• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.


Cliff, being a man of science, is busily working on a method of returning home.

But he also has a side project he tinkers with whenever he's not working on that, and today seems as good a day as any to give the thing a proper field test!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

You're stories are always delightful to read.

Yeah mate, when Rainbow's the voice of reason, something's not right with your plan. Buuut, on the other hand, jetpacks!

After your last story i was kind of expecting for someone to die at the end or something equally depressing... im still mad about that story BTW.


And it pretty much happened this way in the movie too. Well, I mean, there wasn't any ponies. Talking technicolor ponies. Or flying ponies really. But there was rockets! And a kickass bomber jacket plus a helmet that looked like a bucket with a fin and grills on it too!

If you want to get some idea of how Rainbow and Cliff felt:

That's fair. I've rather shot myself in the foot, I think, in that now people will always have that doubt in the back of their minds whether I'm about to do something terrible without warning.

Ah well.

No two-bit Nazis here, though.

I'm happy with this, someone intelligent actually took advantage of the cartoon physics and didn't go mad questioning it, instead, decided to follow one of man's greatest passions.

Make a jetpack and go like the Rocketeer.

Such a wholesome bud of romance and friendship brings joy to my heart :twilightsmile:

See, what he needs to do is bridge the gap between jetpack and wingsuit- if he could turn off the jet, spread his arms and legs, and glide, he could go farther with less fuel, relatively safely recover from a fall, and and enjoy the exhilirating feeling of falling with style.

It'd also probably give him a degree of control while jetting that he head rudder simply can't, but that's icing, honestly.

There are several available areas of improvement, really.

Personally I'd plump for a little laser mining thingy phase shifter beam so he can cut through brick walls to avoid the monsters that are after him.

I think I'm remembering that right...

Using an oscillation overthruster to take a shortcut through the eighth dimension is just asking for all kind of trouble.


Just have to watch out for the Red Lectroids

Awesome story, and twilight was plane adorkable :rainbowkiss:

This story is nice, it makes me feel nice.
Thank you, I needed that today.

being in a world of cartoon physics, he survives the fall, but because of those cartoon physics, something had to explode

And explode safely, for purely comedic effect.

Warning, Secondary effects might include: unexpected terrain damage, sudden skin pigmentation, hair loss, temporary flight and puns

and a pack of chewing gum, for unexpected fuel leaks

New human 'cause the last one's floating in space alone forever, I guess?


Also lighthearted tomfoolery. Never forget that.

Not forever, no. Just a while.

I'll never live that down...

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