• Published 26th Jul 2019
  • 1,996 Views, 64 Comments

Caught and punished - TheHardie-Boy

Alternate take on Season 5 premier: Starlight gets caught instead of getting away

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The mountains of this area were always covered in snow. Nopony really knew why; the weather team almost never paid any attention to the area. The mountains were always usually deserted, free of life. Now, however, was an exception.

Starlight Glimmer, a unicorn, ran up the path as fast as she could, trying to get away from her former friends.

To think, after all I’ve done for them, they would betray me like this. I showed them happiness, I gave them a home, and they just spit it back in my face,’ she thought to herself. She glanced back to see Double Diamond was still on her tail. If she let up now, she would be caught...and that wasn’t an option.

Towed in a cart behind her, she held the Cutie Marks of six of the strongest ponies she knew. She couldn’t simply teleport away or she would risk leaving them behind, and they would be able to get them back. If that happened, they would be on her faster than she could find anywhere to hide.

She managed to put some distance between herself and her pursuers. She began to cross a narrow arch of rock that lead to the other mountain. A large pile of snow came crashing down on her and the cart, causing it to drift off the mountain, along with the Cutie Marks. She quickly recovered and reached out her magic to levitate them safely back to her. She crossed a bridge and stopped a moment to destroy it before continuing her getaway.

She could see the cave in the distance. Once she got in there, she would be free to go. But out of nowhere, a pair of ponies on skis flew over her. One of them, Double Diamond, landed on top of the entrance to the cave, causing snow on top of it to began to fall. Starlight sprinted as fast she could to get under, but the snow collapsed right on top of her, making her lose her grip on the six Cutie Marks, which flew back to their rightful owners.

Starlight popped her head up from the pile of snow, filled with anger. A few of her pursuers had caught up to her. She composed her balance and charged her horn with magic. She fired a spell at them, but it was blocked at the last moment by a lavender shield. When the shield went away, it revealed Twilight Sparkle, a lavender alicorn, who was also supposed to be the Princess of Friendship.

Starlight was shocked that her spell was blocked, even if Twilight was an alicorn. “Wha-I’ve studied that spell for years! How can you-?”

“I studied magic for years too,” Twilight cut off as her friends, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy came rushing up as well. “But what I didn’t know then was that studying magic could only take me so far. Each of my friends has taught something different about myself. It was their unique gifts and passions and personalities that helped bring out the magic inside of me. I never would’ve learned that I represent the element of magic without these five. And I certainly wouldn’t be here to stop you now!”

“Spare me your sentimental nonsense! I gave these ponies real friendships they never could’ve had otherwise!” Starlight spat back.

“How do you know that? You never even gave us a chance!” shouted Double Diamond.

Instead of responding, Starlight ignited her horn and unleashed a blinding, blue field of energy and dashed into the cave.

“She’s getting away!” yelled Rainbow Dash, flying toward the cave and seeing Starlight continue to run with her horn giving her light.

“You can’t go in there; you’ll be lost forever,” said Double Diamond, getting in her way.

“We’ll be fine. We can’t just let her go free. She’s too powerful for that,” said Twilight.

With that, Twilight and her friends rushed into the cave to further pursue Starlight.

“Where is she?” asked Rarity.

“I don’t see her anywhere,” said Applejack.

“Maybe she’s already gone,” suggested Pinkie.

Starlight, having heard them, moved as quietly as she could without lighting her horn or making a sound. Unfortunately, she didn’t get far before she tripped on a rock, making a small squeak.

Twilight rotated her head to where Starlight was. “There!”

Starlight lit her horn again and made an attempt to keep running. She even fired a dizzying spell in hopes they wouldn’t be able follow her any further. She looked back to see Rainbow Dash flying after her. She rounded a corner, but it lead to a drop. She tripped down and twisted her hoof. Luckily, Rainbow Dash didn’t seem to be able to see her.

Starlight began to slowly limp away until she saw Twilight’s horn light up next to Rainbow. The two of them saw Starlight and continued to give chase. Starlight started firing off random spells, hoping one of them would do something to ward them off. Twilight was grazed by one of them, but Rainbow made a straight line for Starlight. All Starlight could do was reach out to Rainbow with her magic. She managed to catch her tail and hold her in mid-air.

“You away took away my village and my friends. Can’t you just leave me-“ Starlight started to say. She was cut off once again by Twilight, charging into her and knocking the wind out of her. The two of them rolled around and fought for control until they came to another drop. They fell down as Rainbow and the others got to the edge.

Once Twilight and Starlight hit the bottom, Starlight was coughing and a little dazed. Twilight took this opportunity to use her magic to create a suppression ring that would block the magic of a unicorn wearing it around its horn.

Twilight began to slip the ring on Starlight’s horn as she recovered. The second Starlight saw what was happening, she began struggling and panicking. “No, no, no, no, no, no, please, no! Not that, not my magic. Anything but that, please!” she begged. Struggling proved to be useless, as Twilight was holding her still with magic. Starlight stopped as her breaths became uneven. “P-Please, don’t take my magic away from me,” she begged again as tears began to fill her eyes.

Twilight hesitated as when she saw Starlight break down the way she did, unsure of whether she should pull through. It was just, sure, but was it a little overboard?

“Twilight? Are you okay?” Applejack asked as she came up next to Twilight.

“What’s going on down there?” Rainbow called.

“We’re fine,” Applejack replied. She looked back to Twilight and Starlight and what was going on. When she saw the ring hovering right above Starlight’s horn, she was surprised it was still in the air. “What’re you waitin’ for? Put it on her already!”

Twilight looked at Applejack and saw her serious expression. She then looked back at Starlight, who was staring back at her with tear-filled eyes.

“Come on! She deserves it!” Applejack urged.

Twilight blinked a few times before slowly, hesitantly sliding the suppression ring down Starlight’s horn. There was a bright blue flash as the ring hit the base of her horn. As Starlight saw this, she clenched her eyes shut as tears managed to find their way out of them. “N-No!” she bawled as she rolled over to face away from Twilight and Applejack and began to cry.

“Serves ya’ right,” Applejack said in a stern tone.

Twilight put her hoof on Applejack and shook her head at the cowgirl. She then walked over to the crying unicorn and levitated her onto her back with her front and back hooves dangling off either side of her. She bound them together with her magic so she couldn’t try to get away, put a gag around her mouth so she couldn’t speak, and placed a deafening spell on her so she couldn’t hear anything. “I’m sorry, Starlight; I really am. But unfortunately, you’re just not gonna be allowed to use your magic for a while,” Twilight said, even though Starlight couldn’t hear her. She couldn’t help but feel bad for said unicorn. “Let’s go,” she told Applejack with a frown.

The six of them made their way out of the cave, and surprisingly, Starlight didn’t put up much of a fuss. As soon as the villagers saw them, they all started crowding them and shouting hateful messages at Starlight, which were all unheard by said mare.

“Now, everypony, please settle down! I know you’re all really angry at Starlight for what she’s done, but please leave her fate up to my friends and me,” Twilight shouted.

Eventually, the villagers all backed off of Twilight and the unicorn she had on her back.

“Just outta curiosity, what’re y’all gonna do now?” asked Applejack.

“I think we’re just gonna stay here,” said Party Favor.

“Really? Even after everything that’s happened?” Rainbow said.

“Why not? Sure we’ve had our...drawbacks, but this place can still be our home,” replied Sugar Belle.

“Well, alright then. We should be going, however, and we’ll be taking Starlight here with us,” said Twilight, motioning to Starlight, who was still crying a little on her back.

The seven of them made their way from the village and to the nearest train station. On the way, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity were arguing whether they should keep Starlight in the Ponyville jail for a night before taking her to the Canterlot dungeon, or just take her straight there instead. Pinkie Pie was simply hopping along, singing to herself. Fluttershy stayed quiet, not really wanting to contribute to the three-way conversation.

As for Twilight, she kept glancing back to Starlight every once in a while, thinking of what she was going to do with her. Starlight still had her eyes clenched shut, but the tears seemed to have stopped. Twilight had no idea what was going to happen once they got back to Ponyville, but she didn’t really want to simply have her thrown in prison, not after seeing her fall apart back in the cave.

She looked back to her friends, who were still arguing, and worried that she might not be able to convince them not to have Starlight imprisoned. Twilight wouldn’t stand for it.

She would just have to convince them otherwise.

Author's Note:

Hey guys,
This story’s gonna be...different from my last inspired story