• Member Since 1st Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Amature fanfic writer and a Wings Of Fire fan, making stories that I want to see so I do.


M-10, nickname Mio, is a Combat Medic Protogen, his personal task is to travel the unknown universe in search for various materials, herbs, healing agents, antidotes, etc. in order to expand the knowledge in medicine and in medical ways. Part of his personal task is to travel even the most dangerous planets, areas, and biomes, and even try to fight even the most terrifying of abominations just to discover, retrieve, make, and mass produce medicine and healing practices for the benefit of both the Primagen and the Protogen, as well as help peaceful species who need it.

During his travels, his field scanner was left occupied, and was unluckily hit by a stray passing meteor, unluckily hitting the engines, and unluckily falling into orbit in an unidentified planet.

I honestly just thought about this and decided to make one, Protogens are cool. Either way this is just something to make for fun.

Drawings bad, don't tell me.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 24 )

YEESSSS!! A story about protogens! I'm Very happy because I Really love them, I'll read the next chapter and I'm really excited to read more of this :D

Okay so, to start off, you and Connorcooper are the only two who made a fanfiction with a protogen, of what I know, this did kinda feel rushed, but I Loved it, I would absolutely LOVE to see more, and of Connor's story as well

Pretty good so far keep it up

Im surprised to see another Protogen story. Neat!

That's the thiccest-- er... fluffiest combat medic I've ever seen

Primagens came before ProtoGens, other than that i have a great story(this one) to read^-^

I actually thought of switching it up, but then I just stuck with the idea of, proto being prototype, meaning that DSBR tested technology and machinery on animals or other species, since they were slightly getting tired of using drones and robots to do the job, something, something. With trial and error they reached the Protogens that we know of. After mass producing Protogens, they recieved info, data, materials, and technology from the Protogens that were exporing the universe. Soon with the info and materials that they have, they created a much superior version and final version of the Protogens, but at the expence of being less biological, the Primagens. Plus its an AU so theres also that, but this reason is like, at the bottom of the list or something.

Alrighty just thought I'd let you know. Because as a ProtoGen there are a lot of strict rules with character creation and following the lore is one of them. My thoughts differ about having to follow it to the letter because i love reading and seeing alternate universes and so forth

The Protogens are about 40% artificial and have a fully functioning digestive tract. As well as either biological or artificial limbs, that is modular. Meaning the artificial limbs are sort of a plug and play system.

Dont you mean 40% ORGANIC ?!
Otherwise its a fluffy cyborg...

Dont let the 'pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows' bite you :applejackunsure:

Pretty sure you just kicked yourself into a conor...
You lost your original ship and your reserves were to fly from A to B. Doubtless in time you lack vital ressources to stay alive? Medical and mechanical supplys and facilitys?

when the next chapte

Between the 2 ProtoGen stories on here i have to say this one is objectively better. The other story i wouldn't even call it a ProtoGen or a PrimaGen because of how he fucked with the anatomy

No, not really. I just cant stop playing games and binge watching Critical Role, so my stories are postpones and what not, i do still plan on continuing my stories, most of which already have a chapter, just unfinished.

Let's see where this goes your characterisation of Mio is enjoyable for me

Hope we get 1-2 updates this year.
I tried to write 8 storys so far myself but getting past moderation is a pain :facehoof:

Will this story ever be continued? I'm really liking it so far.

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