• Published 27th Jul 2019
  • 1,974 Views, 19 Comments

Lone Wolf of Equestria; Battle for the Crystal Empire - JNKing

The Lone Wolf of Equestria returns to battle King Sombra for control of the Crystal Heart

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Chapter 2: A Tense Reunion

For a moment, there was silence as the others took in Logan’s appearance. Shining glanced between them, still connecting the dots.

“Twily,” Shining whispered to his sister, “Is that…?”

“Logan,” Twilight said softly, still getting her conflicted emotions in check.

“The one who bit Princess Celestia?” Shining asked, a slight glare entering his eyes.

Logan instantly turned to him. “Considering I saved your life out there,” he growled at Shining, “You’d do well to avoid complaining, pretty boy.”

Shining reared up in anger, but Applejack quickly got between them, shaking her head at Shining.

“Trust me, Shining Armor,” Applejack said, “You don’t wanna get into an argument with this one.”

Logan tilted his head, but didn’t smirk or snarl. He instead glanced towards the others; at Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, who were slowly approaching him. Fluttershy instantly stopped, her head bowing in suppressed sadness.

Logan stared at her for a minute. Time seemed to freeze as the two sized each other up, a million emotions battling on their faces. Pinkie shifted worriedly on her hooves, but but before she or anyone else could react, Logan stepped forward...

...and pressed his head to Fluttershy's.

Fluttershy gaped, hesitating as Logan nuzzled her, but with a suppressed sob of joy, she wrapped her hooves around his shoulders and hugged back. A small whine escaped his snout, and his tail wagged. Pinkie cooed and jumped into the hug as well. Despite her nearly knocking him on his side, he managed a faint laugh.

“Did you get frail since we last saw each other?” he asked them. “Or did I just get stronger?”

“You… remember us?” Pinkie squeaked in happiness before burying her face in his fur.

“Who could forget any of you guys?” Logan asked, grinning softly as his tail wagged. Pinkie and Fluttershy both giggled at that, and Logan’s back fur shifted downward as he briefly nuzzled their manes. The sight even seemed to calm Shining, who looked on the wolf with curiosity instead of hostility.

But, just as quickly as his kind side revealed itself, it disappeared just as quickly. With a quick glance up at the smiling ponies, Logan pulled himself from Fluttershy and Pinkie's hug.

“Um… yeah, so…” he huffed in a rougher tone. “Had to get that out of the way.” He cleared his throat. “Don’t expect that again.”

As he pulled himself away from the mares, the same frustration entered Twilight again. Her surprise faded into irate anger, and she stomped over to Logan. He saw her coming, his conflicted look fading into a defiant stare.

“Two years,” she growled, “You were gone TWO YEARS!”

“Not long enough, clearly,” he growled back.

“Two years since you up and left us!” Twilight snapped, “Two years since you left your friends behind…”

“We’re not friends,” Logan said. His voice was soft, but his words hit like a battering ram. Twilight backed up at his claim, though Shining and Applejack narrowed their eyes.

“Then what do you call that?” Shining demanded, indicating Fluttershy and Pinkie, who both started to look resigned.

“Pity,” Logan replied coldly.

“Where was that pity when you left without a word to any pony?” Applejack then asked.

“It’s like you still hated us,” Rainbow Dash added, “Never trusted us to…”

“Trust?” Logan laughed. “Wow, you guys thought…” he indicated Twilight. “Look at her reaction, and honestly tell me I could trust you guys.”

“Me?” Twilight exclaimed, “Don’t you know how dangerous the outlands are?”

“You don’t get to talk about dangerous,” Logan snarled at her, “Not with that thing out there, and you walking into its territory like the freaking Calvary.”

“That’s different,” Twilight said, her mission coming back to her. “I’m only out here because we have to protect the Crystal Empire.”

As she indicated it, she paused, noticing the Empire sitting tranquilly ahead of them. Celestia’s briefing really hadn’t put into detail how magnificent the Empire was. Celestia’s hologram had done little to display the way the crystals shone with a million different colors. The metallic shine of the ponies that still wandered the streets. The lush green fields and cloudless blue skies.

“Yeah,” Logan said, following her gaze. “You certainly do, don’t you?” He paused. “Wait…?” He glanced at the others, “Why you guys?”

Shining glared at him. “That depends, Wolf,” he said sharply, “Why are you here?”

“I’m here for the Crystal Heart,” Logan replied.

The others looked at each other, and even Shining exchanged confused glances with them.

“The what now?” Twilight asked.

Logan tilted his head in curiosity at them. “The Crystal Heart. The Empire's crown jewel; the thing that protected them for hundreds of years before Sombra took over.”

Shining looked down. “We’ve been here for almost a week now,” Shining said, “And we haven’t heard anything about a Crystal…” His ears perked up. “By Celestia! Cadence!” He bolted for the empire.

“What?” Twilight demanded, racing after him, “What happened to Cadence!?”

The others took off after them. As Applejack and Logan ran side by side, she gave him one of her truth-seeking glances.

“So, looks like we might need yer help,” she said, “You mind working alongside us?”

“Honestly?” Logan replied, “If we had worked together on something like this when I first showed up – y’know, instead of you beating me up - you wouldn't even have to ask that.” He gave the crystal buildings a sour look. “Even though it does look like we’re just defending some high-class pricks.”

“Oh, very funny, Mr. Wolfe,” Rarity grumped behind him.

“He’s got a point, Rarity,” Rainbow Dash added. “It just looks like another old castle.”

That got a reaction. Rarity sputtered and nearly tripped over herself in indignation. Logan and Rainbow Dash cackled as she quickly composed herself upon realizing their joking nature. Though the laughter quickly faded as Logan caught up to Twilight and Shining. As they burst into the castle and up to a room overlooking the empire, they found a pink alicorn slumped over a throne. Her horn was emitting blue magic, and she had massive bags under her eyes. As she stirred at the sound of hoof prints, Shining raced up next to her and checked over her with a concerned expression.

“Cadence,” Twilight said worriedly, turning to her brother, “Is she alright?”

“Just lack of sleep, mostly,” Shining said. He looked up at his horn, and then pressed it to the alicorn’s head. Her magic slowly faded away, as his own horn lit up in pink. The shield around them flickered, but then turned the same shade as Shining’s magic. The unicorn grunted and sat down, his eyes closed in concentration, but as he grimaced and kept up his magic, the alicorn slowly opened her eyes, and a tired smile came to her face at the sight of Twilight.

“Twilight,” she whispered happily, putting her hooves to Twilight’s. Then they both sang in unison:

Sunshine, sunshine, lady bug’s awake; clap your hooves and do a little shake.”

Logan’s ears flicked at that. “Uh… what?” he asked.

“Nursery rhyme,” Applejack explained quickly, “Surely, you had one with your ma or pa, didn’t ya?”

“No,” Logan snarled, “I didn’t.” He turned away as Applejack gave him a small smirk.

“You know I can tell when you’re lying, right?” she asked.

Logan just shot her a smirk of his own. “Well, you’ll never know the specifics, will you?” he replied.

Applejack just chuckled as Cadence pulled herself up with a tired grimace.

“One of these days,” Cadence said with a sigh, “We need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn’t hanging in the balance.”

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked.

“Been better,” Cadence replied, grimacing as she shifted on the throne, “I’ve been able to use my magic to spread love and light. That seems to be what’s protecting the Empire. But it requires my constant attention. I can’t sleep; I barely eat.” She looked at Shining with sad eyes. “Shining’s the only one that can help me, and even then, he can only maintain his protection spells against Sombra’s dark magic for mere hours.”

“Sounds like it’s a good thing I kept him from sacrificing himself out there,” Logan noted.

Cadence tilted her head at the wolf. “I suppose… um…” she glanced at Twilight, looking for confirmation.

“Oh, sorry,” Twilight said, indicating Logan, “This is Logan. He’s a wolf from an alternate dimension that accidentally got sent here.”

“Oh!” Cadence said. “So, this is the Lone Wolf of Equestria.” A brief glare formed on her face. “The one that bit my aunt.”

Logan’s teeth instantly bared. If it hadn’t been for Fluttershy jumping between them, he likely would have lunged. Thankfully, Twilight joined Fluttershy and kept him at bay.

“That’s not needed!” Twilight snapped at him. Cadence and Logan glared at each other for a moment, but the alicorn’s hooves shook underneath her, and Logan’s hostile expression faded into worry at how tired and beaten she looked.

“Even with Shining’s help,” she said, “We can’t go on like this forever. And if our magic fades… well…”

“We know,” Applejack said grimly, “We saw what’s out there.”

“That’s why we’re here,” Twilight added, “Logan found out about an artifact that kept this Empire safe in the time before King Sombra. The Crystal Heart.”

Cadence looked up in hope. Shining tried to glance at them, but with the effort he was putting forward, he could barely move his head.

Logan’s eyes darted around nervously, but his defiance melted at the look of desperation in Cadence’s face, and he spoke.

“According to ancient legends dug up by explorers in the outskirts,” he said, “The Crystal Heart was a way for the ponies to channel their power into protecting their empire. Every year, they put on a big festival that lifted their hopes and positivity, then they would channel their magic into the Heart, and it used that positivity and hope to create a sort of magic shield that protected them from harm. Normally, it would keep the Empire safe from evil-doers, but at its core, it’s a rock charged with enough unicorn magic to rival an alicorn.” He crossed his arms. “It was seen by griffons and pirates as a treasure they could never get. The only way Sombra got to it was because the Heart was species-ist; it let him in because he was a unicorn.”

“That must be part of my test,” Twilight exclaimed. “We find the Crystal Heart, and use it to ensure the protection of the kingdom!”

“Without us having to keep this up?” Shining asked through gritted teeth.

“Awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, with the others not noticing Logan glaring at Twilight in shock and suspicion, "Just like Daring Do!”

“Alright, Logan,” Twilight said, turning to him, “What else can you tell us about…?”

“Wait, hold on,” Logan said, pointing at Twilight, “What did you say?”

Twilight’s eyes darted around. “W-We find the Crystal Heart; ensure the protection…”

“No-no, before that,” Logan insisted, “Did you say… this is a test?”

“My test, specifically,” Twilight elaborated, “I need to…”

“Are you freaking kidding me?” Logan demanded, “The lives of your brother, that alicorn and all those ponies we saw outside are at stake, and to you, this is just a TEST?”

Twilight flinched back. “No, of course not,” she said, “Princess Celestia just…”

“Twi, no!” Applejack protested.

Twilight tried to cover her mouth, but the damage was done.

“Princess Celestia,” Logan growled, turning away, “What are the odds? As if sending you without proper soldiers wasn’t obvious enough…”

“Logan, she’s trying to ensure this empire is safe,” Twilight protested, walking after him, “I know you’re mad at her for bringing you here, but that’s no excuse for…”

“She steals you from your mother…” Logan snapped.

“Not this again!” Twilight complained.

“Yeah, ‘this again,’” Logan snapped, “She forces you into another pack, sends you into danger without protection – protection she can AFFORD to give, I might add - and now the lives of one of her kingdoms are just pawns in another TEST to her?!”

“Why do you suddenly care about the people?” Twilight demanded, “You’re just after the Crystal Heart’s magic! You think it can bring you home!”

“Yeah, I do,” Logan snapped at her, “But I’m not going to lie and say I ‘care’ about helping a bunch of ponies I don’t know.”

“But I do care about them,” Twilight stammered, “I’m not lying…”

“Do you really care about them,” Logan shot back. “Or is getting a good grade on Celestia’s precious test more important? Because if Celestia is making this whole thing a test, then that just means she knows how to fix this, and she just isn’t telling you!”

“She wouldn’t… no, why would she…?” Twilight stammered, even as her brain pondered, “Is he right?”

“Is this normal for you?” he demanded, “Did Celestia tell you ANYTHING about what you were supposed to be doing?”

“Yes!” Twilight blurted out, “She said the Empire was previously ruled by Sombra - an evil unicorn - and…” she briefly stammered, “A-and it has a curse on it, and I need to save it.”

Logan paused, as if waiting for more. The others were watching their argument like an intense sports game. Not even Shining or Cadence thought to speak up.

“That’s it?” Logan asked, “Nothing about how the Kingdom works? Nothing about this curse? Nothing about the evil unicorn, and HOW in Equestria you’re going to save it?”

“W-Well, she said her experience with it was limited,” Twilight tried to justify.

“So, pirates, griffons and explorers know more about this empire than Celestia?!” Logan exclaimed, “CRIMINALS knew more about this empire than the freaking RULER of your species?”

Despite several of the mares looking angered at his words, several of them started glancing at each other, silently pondering, “Is he… making sense?”

“Well…” Twilight stammered, “She… I… We…”

Even as she tried to protest it, the puzzle pieces started to line up in her head. Not just the Empire, but past events. How, despite being the bearer of the Elements of Harmony, Celestia constantly kept the Elements separated from Twilight and her friends, nearly costing them at the Canterlot Wedding. How Fluttershy nearly got traumatized by the antics of Celestia’s pet phoenix due to never telling her that the bird wasn’t in any danger.

Worst of all, Logan was right; there had to be hundreds of innocent ponies in this empire, and, deep in her heart, Twilight had been more worried about her test than their lives. A great feeling of shame welled up in Twilight’s gut. Logan could see it forming on her face, as his voice softened, and he visibly calmed himself.

“The welfare of the pack should always come first for an Alpha,” Logan said. “And yet Celestia is willing to sacrifice hundreds to test one.” When he spoke again, his voice was softer. “You’re easily one of the smartest mares I’ve met.” His venom returned, “How can you not see what I see?”

Twilight said nothing. Her head was down, and her ears were flattened. As she looked up, Logan wasn’t looking on her with anger anymore. He was looking on her with sadness. Maybe a bit of regret, and maybe a little pity.

Applejack broke them out of their silence.

“Look,” she said, “We can discuss the Princess another time. Right now, we still have an Empire to actually protect.”

Logan glanced over at her, and he gave a soft nod.

“You’re right,” he said, turning back to them, “But I want to be clear on something; I want to be honest.”

Twilight flinched at his tone, and Applejack narrowed her eyes.

“I’m not in this for your ponies,” he said simply, “I’m not in this to be a hero. I just want to find the Crystal Heart and use it to get home to my pack. You guys can use it to save this Empire? Fine; you can do that when I’m done with it.”

Applejack’s eyes widened as she failed to find any lies in his words.

"Wow," Rainbow Dash muttered. "You stand up for the ponies in this empire, and then suddenly, you don't care about them?"

“I care about you guys,” he said, nodding at them, “There’s no point denying that anymore. But I don’t know any of the ponies out there.” He indicated Shining and Cadence. “I don’t know these two.” He looked back at Twilight. “I’m not Celestia; I’m not going to keep my motives in the dark, and I’m not going to fool you guys with false claims that I want that Heart for anything less than going home. And if it comes down to it, and I have to choose between saving this Empire or going home, I'm going to choose going home. It's not because I hate you guys... it's the honest truth.”

Twilight fumed, but didn’t have the energy for an argument. The others just didn’t know what to say. And Logan didn’t give them the chance, walking over to the nearest door and turning to them.

“Until that time,” he said with finality. “Let’s find the Crystal Heart.”

Author's Note:


Does anyone think Logan's going to be able to uphold his vow? If it comes down to defeating Sombra or going home, will he really be able to abandon the mares like that?

Thanks again for checking in. Hope you guys enjoy. :twilightsmile: