• Published 1st Jul 2019
  • 2,888 Views, 122 Comments

Tela's Tales - Firefoxino

Follow Tela and her three little friends in a magical adventure through a fantastic land.

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Chapter 1 A new world, and a new world.

It was a good day today for Tela, not only she was going to receive her first paycheck tomorrow but she knew she could finally spend her saving on something cool for her home. She just parked her car and was aimlessly looking around to find a shop or an item exposed that could pick up her interest, she searched left and right but nothing quite attracted her, except, a strange shop off to the side nestled in a shallow ally, she entered and started looking around, shelves of strange and interesting items filled the entire place, there was a counter at the far end of the shop right in front of the entrance, a man was sitting there his hands in front of him on the counter.

“Hello.” He greeted her, “What can I do for you?” He said in a raspy voice.

“Hi, just looking around.” Tela replied.

“Feel free to ask me about anything you find.” The man said and took a journal starting to ignore her.

Tela started to look around hoping to find anything of interest, she eventually navigated the entire store sorting through tons of merchandise from a plethora of video games, books, manga, anime, and shows. She was attracted to some of them but not that much.

In the middle of her searching her phone vibrated, she took it out and looked at the new message. “Hey when is the session?” The message read.

“Tomorrow.” She replied quickly. “Remember your character sheet.”


With that done she tucked her phone in and continued exploring, she went down aisle after aisle without finding something good enough, ‘I mean the Prototype claws and the megastones were cool but hm.’ She thought looking around. She passed in front of three peculiar masks, too little for her of a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost, she checked out a small wooden doll covered with strange symbols.

There was a replica of Gerhman’s chair and his weapon, also his attire and many other, there was a doll of Songbird from Bioshock, peculiar was the sight of a pink diamond, probably a fake she though not wanting to think that there was a true diamond left there on a shelf.

She then finally conceded defeat and went to the counter. “Hello, do you have anything cool for me?” She asked hoping in an object that could have been kept under the counter instead of on the shelves.

“Ah, yes.” The man said. “I believe I-” The man was cut short by a loud scream and the wall behind him bursting open, a strange creature exited a room just behind him, on its wrists there were chains and it charged to the front of the store.

Tela’s brain realized after a second what she was looking at, a monstrous woman, her hair was black as the night and had four little eyes over her human pair, the woman body stopped at her waist, instead, the woman had a giant spider abdomen covered with fur and strange symbols. The woman shot a web from her mouth trying to pin Tela down but she managed to avoid it rolling away.

“You should have stayed where I left you!” The man angrily said pointing a wand to the spider woman. “Get away from my shop.” He said firing a sickly green blast towards the woman.

The woman spitting a web to Tela, grabbing her and to use as a shield. Tela could do nothing but scream as the blast hit her and her whole world went black.



After the drider, yes the same one from D&D, attacked me I woke up in a wet and black place, it was a bit chilly too. I obviously started to panic but I couldn’t move so that further fueled my own panic. After hours of absolutely nothing, and my attempt being completely vane, I just remained there, motionless waiting for something to change.

While I waited I started to hear things, voices from the darkness. They were young and eager, all three of them were female, running around shouting to one another.

“I’m telling ya the way was back there!” One said.

“Yeah but now it's not. So what do we do now? We can’t have a cutie mark on getting lost, that would be lame!” Another said this one more aggressive.

“Rarity will kill me…” Another wailed.

All three of them were running around my prison without even noticing it, they continued to talk about how they were going to be grounded for life if they didn’t find the way back home. ‘They are obviously children, but where am I?’ I thought trying to see inside my prison to no avail. I decided to rest for a bit and waited for them to notice me and possibly save me.

I woke up still in my prison, although I felt a bit stronger than before, I started to move around a bit but that’s when I noticed something really freakish, I didn’t have two legs anymore. Instead, I had eight of them, it wasn’t difficult to find out either more than once I hit myself with one after all.

‘Oh God what happened to me? I thought desperate for answers. But I didn’t receive any so I once again drifted to a dreamless sleep.

“I tell you Applebloom we are lost, it’s the fifth time we pass this rock.” The aggressive one said.

“I just don’t know what’s happening. I swear I know how to get back to Ponyville!” The southern accented one replied.

“We are lost aren’t we?” The highest of the three voices asked worriedly.

“Yes.” The aggressive said without any kind of tampering. “We are lost!”

‘Ponyville? Where am I?’

“Girls it’s getting late.” The southern said with worry.

“We have to find a shelter or something, come on follow me. I think I saw something before.” The aggressive voice said commanding the others.

They all walked off and I remained in the dark and silence once again. Finally I had enough, I felt energy coursing through me, with a mighty kick from my legs I finally broke the prison I was held in and I felt the cold air of the outside. I looked around trying to find something…

I immediately got up on my legs when I saw something small and brown running away from a bush, I didn’t hesitate I immediately launched myself at it. I was hungry so hungry, I couldn’t see anything else just the prey that was in front of me. In no time I reached it and with a lunge, I dropped on top of it, it tried squirmed and spasmed to flee but I wouldn’t let it.

I blocked it with my legs and exposed its neck with my arms, I immediately plunged my teeth into its neck, the taste of blood filled my mouth and I swallowed it all with gusto, after a second I let go and looked at it, it started to slow down with its attempts to free itself, its heart started to beat frantically but eventually it stopped dead.

I didn’t wait an instant and opened my mouth grabbing the first piece of its flesh when the entire body dissolved into a black mist, the mist immediately shot into my mouth. It tasted of flesh and blood and soon it filled my empty stomach. I stood there for a moment to gather in what happened.

“I really ate a bunny raw?” I said to myself. I finally started to look at me more carefully, in the pale moonlight I could see like it was day, I saw my slender and very much nude body but it wasn’t mine, I was very little barely the size of an eight-year-old child, my skin was a dark purple. My new abdomen was slim, and a jet black color with a spruce of violet here and there, even my hair changed from their corvine to a pallid white.

“And apparently I have venom now, but how did I eat the bunny like that? I was sure I was going to eat it like a rabid animal.” I said to myself, I started to wander around now aimlessly, I was in a huge forest, I didn’t know how to get out of it at all so I just wandered. Eventually, I found traces of an animal, the tracks were of a horse.

“Interesting, how can horses live inside this thick forest?” I asked to myself. Nevertheless, I followed them, I was a bit hungry anyway. ‘Wow, wonderful I’m already a predator, what’s next, do I use my webs to create traps and torture people?’ I said jokingly. ‘Uh that wouldn’t be too bad though.’ And so I started to make noise and try to fire webs from my wrists like Spiderman, utterly failing.

“I give up how can I do that? That other dried though spit them at me…” I said and tried to do something like throwing up but not quite, in the end, I failed. “Blast it!” I said angrily and stomped my third foot from the right, and tensed my body with rage. From behind me, I heard a wet sound of something hitting something else, I turned around and saw a tree with a silk-like substance stuck to it. “My web!” I shouted. “Of course, I’m an idiot I had to fire it from my abdomen like a normal spider.” I said chuckling. After that discovery, I remained there to try it out a bit more. I learnt that firing blobs of silk is easy, trying to make them into thread and create something with it is not, I knew I had to use my back legs somehow to spin it but I didn’t know how, I gave up trying to create a normal web and and I continued to follow the trail, I was getting a bit hungrier every second after all.

“I could literally eat a horse hehehe.”

Author's Note:

Hey it's me Firefoxino! Welcome to my new story, I hope you will like it! Let me know what do you think in the comments see ya for the next chapter! :twilightsmile: