• Published 5th Jul 2019
  • 279 Views, 4 Comments

The Inbetween - Mocha Star

A little glimpse into Trixie's life between Boast Busters and Magic Duel.

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Trixie's Time Away

Trixie lowered her head to a quiet creek and took a drink, sating a thirst that grew more and more with each mile she ran. She glanced at herself in the water's rippling surface then looked away before she saw what she looked like.

She knew, Celestia did she know what she looked like. Five hours before she'd been comfortably in her wagon. She was happy, had a full belly, and was ready to call it a night when two colts brought a baby Ursa to that hamlet.

It was supposed to be a stop on her path, a place to show off, get a free meal, and make a few bits. Nowhere did her plans include being shown up by a better magician, being attacked by a bear, and having said bear be a magical giant monster that crushed her only source of shelter on her journey of self exploration and grand desires.

Trixie made a point to scowl ahead of herself while she walked back to the road and trudged her way to where her next show was to take place. Without any of her tools, equipment, or money she knew she was hard pressed to make ends meet, but she was not going to let such simple things hold her back.

She had her father's hat and her mother's cape; she would do them proud.

Tears ran down her muzzle as she lay sandwiched between layers of cardboard behind a restaurant late in the evening early in fall. It was all she could do to find food and warmth, even if the food was half eaten and cold and the warmth left her each time she moved too much.

Trixie thought back over the past month and how horrible her life had become since entering Ponyville. She'd lost everything since her first night in that forsaken town. First her mobile home and everything in it, the respect she'd begun to earn, her image.

She'd traveled to the next town, dirty and grumpy; broke so she had to exchange her precious free time by doing menial chores like washing windows and sweeping floors, just to have a night at the hotel. The morning came and she had to help cook breakfast before she could eat a small meal.

It was a miserable start to the day, but she had hopes. She'd used what credit she had to get a new wagon; the cheapest she could afford, with the bill sent to her parents along with a letter telling, promising, she'd pay them back within the month.

What bits she had on her she used to buy some items she could use for her magic shows. Her heart was set, her confidence was ready, her magic charged; her show was prepared... she wasn't ready when she was laughed at by several random townsponies as soon as she began her show.

A green pegasus mare she'd recognized from Ponyville was in attendance and wore the smuggest, dirtiest grin throughout Trixie's show. The mare called out and heckled Trixie during each act and countered every claim with references to when everything had gone wrong in her show life.

The heckling followed her though the town, she was charged full price for everything after her show, then was overcharged for parking her new wagon overnight outside the town's limits. The final straw was when she woke to find her wagon vandalized, mocking her failure as a magician and calling her out with her embellished story of defeating an Ursa Major.

So hurt was she, that after two more towns of the same mockery that she threw her hat and cape away, trying to run from what she believed was her calling. She sniffled and tucked herself deeper between the cardboard, a chill of wind taking the warmth from her right side when she did.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," she quietly cursed herself for throwing her garments to the ground in a frustrated huff. Whatever happened to them she wasn't sure she'd ever see them again. Probably not. Everything was terrible and a little bit of her knew it was her fault for overreacting after exaggerating a story that didn't happen.

Now, here she lay. A failure as a magician. A failure as a store clerk. A failure as a farmer, and a failure as a pony.

"Hey... stud, looking for a good time?" Trixie asked in a poor example of a sultry voice. Her confidence had shattered, her life was in ruin. She was hundreds of bits in debt to her parents, and she'd made it to Manehattan broke and without prospects or hope.

The stallion she'd asked looked her up and down and snorted. "No, I have standards."

The words cut into her like a hot knife through warm butter; sizzling through her heart. Trixie hung her head and turned away, back into the alley she called home while the stallion passed. While dozens of stallions passed. Mares would flirt back, not to say a fair share of stallions didn't either; but after not being paid for offering samples of her body and skills she knew not to go too far out of her way to get a customer.

Hours passed and her stomach growled, finally out of food and things to snack on, Trixie left her alley and began her walk to the local park. Several comments about her attire in a few seconds helped her realize she was still wearing knee high pink socks and a collar, indicating her profession.

Blushing so deeply her cheeks began to turn purple, Trixie did the only thing a mare in her position could do, she moved to the nearest wall and began to weep quietly. More tears fell from her damp muzzle while ponies of higher stature passed her, looking down their muzzles at her while looking, wondering what she could do to sate their carnal desires.

"My goodness, why are you crying, young mare?" a masculine voice asked Trixie. She looked up and when he saw her eyes he gave her a gentle smile. "You're too lovely to cry, here," he offered her a handkerchief, "dry your eyes and take those horrible garments off."


"Why what, miss?"

Trixie took his offering and wiped her eyes, only for them to water again right away. "Why do you care?"

"I refuse to watch a mare cry, regardless of the reason. Would you like to accompany me to luncheon? I have a date in under an hour and would love to have you along."

Hope sparked in her chest for the first time in months. Winter was scheduled to start a week away and if she played her cards right, she could be staying in a nice warm apartment; possible with the handsome unicorn across from her.

She used her magic to unbind the socks from her legs, rolling them tightly and keeping them in shape with the collar. She draped the rolled accessories over her neck like a scarf several sizes too small.

"I'd be delighted. I'm Trixie, and you are?"

"Way, Paved Way at your service. You may call me whatever you wish, just don't call me late to supper," he laughed haughtily while she chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, good one, heh," she turned to stand beside him and he began to trot down the sidewalk with her close by. "So, what kind of lunch are we having? I'm partial to salads with maybe some eggs and hickory smoked hay."

"A mare with refined taste, quite. We're going to Haynards, have you heard of it?"

Trixie grinned and nodded. "Yeah, the fancy place in the hotel off Celestia and 132nd street! I've always wanted to go there," she looked the brick red stallion over for the first time and took him in.

He was strong for a unicorn, muscled and toned nicely. He carried himself like half the snobs in the city, but he was certainly cute and had nice eyes. He might be a keeper, she thought to herself in the two seconds it took to judge him, based on looks.

He led her to the hotel while making small talk about himself and his career, his prospects, and his family. They arrived two hours after meeting one another and Trixie had changed her view of him.

Self serving blowhard. If Trixie had a say, you'd swap places with her and she'd do better than you would with all those bits you earn. If I had a bit for every time you said 'I', I'd rent a room in this swanky-

Her thoughts scrambled when the scent of something pan fried attacked her nose. It was heavenly, whatever it was. She followed him through the lobby, past the consierge, the Maitre'd, and right to a table with an orange stallion who seemed to be waiting for a guest.

"Ah, Orange, old friend; it has been too long."

They shared a hoof shake and Orange took Trixie's cushion out in a move so smooth it took her breath away. Now this stallion has it goin' on. Trixie like, Trixie like a lot.

"Indeed it has, but who might we have here? Such a beauty is too good for the likes of you," Orange jested.

"And certainly far out of reach for one such as yourself," Way retorted and the stallions shared a jovial laugh.

Trixie looked between them. "Are you suggesting Trixie isn't worth either of your time?"

Both stallions looked at her and shook their heads fervently. "Certainly not, madam. An Orange never lowers a mare's stature, nor does a Way. We were joking and didn't think before we spoke, We certainly hope for your forgiveness in this embarrassing faux pas."

Trixie waved it off. "Pshaw, Trixie doesn't mind. She was only joking as well."

The stallions, once again, looked at one another. This time in puzzlement. Trading looks, Way chose to ask. "Darling, I was wondering, if you don't mind my asking, why you're referring to yourself in the third person."

"Oh, was I?" Trixie responded with a little blush tinting her cheekbones. "I... when I was younger I was a stage magician and it was part of my act. I have some habits that seem to keep coming back," she said then mumbled, "to bite me in the flank."

"Ah-ha! Trixie, the best and greatest, right? My neice, Applejack, wrote to us in her monthly letter about you and your show." Trixie gulped and blinked several times while Orange spoke. "She said, while your show was a bit rough, you have a show that stands on its own."

"Oh, well, it was quite fun."

"That's all that matters, darling. That and a full belly, I didn't invite you for nothing, after all," Way gave her a wink and when she caught Orange's gaze it was at the line of the table where her teats were just barely noticeable. She made it a point to lean back slightly, teasing him with what she had to offer in ways of letting him view an intimate part of herself.

A clearing of a throat from a waitress got their attention and they moved aside one at a time while she filled their glasses with nearly frozen ice water. Trixie took no time drinking the whole glass before Way had his glass filled.

The waitress rolled her eyes and refilled Trixie's glass before placing a basket of bread cubes on the table, along with a small bowl of olive oil. Restraining herself greatly, Trixie winced when the water filled her empty stomach and gave her a cramp.

"Are you feeling alright?" Orange asked, to which she nodded.

"Just a cramp. Drank too fast, I think," she gave a half smile and as soon as Way had taken some bread and dipped it into the oil, Trixie followed suit and took a bite. "Oh, that's so good," she said preparing the next morsel to be masticated, planned to be followed by another.

"I love seeing a mare with a healthy appetite; especially one as attractive as you. I wonder, miss Trixie, where do you hail from and," Orange leaned in closer, "do you have a boyfriend waiting for you there?"

If she had been close enough, Trixie would have given him a flirtatious yet firm slap on the foreleg. As it was, she just shook her head. "No, I'm not looking for that at the moment. I have a career to build and fame to gain."

Way raised an eyebrow. "You have a career you hope to build on? I am certainly, surprised to hear that. How long have you been..."

Trixie looked up and thought, Way took the second to motion a collar around his neck to let his friend know what he believed her career was. "Oh, a while now. My father and uncle got me into it with a passion, I found I loved what they did and it just felt like my calling. They gave me some money and a wagon to travel with to perform out of and I went out into the world. I started my first time in Sire's Hollow.

"I was nervous, but it's a small town and I only had to entertain a dozen or so. I received great reviews and high praise. Then I traveled southeast to Ponyville with the plan to go northeast. I met a couple colts that just ruined the whole experience, followed by a mare that ruined me and I wasn't the same after that."

Both stallions' mouths were open.

"I went through a few towns, but they'd found out about my reputation from that darn town," she brought a hoof onto the table with such force the water glasses skipped. "I couldn't perform no matter how much I tried and was all but chased out of town after I was vandalized."

"Oh my, how horrible!" Way gasped. "They didn't do anything too bad, did they?"

"Nah, it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. It hurt my feelings more than anything."

"I'd say," Orange chimed in with a growing grin. "It's nice to know that no matter what the world seems to think, you're following your dreams; even if they are a bit unorthodox. And you speak of it all so freely, too."

"Well, yes. It's a bit of an odd dream for a mare of my age to have, but I believe that if it feels good; do it and damn the consequences."

Way nearly did a spit take. "Are you saying you prefer no safe measures?"

"Oh, safety is important, but it's not everything. Why, I haven't done anything safe since I got to this city. I just work in my little... home. I'll work these flanks off and show the world that the Great and Powerful Trixie," she stood on her hind legs, forelegs in the air, "is the best at tricks, the best the world has ever seen or will."

She beamed and bowed at the clopping of hooves from her tablemates. "Hear-hear, a self made mare of passion and desire. I wonder, may I have a," Way thought of what to say, "an experience of what you can do?"

"Wha- here, now?!"

"Certainly not!" Way waved his forehooves and looked aghast. "I have more than enough bits to rent a private room upstairs for whatever you have planned," he said with a growing blush.

"Oh, well, I don't have my rope, or any chains, or hoofcuffs, but I think I can make do with whatever's in the room."

"Paved, I would really like a go after you; seconds be damned, this mare seems to be amazing at what she does."

"Yes, I certainly am. Give me five minutes and I'll blow your minds with what I can do."

Way didn't hesitate. "I'll be back shortly, old chap. At my age, five minutes is a few good rounds."

Orange laughed. "World record is forty five seconds, see if you can beat it."

Way grinned as wide as he could. "I intend to try," he turned his attention to Trixie. "If you'd follow me, I'll have a room for the night set in a few minutes."

Trixie giggled and nodded. Okay, he's back on the board and looking like he likes a good magic show. Time to blow his mind.

Half an hour later, Trixie and Way returned to the table, neither saying anything at first, but both content and walking close. Trixie looked at the stallion that had invited her to lunch and leaned onto him, giving a quiet sigh and a nuzzle.

Orange looked between them and furrowed his brows. "Ah, Trixie, would you mind giving me and my old boy a moment alone?"

She sat up and stood on her hooves shortly after. "I've gotta, um, powder my... something. I'll be right back," she said and walked away.

"Okay, Paved, spill," Orange said quietly.

"It was certainly not what I'd expected," he replied with a gulp.

"What's that mean? Details, what am I in for?"

Way simply smiled and looked after the mare asking for direction to the washroom. I don't think she can handle another tonight, but she's certainly not one I'm to send off just yet."

Orange snicked and tapped a rhythm on the table. "You old dog, you! One time and you're hooked? She must certainly be quite the catch."

Way hummed and nodded. "Indeed she is, sorry old chap, but I shan't be sharing her anytime soon."

"Hey, I am certainly not one to wedge between a stallion and a mare. I will, however, ask once again for details."

"A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell."

Orange looked at Way, then nodded and sat back. "Indeed."

"Yes, quite."

Trixie looked at herself in the mirror and noticed the improvised scarf. She smiled at it, leaving it where it was. "Things are finally looking up. All thanks to one stallion and some time alone in bed."

Comments ( 4 )
Comment posted by TheKissoftheVoid deleted Jul 5th, 2019
Comment posted by MadMethod deleted Jul 5th, 2019
Comment posted by Eldorado deleted Jul 5th, 2019
Comment posted by Mocha Star deleted Jul 5th, 2019
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