• Published 14th Jun 2019
  • 3,004 Views, 263 Comments

Nightmare - Salty Alty

When a journalist set out to the Castle of the Two Sisters to seek inspiration, she took one wrong step and found something she never could've expected. Now host to a Nightmare, will she be able to keep her newfound secret without it consuming her?

  • ...

Chapter 1: Symbiosis (Revised)

I stepped off of the train, shivering a bit and nuzzling my scarf as the crisp winter air rolled off of my coat and licked at my fur, the faintest veneer of frost leaving its mark on me as I took a deep breath. I grinned as I exhaled, eyeing the small cloud of vapor that came out of my mouth, before laying my eyes on my destination, the not-so-sleepy town of Ponyville. Even with the world being tinted from the sunglasses I wore, it still looked as bright and cheery as it had always been.

Truth be told, it had grown a lot from the little hamlet Mom used to take me to when I was younger. Messy dirt paths had since been replaced with neatly cobbled roads, power lines now snaked their way around the town, and there'd even been a cell tower erected since my last visit.

But the overall spirit of the town hadn't changed a bit.

The joyful laughs and chuckles of foals that I remembered from my youth still filled the air as I took my first steps into Ponyville in what must have been a decade, and a warm melancholy filled my chest despite the biting cold.

"Oof!" I felt a slight impact on my side. Turning on my hooves to chew whoever it was out, I raised a hoof...

And came face-to-face with an obnoxiously pink earth pony, her bright blue eyes staring me dead in the eyes as every ounce of anger died in my throat.

"H-Hello? Can I uhh... Can I help you?"

Suddenly, she rose into the air, let out a huge gasp, and... flew away in a cloud of dust?

I sat there for a second, taking a moment to process whatever the buck it was that I'd just seen. "Whaaaat... the haaay?"

Shaking my head, I quickly scanned to see if she was still anywhere nearby, but came up with nothing. Taking a deep breath, I chuckled to myself and resumed walking through the town, brushing off the fearful looks some ponies gave me upon seeing my fangs. That came with the territory of being a Thestral, unfortunately. Hated by Griffons, hated by Pegasi... I did my best not to let it bother me. I shook that thought out of my head, continuing my traipse through town.

I found myself surprised by just how... unchanged the town was after all this time. Sure, many modern luxuries had made their way to the area through investments by the Rich family, but I found that it retained that cheerful, rural charm, despite everything.

Rummaging around in my coat, I retrieved a crumpled up photo of my destination, and resisted the urge to chuckle as the pun ran itself through my mind.

A literal treehouse.

Celestia knows who'd decided it was a good idea, but the Golden Oaks library had been around since anypony in Ponyville could remember. I remembered the fun little activities they would set up for the colts and fillies during the Summer Sun Celebration to keep us occupied, and how we would always get a piece of candy afterwards.

Good times.

Stuffing the picture back into my coat, I soon found myself in front of the large library, its branches barren and covered in snow, and a small amount of dim light peeked its way out of the windows. Perhaps the best way I could have described it was that it was the textbook definition of "homely".

I gently pushed open the door, the bell above the door gently ringing as I swiped my glasses off with a wing. "Heya, Miss Lesson! Long time no s-" I stopped in my tracks as, instead of the elderly mare that had been running the library for all these years, I saw a familiar purple mare sitting in her seat. "Twilight?"

Twilight looked up from the book she was reading, the soft blue light of a dated computer screen illuminating her features, and gave me a surprised smile. "Oh wow, is that you, Evening? Last time I saw you, you were still a freshmare! How've you been?"

I shrugged, laying my saddlebags by the door and sauntering over to the "T" section, perusing the shelves as I talked. "Oh, you know. Ain't nothin' change but the weather." I had to keep a smarmy grin from crossing my face as I felt her glaring at the back of my head. "How the hay did you end up going from upscale Canterlot to this place? Doesn't seem like a 'Twilight' place to live."

My ear flicked as I heard the chair she was in groan as she hopped out of it and walked towards me. "Funny story, actually. I made a few friends here a while back, and decided that I didn't want to leave them... so here I am!" She gave me a sheepish smile as I snapped my neck over to look disbelievingly at her.

"Hold up. Twilight Sparkle? Friends?" I narrowed my eyes at her, giving her a cheeky smile. "Who are you and what have you done with the anti-social foal prodigy who was acing college courses at the age of sixteen? The Twilight I remember never had friends!"

She rolled her eyes at me, though the smile remained on her face. "Yeah yeah, laugh it up. Let's just say I learned the Magic of Friendship a while back and leave it at that, okay?"

I shook my head, giving her an exaggerated gag as I continued searching for the book I was here for. "That's corny as Tartarus, you know that, right?"

She shrugged, blowing one of her bangs out of her face. "Yes, I do. Now, can I help you find something or are you going to just sit there and tease me?"

I giggled at her, bopping her lightly on her muzzle, and laughing as she scrunched her face. "Yeah, actually. I'm doing an article on the Castle of the Two Sisters, and the whole 'ancient demon goddess that returned to end the world' thing. Trying to find that one book Gentle Lesson used to read to us all the time, the one about the legend. Can't find it anywhere online, so I decided I may as well pop by and see if it was here, and if not, find a pony who can tell me a bit about the big spooky castle. Think you can help a girl out on either of those fronts?"

She gave me a nervous chuckle, floating a book over from a few shelves down, from the "E" section. I gave her a quirked eyebrow, and she gave me probably one of the least reassuring grins I'd ever seen. "Yup! I sure can! Anything you need to know in particular?"

Pointedly neglecting to ask about her behavior, I took the book from her telekinetic grasp. "Err, yeah. Just some local history and stuff about it. Remember that journalism job I was after during my freshmare years?" She nodded at me, leading me over to a small sitting area near the back of the library. "Yeah, I actually got a job offer from them a couple months after I graduated, and that's what I've been doing. I run my own section there, The Evening Scoop, and I report on some of the hush-hush stuff powerful ponies like to remain buried, ya feel me?"

I couldn't tell how long exactly we were sat there, talking to each other and catching up. It was... strange, I suppose, seeing how much she had changed and matured as a pony in the years since I'd last seen her. Gone was the borderline sociopathic, anti-social mess of a mare. In her place was... a normal adult. A pony you would laugh with, tell jokes with, that sort of thing. Spike had also grown, and it was good that he was at least doing well.

It was nice.

After what must've been hours, our conversation was cut short by Twilight's stomach growling like an angry Timberwolf. She blushed, covering her muzzle with a hoof. "Excuse me, I didn't actually eat lunch today!" I waved it off, clasping the book shut with an audible THUMP!

A look crossed her face, as if she'd just seen a ghost out the window, and she got out of the chair she had dragged over for our chat. "Say, we haven't actually seen each other in forever. Want to get some food? There's a really good bakery run by my friend Pinkie Pie a few blocks over that we could get a bite to eat at!" I couldn't put my hoof on it, but she was just so giddily excited when she said that, that I couldn't help but oblige her.

I looked back out of the window she was staring at, seeing nothing but a few locks of pink hair on the window sill. I turned back to her, giving her a suspicious look. "Uh, sure? I'm surprised they're open this late, actually. When'd they open?" I dug my sunglasses out of my coat and slipped them onto my face, following her out of the door and onto the cold streets.

We'd been talking for so long that the sun had finally set, much to my surprise. "Oh, they've been here a while from what I've been told. It's a mom-and-pop kind of place, but they're better than any Canterlot bakery that I can remember."

"Huh. And they must pull some crazy hours to make it all work." I shivered a bit from the cold, clutching my wings close to my body and quickening my pace.

Twilight, bless her heart, just kept trotting along as if the cold didn't bother her at all. "Not at all, actually! My friend Pinkie runs the bakery most of the day, the owners just make the first batch of pastries in the morning. I swear, she probably drinks the world's best coffee or something, because I have never seen that mare sleep!" At this point, the building I assumed to be the bakery she was talking about came into view.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." It was a giant gingerbread house, decorated with fake candies and sweets. "This has to be a dream. Somepony did not actually build a giant Gingerbread house."

She giggled at my reaction. "Trust me, it gets better inside!"

I simply shook my head at the sheer childish nature of the bakery, opening the door to walk inside, only to find it was completely dark. Fishing my sunglasses off my face, I blearily blinked my eyes to adjust them to the light, or rather, the lack thereof...


Instantly, I was blinded by what must have been every light in the damned building flicking on at once, covering my eyes as I hissed in pain. My eardrums screamed as the loud, shrill screams of dozens of ponies assaulted them. "What the hay?!"

I heard a foalish giggle, and squinting my eyes open, I saw a pink blob promptly slap a party hat onto my head. "Hehe! It's your 'Welcome-To-Ponyville' party, silly! Were you surprised?! I tried suuuuuuper hard to surprise you! So were y-HMPH!" I shoved a hoof into her mouth to shut her up, but she just. Kept. Talking.

"Just... Shut up a second, okay? Give me a bucking second to adjust before you start yapping my ear off." I practically jammed my glasses back onto my face, opening my eyes and letting out a sigh of relief as I was able to see without feeling like I was staring directly at the sun.

True to what she'd said, what must have been everypony in town was scrunched into this one room. Don't ask me how that worked, considering the small size of the building. Banners were hung everywhere, and there was punch and cupcakes and cake; the works... "Sweet Celestia, did you seriously set all this up just for a stranger?" I asked, taking my hoof out of her mouth and just giving the room an awe-struck look.

She nodded, her poofy pink hair bouncing as she did so. "Yepperooni! Every new pony gets a welcome party, and that's a Pinkie guarantee!"

Huffing and trying to shake away the ringing in my ears, I let out a deep breath and blinked a few times, nodding. "Alright. You're... Pinkie Pie, right? Twilight mentioned you on the way here."

She bounced up and down, hopping towards a large cake set in the center of the room. "Of course she did, silly! I was watching you guys for hours trying to figure out what kind of cake you'd like!"

Strangely, nopony reacted to her blatantly admitting to stalking us.

I looked back towards Twilight, allowing her to see my terrified expression as my ears splayed back. "Twilight. Is this normal for her?" I hissed softly at her, looking back towards the fuzzy pink stalker.

She laughed, nodding her head. "Pinkie Pie is... odd, but really, she's harmless!" I gave her a deadpan look, which made her smile a bit wider. "Really! She is!"

"Uh huh. I'll take your word for it, I guess." Surveying the party guests, I hesitantly made my way towards the cake and got myself a piece, leaving Twilight to her own devices. Slinking off to a secluded table in the corner of the room, I resolved to stay for a short while.

I still had a job to do, after all.

So I sat and pony-watched, slowly munching on my piece of cake. Funnily enough, it was mango flavored, which happened to be one of my favorites.

It wasn't too terribly long before a few ponies decided to make their way over to my side of the room, likely eager to meet the guest of honor, as it were. A rainbow haired, blue furred pegasus, and a marshmallow white unicorn with a curly purple mane.

"So. What's your deal with Twi'?" The pegasus asked as she slid herself into a chair, glaring at me. The way she held herself was... odd, especially for a pegasus in a small town. She acted almost like I should know who she was, like some sort of sports jock with rich parents.

Unfortunately, it probably didn't have the effect she intended, because I was too busy trying not to snicker at her.

"Rainbow, Darling! The poor girl just got here, give her a moment before you start bombarding her with questions!" The unicorn sat down in front me, smiling at me warmly. "Do forgive her, deary, Rainbow Dash isn't comfortable around ponies she doesn't know." Rainbow Dash, as she was apparently called, grunted, crossing her hooves. "Oh, but where are my manners? My name is Rarity, dear."

"Evening Shade, nice to meet you too, I suppose." I returned her smile with one of my own before looking at Rainbow, who was still glaring at me like I'd kicked her puppy. "Listen, all I've done is sit down. if you've got questions, I'll answer them, but you're gonna need to cut the tough girl act. 'Kay?"

She huffed, but her gaze softened a bit. "Fine. How do you know 'Twi?"

I shoveled a piece of cake into my mouth, shrugging. "Know her from college. Didn't talk to her much, considering she wasn't quite into the whole 'friendship' thing back then."

Her eyes narrowed at me, and Rarity looked like she would rather be anywhere else at the moment. "Uh-huh. And why are you in Ponyville? Thestrals don't usually leave Hollow Shades, especially in winter."

I rolled my eyes at her, straightening out my coat. If she was gonna harp on me about that, I may as well give her some snark. "See, I've got this lovely thing called a job, and that job requires me to travel." I leaned into the table, resting my head on my hooves.

She mimicked me, leaning in and snarling at me. We were both about to open our mouths when I felt something moving around in my scarf. We all looked at the small bulge protruding from it, which slowly snaked its way around until it sat in front of my face. "Any idea what that is?"

"Uh... nope."

"No, deary."

I relaxed a bit, leaning back in my chair and moving to take the garment off. "Well the-" Popping out of my scarf like some sort of alien, Pinkie Pie poked her head out and smiled at me.

"Hiya silly! You having fun yet?!"

I admit I reacted... disproportionately.

"OHSHITBUCKGETITOFFOFMEGETITOFFME!" I shouted, throwing my scarf to the other side of the room, Pinke letting out a small ”oof” as she hit the floor, crawling out of the piece of fabric as if that was, you know, a perfectly normal and reasonable thing to do.

I jumped out of my chair and put as much distance between the Pink Demon and myself as possible, inching my way towards the exit. "Listen, I appreciate that you set this up and all, I really do, but I'm not a social pony. This is way too much for me to deal with." She almost... deflated, if that makes sense, at that. Rainbow was again glaring holes through my skull, and most everypony else was looking at me with a mixture of shock and confusion.

I sighed, walking towards the door, craning my head back so Twilight could hear me. "It was nice catching up with you, Twi'. Wish I could stay longer, but I've gotta be back to Canterlot by the morning."

I didn't even hear what she said in response as I let the door swing closed, making my way into the cold night and towards the colossal forest that bordered Ponyville.

"Once more unto the Everfree, I suppose."

Later, deep inside the Everfree, near the Castle of the Two Sisters...

I shivered as I trotted across the rickety bridge, wrapping my scarf around my face with a wing. Winter was always my least favorite season, and that went for most other thestrals I knew. It was just... Something about the biting cold that upset something inside of me. Not to mention I was still pissy about earlier. I was so caught up in being cold, in pain, and all-around bitchy that I'd forgotten to actually pay attention to the centuries old, barely usable bridge.

My eyes widened as I felt my hoof suddenly hit empty air. "EEEK!" I shrieked out, nearly jumping out of my skin as a loose board suddenly gave out beneath my hoof. I took a shaky step backwards, eyeing the few remaining boards ahead of me and shaking the snow off of my wings.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and jumped, flaring out my wings. Much to my delight, I found that I did not, in fact, fall to my death, and instead landed on a large pile of snow.

Opening my eyes, I found myself just... awe-struck at the monolithic castle ahead of me, its derelict spires and fortifications strangely devoid of snow. Like some sort of bastion against the elements.

Pulling myself up, my jaw dropped at just how much of the area was untouched by the elements. Every inch of stone was clear of defects and, from what I could tell... flawless, with no cracks or scrapes marring their appearances. "What the hay?"

Walking along the path that lay ahead of me, my hooves clicked against the cobblestone, echoing in the silence of the Everfree. I wasn't quite sure why, but I felt at peace here, like a veil of solace had been cast upon me, even with the looming threat of the local fauna.

I arrived at the front door of the castle a few minutes later, which was, for whatever reason, already ajar. "Didn't the press release say something about that group of ponies coming through here? It’s a shame their names were never released." I thought to myself as I walked inside.

Inside was even more anomalous than the exterior. A fog must have rolled in, because the entirety of the entry ward was dominated by a faint mist. Every piece of furniture would have looked almost brand-new if it weren't for the scorch marks and tears that had left their impressions on them, the throne being the worst-off by far. Even the walls were blackened and cracked, with the suits of full plate armor lining them sharing similar blemishes. I walked over to one and examined it closely, seeing the metal warped and twisted from what I assumed had been its original state.

I frowned as I dug into my saddlebags and retrieved my notepad, jotting down everything I had seen so far. It was just astonishing to me! So much history in this place, and nopony before me had come to document it? This place was just an archaeological goldmine!

I heard something fall and clang loudly from further within the castle and I stiffened up immediately, my ear involuntarily flicking at the noise. I hesitantly stuffed my notes back into my bag, looking around before advancing through the dark halls cautiously, measuring every step I took and keeping as quiet as I could, pausing whenever I heard the squeak of a mouse or a roar from some far-off monster lurking in the forest.

It was almost... haunting, to know that this used to be Celestia's seat of power. And it had just been abandoned. Paintings along the halls showed images of ponies long since dead and gone, and their eyes almost seemed to follow me as I traversed the halls, sending a shiver down my spine.

I halted as I noticed a glint of light from a small cabinet, and I had to keep myself from gasping. An old timepiece lay on the corner of the cabinet, nearly invisible with the thick ash that covered most of it. As soon as I swiped it, I flicked it open in my hooves. An ornate clock greeted me, the sun and moon taking the place of the clockhooves. A remarkably intact power gem sat in the center of it all, a soft blue glow emanating from its center. I quickly put it around my neck, not eager to lose my new toy. I turned around and continued my journey through the castle, following the periodic sound of clanging.

Eventually, my exploration through the castle was rewarded with another noise behind a door to my right. I opened the door, revealing the outside world as well as a broken walkway to what I assumed to be a larger spire, though it was far from recognizable. Readying myself again, I flew across the gap.

Touching down in front of the spire's entrance, I pushed against it lightly with a hoof, jumping back when the door fell off the hinges and hit the ground with a loud smack, the stone below it cracking from the impact.

Poking my head inside hesitantly, I looked around. It looked to be some sort of... ritual chamber. Windows, some cracked or broken, lined the hall leading up to a large podium, with one gargantuan window behind it.

I felt my jaw drop as I realized what it was. "Holy buck... this is where Princess Celestia raised the sun!"

I skipped over to the large platform giddily, climbing up the steps and marveling at the view I was presented with. The moon had barely crested above the barren and lifeless trees of the Everfree, the moonlight making the snow sparkle and glimmer. Slinging my saddlebags off of my shoulder, I fished around for a bit before pulling out a small disposable camera. This'll be the best five bits I've spent if I can get these pictures processed.

I snapped a photo of the scene before me, tittering excitedly. And again. A-And then again! I had probably taken over a dozen photos of the area around me by the time the camera ran out of film, clicking for the last time, much to my chagrin.

I moved to quickly stuff my camera back into my bags, but stopped as I noticed something... Off. I saw something made of metal in the corner of the room, almost hiding behind one of the pillars.

I approached it cautiously, and once I saw what it was I couldn't help but tilt my head. It was a... Shoe? Made of what I could only assume to be painted steel, but even that didn't seem right. It seemed to glitter with an almost otherworldly glow, and what looked like some sort of viscous mist was pouring out of it. It felt... wrong.

Every instinct I had was begging me not to interact with it, to run away from some unseen threat. To leave. To escape from this place and never return. Every hair on my body was raised, and I could feel my heart pulsing in terror. And despite all of this, against my better judgement...

I touched the Celestia-damned shoe.

Immediately, the mist darted towards me and coiled around my hoof, shooting up my leg like a mass of writhing snakes. The sensation was akin to that of ice, like pins and needles being stabbed into me. It felt like a thousand snakes biting at the insides of my throat, overloading my nerves with unimaginable pain. I tried to let out a scream, but that apparently was all this thing needed before it jumped into my mouth, sliding down my throat. I'm not even ashamed to admit that a stray tear slipped out from the pain as I collapsed to the floor.

It finally stopped blocking my ability to breathe after a few moments, allowing me to take a deep breath of sweet, sweet oxygen. "W-wha.... huff... what the buck was that..." I gasped out, more as a statement than a question. I'm not sure if I even wanted to know what the hay that thing was.

What I did know was that I suddenly felt drained, as if somepony had taken my magic and sucked it out like a straw.

My hooves clutched at the timepiece as if they had minds of their own, tearing it open and jerking it towards my face. The gem looked... delicious, as weird as that sounded. Almost as if I had been craving something like it for my entire life. As I looked at it, transfixed by the pale blue glow, I noticed it becoming dimmer and dimmer before finally fading to darkness. That strange feeling was somewhat absent now, going from a large void in the pit of my stomach to a light ache. I filed that away in my mind, to be freaked out over when I wasn't in the middle of a dangerous forest.

I shakily picked myself up off of the ground, barely able to stay standing as I limped over to my bag and strapped it on. The pain was mostly gone now, and the only reason I wasn't calling myself crazy was that the damned shoe was still sitting there, almost mocking me for my idiocy.

I cursed under my breath and swept up my camera, angrily stashing it into my scarf and half-sprinting out of the door, skidding to a halt as I reminded myself that there was, in fact, a large drop to the forest floor. I frowned, mentally kicking myself in the ass. "No way I'll make it back to Canterlot in time. Train will have left by the time I get back to Ponyville,"I thought to myself sadly...

And then I felt something suddenly whisper in the back of my head, tickling the edges of my consciousness like a feather.

"L̸̝̓e͎̼̺͚ͨ̓ͯ̇͗̀t̺̞̩͐͋ͭ͗ ̯̲̭̙̇͒̂̿̏͝m̶̫̥̳̙̳͈̊͒ͩ͆ḙ̪̬̯̫͎̦̈́̏͟ ͙͓͚̦̆͆ͯͯͥ̓͆ͅh̙̟̖͎̖ͧ̐̚e͎̟̝̦ͭ̿́l̨͔͍̗̠̀ͧ͒ͩͣ̑͆p̉ͮͦ́̀͘ ̟̥̗͚͇̯y̵̩͎͕̣̥̑ͥ̎ͮ̽ͫȫ̝̱̺ͤ̓̓̅ͅu̻ͣ̽̂͌̋̏.̛̼̮̩͈̪̣̪̉͆ͬ̈̈.̧̲ͯ̍.̮̲̙͈͎̞̮̔͋͒."

I felt a sudden swell of courage and adrenaline from some unknown well deep within me, and I felt my body hurl itself off of the broken stone, beating my wings harder than I think I had ever done before. It felt... strangely liberating! I don't think I'd ever flown so fast in my life! I tore across the sky like a shooting star, the wind whipping my mane out of the ponytail I had had it in. The trees and clouds became a blurred mess ahead of me, and if I didn't know better I'd think that I’d taken a trip to the Wonderbolt Academy, with how my body was performing. Time didn't matter anymore with how fast I was going, and it could have been seconds or minutes or hours and I wouldn't have known.

I almost didn't notice it, but I had turned towards Canterlot, and where it had formerly been a white speck in the corner of my eye, the serene white city was rapidly getting closer. Way too close. And I couldn't slow down!

I flared out my wings as I prepared to give the marvelously polished marble wall a kiss, bracing for impact and shouting at the top of my lungs, "Buck meeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Suddenly, I felt myself lurch. I waited a few seconds before cautiously opening an eye. I was centimeters from colliding with the stone, able to pick out each and every individual crack with how close I was.

My wings were beating just hard enough to keep me in the air, and I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. The next thing I knew, I dropped out of the sky as my wings stopped flapping, and I would have fallen down the mountainside if I hadn't recovered.

Control of my body successfully restored, I flew up the height of the wall, quickly ascending to the city streets below. There were no guards posted, which was strange to say the least. But with how late it was, I doubted many ponies were out. I didn't know what the hay had happened to me, or if it would get me in trouble with the law.

Slinking among the shadows, I ran every possibility I could think of through my head. "Ghost? Creepy Everfree buckery? Can't be aliens, that was a pony hoofguard... What the feathering buck happened back there?" I panicked internally, scenarios flashing through my head faster than a film reel as I struggled to rationalize what the hay just happened.

It took a while, but I eventually made it back to my cozy little apartment, slamming the door shut behind me. I rushed towards the bathroom, turning the sink on and splashing my face with cold water. I took a long hard look at myself in the mirror, blanching at my appearance. My mane was a mess, my previously midnight-blue coat looked about ten shades whiter than before, my eyes were bloodshot and baggy, and I swear I could see sparkles in them.

If I didn't know better, I'd have said I was dead.


I jumped back and whipped my head back and forth, not seeing whoever the hay was speaking to me. "It's okay, Evening. You're just... you're just hallucinating. It's gotta be a trip gone wrong, some sort of... hallucinogenic fungus. There's a rational explanation for all of this..." I said, pulling myself back up to the mirror. "There just has to be."

I yanked the medicine cabinet open, slamming my hoof inside and grabbing the bottle of mostly empty pain-killers. I unscrewed the cap and tossed the bottle back as if I was drinking a shot of whiskey, nearly choking on the pills as I swallowed them dry.

I coughed for a hot minute before getting my breathing back under control. Suddenly, each and every one of my senses was distorted. I could smell some indistinct floral scent, and I was seeing strange, ethereal mists in the corner of my vision. My balance was off, and I just felt so Celestia-damned hungry.

I stumbled my way out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, nearly tripping and falling flat on my face several times. Gripping the countertop to stabilize myself, I slid my way over to the refrigerator and grabbed a bag of mangoes with my teeth, quickly bringing them over to the table.

I tore into the bag like a rabid animal, devouring a dozen of the orange fruits with ease. I felt my stomach expanding and contracting with each fruit consumed, and what should have put me into a mango coma instead just left me feeling like I'd spent too long at the buffet.

I swayed and stumbled over to my couch and curled up on it, a sudden wave of exhaustion washing over me. I felt like I was ready to cry. I had no idea what the hay was happening with my body, what in Tartarus happened at the castle, and whatever that... thing that had attacked me was.

I slowly but surely dozed off to sleep, resolving to try and figure all of this out tomorrow. After all, a full night of sleep never hurt anypony.


Author's Note:

Now edited by Everfree Pony!