperSonicHeroes. Thanks man.
Go check it out if you want.

Until then, Equestrian Defender, out!