• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 6,069 Views, 389 Comments

Reincarnation - Silver Butcher

After meeting the end of his life span, Spike awakens in a new Body, Reincarnated as a Kirin he has one single goal, Figure out how to tell his friends without making them think he/she is crazy

  • ...

Flurry Heart and Leaf

Cadance stood her ground as Luna opened the Doors and revealed her base of Operations.
"Answer me this then," Luna squinted suspiciously at Cadance as she spoke, "if your daughter truly did consent to this then…" Luna raised her Hoof dramatically and motioned around the room "-why are you hiding in my bathroom?"

“because.”Cadence replied as she stood before the princess of the night, doing her best not to look or sound guilty. “I like the smell of Your Soap?”

"I stole that soap from my sister," Luna replied flatly.

"Dammit," Cadence then sighed “Fine I was spying on Discord's new assistant because my daughter asked me too, happy now?”

"Ok, But why my bathroom?" Luna demanded once again

"I thought you would be asleep," Cadance said as she tapped the floor.

"Well I was! Then someone started laughing like an comic book villains and woke me up,"

“That could have been anypony”

“It was either you or your spyglass.” before Cadance could defend herself from Lunas accusations the spyglass set in the middle of the room began glowing and Cadance lit her horn as Flurry shone inside it.

"Nevermind," Cadance said as she waved Luna away, "we can talk later, this needs all my attention at the moment,"

"Fine but I'm watching too, this is my bathroom after all,"

Leaf storm looked back as Flurry looked at the ceiling with her horn lit, She was curious but seeing as Flurry had been kind enough not to ask about the Chicken Leaf decided to leave Flurry to her own devices and continued down the hall, She waved at a few of the residents that were either off duty or who were coasting off a roommate. Flurry had caught up with her once she reached the stairs.

"Sorry," They both said at once, Flurry turning slightly pink at the exchange.

"Well I'm sorry for not waiting for you," Leaf elaborated, failing to notice Flurry turn a slight shade pinker "But you didn't ask about the Chicken so I decided to return the favor and let you do whatever it was you were up to,"

"Oh! yes, Alicorn business, couldn't tell you if I wanted to," Flurry said hurriedly "So, you've been here a little over a day now, any potential friends?"

"Mortamire," Leaf decided "And maybe Shiver, his tendency to find the most mundane of things funny is interesting, even more so with his contagious laugh," The Two made their way down the stairs while Leaf shook her head "But if I remember right Mortamire is working down in the Market district until 6, and Shiver is in the Guard rotation until 8,"

"Well then you and I can get to know each other better," Flurry said happily as they made their way down the staircase I can get us some food and drinks from the buffet table and we can just...talk,"

"Sounds good," Leaf replied as they made it to the bottom floor "I'm a go check out the selection of books over by that vacant table," Leaf made her way to the bookshelf and barely had time to begin reading the book names when she heard the clatter of china and found quite the spread from the Buffet, including a glass of water, Coffee, and soda. Flurry sat Silently and waved at her. Leaf just stared at her blankly.

"You must really wanna talk," Leaf decided she took a book off the shelf at random and sat down upon looking at the book she instantly threw it back at the shelf upon finding it was about Teaching Chickens to dance. "Well, I'm all ears sister, what's up,"

"Oh nothings up," Flurry said sweetly, "Just wanted to get to know you better, you know with you being Discords assistant,"

"Well to start I'm not allowed to talk about how I became his Assistant," Leaf said simply "Even Princess Twilight doesn't know the full story, and she was there for most of it,"

"Alright," Flurry said, zipping right past that "How about your social life, Friends, Loved ones?"

"My Brothers, twins, are working at Discords Joke shop. My parents and Pop-pop are back in Kirin country, and I had a few friends but when I turned one down for a romantic relationship she ran away crying and I haven't seen any of them since...probably not a good sign." Flurry nodded.

"Not into girls?" Flurry asked carefully.

"Quite the opposite thank you," Leaf storm replied before chugging her coffee, she heard a slight yes, and nearly choked as she looked over her drink, finding Flurry putting some marshmallows in her Coco.

"Thought I'd forgotten to grab them," Flurry said "Anyway, mind if I ask what's up with your pet Chicken?"

"It was originally a note Discord sent this morning" Leaf assured her "Discord turned it into a Chicken and I just accepted I had a pet chicken now and moved on with my day,"

"Ah," Flurry said as Leaf Storm continued partaking of the food before her "So when is your 18th Birthday?"

"Cadance," Luna said after taking a deep breath "Is your daughter attempting to court an Underage Kirin?"

"No," Cadance laughed back "She's gonna wait till she's 18 to make her move," Luna just groaned.

"I...I can't even think of what to say to this,"

"And she's not courting, she's just getting to know her, see if she's the right one for her," Luna made an attempt to reply but just gave up.

"I have too much to do tonight, and don't have the time to deal with this right now, just...just be quiet and let me sleep, I'll deal with this when I have the energy," Luna made her way out and quickly looked back. "And don't touch my soap" Cadance looked back at her daughter and Leaf Storm.

Leaf Storm was eating a bagel while Flurry heart told her about events she had attended as Spike.

"...and I just think it's funny," Flurry laughed nervously as she spoke "It's funny how no one talks about the fact I destroyed the Crystal heart when I was a newborn, I mean have you ever heard about it?"

"I am basically a history major," Leaf replied simply "Did you know that the dragon Spike spent that time with the Unicorn Starlight pushing her to rekindle her friendship with Sunburst,"

"I did," Flurry said excitedly "How in equestria do you know that!?"

"Discord has millions of years worth of notes," Leaf said simply "The time he spent as a statue is surprisingly even worse than I thought it would be, just a thousand years worth of notes describing how annoying it is not being able to snap,"

"So, everything I just said in the last half hour, you already knew then?"

"I can actually point out several things you got wrong if you would like," Leaf Storm said simply Before Flurry could accept that offer a familiar voice called out to them.

"Yo Leaf," Leaf turned and waved back.

"Mortamire," She greeted before blinking and looking around "Wait is it already 6?"

"It's almost 9," Mortamire corrected.

"oh no," Leaf storm said as she rubbed her brow "I left the Chicken alone all day, there is gonna be a cult up there when I get back,"

"Morty," Flurry said as she got up and shook the dragon's hand "Always a pleasure to see you, how has your day been?"

"Dull," Mortamire said without hesitation as he took a seat next to Leaf storm, who had started mindlessly eating again. "So Leaf tell me about this Chicken cult,"

"How about no," Leaf replied simply as she began making a S'more.

"Need a light?" Mortamire asked kindly, Leaf just slowly turned to him with a confused look on her face.

"I'm...I'm a Kirin," She said in confusion.

"And?" Mortamire asked, Leaf looked to Flurry, who seemed confused at the comparison. Leaf storm raised a hoof and changed it into her Nirik form, making them both jump back, Mortamire falling out of his chair at the sudden fire.

"And Kirins can turn into Niriks," She said simply as she held her Smore over her hoof, melting the chocolate and the marshmallow at the same time, along with slightly burning the bottom cracker in the process.

"You're a firehorse!?" Mortamire demanded as he shot to his feet.

"Am I the only Kirin here?" She demanded in confusion.

"Only one I know," Mortamire noted. Flurry walked close to Leaf and inspected her arm and the tuff of flame around her hoof area, Leaf hadn't even looked at it when she lit it, but Flurry's question suddenly brought great concern to Leaf.

"So were you named Leaf because the flames are Green?" Leaf storm held up her arm and, just as Flurry had inquired, her flames were emerald Green. This time it was Leaf Storm who fell out of her seat.

"Why am I Green!?" She demanded as she went full Nirik "Are all my flames Green!?"

"Should they not be!?" Mortamire demanded, "Is that bad, are you gonna go supernova or something!?"

"Nirik's don't come in different colors," Leaf said angrily, "Black with bright red Fire, some areas may be Blue or purplish, but not fucking Green!" Leaf then had an idea, "Oh that Mother fucker," Leaf turned on the spot and ran to her room, "Discord I'm gonna kick your ass!" Leaf storm left Flurry and Mortamire behind.

"She is a brave son of a gun," Mortamire decided "I wouldn't call out Discord for a fight even if he turned me into a woman,"

"Yeah but you're the kind of dragon who'd wanna be a woman at least once just to see what it's like," Flurry replied as she chased after Leaf Storm.

"Not untrue," Mortamire agreed as he ran after her. The two followed Leaf Storms Green rage up to her room and found the door burning,

Flurry put out all of the fires while Mortamire followed the trail to Leaf Storm's office and found it devoid of Leaf, the tuba on the wall filled with flames. "She's gone to the Saxophone," he sighed "No way to follow her now," Mortamire looked around Leaf Storms home and saw the Chicken wearing a hooded robe. They stared at one another for a moment before the Chicken hissed at him and he backed out of the room.

"Is she.." Flurry cut off at the look on Mortamires face.

"Can Chickens hiss?" He demanded as he stared back into Leaf Storm's room, Flurry looked in and saw the Chicken Sleeping in the corner.

"Morty we don't have time for one of your jokes," Flurry walked in and when she looked into Leaf Storm's office the Chicken turned its head and glared at Mortamire for a second before going back to its slumber.

Author's Note:

I had a lot of fun coming back to this.